cleaning company image

To begin with, starting your own business is a great opportunity to make some extra money, or even a living. What's more, the cleaning industry has seen steady growth in recent years, and the outlook is positive. Plus, the industry is full of potential new innovations and technology, which means you could have a successful business long term.

Now that you know why your cleaning business is a great opportunity, let's help you get the best name for it. First, I'll give you my top 50 choices for the best names. Then, I'll give you more than 500 more name ideas to help with your brainstorming. The best part is that all the names I mention are available as .com domains. That way, you can start your business with a website that matches your business name.

I'm confident that after reading this article, you'll find a name that you're proud of. So let's get started!

Top Cleaning Company Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Paper Cleaning icon
    Paper Cleaning Register A straightforward name that conveys the idea of cleanliness and efficiency. It's simple and to the point - perfect for a cleaning company that wants to get the job done with no fuss.
  • Female Maids icon
    Female Maids Register A distinct name that speaks to the company's focus on providing superior cleaning services to female customers. The name implies that the company understands female customers' needs and is committed to providing a personalized and tailored cleaning experience.
  • Joint Cleaning icon
    Joint Cleaning Register A straightforward name that gets straight to the point. It conveys the idea of thorough cleaning and it's easy to remember, making it a great choice for a cleaning company.
  • Gourmet Cleaning icon
    Gourmet Cleaning Register A great name for a cleaning business that wants to stand out from the competition. It implies that you offer a high-end service that goes above and beyond the typical cleaning experience.
  • Board Cleaning icon
    Board Cleaning Register A straightforward and descriptive name that conveys exactly what your company does. It is memorable and easy to remember, and it also suggests a thorough, detailed approach to cleaning.
  • Loving Maids icon
    Loving Maids Register A warm and friendly name that reflects the company's commitment to providing a high-quality, caring service. It conveys the idea that the staff will treat your home as if it were their own.
  • Fashion Maids icon
    Fashion Maids Register A fun, playful name that conveys the idea of tidying up in style. It implies that the company will help customers make their homes clean, comfortable and fashionable.
  • Perfect Chores icon
    Perfect Chores Register A name that conveys the idea of perfect service and results. It suggests that you take cleaning seriously and strive to deliver perfect results every time.
  • Cleaning Designs icon
    Cleaning Designs Register A professional-sounding name that conveys the idea of a job done with precision and care. It also implies that the company will be creative in the way it cleans, suggesting the best solution for each individual client.
  • Lazy Maids icon
    Lazy Maids Register A fun, lighthearted name that suggests the company provides a stress-free cleaning experience. It implies that the company will do all the hard work, taking the stress out of cleaning for its customers.
  • Software Cleaning icon
    Software Cleaning Register A name that implies modern, efficient service. The word 'Software' suggests that your services will be efficient and reliable, while 'Cleaning' conveys the idea of a thorough, professional job.
  • Cleaning Kids icon
    Cleaning Kids Register A memorable name that conveys the idea of a clean and tidy environment. It also implies that the company is family-friendly, with kids being the main focus of their cleaning services.
  • Street Maids icon
    Street Maids Register A memorable name that hints at the idea of a cleaning service that takes care of your street and home. The word 'maids' conveys a sense of helpfulness and attention to detail.
  • Shine Ready icon
    Shine Ready Register A positive, upbeat name that conveys the idea of getting things clean and shining. It implies that your cleaning services will make things look and feel great, ready for whatever comes next.
  • Un Spotless icon
    Un Spotless Register A playful take on the phrase 'spotless', suggesting that your cleaning services will leave a space absolutely clean. The name also implies that you will provide a stress-free experience - no spots to worry about!
  • Dirt Breakers icon
    Dirt Breakers Register A strong name that implies the company will break through dirt and grime to deliver a sparkling clean result. It conveys the power and ability of the company to tackle any cleaning job.
  • Print Cleaner icon
    Print Cleaner Register An effective name that communicates what your company does in a straightforward way. It also implies that your services will leave your customers feeling refreshed and clean.
  • White Flush icon
    White Flush Register A name that conveys a sense of purity and cleanliness. The word 'flush' suggests a powerful, high-pressure cleaning that will leave everything sparkling and new.
  • Maid Designs icon
    Maid Designs Register An interesting play on words that suggests your cleaning services will be done with an eye for design. It conveys the idea that your company is professional, but with a modern and creative touch.
  • Food Cleanup icon
