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Optimizing the performance of a WordPress site is essential for improving user experience, search engine rankings, and conversion rates. A performance optimization plugin is a powerful tool for making your site faster, more efficient, and more attractive to users. A great name for your plugin can help attract users and establish your brand as a go-to solution for WordPress performance optimization.

Choosing a name for your performance optimization WordPress plugin requires careful consideration. You want a name that is memorable, catchy, and easy to remember. It should reflect your plugin's features and benefits, and it should be available as a .com domain.

At Domatron, we've curated a list of over 50 of the best names for your performance optimization WordPress plugin, each with an available .com domain and a detailed analysis of why it's a great choice. Our list includes names that are memorable, catchy, and easy to remember, making them perfect for your performance optimization plugin.

If you don't find a name that suits your needs in our top 50 list, we also offer access to our comprehensive database of thousands of other name ideas that you can search using advanced keyword and concept searches. You can be confident that all the names you'll see are available for registration.

It's time to optimize your WordPress site's performance with a memorable name. Let's get started!

Top Performance Optimization Wordpress Plugin Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Optimiify icon
    Optimiify Register A clear and concise name that suggests efficiency and effectiveness. The word "Optimiify" is a clever combination of "optimize" and "magnify," which conveys the idea of optimizing performance to the highest degree. The "iify" ending is also unique and memorable, making it easy to remember. Overall, this name is perfect for a WordPress plugin that aims to boost website performance and make optimization easy for everyone.
  • Optimistus icon
    Optimistus Register A dynamic name that conveys a sense of positivity and possibility for a performance optimization WordPress plugin. The word "Optimistus" suggests that this plugin will help users to improve their website performance. The "-us" ending gives it a sense of strength and reliability. The unique spelling makes it easy to remember, and the Latin-inspired origin adds a touch of sophistication and elegance. Overall, this name is perfect for a plugin that wants to help users optimize their website performance with a positive and optimistic attitude.
  • Maxiix icon
    Maxiix Register A short, memorable name that conveys the idea of something that maximizes performance. The repetition of "x" in the name gives it a modern, tech-savvy feel. The alliteration of "M" and "X" make it easy to pronounce and remember. Overall, this name is perfect for a performance optimization plugin because it suggests it will help users maximize their website's performance in a modern and easy-to-use way.
  • Optimior icon
    Optimior Register Optimior is a powerful name that suggests the optimization of performance to maximum levels. The "ior" suffix implies superiority, which reinforces the idea that your plugin is the best choice for WordPress users looking to optimize their website's performance. The unique structure of the word and the easy-to-remember spelling make it a great choice for a plugin name. Overall, Optimior is a name that promises to deliver excellent performance optimization results for WordPress users.
  • Boost Cost icon
    Boost Cost Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates what the product does. "Boost" suggests improvement and optimization, while "Cost" highlights the economic benefits of the plugin. The two syllables and sharp consonant sounds make it easy to remember. The word breakdown is simple, which adds to its memorability. Overall, this name is effective at conveying the primary and economic benefits of the product.
  • Optimistr icon
    Optimistr Register An upbeat name that suggests the idea of optimism and positivity. It evokes the sense of a plugin that will help optimize your website's performance, making it faster and more efficient. The "str" ending gives it a unique and memorable sound. This name is ideal for a company that wants to convey a sense of confidence and optimism to their clients.
  • Incurify icon
    Incurify Register A dynamic name that conveys the idea of improving performance. The word "incur" suggests a sense of motion and progress, which makes it perfect for a performance optimization plugin. The "ify" ending gives the name a sense of transformation, which is what the plugin is all about. Overall, the name is memorable, unique, and suggests a powerful solution for website owners looking to improve their website's performance.
  • Speedyly icon
    Speedyly Register A zippy name that suggests lightning-fast performance optimization for your WordPress site. The -ly suffix gives the name an adverbial quality, implying speed and efficiency. The name is short and easy to remember, which will make it easy for users to find and recommend.
  • Maxisy icon
