kids brand image

Starting a kids brand is an opportunity to create products that are playful, imaginative, and engaging to young minds. The name you choose is the first impression your customers, and their kids will have of your brand. It should embody the fun and creativity of the products you offer while being memorable and easy to pronounce. Let's explore the various options available to find a name that exudes the spirit of your brand and resonates with kids and parents alike.

Finding a name that fits your brand can be a daunting task, but Domatron is here to help. We've curated a list of over 50 of the best kids' brand names, each with an available .com domain name and a detailed analysis of why it's a great choice. If you're looking for more options, we offer a comprehensive database of thousands more name ideas for your kids' brand that you can search using our advanced keyword and concept search. No need to worry about the availability of the domains; we take care of that for you.

With our expertly curated list of names and our AI-powered search, you can find a name that is memorable and captures the essence of your kids' brand. Let's create a fun and imaginative brand that connects with the young minds of today and the future. Let's get started!

Top Kids Brand Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Zutza icon
    Zutza Register A playful name that's perfect for a kids brand. The word 'zutza' has a fun and energetic sound, which will appeal to children and their parents. It's a unique name that will help the brand stand out in a crowded market. The name's short structure makes it easy to remember and pronounce, which is ideal for a kids brand.
  • Zucuu icon
    Zucuu Register A playful name that's perfect for a kids' brand. The word 'Zucuu' is both easy to remember and pronounce, which is essential for children. It has a fun and lighthearted sound that will appeal to kids and parents alike. The name's unique spelling adds a touch of creativity and makes it stand out in a crowded market.
  • Kid Belle icon
    Kid Belle Register A delightful name that evokes beauty, grace, and charm. The name "Kid Belle" suggests a brand that is both playful and elegant, appealing to both kids and their parents. The word "Belle" means "beautiful" in French, making it a unique name that stands out from the crowd. The name is easy to remember and has a positive association that will make it attractive to customers.
  • Squiba icon
    Squiba Register A playful name that appeals to children's imaginations. The word 'Squiba' sounds like it could be a fun character or creature, which is perfect for a kids' brand. The name is easy to remember and has a unique sound, which will help your brand stand out.
  • Xuqio icon
    Xuqio Register An imaginative name that sparks curiosity and playfulness in children. The name's unique sound and structure make it memorable, meaning that kids will have no trouble remembering it. Its brevity and simplicity make it easy to say and spell, which is an essential factor in building a recognizable brand. Overall, Xuqio is a name that will effectively appeal to children and make your brand stand out in a positive way.
  • Wizoi icon
    Wizoi Register A playful name that's perfect for a kids brand. The name has a fun and memorable sound that will easily stick in the minds of children. 'Wiz' suggests intelligence, creativity, and magic, while 'oi' gives a sense of energy and excitement. These elements make the name perfect for a brand that aims to inspire and educate kids in a creative and engaging way.
  • Giant Pony icon
    Giant Pony Register A playful name that will appeal to children and their parents. The name is memorable and easy to pronounce, making it perfect for a kids' brand. The words "giant pony" suggest something big and friendly, which is an ideal image for a children's product. The name also has a subtle element of surprise, as the combination of "giant" and "pony" seems unexpected. Overall, it's a name that will help your brand stand out and appeal to a wide audience.
  • Funny Hop icon
    Funny Hop Register A playful name that conveys the idea of jumping, bouncing, and having fun. The word "hop" is easy to remember and has a cheerful sound that will appeal to kids and parents alike. The name suggests a brand that's all about play and movement, which is perfect for a kids' brand. The short and simple structure makes it easy to say and spell.
  • Zuoxio icon
    Zuoxio Register A fun name that's perfect for a kids brand. It has a playful sound and is easy to remember, making it ideal for children. The name has a unique and modern feel to it, making it stand out from other kids' brands. The structure of the name is unique, making it memorable and fun to say. Overall, it's a great name that will appeal to both kids and parents alike.
  • Happy Whiz icon
    Happy Whiz Register A cheerful name that embodies the joy and energy of childhood. The word 'whiz' suggests intelligence, creativity, and fun. The name encourages kids to be happy, curious, and adventurous. The word 'happy' in the name makes it easy to remember and fun to say, which is perfect for a kids' brand. Overall, it's a name that will inspire kids to learn, explore, and enjoy life to the fullest.
  • Zikzu icon
    Zikzu Register A fun and playful name that's perfect for a kids' brand. The name has a unique and memorable sound that will appeal to kids and parents alike. The word 'zik' suggests a sense of energy and movement, while 'zu' gives a feeling of completeness and wholeness. Together, they form a name that's both fun and well-rounded, making it a perfect fit for a kids' brand.
  • Zuopia icon
    Zuopia Register A fun and playful name that suggests a world of imagination and creativity. The word 'Zuopia' doesn't have a direct meaning, which encourages children to create their own meaning and story behind it. The name is easy to remember, spell, and pronounce, making it perfect for a kids brand. It also has a unique sound that sets it apart from other brand names.
  • Little Finest icon
    Little Finest Register A charming name that suggests a focus on quality and attention to detail. The phrase "Little Finest" implies that the brand is dedicated to providing the best for children. The word "little" suggests that the products are tailored specifically for children, while "finest" conveys a sense of luxury and high quality. The name is easy to remember and has a lovely ring to it, making it perfect for a children's brand.
  • Tinysy icon
    Tinysy Register A playful name that's perfect for a kids brand. The name 'Tinysy' suggests something small and cute, which is ideal for a brand that caters to children. The name is easy to remember, and the 'sy' ending gives it a catchy and fun feel.
  • Little Pike icon
