water gun image

It's great for creative people who can come up with some really fun names. It's great for parents because it brings the joy of water battles back into the home. It's great for kids because water guns are super fun, and a great way to bring a sense of joy and adventure into their lives.

So, if you're ready to get started, let me help. In this article, you're going to find over 50 top choices for water gun names. I also include a detailed analysis of each name, so you can understand what makes a good name. After the list of favorites, I have hundreds more name ideas to help you brainstorm during your search.

I'm confident you'll find the perfect name and domain you can be proud of. So, keep reading and let's get started!

Top Water Gun Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Hydroix icon
    Hydroix Register
    Hydroix.com: A futuristic name that speaks to the power and intensity of water guns. It suggests that your products are cutting-edge and technologically advanced, perfect for a brand that wants to stand out from the crowd.
  • Deep Blaster icon
    Deep Blaster Register
    DeepBlaster.com: A fun, exciting name that speaks to the power and thrill of shooting water guns. It has a playful, adventurous feel to it.
  • Drowno icon
    Drowno Register
    Drowno.com: A fun and playful name, perfect for a water gun business. It suggests the feeling of being 'drowned' in water, and plays on the idea of a 'no-holds-barred' water fight.
  • Hydro Curve icon
    Hydro Curve Register
    HydroCurve.com: A cool name that conveys the idea of fun and excitement, while also suggesting the curved shape of a water gun. It's the perfect name for a business that specializes in water guns.
  • Aquaano icon
    Aquaano Register
    Aquaano.com: An intriguing name that suggests a water-based adventure. It implies a fun, exciting experience and could be a great way to stand out from other water gun manufacturers.
  • Underwater Water icon
    Underwater Water Register
    UnderwaterWater.com: A fun and creative name that captures the playful nature of water guns. The combination of 'underwater' and 'water' conveys the idea of a water gun that will be sure to make a splash!
  • Aquaedia icon
    Aquaedia Register
    Aquaedia.com: A cool name that brings to mind the idea of a water-filled adventure. The word 'Aqua' calls to mind the power of water and the word 'edia' implies knowledge and exploration. It's perfect for a water gun that invites you to explore!
  • Water Deco icon
    Water Deco Register
    WaterDeco.com: A clever name that suggests the fun and excitement of water gun fights. Deco implies decoration and style, which is perfect for a water gun business that wants to stand out from the competition.
  • Equi Water icon
    Equi Water Register
    EquiWater.com: A clever name that implies the idea of shooting water and having fun. The word 'equi' suggests balance and fairness, which is perfect for a game that involves water guns.
  • Aquaita icon
    Aquaita Register
    Aquaita.com: A fun name that suggests the playful energy of water guns. The combination of 'aqua' and 'aita' implies a splash of something special, a perfect way to describe a water gun.
  • Borear icon
    Borear Register
    Borear.com: An unexpected name that suggests the power of water guns. It also has a fun, playful sound to it, which is perfect for a water gun company.
  • Hydrado icon
    Hydrado Register
    Hydrado.com: A catchy name that brings to mind the fun of water gun fights. The word 'Hydra' is associated with strength and power, so the name implies that your water guns will have superior power and accuracy.
  • Bombize icon
    Bombize Register
    Bombize.com: A playful name that conveys excitement and adventure, perfectly suited for a water gun business. It also has a bit of an edge, suggesting that these water guns will be powerful and perhaps even dangerous.
  • Hydroized icon
    Hydroized Register
    Hydroized.com: A perfect name for a water gun that implies power and energy. It gives the impression of a water gun that will be able to blast water farther and faster than any other.
  • Aqua Spoon icon
    Aqua Spoon Register
    AquaSpoon.com: An intriguing name that implies adventure and playfulness. It evokes the idea of a 'water spoon' that can be used to scoop up and splash water - perfect for a water gun business.
