science lab image

A science lab is a place of curiosity, discovery, and innovation, where new ideas and theories are tested and formulated. The name you choose for your science lab should reflect the values and principles of science that guide your work. Let's work together to find a name that conveys the passion and commitment you have for your research and captures the imagination of those who share your dedication to scientific inquiry.

Naming a science lab isn't as straightforward as naming a company or a product. It requires a lot of creativity and a deep understanding of the science community. You need to find a name that resonates with your peers and accurately reflects your lab's work. That's where Domatron comes in to help. We've curated over 50 of the best names for your science lab, each accompanied by a detailed analysis of why it's an excellent choice.

If you can't find the perfect name for your science lab on our top 50 list, we also offer a comprehensive database of thousands more name ideas that you can search using advanced keyword and concept searches. We update our domain availability filter daily, so you can be assured of finding a name with an available .com domain name.

It's time to launch your science lab with a memorable name that reflects your passion for scientific discovery. Let's get started!

Top Science Lab Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Sciago icon
    Sciago Register An innovative name that captures the essence of science. "Sci" is a common prefix in scientific names, which shows that your lab is focused on scientific research. "Ago" is a Latin word which means "to do" or "to act," implying that your lab is committed to taking action and making things happen. The name is easy to remember and spell, making it ideal for a science lab that wants to build a strong brand.
  • Syntrana icon
    Syntrana Register An intriguing name that suggests something unique and innovative. The word 'Syn' could be short for synthesis, which is perfect for a science lab that creates new materials or compounds. The second part of the name 'trana' gives it a futuristic feel, making it perfect for a lab that is breaking new ground in research. The name's brevity and simplicity make it easy to remember and perfect for branding purposes.
  • Lab Pact icon
    Lab Pact Register A simple and memorable name that suggests a strong commitment to scientific principles. The use of "Lab" in the name makes it clear that this is a science lab. The word "Pact" suggests a commitment to quality and reliability. The combination of these two words creates a name that is both straightforward and memorable. The brevity of the name makes it easy to remember and easy to use in branding materials.
  • Mri Box icon
    Mri Box Register A concise and memorable name that evokes images of innovation and high-tech science. The name's shortness and simplicity make it easy to remember, and the word "Box" suggests a compact, efficient solution. The combination of "MRI" and "Box" creates a sense of advanced technology that appeals to those in the science lab industry.
  • Rendezvous Labs icon
    Rendezvous Labs Register An intriguing name that suggests a place to meet and collaborate. The word rendezvous gives a sense of exclusivity, which is perfect for a science lab. The word labs implies a place of experimentation, innovation, and cutting-edge research. Together, Rendezvous Labs suggests a place where great minds come together to solve complex problems.
  • Diverse Science icon
    Diverse Science Register A descriptive name that emphasizes inclusivity and diversity in the scientific field. The word "diverse" suggests that this lab values different perspectives and ideas, which can lead to groundbreaking discoveries. The two words also have a nice rhythm when spoken together. This name is easy to remember, making it a great choice for a science lab that wants to be accessible to a wide audience.
  • Await Labs icon
    Await Labs Register A simple and sleek name that suggests precision and attention to detail. The word 'await' implies a sense of anticipation, which is fitting for a science lab that is always on the cutting edge of innovation. The word 'labs' makes it clear that this is a place where research and experimentation happen. Together, the name creates a sense of professionalism and expertise.
  • Gamma Cortex icon
    Gamma Cortex Register A futuristic name that suggests innovation and scientific advancement. The word 'Gamma' implies a high level of energy and power, while 'Cortex' refers to the part of the brain responsible for thought and intelligence. The combination of these two words creates a distinctive name that is perfect for a science lab. The name is easy to remember and has a strong visual impact, making it a great choice for branding and marketing purposes.
  • Labozo icon
    Labozo Register A distinctive and memorable name that evokes a sense of scientific innovation. The "Lab" part of the name clearly suggests that it's a laboratory, while the "ozo" ending gives it a unique and memorable sound. Together, they create a name that is both professional and creative. Additionally, the name is easy to pronounce and spell, which makes it highly memorable.
  • Condensed Formula icon
