plugin reviews blog image

Starting a plugin reviews blog is an excellent way to help users find the best plugins for their needs. You can provide valuable insights, reviews, and recommendations to help make the decision-making process of plugin selection easier for users. But to make a lasting impression, you need a name that reflects the informative and helpful nature of your blog. Let's explore the endless possibilities available to find a name that resonates with your target audience and builds trust and credibility.

Finding the perfect name for your plugin reviews blog can feel challenging, and registering a domain name can seem even more daunting. With Domatron, finding a name with an available .com domain is a breeze. We've curated a list of over 50 of the best plugin reviews blog names, each with an available .com domain and a detailed analysis of why it's a great choice.

But that's not all - we offer access to a comprehensive database of thousands of plugin reviews blog names that you can search using advanced keyword and concept searches. All the names you see are available for registration, and our domain availability filters are regularly updated to ensure real-time availability.

It's time to help users make informed decisions with a memorable name for your plugin reviews blog. Let's get started!

Top Plugin Reviews Blog Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • User Saver icon
    User Saver Register A practical and straightforward name that suggests a blog that will help users save time and money when choosing plugins. The name is easy to remember and instantly communicates the purpose of the blog. The word 'Saver' gives the impression that this site will provide valuable information that will save users from making costly mistakes.
  • Plugal icon
    Plugal Register Plugal is a snappy and unique name that's perfect for a plugin reviews blog. The word "plug" is recognizable to anyone who's used a computer or electronic device, and the "al" ending adds a modern and trendy feel. The name is short and easy to remember, which will make it stand out in the crowded online world.
  • Opinion Fan icon
    Opinion Fan Register A descriptive name that instantly communicates the purpose of the blog. "Opinion Fan" suggests that the blog will be catering to people who are passionate about sharing their opinions on plugins. The name is straightforward and easy to remember, making it perfect for a blog.
  • Direct Plugs icon
    Direct Plugs Register A clear and concise name that conveys the idea of reviewing plug-ins. "Direct" implies straightforward and to-the-point reviews, while "Plugs" refers to the subject matter of the blog. The name is easy to remember and will appeal to anyone looking for reliable and trustworthy reviews.
  • Buyer Hound icon
    Buyer Hound Register A clever name that conveys the idea of a site hunting down the best plugin reviews for buyers. "Buyer Hound" suggests a tool that'll help you track down the best reviews and deals. The word 'hound' implies a sense of searching and persistence. It's a name that will appeal to anyone looking for a reliable source of plugin reviews.
  • Retail Preview icon
    Retail Preview Register A straightforward name that's perfect for a blog that focuses on plugin reviews. The word 'preview' suggests that readers will gain early access to the latest plugin reviews, giving them an edge over others. The name is easy to remember and has a professional feel that will appeal to serious developers and bloggers.
  • Review Boutique icon
    Review Boutique Register Boutique is a sophisticated name that suggests an exclusive, high-end experience. It's a name that evokes a sense of luxury and quality, perfect for a plugin review blog. The word 'boutique' also implies a curated selection of the best products, which makes it a fitting name for a site that only reviews the best plugins. Overall, Boutique is a standout name that will help your blog get noticed.
  • Appcratic icon
    Appcratic Register A modern and creative name that suggests a blog that's all about the latest and greatest plugins. The word "app" in the name makes it clear that the blog is focused on digital products, while the suffix "-cratic" implies democratic and impartial reviews. The combination of the two makes it a unique, memorable name that will catch the eye of blog readers looking for honest and comprehensive plugin reviews.
  • Better Users icon
    Better Users Register A straightforward name that perfectly captures the essence of your plugin reviews blog. "Better" suggests a focus on quality and improvement, while "Users" makes it clear that you're writing for the benefit of the readers. The name is easy to remember, and the simple structure makes it easy to navigate and use. It'll appeal to anyone looking for reliable and trustworthy reviews of plugins.
  • Appuristic icon
