bird shop image

An independent bird shop can be a source of great joy. You get to see the amazing creatures and you get to be a part of the lives of your customers. You'll be creating relationships, teaching bird owners how to be better caretakers, and even saving lives. By entering this business, you'll be able to bring a lot of happiness to a lot of people.

Now let's get to the part of this article where I help you find a great name. Here you'll find over 50 of the best bird shop names plus their available .com domain. I'll give this list first to help you understand what makes a good name. After that, I'll give hundreds more ideas to help with your brainstorming. I'm confident you'll find a name and domain you can be proud of.

Are you ready? Let's get to it!

Top Bird Shop Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Sparrowo icon
    Sparrowo Register A whimsical name that conjures up an image of cheerful birds in flight. It suggests a lightness of spirit and a connection to nature, making it perfect for a bird shop.
  • Bald Birds icon
    Bald Birds Register A fun and memorable name with a double meaning. It could refer to birds that are bald, or to the idea of free-flying birds that are 'unburdened'. Either way, it conveys the idea of a shop that offers everything a bird-lover needs.
  • Fifth Bird icon
    Fifth Bird Register A whimsical name that suggests a sense of playfulness and joy. Birds are often associated with freedom and adventurousness, and Fifth Bird conveys the idea that your shop will provide the perfect opportunity for people to explore and enjoy the beauty of birds.
  • Avian Direct icon
    Avian Direct Register A name that captures the idea of birds being direct and purposeful in their flight. It conveys the idea of a shop that will provide customers with the right bird for their needs.
  • Perchp icon
    Perchp Register A playful, interesting name that suggests a sense of flight and freedom - perfect for a bird shop. Plus, the 'p' suggests a modern, tech-savvy approach to bird care.
  • Bird Angels icon
    Bird Angels Register A name that conjures up a sense of gentleness and care. It suggests a place where birds will be treated with the utmost respect and kindness, making it the perfect home for all kinds of feathered friends.
  • Crow Brook icon
    Crow Brook Register A whimsical name with a hint of mystery and adventure. It conveys the idea of a shop full of colorful, interesting birds. Plus, the word 'brook' brings to mind the peaceful sound of running water.
  • Easter Birds icon
    Easter Birds Register A fun, lighthearted name that suggests the joy of owning a pet. It implies that you will have a wide selection of birds and that you will provide a cheerful, welcoming experience.
  • Crow Heads icon
    Crow Heads Register A playful name that suggests a fun, quirky atmosphere. It conveys the idea of a shop where customers can find all sorts of birds, from crows to parrots and more.
  • Sparrowen icon
    Sparrowen Register A whimsical name that brings to mind the joy of owning a pet bird. The word 'sparrowen' suggests the freedom and beauty of birds, and the care of owning one.
  • Perchle icon
    Perchle Register A fun and whimsical name that captures the idea of birds perched high in the sky, free and wild. It conveys a sense of freedom and exploration, which is perfect for a bird shop.
  • Pigeon Bowl icon
    Pigeon Bowl Register A playful name that conveys the idea of birds in a fun and light-hearted way. The name suggests a place where you can find birds of all shapes, sizes, and colors.
  • Constrel icon
    Constrel Register A whimsical name that conveys the idea of birds in flight. It's the perfect name for a shop that specializes in birds, and it has a fun, lighthearted feel.
  • Birdser icon
    Birdser Register A fun, playful name that will get people's attention. It conveys the idea of birds taking flight, which is perfect for a bird shop. Plus, the word 'birdser' has a nice ring to it.
  • Avian Power icon
    Avian Power Register A strong, evocative name that implies the beauty and strength of birds. It also suggests that your shop will be the go-to place for bird lovers who want to find the best birds and accessories.
  • Sparrowr icon
    Sparrowr Register A fun, lighthearted name that evokes the cheerful, cheerful nature of birds. The double 'r' also gives it an extra bit of energy, making it an ideal name for a bird shop.
  • Endless Bird icon
    Endless Bird Register A whimsical name that implies a selection of birds that is never-ending. This conveys the idea that your shop has an extensive selection of birds that customers can choose from.
  • Bird Parrot icon
    Bird Parrot Register A fun, lighthearted name that suggests a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Bird Parrot also implies a wide variety of birds, from parrots to other colorful varieties.
  • Small Chicks icon
    Small Chicks Register A fun name that conveys a feeling of care and tenderness. The word 'small' implies that this shop focuses on birds of all sizes, while 'chicks' suggests a warm, welcoming atmosphere.
  • Bird Rental icon
    Bird Rental Register A cute name that conveys the idea that the birds are for rent, not for sale. The name suggests that customers can rent the birds for a period of time, giving them the opportunity to experience owning a bird without the commitment.
  • Avian Man icon