    Condensed Formula Register A concise name that suggests efficiency and precision, perfect for a science lab. The word "Condensed" implies that your lab will provide concentrated and distilled results. The two-word structure of this name makes it easy to remember and the alliteration of the first letters adds to its appeal. Overall, the name suggests a focus on accuracy and speed, which can help build trust with your clients.
  • Bioilo icon
    Bioilo Register An innovative name that immediately sets your science lab apart from the rest. The word "Bio" suggests a focus on the study of living organisms, while "ilo" is a unique suffix that adds a sense of precision and accuracy. The name is easy to remember and has a modern yet professional sound that appeals to a wide audience. Additionally, the name's brevity makes it perfect for branding across various platforms like social media and business cards.
  • Sciaco icon
    Sciaco Register A sleek and modern name that suggests scientific exploration and innovation. The word "Sciaco" may be interpreted as a blend of "science" and "eco," which suggests a focus on sustainable and eco-friendly practices. The two-syllable structure makes it easy to pronounce and memorable. The name is distinct and unique, which will help it stand out in a crowded market of science labs.
  • Lab Burst icon
    Lab Burst Register A dynamic name that captures the energy and excitement of scientific discovery. The word "burst" implies a sudden release of energy, which suggests that your lab is a place where groundbreaking research happens. The two short words make it easy to remember and the name's brevity gives it a modern feel. The name's simplicity and energetic vibe will appeal to a younger audience, making it perfect for a cutting-edge research facility.
  • Nuclear Scope icon
    Nuclear Scope Register A bold name that suggests innovation and cutting-edge technology. The word "Nuclear" implies power and scientific breakthroughs, while "Scope" suggests a focus on observation and analysis. The combination of two powerful words also makes it easy to remember and stand out from other science lab names. The name has a sense of authority and credibility that will attract both clients and investors.
  • Reactor Center icon
    Reactor Center Register A powerful name that suggests energy, innovation and progress. The word 'reactor' conveys the idea of something that is dynamic, transformative and ground-breaking. The word 'center' indicates that this is a central hub of activity and expertise. Together, these words evoke a sense of ambition, expertise, and forward-thinking. The name is straightforward and easy to remember, making it an excellent choice for a science lab that wants to be known for its innovation and progress.
  • Meta Chemists icon
    Meta Chemists Register A name that exudes intelligence and expertise. "Meta" suggests a deep understanding of a subject, such as chemistry, while "Chemists" highlights your focus on science and experimentation. The word breakdown highlights the professionalism of the lab. The name will appeal to clients who are looking for a knowledgeable and experienced team of experts who can solve complex problems with ease. The unique combination of words makes the name memorable and easy to remember.
  • Sciomatic icon
    Sciomatic Register A sleek name that suggests innovation and scientific advancement. The word 'Sciomatic' combines 'science' and 'automatic', implying that your lab uses cutting-edge technology and automation to drive progress. The name's futuristic feel and memorable structure make it a great choice for a modern, tech-focused lab.
  • Science Parlor icon
    Science Parlor Register A smart and sophisticated name that evokes a sense of exploration and learning. The word "Parlor" suggests a place where people gather to engage in conversation and share ideas, making it perfect for a science lab. The juxtaposition of "Science" and "Parlor" gives this name a unique and memorable quality. The use of alliteration in the name gives it a sense of rhythm and helps it stick in the memory. Overall, Science Parlor is a name that will attract curious minds and foster a sense of community among science enthusiasts.
  • Atom Effect icon
    Atom Effect Register An innovative name that evokes the power and energy of the smallest building block of matter. The word "Atom" suggests precision and scientific rigor, while "Effect" implies that something significant will happen as a result of the lab's work. The name could also be interpreted as "Atmosphere," which makes it suitable for a lab that studies the environment. The word "Effect" may also suggest that the lab has a tangible impact on the world. Overall, the name Atom Effect is a strong and memorable choice that will appeal to anyone interested in science and innovation.
  • Novaima icon
    Novaima Register A unique name that sounds both modern and scientific. The name implies innovation and progress, which is perfect for a science lab. The breakdown of the name "Nova" and "Ima" could suggest a new image or vision, while the 'ai' in the middle gives it a futuristic feel. This name will help your lab stand out and be remembered by your clients.
  • Chemae icon