    Appuristic Register A futuristic name that suggests a blog that is at the cutting edge of plugin reviews. The word "app" connects to technology, while "uristic" implies a focus on analysis and insights. The name will appeal to people looking for a blog that provides in-depth and forward-looking reviews of plugins. The uniqueness of the name will make it stand out and memorable.
  • Private Reviewer icon
    Private Reviewer Register A straightforward name that clearly states what the blog is all about. The word 'private' adds a sense of exclusivity and expertise, making it an authoritative source for plugin reviews. The name is easy to remember and will appeal to anyone looking for reliable and in-depth reviews.
  • Buyer Monitor icon
    Buyer Monitor Register A descriptive name that suggests a blog that'll keep a close eye on product reviews. The word 'monitor' implies that the blog is vigilant and constantly watching for new reviews. The name is easy to remember and has a professional tone that will appeal to anyone looking for trustworthy reviews.
  • Web Enjoyment icon
    Web Enjoyment Register An engaging name that immediately suggests a blog that's all about finding the best plugins for a great web experience. 'Enjoyment' promises a fun and informative read, while the word 'web' signals the site's focus. The name is straightforward and easy to remember, making it perfect for a blog that's all about user-friendly web experiences.
  • App Piracy icon
    App Piracy Register A bold name that suggests a blog that will provide honest reviews and insights about plugins. The word "piracy" might sound negative, but it could also translate to 'capturing' or 'stealing' the best features of plugins. The name is easy to remember and has a unique sound that will help it stand out in the crowded world of plugin reviews.
  • Webclaimer icon
    Webclaimer Register A descriptive name that clearly tells readers what to expect from your blog. "Webclaimer" suggests that your blog will provide useful insight and information about web plugins. The word 'claimer' implies authority and trustworthiness, making it an excellent choice for a review blog. The name is easy to remember and has a professional sound to it.
  • App Manias icon
    App Manias Register An engaging name that clearly conveys the content of your blog. The word 'manias' suggests a passion or obsession, which is perfect for a blog that reviews plugins. 'App' is a well-known abbreviation for 'application,' which links it to the tech world. Together, the name suggests a blog that's passionate about exploring the latest apps and plugins.
  • Producttronic icon
    Producttronic Register A modern and catchy name that clearly conveys the focus of your blog. The word 'product' suggests that you'll be reviewing a wide range of plugins, while 'tronic' adds a futuristic edge to it. The name is easy to remember and has a unique sound to it, making it stand out in a crowded blogosphere.
  • Criticatic icon
    Criticatic Register An innovative name that conveys the idea of a blog that offers critical and informative reviews of plugins. The word 'critic' suggests that readers will get an honest and unbiased opinion, while the 'atic' ending gives it a modern and tech-savvy feel. It's a name that will appeal to anyone who wants to make informed decisions about the plugins they use.
  • Appchopper icon
    Appchopper Register A memorable name that suggests a company that specializes in creating custom mobile apps. The word 'chopper' implies precision and skill, which is perfect for a company that creates niche software. The prefix 'app' is a familiar term that anyone with a smartphone will recognize, making it easy to remember. Overall, it's a creative and modern name that conveys technological expertise and innovation.
  • Computer Plugin icon
    Computer Plugin Register A clear and straightforward name that tells readers exactly what they can expect from your blog - reviews of computer plugins. The name 'Computer Plugin' is easy to remember and understand. Its simplicity also makes it versatile, which means that it can be used for a wide range of topics related to computer plugins. The name lacks any unnecessary frills or distractions, making it straightforward and easy to remember.
  • Criticter icon
    Criticter Register A memorable name that's perfect for a plugin reviews blog. The word 'Criticter' suggests a place where you can find expert reviews and critiques, while also conveying a sense of friendliness and approachability. The breakdown of the word into 'Critic' and 'ter' adds clarity to the name, making it easy to remember. Overall, it's a perfect name that will help your blog stand out in a crowded market.
  • Brand Comparer icon
    Brand Comparer Register Comparer is a straightforward and memorable name that immediately conveys the purpose of your blog - to compare plugins. The name is easy to pronounce and spell, making it easy for readers to find you. The name has a modern feel, which will appeal to tech-savvy readers and the short length makes it perfect for social media handles.
