lifestyle magazine image

Lifestyle magazines offer readers an exciting window into the world of culture, trends, and ideas. Coming up with a name that communicates the liveliness and spirit of your magazine is essential. Let's explore the range of names available to find one that stands out and reflects your lifestyle magazine's content and mission. With a great name, your magazine will capture the attention of readers and become the place to read about the latest and greatest ideas.

In this article, I'll share over 50 of my top choices for lifestyle magazine names with available .com domains. I'll also analyze why these names work and why they could be a great fit for your publication. After that, I have hundreds more names to brainstorm from to help you find the perfect one for you. With this many possibilities, I'm confident you'll find an amazing name for your lifestyle magazine.

Top Lifestyle Magazine Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Modern Vitals icon
    Modern Vitals Register A modern-sounding name that conveys a sense of vitality and energy. It suggests that the magazine focuses on the latest trends and topics, while also emphasizing the importance of health and wellbeing.
  • Living Rebel icon
    Living Rebel Register A powerful name that suggests the magazine is devoted to pushing boundaries and inspiring readers to live life on their own terms. It has a rebellious, adventurous feel that will resonate with readers.
  • Expert Couture icon
    Expert Couture Register This name implies that the magazine will be an authority on all things lifestyle-related. It conveys the idea that readers will get insider knowledge and expert advice.
  • Street Belle icon
    Street Belle Register A stylish name that reflects the modern, fashionable nature of a lifestyle magazine. The name implies that readers will be able to find the latest trends and styles in the magazine.
  • Elveux icon
    Elveux Register A mysterious name that implies a journey of exploration and discovery. It suggests that your magazine will be a source of knowledge and culture, and will open up a world of possibilities to its readers.
  • Extra Age icon
    Extra Age Register A modern, creative name that conveys the idea of living life to the fullest. It implies that readers will be exposed to new experiences and ideas that will help them live life to the fullest.
  • Glitzism icon
    Glitzism Register A modern and stylish name that connotes an air of glamour and sophistication. The combination of 'Glitz' and 'ism' implies a focus on trends and style, perfect for a lifestyle magazine.
  • Modern Twilight icon
    Modern Twilight Register An evocative name that captures the idea of a modern, stylish lifestyle. The words 'modern' and 'twilight' suggest a balance between traditional values and modern styles.
  • Plum Belle icon
    Plum Belle Register A whimsical name that hints at the beauty and inspiration that can be found in the everyday. The combination of the words 'plum' and 'belle' suggests the magazine will be filled with delightful stories and insights.
  • Bell Culture icon
    Bell Culture Register A modern and sophisticated name that suggests a magazine about culture, fashion, and style. The word 'bell' implies something new and exciting, making it the perfect name for a lifestyle magazine.
  • Quite Noble icon
    Quite Noble Register A subtle name that speaks to the aspirational quality of lifestyle magazines, while also suggesting a sense of calm and nobility. It implies that the magazine will provide readers with a sophisticated, elevated perspective on life.
  • Miss Sunset icon
    Miss Sunset Register A beautiful name that captures the feeling of watching a sunset. It suggests a magazine that will bring beauty and inspiration to readers' lives.
  • Modern Caviar icon
    Modern Caviar Register A modern twist on the classic concept of luxury and sophistication. It gives off a feeling of glamour and style, perfect for a lifestyle magazine. Plus, the alliteration of 'modern' and 'caviar' makes it easy to remember.
  • Entreitas icon
    Entreitas Register A dynamic name that conveys the idea of exploration, discovery, and experience. The name implies that readers will be able to gain insight into different lifestyles and cultures.
  • Femme Mania icon
    Femme Mania Register A bold name that captures the energy and excitement of the magazine. It suggests that the magazine will be a source of knowledge, entertainment, and inspiration for modern, female-identifying people.