    Avian Man Register A fun name that conveys the idea of birds being majestic and powerful. The name also implies that the shop will have a wide selection of avian-related products.
  • Sparrowt icon
    Sparrowt Register A clever play on the word 'sparrow', Sparrowt suggests a love of birds and the freedom they symbolize. It also gives off a feeling of adventure and exploration, which is perfect for a bird shop.
  • Feathersy icon
    Feathersy Register A lighthearted name that conveys a sense of joy and discovery – perfect for a shop that celebrates the beauty of birds. It also suggests a place that is friendly and welcoming.
  • Hidden Eagle icon
    Hidden Eagle Register A strong, evocative name that conjures images of majestic birds soaring above. It suggests that customers will find something special and unexpected in your shop.
  • Horned Horse icon
    Horned Horse Register A playful name that suggests a connection between birds and horses. The word 'horned' brings to mind the majestic beauty of birds, while the word 'horse' connotes a sense of adventure and exploration. A perfect match for a bird shop!
  • Dove Collection icon
    Dove Collection Register Dove Collection is a gentle, calming name that conveys the peacefulness of birds. It implies a wide selection of birds and the idea of collecting them.
  • Falcon Bell icon
    Falcon Bell Register A majestic name that captures the beauty and freedom of birds, while conveying the idea of a shop that specializes in them. The word 'bell' also suggests the melodic sound of birdsong.
  • Chickt icon
    Chickt Register A fun and playful name that hints at the joy of having birds as pets. It also has a bit of a pun to it, as 'chick' is a slang term for a baby bird.
  • Pigeon Field icon
    Pigeon Field Register An evocative name that hints at the joy and wonder of birds. The word 'field' implies wide open spaces and freedom, which is a perfect fit for the bird-keeping hobby.
  • Avianr icon
    Avianr Register A clever name that combines 'avian' (the scientific name for birds) and 'air' to suggest freedom and movement. It conveys the idea that your shop will help people to explore the wonders of the avian world.
  • Bear Wing icon
    Bear Wing Register A clever name that uses an animal metaphor to convey the idea of caring for birds. The word 'wing' suggests a sense of freedom and the potential for birds to soar. It's a great reminder of the joy of owning a pet bird.
  • Featheries icon
    Featheries Register This cute and whimsical name suggests the fun, carefree nature of birds and the joy they bring. It has a lighthearted feel and would be perfect for a store that sells pet birds.
  • Chicken Horns icon
    Chicken Horns Register A catchy name that conveys the idea of birds in a fun and lighthearted way. The word 'horns' also implies that the birds are lively and full of energy. It's a great way to draw customers in.
  • German Bird icon
    German Bird Register This name has a whimsical feel that evokes the beauty and grace of birds. The word 'German' implies precision and reliability - suggesting that customers will find only the best birds in your shop.
  • Bird Schools icon
    Bird Schools Register A creative name that implies the store will be a place for birds to learn, play, and grow. It also implies that customers can come to the store to learn about birds, making it perfect for a bird shop.
  • Eagle Matters icon
    Eagle Matters Register A powerful name that suggests the importance of caring for birds and the significance they can have in our lives. Eagle Matters implies that birds are not just a commodity, but something that should be respected and appreciated.
  • Falcon Haus icon
    Falcon Haus Register A strong, powerful name that conveys the majesty of birds. The combination of 'falcon' and 'haus' (house) suggests a place where birds can find a comfortable home. It also implies that you take care of your feathered friends.
  • Spiders Direct icon
    Spiders Direct Register An interesting name that suggests the variety of birds available in your shop and the quickness of service. The name implies that customers can find the birds they need quickly and easily.
  • Owl Hound icon
    Owl Hound Register An eye-catching name that perfectly captures the spirit of owning and caring for birds. The combination of 'owl' and 'hound' suggests a sense of companionship and loyalty, which is exactly what customers should expect from a bird shop.
  • Birdirect icon
    Birdirect Register A clever combination of 'bird' and 'direct', suggesting that customers can get the birds they need quickly and conveniently. It also conveys the idea of a shop that specializes in birds.
  • Wildbird Labs icon
    Wildbird Labs Register A lively name that conveys the sense of freedom associated with birds. It implies a place of exploration and learning, where you can get to know the birds and study their behavior.
  • Eweam icon
    Eweam Register A playful name that suggests a wide variety of birds, suggesting that your shop will offer a wide selection. Plus, the word 'Eweam' has a nice, friendly ring to it.
  • Out Of Eye icon
    Out Of Eye Register A whimsical name that conveys the idea of discovering something new and exciting, as if it were out of sight and out of mind. The name also has a hint of mystery, which is perfect for a bird shop.
  • Four Spiders icon
    Four Spiders Register A playful name that hints at adventure and exploration. It's a perfect fit for a bird shop - it suggests the idea of birds being able to travel to new places.