  • Perfect Burst icon
    Perfect Burst Register
    PerfectBurst.com: A great name for a water gun. It implies a sense of power and excitement, as well as a feeling of precision and accuracy.
  • Water Crawl icon
    Water Crawl Register
    WaterCrawl.com: A playful name that evokes the feeling of running around and having fun with water guns. It's an inviting name that will appeal to children and adults alike.
  • Hydroius icon
    Hydroius Register
    Hydroius.com: A creative name that implies power and strength. Hydroius conveys the idea of a powerful, unstoppable force of water, perfect for a water gun.
  • Pond Fire icon
    Pond Fire Register
    PondFire.com: A clever name that captures the fun, playful nature of water guns. The word 'Pond' evokes the idea of water (and wetness!), while 'Fire' suggests the excitement of playing with a water gun.
  • Hydranta icon
    Hydranta Register
    Hydranta.com: A creative name that plays on the idea of a water gun - 'hydra' is the mythical creature with many heads and 'anta' is a suffix meaning 'action'. The name implies an exciting and thrilling experience.
  • Aquiio icon
    Aquiio Register
    Aquiio.com: A fun, playful name that conjures up images of summertime fun. Aquiio is a made-up word that stands out and is easy to remember. It's a great choice for a water gun business that wants to stand out in the market.
  • Blast Ready icon
    Blast Ready Register
    BlastReady.com: A bold, dynamic name that conveys the idea of being ready for action, and the joy of water fights! It's memorable and stands out, and the word 'blast' implies a lot of fun.
  • River Battle icon
    River Battle Register
    RiverBattle.com: A fun, memorable name that conveys the excitement of a water gun battle. It's a great way to get people excited about your product.
  • Fizzster icon
    Fizzster Register
    Fizzster.com: A fun and creative name that suggests a sense of excitement and adventure. It perfectly captures the thrill of running around with water guns, and the name Fizzster certainly stands out from the crowd.
  • Puddley icon
    Puddley Register
    Puddley.com: A playful name that suggests the fun and excitement of a water gun fight. It's cute and memorable, and gives the impression of a fun and playful product.
  • Flowing Flow icon
    Flowing Flow Register
    FlowingFlow.com: An eye-catching name that implies speed and power. The alliteration of 'Flowing Flow' adds a fun, playful element - perfect for a water gun business.
  • Liquid Aqua icon
    Liquid Aqua Register
    LiquidAqua.com: A playful name that brings to mind the fun of using water guns. It also gives off a feeling of movement and excitement, which is perfect for a water gun.
  • Gunona icon
    Gunona Register
    Gunona.com: This name is inspired by the word 'gun' but has a fun, playful twist. It has a bouncy sound and conveys the idea of water-based fun.
  • Aqua Lancer icon
    Aqua Lancer Register
    AquaLancer.com: This name evokes the fun and excitement of water gun games. The word 'lancer' implies a warrior-like quality and suggests that your water guns will be powerful and dependable.
  • Aquaisan icon
    Aquaisan Register
    Aquaisan.com: A playful name that conveys the idea of fun and excitement. The word Aquaisan implies a mixture of water and fun, and suggests that your water guns will provide a unique experience.
  • Water Reef icon
    Water Reef Register
    WaterReef.com: A cool name that captures the idea of a water gun in an imaginative way. It implies fun and excitement, perfect for a water gun.
  • Gunily icon
    Gunily Register
    Gunily.com: A fun, catchy name that immediately conjures up images of playing with water guns. It suggests excitement and adventure, perfect for a business selling water guns.
  • Quad Water icon
    Quad Water Register
    QuadWater.com: A strong name that perfectly captures the idea of water guns - the word 'quad' implies a wide range of water sources, while 'water' is a familiar word that everyone can recognize. It also has a playful feel, which is perfect for a water gun business.
  • Ewatering icon
    Ewatering Register
    Ewatering.com: This name conveys the idea of a fun, dynamic experience. It also suggests the idea of 'watering' plants, which gives the product an eco-friendly feel.