    Chemae Register An innovative name that evokes a sense of curiosity and creativity, perfect for a science lab. The word 'Chemae' is short and memorable, and its structure suggests a connection to the study of chemistry. The name is unique and will stand out in the industry, while still being easy to remember for clients. Overall, it's a name that will help your science lab establish a strong and memorable brand identity.
  • Lab Powered icon
    Lab Powered Register A dynamic name that emphasizes the importance of experimentation and innovation. The word Lab invokes a sense of scientific research and development, and the word Powered suggests energy and progress. Together, they create a name that inspires confidence in your lab's ability to create new and exciting discoveries. The name is easy to remember and has a modern, tech-savvy feel, making it perfect for attracting a younger audience.
  • Hiv Labs icon
    Hiv Labs Register A concise name that suggests innovation and progress. The "Hiv" in this name might evoke thoughts of the virus, but it also suggests an interconnectedness, working together, and collaboration. The short and memorable nature of the name makes it easy to remember and say, which will help it stand out in a crowded industry. The name also has a scientific feel to it, which will appeal to the target audience of a science lab.
  • Chemistio icon
    Chemistio Register A scientific name that conveys expertise and professionalism. The "Chemist" in Chemistio immediately tells your audience that you're a science lab. The "io" ending gives the impression of a tech-savvy company. Combined, they create a name that is both memorable and distinctive. The word breakdown makes it easy to remember and pronounce, while also giving it a modern feel. Additional benefits include the potential for a unique logo design and the ability to stand out in a crowded market.
  • Quantum Charter icon
    Quantum Charter Register A progressive name that suggests innovation and advancement in the field of science. The word "quantum" implies a focus on the smallest details and the most fundamental building blocks of the universe, while "charter" suggests a clear and defined purpose. The two words combined suggest a lab that is dedicated to exploring cutting-edge scientific research. The alliteration of "Quantum Charter" makes it easy to remember, and the name lends itself well to being abbreviated to "QC" for convenience.
  • Novaaro icon
    Novaaro Register A futuristic name that implies innovation and discovery. The two 'a' letters repeated in the name give it a sense of balance and symmetry, which can represent the precision and accuracy that are essential to scientific research. The name is unique and memorable, making it easy for people to remember and refer to. Overall, Novaaro is a name that embodies the pioneering spirit of a science lab and is perfect for a brand that wants to be associated with breakthroughs, progress, and cutting-edge research.
  • Atomicix icon
    Atomicix Register A dynamic name that evokes a sense of energy and power. The word "atomic" suggests science, innovation, and progress, which are all key themes in a science lab. The "-ix" ending gives the name a modern twist, making it sound cutting-edge and tech-savvy. The name's unique spelling also makes it easy to trademark and stand out from competitors. Overall, Atomicix is a name that will help your science lab communicate its commitment to innovation and progress.
  • Nidiax icon
    Nidiax Register A unique and intriguing name that evokes curiosity and innovation. The word "Nidiax" has a futuristic and scientific feel to it, which is perfect for a science lab. The name's distinctive sound and spelling make it easy to remember and stand out from the competition. The "iax" at the end of the name gives it a strong and assertive tone, which will appeal to your target audience.
  • Sciite icon
    Sciite Register A modern and catchy name that evokes clear, scientific thinking. The word "Sciite" suggests a focus on science and research, making it ideal for a laboratory. The use of the suffix "-ite" gives the name a sense of community and belonging, which can help foster a sense of teamwork among scientists. The unique spelling of the name also makes it easy to find and remember online.
  • Helix Society icon
    Helix Society Register A sophisticated name that evokes images of scientific innovation and discovery. The word "helix" suggests DNA, which is perfect for a science lab. The word "society" implies a group of like-minded individuals working towards a common goal, which creates a sense of community and collaboration. The two words create a powerful combination, suggesting a group of scientists working together to unlock the secrets of the natural world.
  • Quark Cove icon
    Quark Cove Register A unique name that conveys a sense of experimentation and discovery. The word Quark is a nod to the study of physics, which is both intriguing and memorable. The word Cove gives us a sense of a safe space, which is perfect for a science lab. The combination of the two makes it clear that this is a place of innovation, where new ideas are welcomed.
  • Syntranex icon