  • Niyka icon
    Niyka Register A fresh, modern name that suggests something new and exciting. It conveys the idea of living life to the fullest, which is the perfect sentiment for a lifestyle magazine.
  • East Jane icon
    East Jane Register A modern and fresh name that implies a connection to current trends. The word 'East' suggests a focus on the East Coast, while 'Jane' implies an independent spirit. Together, they create a powerful combination that is perfect for a lifestyle magazine.
  • Modern Evening icon
    Modern Evening Register This name conveys the idea of living a modern, stylish life. It also implies that the magazine is focused on the evening - the time when people can relax and enjoy life's little pleasures.
  • Miss Habit icon
    Miss Habit Register A clever name that plays on the idea of forming new habits and having a positive impact on people's lives through lifestyle changes. It's a great way to draw attention to your magazine.
  • Age Only icon
    Age Only Register This name implies that age is just a number, and that age doesn't necessarily define who you are. It's a positive message that speaks to the magazine's mission to celebrate life and defy age boundaries.
  • Living Dove icon
    Living Dove Register A poetic name that captures the idea of finding peace and joy in life while also suggesting a sense of exploration and discovery. It's a perfect fit for a lifestyle magazine that wants to inspire readers to live their best life.
  • Utatura icon
    Utatura Register An intriguing name that suggests a journey of exploration and discovery. It sounds like 'adventure' and evokes a sense of curiosity and excitement.
  • Age Of One icon
    Age Of One Register A thought-provoking name that suggests a magazine that celebrates the individual, encourages self-expression, and challenges readers to think differently. It implies that each person has the potential to make a difference.
  • Noble Courage icon
    Noble Courage Register A strong, inspiring name that conveys the idea of courage and living life to the fullest. It's perfect for a magazine that wants to encourage readers to live their best life.
  • Unlitz icon
    Unlitz Register This has a modern, hip sound that implies the magazine is about living life to its fullest and exploring the world. It suggests an adventurous spirit and an appreciation for the little things.
  • Sunday Wind icon
    Sunday Wind Register A calming name that captures the feeling of leisure and relaxation. It suggests that the magazine will be about taking time for yourself and enjoying life.
  • Vivinis icon
    Vivinis Register A catchy name that combines the words 'vivid' and 'insight'. It implies that the magazine will offer its readers vivid insights into different lifestyles, trends, and cultures.
  • Zenitelle icon
    Zenitelle Register Zenitelle implies a sense of calm and peace, perfect for a lifestyle magazine that focuses on relaxation and well-being. It also suggests a modern, stylish twist on traditional lifestyle magazines.
  • Super Indulge icon
    Super Indulge Register A bold and catchy name that implies luxury and indulgence. It's perfect for a lifestyle magazine that wants to portray an aspirational lifestyle.
  • Zunvia icon
    Zunvia Register An energetic name that conveys the idea of a vibrant, bustling lifestyle. The name suggests that readers will get the latest news, trends, and advice to help them live life to the fullest.
  • Lone Belle icon
    Lone Belle Register A simple, elegant name that suggests a strong, independent voice. It implies that the magazine is for those who seek to live life on their own terms.
  • Modern Autumn icon
    Modern Autumn Register A seasonal name that speaks to the idea of change and growth, which is perfect for a lifestyle magazine. It suggests that readers will find something new and interesting with each issue.
  • Denetia icon
    Denetia Register A creative name that suggests a sense of adventure and exploration. It conveys the idea of discovering new and interesting experiences, perfect for a lifestyle magazine.

The first theme in this list is modernity. Many of the names contain the word "modern" in them, like Modern Vitals iconModern Vitals, Modern Caviar iconModern Caviar, "Modern Fellas," and Modern Evening iconModern Evening. This shows that these names are made for a magazine that is on the cutting edge of lifestyle trends. They are names that suggest being ahead of the curve, always up-to-date with the latest trends.