  • Comparees icon
    Comparees Register An intriguing name that suggests a website that compares various plugins, which will grab attention and draw in readers. The name has a catchy and memorable sound, making it easy to remember. The word 'comparees' is a play on the word 'compares', which adds a unique twist and makes the name stand out. Overall, it's a name that's sure to attract attention and help readers find the best plugins for their needs.
  • Expert Caster icon
    Expert Caster Register An intelligent name that immediately conveys authority and expertise in the field of plugin reviews. The word 'Caster' suggests someone who is capable of casting judgement, which is perfect for a blog that offers honest and insightful reviews. The word 'Expert' creates a sense of trust in the reader, making them more likely to return for future reviews. The name is simple and easy to remember, which will help it stand out in a crowded field.
  • Shop Directions icon
    Shop Directions Register A straightforward name that communicates the purpose of your blog - reviewing plugins. The name suggests that readers will find clear and precise guidance when looking for the right plugin. The two words, 'Shop' and 'Directions' also create a sense of direction, which is an important aspect of navigation. It's a simple, easy-to-remember name that accurately reflects your blog's content and purpose.
  • Criticite icon
    Criticite Register A distinctive name that suggests a blog that will offer honest and thoughtful reviews. The word "critic" implies a knowledgeable and authoritative voice, which will help build credibility with readers. The suffix "-ite" adds a sense of community, making it feel like a place where like-minded people can come together to share their opinions.
  • Good Viewers icon
    Good Viewers Register A straightforward and memorable name that tells readers exactly what they can expect from the blog. The word 'viewers' implies that the blog will offer honest and insightful reviews, while the word 'good' suggests that the reviews will be of high quality. The word 'good' also has a positive connotation, making the blog seem approachable and friendly. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to anyone looking for trustworthy plugin reviews.
  • Widget Bros icon
    Widget Bros Register A straightforward name that immediately tells you what to expect from the blog. 'Widget' suggests plugins and tools, while 'Bros' is a friendly term that conveys a sense of trust and reliability. The name is easy to remember, and the alliteration of 'Widget Bros' makes it fun to say. Overall, it's a name that'll help the blog stand out and attract readers interested in plugin reviews.
  • Browser Gear icon
    Browser Gear Register A catchy name that immediately suggests a blog that reviews plugins for web browsers. The word 'gear' implies that the blog offers detailed and specific information about these plugins. The name is also easy to remember and rolls off the tongue nicely. It'll appeal to anyone interested in maximizing their web browsing experience.
  • Product Booker icon
    Product Booker Register An informative and straightforward name that conveys the purpose of the blog. "Booker" suggests that the blog will be focused on reviews and recommendations, while "Product" implies a wide range of products being reviewed. The name is easy to remember and will attract readers who are interested in getting honest feedback before buying a product.
  • Feedback Cast icon
    Feedback Cast Register A descriptive name that clearly communicates the purpose of a plugin reviews blog. "Feedback" implies a place where readers can share their thoughts, while "Cast" suggests a platform to broadcast this information to a wider audience. The word breakdown is easy to understand and remember. It has a unique sound that helps it stand out. Overall, it's a perfect name for a blog that aims to inform and educate people about plugins.
  • Appiders icon
    Appiders Register A catchy name that instantly conveys the purpose of your blog: reviewing plugins. The word 'app' in 'Appiders' connects to tech, while 'iders' suggests a sense of exploration and discovery. This name will appeal to anyone looking for reliable reviews of plugins. The unique combination of words also makes it easy to remember and differentiate from other tech blogs.
  • Blog Shoppers icon
    Blog Shoppers Register An evocative name that tells the reader exactly what the blog is about - reviewing plugins for online shoppers. The word "shoppers" adds a sense of accessibility and inclusivity, making it clear that this blog is for everyone. The name is easy to remember and has a modern, tech-focused sound that will appeal to readers interested in technology.