    Maxisy Register Maxisy is a concise and memorable name that perfectly captures the essence of performance optimization. The word "Max" implies maximum performance and efficiency, while "isy" suggests ease of use. The combination of these two elements makes the name unique and easy to remember. Plus, it has a modern sound that will appeal to tech-savvy audiences.
  • Siteized icon
    Siteized Register A concise and memorable name that clearly suggests what the product does. "Siteized" seems to be a clever play on the words "site" and "optimized", which makes it clear that this plugin is all about optimizing website performance. The "-ized" suffix gives the name a modern, techy feel. The name is easy to remember and spell, which will make it easier for customers to find and recommend. Overall, Siteized is an effective name that will help this plugin stand out in a crowded market.
  • Velocityly icon
    Velocityly Register A dynamic name that suggests speed and efficiency in optimizing website performance. The word 'velocity' suggests movement and progress, which is perfect for a plugin that promises to boost website speed. The '-ly' ending adds a touch of uniqueness and modernity to the name, making it memorable and distinctive. The word breakdown is simple and easy to understand, which will make it easy for customers to remember. Overall, Velocityly is a name that promises to help customers achieve faster, better-performing websites.
  • Up Optimization icon
    Up Optimization Register A concise and descriptive name that highlights the key function of your WordPress plugin. The word 'Optimization' in the name tells us that this plugin will help improve the performance of websites. The word 'Up' suggests that this optimization will take your website to new heights. The name is easy to remember and is perfect for a plugin that aims to enhance website performance.
  • Optimied icon
    Optimied Register A succinct name that emphasizes the optimization aspect of your WordPress plugin. The word 'optimize' is clear and easy to understand, while the 'ied' ending adds an element of professionalism and expertise. The name is easy to spell and remember, which will help your brand stand out in a crowded market.
  • Optimitor icon
    Optimitor Register An impactful name that clearly conveys the function of the product. The word 'Optimitor' suggests optimization and improvement, which is perfect for a performance optimization plugin. The word breaks down into 'Optimi' and 'tor', which creates a sense of strength and power, making it sound trustworthy. The name is also unique and easy to remember, which is a huge advantage in the competitive world of plugins.
  • Extra Faster icon
    Extra Faster Register A dynamic name that suggests a plugin that will dramatically speed up a WordPress site. The word 'extra' implies that it goes above and beyond what one might expect, while 'faster' is a clear indication of speed optimization. The name is simple and memorable, making it easy to remember and recommend to others.
  • Site Margins icon
    Site Margins Register A simple and straightforward name that communicates the purpose of the product. Site Margins suggests that this plugin will help optimize the margins of your website to improve its performance. The word choice is concise and easy to remember. The name itself is perfect for a product aimed at WordPress users who want to increase their website's loading speed and improve its overall performance.
  • Rapidtopia icon
    Rapidtopia Register A dynamic name that suggests speed, efficiency, and optimization. The word 'topia' evokes a sense of perfection, which is exactly what this plugin promises to deliver. The combination of 'rapid' and 'topia' creates a memorable name that's easy to spell and pronounce. Additionally, the name suggests a futuristic, cutting-edge product that's perfect for tech-savvy users.
  • Turbo Plugin icon
    Turbo Plugin Register A sleek and modern name that perfectly captures the essence of a performance optimization plugin. The word 'Turbo' suggests speed, efficiency, and power. Combined with 'Plugin', it immediately conveys the function of the product. The simple and straightforward structure makes it easy to remember, while the name's uniqueness ensures that it stands out from the competition.
  • Fluxrix icon
    Fluxrix Register A dynamic name that conveys the idea of continuous change and optimization. The word 'flux' suggests a constant state of motion, which is perfect for a performance optimization plugin. The 'rix' at the end adds a unique twist, making it an unforgettable name. The name's brevity makes it easy to remember and it also sounds tech-savvy, which will appeal to the target audience.
  • Speedup Up icon
    Speedup Up Register A straightforward name that clearly conveys what the plugin does – speed up your website. The repetition of the word 'speed' in the name emphasizes the importance of this benefit. The word 'up' implies improvement and progress. The two-word structure makes it easy to remember and recognizable, while the repetition of the word 'up' also gives it a positive, uplifting feel. Overall, Speedup Up is a name that promises to make your website faster and more efficient, which is exactly what you want from a performance optimization plugin.
  • Egoner icon
    Egoner Register A sleek name that suggests optimization and efficiency. The word 'egon' is a unique word, which makes the name memorable. 'er' at the end of the name suggests action, which aligns perfectly with the purpose of a performance optimization plugin.