    Syntranex Register An intriguing name that suggests innovation and progress in the world of science. The prefix "Syn-" means "together", which could suggest collaboration or partnership. The suffix "-nex" implies something new and innovative, which suggests that your lab is at the forefront of scientific discovery. The unique word structure of the name makes it easy to remember and distinctive, which gives your lab an edge over competitors.
  • Novisy icon
    Novisy Register A unique name that suggests innovation and progress. The word "Novi" gives a sense of newness, while "sy" at the end gives it a scientific and technical feel. The word breakdown creates a sense of sophistication and intelligence, which is perfect for a science lab. The name is also easy to remember and spell, making it a great choice for branding and marketing purposes.
  • Quarkic icon
    Quarkic Register A unique name that suggests a scientific or technical focus. The word Quark refers to a subatomic particle, making it perfect for a science lab. The -ic suffix adds a sense of specialization and expertise, which will appeal to your target audience. The name is also short and easy to remember, making it perfect for branding purposes.
  • Matter Right icon
    Matter Right Register A memorable and succinct name that conveys a sense of accuracy and precision, perfect for a science lab. "Matter" implies a focus on the physical world, while "Right" suggests a commitment to accuracy and exactness. The two words together create a sense of trust and reliability. The simplicity of the name allows for easy branding and recognition, while the subtle alliteration and repetition of the "t" sound make it easy on the ear.
  • Elite Chemistry icon
    Elite Chemistry Register A sophisticated name that suggests expertise and professionalism in the realm of science. The word "elite" conveys exclusivity and high-quality service, while "chemistry" points towards the specific field of expertise. The two words form a natural pairing that's easy to remember and spell. The alliteration of the letter "C" adds to the name's memorability, and the use of a common word in an uncommon way gives it a unique edge that sets it apart from competitors. Overall, Elite Chemistry is a name that's sure to impress and inspire confidence in potential clients.
  • Chief Science icon
    Chief Science Register A commanding name that evokes a sense of authority and expertise. The word "Chief" implies leadership and direction, while "Science" clearly communicates the area of expertise. The two words work together cleanly, making the name easy to remember and visually appealing. Overall, it's a name that inspires confidence in the lab's abilities and expertise.
  • Bioscius icon
    Bioscius Register A catchy name that suggests a link to the field of bioscience, making it ideal for a science lab. The word "scius" in the name gives the impression of knowledge and intelligence, making it a perfect fit for a lab that values research and innovation. The structure of the name with "Bio" and "scius" also makes it easy to remember and pronounce, which is an added benefit for any brand.
  • Operations Labs icon
    Operations Labs Register A professional name that suggests a focus on efficiency and productivity. The word 'Operations' implies a logical and organized approach to science, while 'Labs' is a common abbreviation that signals a strong focus on experimentation and innovation. The two words together also create a sense of alliteration, which makes it easy to remember.
  • Lab Blast icon
    Lab Blast Register A dynamic name that conveys energy and excitement. The word "Blast" suggests that the lab is full of activity and experiments. "Lab" is a simple and descriptive word that adds clarity to the name. Together, the word combination creates a memorable and engaging name that will appeal to students and scientists alike.
  • Sigma Junction icon
    Sigma Junction Register A sophisticated name that suggests precision and scientific expertise. "Sigma" is a Greek letter used in mathematics while "Junction" implies a point of connection or intersection. This name will appeal to those looking for a professional and reliable science lab that offers cutting-edge research and innovation. Additionally, the combination of the two words creates a memorable sounding name that is easy to pronounce and spell, making it easier to remember and share with others.
  • Chebila icon
    Chebila Register A unique name that evokes a sense of curiosity and innovation. The word breakdown of "Che" and "Bila" could be interpreted to mean "discover" and "new" respectively in certain languages, which is a perfect fit for a science lab. The name also has a melodic quality that makes it easy to remember. Overall, Chebila is a memorable name that will help your science lab stand out from the crowd.
  • Final Reactor icon
    Final Reactor Register A dynamic name that evokes a sense of energy and innovation. The word 'Reactor' suggests a scientific facility where things are constantly in motion, while 'Final' implies a sense of achievement and completion. The contrast between these two words creates a memorable and distinctive name that is perfect for a science lab. The name also has a sense of urgency, which will appeal to customers looking for cutting-edge research.