The second theme is comfort. Names such as "This Is Comfort," Living Rebel iconLiving Rebel, and "Whole Habit" all suggest a sense of comfort and relaxation. These names evoke a feeling of relaxation and ease, which can be very appealing to readers who are looking for a lifestyle magazine that caters to their needs.

A third theme is beauty. Names like Street Belle iconStreet Belle, Plum Belle iconPlum Belle, and Miss Sunset iconMiss Sunset certainly bring to mind images of beauty and splendor. These names suggest a magazine that focuses on beauty, fashion, and luxury, as well as giving readers tips for living a more beautiful life.

The fourth theme is elegance. Names such as Expert Couture iconExpert Couture, "Elstella," and Miss Habit iconMiss Habit all suggest an air of sophistication and refinement. These names are perfect for a magazine that wants to promote an elegant lifestyle, featuring articles about fashion, decorating, dining, and other luxurious activities.

The fifth theme is adventure. Names such as Living Rebel iconLiving Rebel, Extra Age iconExtra Age, and "Lifestyle Bear" all suggest a spirit of daring and exploration. These names speak to readers who want to explore new places, cultures, and experiences - something that can be very attractive to readers who are looking for an adventurous lifestyle magazine.

The sixth theme is youthfulness. Names such as Glitzism iconGlitzism, "Sozaz," and Femme Mania iconFemme Mania all evoke a feeling of energy and vibrancy. These names suggest a magazine that appeals to younger readers who want to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in lifestyle living.

Finally, the seventh theme is creativity. Names such as "Kaviara," Elveux iconElveux, and Niyka iconNiyka all evoke images of creativity and imagination. These names suggest a magazine that celebrates creative expression through fashion, art, music, cooking, travel, or other creative pursuits.

All in all, the list of names we've chosen for you captures the spirit of your new lifestyle magazine perfectly. Each name has its own unique flavor but they all share common themes of modernity, comfort, beauty, elegance, adventure, youthfulness, and creativity - all qualities that will appeal to readers looking for an engaging lifestyle magazine. We hope this helps you find just the right name for your new venture!

All 2000 Lifestyle Magazine Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Modern Vitals icon Modern Vitals
Living Rebel icon Living Rebel
Expert Couture icon Expert Couture
Street Belle icon Street Belle
Elveux icon Elveux
Extra Age icon Extra Age
Glitzism icon Glitzism
Modern Twilight icon Modern Twilight
Plum Belle icon Plum Belle
Bell Culture icon Bell Culture
Quite Noble icon Quite Noble
Miss Sunset icon Miss Sunset
Modern Caviar icon Modern Caviar
Entreitas icon Entreitas
Femme Mania icon Femme Mania
Niyka icon Niyka
East Jane icon East Jane
Modern Evening icon Modern Evening
Miss Habit icon Miss Habit
Age Only icon Age Only
Living Dove icon Living Dove
Utatura icon Utatura
Age Of One icon Age Of One
Noble Courage icon Noble Courage
Unlitz icon Unlitz
Sunday Wind icon Sunday Wind
Vivinis icon Vivinis
Zenitelle icon Zenitelle
Super Indulge icon Super Indulge
Zunvia icon Zunvia
Lone Belle icon Lone Belle
Modern Autumn icon Modern Autumn
Denetia icon Denetia
Lusoto icon Lusoto
Honest Modern icon Honest Modern
Total Fabulous icon Total Fabulous
Femme Elle icon Femme Elle
Great Belle icon Great Belle
Modern Cue icon Modern Cue
Stone Belle icon Stone Belle
Entrezi icon Entrezi
Living Babe icon Living Babe
Enhem icon Enhem
Mrs Ville icon Mrs Ville
Ultra Galore icon Ultra Galore
Half Cherry icon Half Cherry
Culture Babe icon Culture Babe
Alterira icon Alterira
Sozta icon Sozta
Entrede icon Entrede
Avid Chic icon Avid Chic
Kaviny icon Kaviny