  • Optimiest icon
    Optimiest Register An optimistic name that suggests a positive and proactive approach to performance optimization. The -iest suffix implies the best or most, making it clear that this plugin is the ultimate solution for optimization. The word 'optim' suggests optimization, and the -iest suffix makes it stand out as the most optimized solution. Overall, this name is clear and memorable, making it easy for users to remember and find when searching for optimization plugins.
  • Loadter icon
    Loadter Register An impactful name that suggests this plugin will load websites faster. The word "ter" at the end of Loadter implies something being done, making it a memorable name. The shortness of the name also makes it easy to remember and type.
  • Relevite icon
    Relevite Register A succinct and memorable name that perfectly encapsulates the purpose of your performance optimization plugin. The 'Relev' in 'Relevite' suggests relevance and importance, while the '-ite' ending gives it a tech-y feel. The name suggests that your plugin will help website owners optimize their site for better performance. The word breakdown and the suffix '-ite' make the name sound like a mineral or element, which could help it stand out in a crowded market. Overall, Relevite is a name that promises to help website owners make their sites more relevant and efficient.
  • Website Engines icon
    Website Engines Register A straightforward and effective name that immediately conveys what your plugin does. "Engines" suggests speed and efficiency, while "Website" indicates the specific field. The two words together create a memorable and easy-to-understand name that will appeal to anyone looking to optimize their website's performance. The simplicity of the name makes it easy to remember and recognize.
  • Micro Optimizer icon
    Micro Optimizer Register A concise and effective name that clearly conveys the purpose of the product. "Micro" suggests precision and attention to detail, while "Optimizer" indicates that the plugin will improve the performance of a website. The two words together make for a memorable, brandable name that emphasizes the importance of optimization in website design. The word "micro" could also imply that the plugin is lightweight and fast, which are valuable benefits for website owners.
  • Upward Fast icon
    Upward Fast Register An energetic name that suggests speed and progress, perfect for a performance optimization plugin. The word 'Upward' gives the impression of improvement, while 'Fast' suggests that the plugin will help you achieve your goals quickly. The two words together create a positive, uplifting vibe that will appeal to users who want to see results. The name also has a clear, concise structure that makes it easy to remember and spell, which is a bonus for any tech product.
  • Zero Optimization icon
    Zero Optimization Register A concise name that tells customers exactly what your plugin does. The word 'optimization' is a powerful one and suggests that your plugin will help them to improve their website's performance. The 'zero' at the start of the name implies that your plugin will eliminate any issues. The uniqueness of the name will also make it stand out in a sea of similar product names.
  • Performancen icon
    Performancen Register An innovative name that conveys the idea of improving website performance. The word 'performancen' is a cleverly crafted portmanteau of 'performance' and 'enhancement', making it easy to remember and recognize. The '-en' suffix adds a modern and tech-savvy edge to the name. Overall, this name communicates the benefits of the plugin clearly and concisely, while also sounding unique and memorable.
  • Boost Opinion icon
    Boost Opinion Register A punchy name that suggests an increase in positivity and engagement. The name emphasizes the importance of opinions and positions your plugin as a tool that will help businesses improve their performance. The words 'boost' and 'opinion' work together seamlessly to create a memorable name. The name's structure is simple, making it easy to spell and remember. The name's brevity also makes it easy to fit into marketing materials. Overall, Boost Opinion is a name that is both catchy and meaningful, making it an ideal choice for a performance optimization wordpress plugin.
  • Ever Plugin icon
    Ever Plugin Register A simple yet effective name that conveys the idea of continuous improvement for your WordPress website. The phrase "Ever Plugin" suggests a plugin that will always be up-to-date and evolving to meet your needs, while the word "ever" also implies that the plugin will help your website to be faster and more efficient over time.
  • Turbopo icon
    Turbopo Register A dynamic name that suggests speed, power, and energy – all things that a performance optimization plugin should provide. The 'Turbo' part of the name implies quickness, while 'po' could be short for 'power' or 'performance optimization.' The name is easy to remember, and the unique spelling makes it stand out from competitors.
  • Effect Flow icon
    Effect Flow Register A concise and impactful name that suggests a product that will help you optimize performance. The word "Effect" conveys the idea of change, while "Flow" suggests a smooth and effortless process. This name is easy to remember, making it perfect for a WordPress plugin. The combination of two simple words creates a memorable brand that will appeal to those looking to optimize their website's performance.