The most obvious theme in this list is birds. Every name on the list has some reference to birds, whether it be a type of bird, a behavior, or even a product you can buy for birds. For example, Sparrowo iconSparrowo and Sparrowen iconSparrowen refer to the sparrow bird and allude to both its song and its small stature. Captain Bird makes clear reference to being a provider of products and services for these lovely creatures. And Avian Direct iconAvian Direct shares the word avian, which is derived from Latin and means 'of or relating to birds'.

Another major theme in these names is nature. A number of names on the list allude to natural features in some way. For example, Crow Heads iconCrow Heads is a reference to the fact that crows often hang out in groups (though they're not actually 'heads'). Falcon No iconFalcon Nova is a play on words referencing both the falcon bird and the star pattern we see in the night sky. And Eagle Naturals makes reference to the fact that eagles often hunt for their food in nature.

A third common theme is variety. With so many different kinds of birds out there, this list of names was put together with a wide range of ideas and references. For example, Easter Birds iconEaster Birds makes reference to the fact that many birds migrate for spring (or Easter) time, while Pigeon Bowl iconPigeon Bowl alludes to the game of bowling but featuring a very avian participant! Bird Pizza is an interesting combination of a popular food item with an unexpected twist—pizza but with a bird topping. And Hidden Eagle iconHidden Eagle calls out not just any eagle but one that's out of sight or away from others—hidden, if you will.

Finally, there are quite a few names on this list that are variations of words related to birds or their behaviors. Some examples from this list include Perchp iconPerchp (a play on words combining perch and hop), Avt World (combining avian and world), Clsai (a combination of claws and fly), Eweam iconEweam (a combination of tweet and dream), Crowoo (a combination of crow and ooh) and Out Of Eye iconOut Of Eye (a combination of out of sight and eye). All of these names combine two words related to birds or bird behaviors into one name—and they all sound quite catchy!

In conclusion, my chosen list of names for your new bird shop contains several themes that reflect what you're starting up: birds, nature, variety, and variations on words related to birds or their behaviors. All these names make great options for your business venture! Enjoy exploring your options from among this list—you're sure to find the perfect name for your shop!

All 2000 Bird Shop Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Sparrowo icon Sparrowo
Bald Birds icon Bald Birds
Fifth Bird icon Fifth Bird
Avian Direct icon Avian Direct
Perchp icon Perchp
Bird Angels icon Bird Angels
Crow Brook icon Crow Brook
Easter Birds icon Easter Birds
Crow Heads icon Crow Heads
Sparrowen icon Sparrowen
Perchle icon Perchle
Pigeon Bowl icon Pigeon Bowl
Constrel icon Constrel
Birdser icon Birdser
Avian Power icon Avian Power
Sparrowr icon Sparrowr
Endless Bird icon Endless Bird
Bird Parrot icon Bird Parrot
Small Chicks icon Small Chicks
Bird Rental icon Bird Rental
Avian Man icon Avian Man
Sparrowt icon Sparrowt
Feathersy icon Feathersy
Hidden Eagle icon Hidden Eagle
Horned Horse icon Horned Horse
Dove Collection icon Dove Collection
Falcon Bell icon Falcon Bell
Chickt icon Chickt
Pigeon Field icon Pigeon Field
Avianr icon Avianr
Bear Wing icon Bear Wing
Featheries icon Featheries
Chicken Horns icon Chicken Horns
German Bird icon German Bird
Bird Schools icon Bird Schools
Eagle Matters icon Eagle Matters
Falcon Haus icon Falcon Haus
Spiders Direct icon Spiders Direct
Owl Hound icon Owl Hound
Birdirect icon Birdirect
Wildbird Labs icon Wildbird Labs
Eweam icon Eweam
Out Of Eye icon Out Of Eye
Four Spiders icon Four Spiders
Velvet Birds icon Velvet Birds
Hawk County icon Hawk County
Falcon Motion icon Falcon Motion
Mammal Shop icon Mammal Shop
Wolf County icon Wolf County
Wing Keeper icon Wing Keeper
In The Fox icon In The Fox
Hawk Kids icon Hawk Kids