    Food Cleanup Register A name that conveys speed and efficiency, while also emphasizing the importance of hygiene. It suggests that your company will clean up messes quickly and leave the area clean and safe.
  • Cleaner Style icon
    Cleaner Style Register A clever name that implies a high level of professionalism and attention to detail. It also suggests that your company will bring a touch of style to your customers' homes.
  • Indian Clean icon
    Indian Clean Register A simple yet powerful name that evokes the idea of cleanliness and freshness. The word 'Indian' adds an exotic, cultural touch to the company, and is a great way to stand out from the competition.
  • Spotless Jobs icon
    Spotless Jobs Register A simple but effective name that conveys the idea of a cleaning company that does its job perfectly. It also has a nice ring to it, making it easy to remember.
  • Dish Keepers icon
    Dish Keepers Register A clever name that conveys the idea of keeping your dishes – and home – clean and spotless. It implies that your cleaning services are reliable and thorough.
  • Sewage Express icon
    Sewage Express Register A bold name that suggests speed and efficiency. It speaks to the idea that your company will provide quick and reliable cleaning services, while also conveying a sense of humor.
  • Personal Cleanse icon
    Personal Cleanse Register A simple name that conveys the idea of a personalized service. It implies that this company will provide a thorough, customized clean for every customer.
  • Make Me Fresh icon
    Make Me Fresh Register A playful name that puts the focus on cleanliness and freshness. It conveys the idea that the company will help customers make their home or office look and feel as fresh as possible.
  • We Bleary icon
    We Bleary Register This name has a playful feel to it, suggesting that your cleaning company will make your home or office look fresh and new. The alliteration of 'We' and 'Bleary' also makes it memorable.
  • Crazy Chores icon
    Crazy Chores Register A fun, memorable name that implies both a sense of fun and a commitment to getting the job done. It implies that your company will take the hassle out of cleaning and make it a more enjoyable experience.
  • Spotless Fitness icon
    Spotless Fitness Register A perfect name for a cleaning company – it conveys the idea of spotlessness and conveys the idea that your company will make sure everything is spotless and perfect.
  • Efficient Touch icon
    Efficient Touch Register A name that conveys the idea of getting the job done quickly and efficiently. It also implies a commitment to being gentle and respectful to the customer's property.
  • Maid Beauty icon
    Maid Beauty Register A charming and memorable name that reflects the combination of cleanliness and beauty. It conveys the idea that your customers' homes will be treated with care and respect.
  • Total Washing icon
    Total Washing Register A straightforward name that conveys the idea of a comprehensive, thorough cleaning service. The word 'total' implies that your company will take care of all the cleaning needs of your customers.
  • Clean Bulbs icon
    Clean Bulbs Register A clever take on the phrase 'lightbulb moment', suggesting that your company will help customers have a 'clean moment'. It's a memorable name that implies your cleaning services are light, fast, and effective.
  • Wind Cleaner icon
    Wind Cleaner Register A fresh name that conveys the idea of a thorough, efficient cleaning service. The word 'wind' implies speed and efficiency, while 'cleaner' conveys the idea of a reliable, professional service.
  • Petite Maid icon
    Petite Maid Register The word 'Petite' gives the impression of a small, efficient team, while 'Maid' conveys the idea of high-quality service. It's a great name for a cleaning company that wants to project a sense of professionalism and trustworthiness.
  • Gypsy Maids icon
    Gypsy Maids Register An intriguing name that gives off a feeling of adventure and freedom. The word 'Gypsy' suggests a sense of wanderlust, while 'Maids' implies a professional, reliable service.
  • On The Touch icon
    On The Touch Register This suggests a cleaning service that goes the extra mile. It implies a thorough, detailed approach to cleaning, creating a spotless finish that you can really feel.
  • Traffic Cleaning icon
    Traffic Cleaning Register A practical, straightforward name that conveys the idea of getting rid of mess and clutter. It also implies that the company will be fast and efficient, just like traffic.
  • Cleaner Ness icon
    Cleaner Ness Register A memorable name that conveys a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. It combines the words 'cleaner' and 'ness', which gives it a unique, playful sound.
  • Perfect Brushing icon
    Perfect Brushing Register A memorable name that conveys the idea of thorough, professional cleaning services. It also has a nice ring to it - it's a phrase that customers can easily remember and associate with your business.
  • Gourmet Clean icon
    Gourmet Clean Register A clever name that conveys the idea of 'clean as a gourmet meal'. It implies that your cleaning services will be of top quality and the results will be pristine.
  • Spotless Network icon
    Spotless Network Register A name that conveys the idea of thorough, reliable service. The word 'spotless' implies that your company will leave customers' spaces sparkling clean, while the word 'network' implies that you have the resources to provide a comprehensive service.