  • Upendia icon
    Upendia Register A futuristic name that suggests innovation and progress in the field of performance optimization. The word "Upendia" is easy to remember and spell, making it easy for people to find and recommend your plugin. The suffix "-ia" gives it a sense of place or origin that makes it stand out from other plugin names. The word "upend" suggests a positive and transformative change, which is what your plugin aims to provide. Overall, this name has a unique and memorable quality that will help your plugin stand out in a crowded market.
  • Flash Ranking icon
    Flash Ranking Register A dynamic name that suggests quick performance optimization for WordPress sites. The word 'ranking' implies a focus on improving website performance and search engine rankings. The alliteration of 'Flash' and 'Ranking' makes it easy to remember. This name also has potential for branding a suite of optimization tools, such as Flash Ranking Analytics, Flash Ranking SEO, etc.
  • Maxiation icon
    Maxiation Register A powerful name that suggests maximum performance and optimization. The suffix '-ation' implies action or process, which is perfect for a plugin that will help users improve their website's performance. The word 'maxi' suggests that your plugin will enable users to maximize their website's potential. This name is easy to remember and great for branding, making it an excellent choice for a performance optimization plugin.
  • Up Advanced icon
    Up Advanced Register A sophisticated name that suggests the plugin will take your website's performance to new heights. With "Up" at the start, it implies upward growth and improvement. "Advanced" suggests that this plugin is ahead of the curve and has the latest improvements. The name's simplicity makes it easy to remember, and it implies that the plugin is user-friendly.
  • Turbo Perk icon
    Turbo Perk Register A dynamic name that suggests speed and efficiency – perfect for a performance optimization plugin. The word "Turbo" implies that your website will be lightning-fast, while "Perk" suggests that it will be optimized to perfection. The two words work well together to create a memorable and distinctive name that will appeal to users who want to get the most out of their website. The word breakdown emphasizes the speed and efficiency of the plugin, while the name's brevity makes it easy to remember and recognize.
  • Better Users icon
    Better Users Register A straightforward name that tells users exactly what they can expect from your performance optimization WordPress plugin. The name suggests that your plugin will help them become better users by optimizing their website's performance. The word "better" has a positive connotation, implying that your plugin will help them achieve their goals more effectively. The simplicity of the name makes it easy to remember and recognize.
  • Boosttronic icon
    Boosttronic Register An energetic name that suggests a powerful and efficient performance optimization tool for WordPress. The word 'boost' implies an increase in speed or power, while 'tronic' gives it a modern, tech-savvy edge. The word breakdown suggests that this plugin will help your website run at its best, while the unique name makes it easy to remember.
  • Super Slant icon
    Super Slant Register A catchy name that suggests a focus on performance optimization. The word 'slant' gives the impression of a unique perspective or approach to this field. The alliteration of the two 'S' sounds makes it easy to remember, while the word 'super' adds a sense of quality and excellence. Overall, Super Slant is a name that conveys expertise, innovation, and top-notch service.
  • Fastnomics icon
    Fastnomics Register A snappy and memorable name that perfectly captures the essence of what your performance optimization WordPress plugin can do. The word 'fast' implies speed and efficiency, while 'nomics' suggests a scientific and data-driven approach to optimization. The 'nomics' part of the name is a clever play on the word 'economics', which gives it a unique twist that sets it apart from other plugins. Overall, Fastnomics is an excellent name that promises speed, efficiency, and a scientific approach to optimization.
  • Loadize icon
    Loadize Register A catchy name that suggests the idea of speeding up a website. The word 'load' indicates that this plugin will help make your site faster, while the 'ize' ending gives it a trendy, modern feel. The word breakdown makes it easy to remember, while the unique spelling makes it stand out from competitors. Overall, this name will appeal to anyone looking to optimize their website's performance quickly and easily.
  • Speed Upward icon
    Speed Upward Register A dynamic name that suggests a powerful boost to website performance. The words "Speed Upward" make it clear that the focus is on speed optimization, conveying a sense of urgency and action. The structure of the name also makes it easy to remember, which is a significant benefit in the crowded world of WordPress plugins. With this name, users will immediately know what to expect from your product and how it can benefit them.