The most obvious common theme in these names is water. Every single one of them has a word that is related to water, whether it be Hydro, Aqua, Pond, Liquid, or something similar. I think this is great because it ties every name together and makes it easy to remember. For instance, Hydro Biotics, Hydroolo iconHydroology, Aqua Slice, Final Water, Hydroix iconHydroix, Scuirt, Deep Blaster iconDeep Blaster - all of these names are related to water in some way or another. It's a clever way to make sure the name is memorable and stands out from the crowd.

The next theme I spotted was weapon-inspired names. It makes sense for a water gun to have a name that gives off a sense of power and danger. It's also great for giving your customers something new and exciting that catches their attention. Names like Bomb Storm, Bombize iconBombize, Bomb Blast, Liquid Boom, Splash Storm, Liquid Bird all exude an air of power and danger with their explosive-sounding words. You could also go with more subtle weapon-inspired names like Aqua Lancer iconAqua Lancer or Aquaisan iconAquaisan which hint at the power without being too obvious.

I also chose names that have a futuristic or technological sound to them. Names like Hydro Signal, Hydro Curve iconHydro Curve, Hydro Folio, Hydro Blender all give off the vibe of advanced science and technology. This could be appealing to customers who are looking for something more modern and advanced in their water guns. Other futuristic sounding names I chose include Aquaano iconAquaano, Wetium, Water Crawl iconWater Crawl, Hydroized iconHydroized and Aquiio iconAquiio.

And finally, a few names that have more of a playful sound to them: Drowno iconDrowno, Scuirt (which I think was particularly clever!), Aquaita iconAquaita, Borear iconBorear (which implies movement), Magic Guns (which makes it sound like fun), Gunona iconGunona (which makes it sound like a game) - these all create an atmosphere of fun and playfulness which can help your product stand out from the competition.

In conclusion, this list of water gun names I've chosen contains several themes: water-inspired names; weapon-inspired names; futuristic sounding names; and playful sounding names. All of these themes will make your product stand out from the competition while still making your product easily recognizable and memorable. With the right combination of these themes you can create a unique and exciting name for your new water gun!

All 2000 Water Gun Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Hydroix icon Hydroix
Deep Blaster icon Deep Blaster
Drowno icon Drowno
Hydro Curve icon Hydro Curve
Aquaano icon Aquaano
Underwater Water icon Underwater Water
Aquaedia icon Aquaedia
Water Deco icon Water Deco
Equi Water icon Equi Water
Aquaita icon Aquaita
Borear icon Borear
Hydrado icon Hydrado
Bombize icon Bombize
Hydroized icon Hydroized
Aqua Spoon icon Aqua Spoon
Perfect Burst icon Perfect Burst
Water Crawl icon Water Crawl
Hydroius icon Hydroius
Pond Fire icon Pond Fire
Hydranta icon Hydranta
Aquiio icon Aquiio
Blast Ready icon Blast Ready
River Battle icon River Battle
Fizzster icon Fizzster
Puddley icon Puddley
Flowing Flow icon Flowing Flow
Liquid Aqua icon Liquid Aqua
Gunona icon Gunona
Aqua Lancer icon Aqua Lancer
Aquaisan icon Aquaisan
Water Reef icon Water Reef
Gunily icon Gunily
Quad Water icon Quad Water
Ewatering icon Ewatering
Brit Water icon Brit Water
Hydrozer icon Hydrozer
Hydroita icon Hydroita
Aquican icon Aquican
Splash Hunter icon Splash Hunter
Pond Crest icon Pond Crest
Puddlely icon Puddlely
Hydro Label icon Hydro Label
Flaming Water icon Flaming Water
Dreeta icon Dreeta
Aquamium icon Aquamium
Blastably icon Blastably
Aquaash icon Aquaash
Aqueu icon Aqueu
Splash Genie icon Splash Genie
Waterloola icon Waterloola
Waters Brook icon Waters Brook
Boreol icon Boreol