  • Critic Tor icon
    Critic Tor Register A bold name that suggests a blog that offers honest and critical reviews of plugins. The "tor" ending is reminiscent of "mentor," implying that the blog will guide readers to the best plugins. The name is short, punchy, and memorable, which is perfect for a review site.
  • Web Bark icon
    Web Bark Register A memorable name that conveys the idea of a blog that reviews plugins for websites. The word 'bark' suggests a dog's bark, which is appropriate for a tech blog. The word 'web' connects to the primary subject of the blog, making it easy to remember. The name's uniqueness will help it stand out in a crowded field of tech blogs.
  • User Savers icon
    User Savers Register A clever name that suggests a blog that will help users save money on plugins. The word 'savers' is straightforward and easy to remember, while 'user' implies that it's a blog that's focused on helping people. The name also has a friendly and approachable tone, making it appealing to a broad audience.
  • Criteria Online icon
    Criteria Online Register An informative name that clearly explains what the blog is all about. The word 'criteria' suggests that readers can expect a thorough and objective evaluation of plugins. The name is easy to remember and has a professional feel, perfect for a blog that aims to provide reliable and trustworthy reviews. The word 'online' suggests that the blog is accessible to anyone with an internet connection. It's a name that will inspire trust and confidence in readers looking for reliable information.
  • Browser Sales icon
    Browser Sales Register Clear and straightforward, this name explicitly states what the blog is about. It'll instantly attract readers who are interested in plugin reviews. The name is easy to remember and will help your blog stand out from others. The word "browser" implies a wide range of reviews, and the word "sales" suggests that your blog offers in-depth analysis and recommendations.
  • Revieweur icon
    Revieweur Register A descriptive name that tells customers exactly what your blog is all about. "Revieweur" suggests that you're an expert in reviewing plugins and software. The word breakdown is easy to remember, making it an excellent choice for a blog name. Additionally, the name has a certain French flair to it, which adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to your brand.
  • Previewful icon
    Previewful Register A descriptive name that conveys the idea of a blog that's full of detailed reviews of plugins. The word 'preview' suggests that readers will get a sneak peek at what's in store and 'ful' at the end makes it sound more complete. The name is easy to remember and has a positive sound that will appeal to anyone interested in WordPress plugins.
  • Plugigo icon
    Plugigo Register A memorable name that immediately suggests the blog will focus on plugins. The word "go" implies action and movement, perfect for a site that'll review new and exciting plugins. The name is easy to say and spell, making it easy to remember. Overall, a great name that'll help your blog stand out in the crowded tech space.
  • Rank Buyer icon
    Rank Buyer Register "Buyer" is a simple and straightforward word that's easy to remember and understand. It suggests a blog that'll help readers make informed decisions when purchasing plugins. The name's brevity and clarity make it ideal for a blog that values transparency and honesty. Overall, it's a name that's perfect for a plugin reviews blog that aims to provide readers with valuable insights and advice.
  • Buyer Nerds icon
    Buyer Nerds Register An intriguing name that suggests a blog that's fully dedicated to reviewing plugins. The word "nerds" conveys a sense of expertise and knowledge, giving readers confidence in the reviews presented. The name is easy to remember, and the alliteration in "Buyer Nerds" makes it fun to say. It's a name that will appeal to anyone looking for reliable and trustworthy reviews of plugins.
  • Virtual Plugs icon
    Virtual Plugs Register A modern and catchy name that suggests a blog or website focused on reviewing virtual plugins. The word 'plugs' is a short and memorable way to refer to plugins, which will make it easy for readers to remember. The name's brevity will also make it easy for people to search for and find. Overall, it's a name that's perfectly suited to a site that's all about the latest and greatest virtual plugins.
  • Direct Reviewer icon
    Direct Reviewer Register A straightforward name that immediately conveys what your blog is all about - reviewing WordPress plugins. The word "direct" suggests a no-nonsense approach, which will be appreciated by readers looking for honest and unbiased reviews. The name is easy to remember and has a professional sound that will appeal to web developers and bloggers looking for reliable information.