When it comes to naming a performance optimization WordPress plugin, it's essential to consider the features and benefits of the plugin and create a name that conveys the brand's message. Here are some possible themes for these names:

One theme is speed and efficiency, which is a crucial selling point for a performance optimization plugin. Names such as Optimiify iconOptimiify, Maxiix iconMaxiix, Turbo Demand, Speedyly iconSpeedyly, Maxisy iconMaxisy, Velocityly iconVelocityly, and Rapidtopia iconRapidtopia all suggest a focus on speed and optimization, which can help attract potential customers looking for a way to improve their site's performance.

Another theme is the idea of optimization itself. This is demonstrated in names such as Optimizeify, Optimior iconOptimior, Optimistus iconOptimistus, Optimizeria, Optimiest iconOptimiest, and Optimitor iconOptimitor. These names suggest an emphasis on streamlining and optimizing the site to achieve maximum performance.

Some names suggest a focus on user experience and making things easier for users, such as Boost Cost iconBoost Cost, Better Users iconBetter Users, Upward Fast iconUpward Fast, and Zero Optimization iconZero Optimization. These names suggest that the plugin is designed to make site optimization as simple and straightforward as possible for users.

Names such as Website Engines iconWebsite Engines and Engineify emphasize the technology behind the plugin, suggesting a powerful and sophisticated tool for optimizing site performance. These names may appeal to a more technically-minded audience.

Another theme is the idea of pushing boundaries and breaking limits, with names such as Fluxrix iconFluxrix, Super Slant iconSuper Slant, Up Advanced iconUp Advanced, and Turbo Perk iconTurbo Perk. These names suggest that the plugin can take site performance to the next level, helping users achieve new levels of success.

Finally, some names such as Plugic, Loadize iconLoadize, and Loadter iconLoadter are more creative and unique, standing out from the crowd. While these names may not convey a specific theme or message, they can still be effective if they resonate with your target audience.

In naming your performance optimization WordPress plugin, consider the themes and values that best represent your brand and target audience. Use Domatron's search below to explore names that speak to your brand's unique message and goals.

All 2000 Performance Optimization Wordpress Plugin Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Optimiify icon Optimiify
Optimistus icon Optimistus
Maxiix icon Maxiix
Optimior icon Optimior
Boost Cost icon Boost Cost
Optimistr icon Optimistr
Incurify icon Incurify
Speedyly icon Speedyly
Maxisy icon Maxisy
Siteized icon Siteized
Velocityly icon Velocityly
Up Optimization icon Up Optimization
Optimied icon Optimied
Optimitor icon Optimitor
Extra Faster icon Extra Faster
Site Margins icon Site Margins
Rapidtopia icon Rapidtopia
Turbo Plugin icon Turbo Plugin
Fluxrix icon Fluxrix
Speedup Up icon Speedup Up
Egoner icon Egoner
Optimiest icon Optimiest
Loadter icon Loadter
Relevite icon Relevite
Website Engines icon Website Engines
Micro Optimizer icon Micro Optimizer
Upward Fast icon Upward Fast
Zero Optimization icon Zero Optimization
Performancen icon Performancen
Boost Opinion icon Boost Opinion
Ever Plugin icon Ever Plugin
Turbopo icon Turbopo
Effect Flow icon Effect Flow
Upendia icon Upendia
Flash Ranking icon Flash Ranking
Maxiation icon Maxiation
Up Advanced icon Up Advanced
Turbo Perk icon Turbo Perk
Better Users icon Better Users
Boosttronic icon Boosttronic
Super Slant icon Super Slant
Fastnomics icon Fastnomics
Loadize icon Loadize
Speed Upward icon Speed Upward
Optimistia icon Optimistia
Optimizeist icon Optimizeist
Adjeto icon Adjeto
Mass Optimization icon Mass Optimization
Nice Loads icon Nice Loads
Fastnomic icon Fastnomic
Perfectbility icon Perfectbility
Siteize icon Siteize