When it comes to science labs, names that convey innovation, precision, and uniqueness can be the most impactful. The names that we have chosen for this science lab are creative and intriguing, perfect for a scientific business that aims to stand out from the crowd.

One theme that stands out among these names is the emphasis on chemistry and chemical reactions, as seen in Chem Rocket, Chemaa, Coli Lab, and Atomicix iconAtomicix. These names are perfect for a lab that focuses on the study of chemicals and their reactions.

Another theme is the use of scientific terms such as Quantum Protein, Gamma Cortex iconGamma Cortex, Meta Chemists iconMeta Chemists, and Physics Doctor. These names are perfect for a lab that focuses on the study of physics and its related fields.

Some names are more abstract, such as Sigmaia, Syntrana iconSyntrana, and Matter Right iconMatter Right. These names are open to interpretation and can be used for a lab that focuses on a variety of scientific fields.

The use of science-related terms, such as Quantum Charter iconQuantum Charter, Science Parlor iconScience Parlor, and Operations Labs iconOperations Labs, are ideal for a lab that focuses on research and innovation in various scientific fields.

Some names, such as Lab Burst iconLab Burst, Lab Powered iconLab Powered, and Lab Blast iconLab Blast, are more action-oriented, suggesting a lab that is always at work and producing exciting results.

Finally, some names, such as Purple Science, Hiv Labs iconHiv Labs and Bioscius iconBioscius, emphasize the importance of science in improving our quality of life. These names suggest a lab that is involved in researching and developing life-saving and life-improving products.

In conclusion, the names we have chosen for a science lab are diverse and offer a range of themes and meanings. Whether you're looking for a name that emphasizes chemistry, physics, or a more abstract concept, you can find inspiration in this list. Use Domatron's search tool to explore further and find the name that perfectly captures your lab's values and mission.

All 2000 Science Lab Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Sciago icon Sciago
Syntrana icon Syntrana
Lab Pact icon Lab Pact
Mri Box icon Mri Box
Rendezvous Labs icon Rendezvous Labs
Diverse Science icon Diverse Science
Await Labs icon Await Labs
Gamma Cortex icon Gamma Cortex
Labozo icon Labozo
Condensed Formula icon Condensed Formula
Bioilo icon Bioilo
Sciaco icon Sciaco
Lab Burst icon Lab Burst
Nuclear Scope icon Nuclear Scope
Reactor Center icon Reactor Center
Meta Chemists icon Meta Chemists
Sciomatic icon Sciomatic
Science Parlor icon Science Parlor
Atom Effect icon Atom Effect
Novaima icon Novaima
Chemae icon Chemae
Lab Powered icon Lab Powered
Hiv Labs icon Hiv Labs
Chemistio icon Chemistio
Quantum Charter icon Quantum Charter
Novaaro icon Novaaro
Atomicix icon Atomicix
Nidiax icon Nidiax
Sciite icon Sciite
Helix Society icon Helix Society
Quark Cove icon Quark Cove
Syntranex icon Syntranex
Novisy icon Novisy
Quarkic icon Quarkic
Matter Right icon Matter Right
Elite Chemistry icon Elite Chemistry
Chief Science icon Chief Science
Bioscius icon Bioscius
Operations Labs icon Operations Labs
Lab Blast icon Lab Blast
Sigma Junction icon Sigma Junction
Chebila icon Chebila
Final Reactor icon Final Reactor
Private Scientist icon Private Scientist
Micronic Labs icon Micronic Labs
Delta Reactor icon Delta Reactor
Lab Coverage icon Lab Coverage
Xiiia icon Xiiia
Ascent Science icon Ascent Science
Co Chemistry icon Co Chemistry
Ionsinc icon Ionsinc
Fission Force icon Fission Force