When it comes to naming a plugin reviews blog, it's essential to choose a name that conveys trustworthiness and expertise. Here are some possible themes to consider:

One theme to consider is directness and simplicity, found in names like Plugk, Plugal iconPlugal, Direct Plugs iconDirect Plugs, and Up Plugin. These names are straightforward and to the point, suggesting your blog will offer honest and concise reviews.

Another theme is professionalism and experience, found in names like Factory Reviews, Tank Reviews, Expert Caster iconExpert Caster, and Virtual Plugs iconVirtual Plugs. These names suggest that your blog is a reliable and authoritative source of information and reviews.

A third theme is user-friendliness and accessibility, found in names like User Saver iconUser Saver, Better Users iconBetter Users, Net Plugger, and Like Tabs. These names suggest that your blog is designed with users in mind, offering easy-to-follow tutorials and reviews.

A fourth theme is expertise and critique, found in names like Criticter iconCriticter, Wiz Reviews, Brand Comparer iconBrand Comparer, and Critic Tor iconCritic Tor. These names suggest that your blog provides in-depth analysis and expert opinions, offering readers a more nuanced understanding of the plugins they use.

Another popular theme is innovation and creativity, with names like Appchopper iconAppchopper, Producttronic iconProducttronic, and Widget Bros iconWidget Bros. These names suggest that your blog focuses on cutting-edge technology and creative solutions, offering readers fresh insights into the world of plugin development.

Finally, you could go with a descriptive name that clearly communicates what your blog is all about, such as Review Boutique iconReview Boutique, Retail Preview iconRetail Preview, and Blog Shoppers iconBlog Shoppers. These names are simple and straightforward, making it clear to potential readers what type of content they can expect from your blog.

As you consider these themes, remember to choose a name that is memorable, easy to pronounce and spell, and available as a domain name and social media handles. You can also use Domatron's name search below to explore different themes and find a name that best represents your brand and vision.

All 2000 Plugin Reviews Blog Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
User Saver icon User Saver
Plugal icon Plugal
Opinion Fan icon Opinion Fan
Direct Plugs icon Direct Plugs
Buyer Hound icon Buyer Hound
Retail Preview icon Retail Preview
Review Boutique icon Review Boutique
Appcratic icon Appcratic
Better Users icon Better Users
Appuristic icon Appuristic
Private Reviewer icon Private Reviewer
Buyer Monitor icon Buyer Monitor
Web Enjoyment icon Web Enjoyment
App Piracy icon App Piracy
Webclaimer icon Webclaimer
App Manias icon App Manias
Producttronic icon Producttronic
Criticatic icon Criticatic
Appchopper icon Appchopper
Computer Plugin icon Computer Plugin
Criticter icon Criticter
Brand Comparer icon Brand Comparer
Comparees icon Comparees
Expert Caster icon Expert Caster
Shop Directions icon Shop Directions
Criticite icon Criticite
Good Viewers icon Good Viewers
Widget Bros icon Widget Bros
Browser Gear icon Browser Gear
Product Booker icon Product Booker
Feedback Cast icon Feedback Cast
Appiders icon Appiders
Blog Shoppers icon Blog Shoppers
Critic Tor icon Critic Tor
Web Bark icon Web Bark
User Savers icon User Savers
Criteria Online icon Criteria Online
Browser Sales icon Browser Sales
Revieweur icon Revieweur
Previewful icon Previewful
Plugigo icon Plugigo
Rank Buyer icon Rank Buyer
Buyer Nerds icon Buyer Nerds
Virtual Plugs icon Virtual Plugs
Direct Reviewer icon Direct Reviewer
Plug Ive icon Plug Ive
Review Licious icon Review Licious
No Gadgets icon No Gadgets
Criticta icon Criticta
App Raters icon App Raters
Appabit icon Appabit
Producttron icon Producttron