The first theme many of these names share is the use of adjectives. Adjectives such as 'Loving', 'Perfect', Un Spotless iconUn Spotless, Shine Ready iconShine Ready, White Flush iconWhite Flush, 'Sparkleer', and 'Make me Fresh'. These words imply that your cleaning service will be thorough and reliable, which is a great way to show off your services right off the bat.

Other names on the list focus more on the idea of efficiency. Names like Crazy Chores iconCrazy Chores, Efficient Touch iconEfficient Touch, Total Washing iconTotal Washing, Clean Bulbs iconClean Bulbs, and 'Self Cleaners' all suggest that your services will be quick and easy. This is another great way to attract customers because it shows that you can handle their cleaning needs quickly and without any hassle.

Another theme in this list is the use of people. Names like Paper Cleaning iconPaper Cleaning, 'Bath Maids', Female Maids iconFemale Maids, Loving Maids iconLoving Maids, and 'Janitoro' all imply that you have a team of professionals on hand who can take care of all your cleaning needs. This is great for customers who are looking for more personalized service than they can get with a big-name cleaning company.

Still another theme running through these names is the use of fun and creative language. Names like 'Weather Clean', Software Cleaning iconSoftware Cleaning, Cleaner Style iconCleaner Style, Indian Clean iconIndian Clean, and Gypsy Maids iconGypsy Maids all give a lighthearted and creative feel that could attract customers who are looking for something different. Not only that, but the use of these fun words implies that you have a fun attitude when it comes to cleaning - which can be a huge draw for customers who are looking for something more exciting than just another boring cleaning service!

Finally, some of the names on this list focus on themes related to specific environments or activities. Names like 'Holiday Maids', Gourmet Cleaning iconGourmet Cleaning, Board Cleaning iconBoard Cleaning, Fashion Maids iconFashion Maids, and Print Cleaner iconPrint Cleaner all imply that you specialize in certain types of environments or activities. This is great for customers who are looking for specific services or expertise in those areas.

These are just some of the many themes in this list of names I've chosen for you. Each name has its own unique message - one that can help you attract the right kind of customers. Whether you want to offer thorough cleanings or specialized services to a specific market - there's something here for everyone! I'm confident that one or more of these names will be perfect for your cleaning business!

All 2000 Cleaning Company Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Paper Cleaning icon Paper Cleaning
Female Maids icon Female Maids
Joint Cleaning icon Joint Cleaning
Gourmet Cleaning icon Gourmet Cleaning
Board Cleaning icon Board Cleaning
Loving Maids icon Loving Maids
Fashion Maids icon Fashion Maids
Perfect Chores icon Perfect Chores
Cleaning Designs icon Cleaning Designs
Lazy Maids icon Lazy Maids
Software Cleaning icon Software Cleaning
Cleaning Kids icon Cleaning Kids
Street Maids icon Street Maids
Shine Ready icon Shine Ready
Un Spotless icon Un Spotless
Dirt Breakers icon Dirt Breakers
Print Cleaner icon Print Cleaner
White Flush icon White Flush
Maid Designs icon Maid Designs
Food Cleanup icon Food Cleanup
Cleaner Style icon Cleaner Style
Indian Clean icon Indian Clean
Spotless Jobs icon Spotless Jobs
Dish Keepers icon Dish Keepers
Sewage Express icon Sewage Express
Personal Cleanse icon Personal Cleanse
Make Me Fresh icon Make Me Fresh
We Bleary icon We Bleary
Crazy Chores icon Crazy Chores
Spotless Fitness icon Spotless Fitness
Efficient Touch icon Efficient Touch
Maid Beauty icon Maid Beauty
Total Washing icon Total Washing
Clean Bulbs icon Clean Bulbs
Wind Cleaner icon Wind Cleaner
Petite Maid icon Petite Maid
Gypsy Maids icon Gypsy Maids
On The Touch icon On The Touch
Traffic Cleaning icon Traffic Cleaning
Cleaner Ness icon Cleaner Ness
Perfect Brushing icon Perfect Brushing
Gourmet Clean icon Gourmet Clean
Spotless Network icon Spotless Network
Kid Cleaning icon Kid Cleaning
Cleaner Able icon Cleaner Able
Dirt Saver icon Dirt Saver
The Spatters icon The Spatters
No Sparkle icon No Sparkle
Night Maids icon Night Maids
Clean Chairs icon Clean Chairs
Cleaning Nails icon Cleaning Nails
Silk Maids icon Silk Maids