    Little Pike Register A playful name that evokes childhood memories of catching fish and spending time outdoors. "Little" suggests that it's a brand for kids, while "Pike" is a type of fish that's both fun to catch and has a distinctive appearance. The name has a fun and memorable sound that will appeal to children and parents alike.
  • Boooyo icon
    Boooyo Register A playful name that's perfect for a kids' brand. Boooyo has a fun and catchy sound that kids will love. The name is easy to remember and easy to spell, making it easy for kids to search for online. Its uniqueness and fun sound will help it stand out in the crowded kids' market.
  • Zutiz icon
    Zutiz Register A playful name that's perfect for a kids brand. It suggests a sense of fun and whimsy, which is what kids love. The name is short and easy to remember, making it perfect for young children. Zutiz is a name that stands out amongst other kids' brands, and it's sure to capture the attention of both children and parents alike.
  • Zezuzo icon
    Zezuzo Register A playful name that's perfect for a kids' brand. The name sounds like a fun character that kids will love to interact with. The word 'zoo' in the name suggests a world of wonder and adventure. The name is easy to pronounce and spell, making it easy for kids to remember.
  • Wonder Comet icon
    Wonder Comet Register An imaginative name that sparks curiosity and creativity in children. The combination of "Wonder" and "Comet" suggests a magical and whimsical experience that will engage and inspire kids. The word "comet" also implies movement and energy, making it a perfect name for a brand that wants to encourage kids to be active and adventurous. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to both kids and parents who want to foster a sense of wonder and exploration in their lives.
  • Swift Child icon
    Swift Child Register A lively and energetic name that's perfect for a kids brand. The word 'swift' suggests speed and agility, which is perfect for a brand that targets children. The word 'child' makes it clear that the brand is aimed at kids. Together, they create a name that's fun, memorable, and youthful.
  • Zeeil icon
    Zeeil Register A playful name that's perfect for a kids' brand. The name has a fun and energetic sound, suggesting a brand that's full of life and excitement. The name is easy to remember and has a unique spelling, which will make it stand out.
  • Zidka icon
    Zidka Register A fun and playful name that's perfect for a kids' brand. The name has a unique sound that will be easy for children to remember and say. It also has a positive and energetic feel, suggesting a brand that's all about excitement and adventure. The combination of the letters 'Z' and 'K' makes it stand out and memorable.
  • Tioju icon
    Tioju Register A fun and playful name that's perfect for a kids brand. The name has a unique sound that's easy to remember. The word 'tioju' doesn't have a specific meaning, which allows for creative branding opportunities. It's a name that will stand out and appeal to both kids and parents alike.
  • Wacky Plus icon
    Wacky Plus Register A playful name that will appeal to kids and parents alike. The word 'wacky' suggests a sense of fun and humor, while 'plus' implies that there's something extra special about this brand. It's a unique name that's easy to remember and stands out from the crowd.
  • Tayie icon
    Tayie Register A playful name that is easy to remember and perfect for a kids brand. The name has a fun sound to it that will appeal to children, and it's also easy to pronounce. The name's unique structure adds to its memorability, making it stand out from other kids' brands.
  • Zarkoo icon
    Zarkoo Register A fun and playful name that's perfect for a kids brand. The name is short and easy to remember, which is ideal for a brand that targets children. The word "zarkoo" doesn't have a specific meaning, which makes it a versatile name that can be used for a variety of products. The uniqueness of the name will help the brand stand out in a crowded market, making it ideal for any kids' product.
  • Juovo icon
    Juovo Register A playful name that's perfect for a kids' brand. The name sounds like "juvenile" and "ovo," which means egg in Italian. The name suggests a brand that's all about youthfulness and new beginnings. The word breakdown makes it sound like a fun and innovative brand, while the unique sound of the name will make it easy to remember. It's a great name that will appeal to kids and their parents alike.
  • Kangoxi icon
    Kangoxi Register A playful name that's perfect for a kids brand. The name is easy to remember and has a fun and energetic sound that will appeal to children. The word 'Kango' suggests movement and action, while 'xi' adds a unique and memorable touch. Together, the name is a great fit for a brand that encourages kids to be active and adventurous.
  • Strawberry Bird icon
    Strawberry Bird Register A fun and creative name that's perfect for a kids brand. The name suggests a playful and whimsical vibe, which will instantly connect with children. The word "strawberry" is a familiar and beloved flavor, making it easy to remember. The word "bird" evokes images of freedom, nature, and exploration, which will connect with the adventurous spirit of children. The two words together create a unique and memorable name that stands out in the market.
  • Zuebo icon
    Zuebo Register A playful, unique name that will appeal to kids and parents alike. The name is easy to remember and rolls off the tongue, making it perfect for a kids brand. The word 'zuebo' doesn't have a specific meaning, which leaves room for creative interpretation and opens up possibilities for a wide range of products. Overall, it's a fun and memorable name that's perfect for a brand that wants to stand out.
  • Kiqiu icon
    Kiqiu Register A fun and playful name that's perfect for a kids brand. The name is easy to remember and has a unique sound, which will help it stand out in a crowded market. The word "ki" suggests energy and vitality, while "qiu" brings to mind games and activities. The combination makes the name perfect for a brand that wants to inspire kids to be active and engaged.
  • Yiozo icon
    Yiozo Register A fun and playful name that's perfect for a kids brand. The word 'Yiozo' sounds like a made-up word, adding a sense of creativity and imagination. It's easy to remember and pronounce, which makes it ideal for children. The name has a unique quality that will help your brand stand out in a crowded market.
  • Wiskeo icon
    Wiskeo Register An imaginative name that is both playful and memorable. The name has a fun and youthful sound that will appeal to kids and parents alike. The "o" at the end adds a sense of excitement to the name. The 'wis' part could suggest 'wise', suggesting that the brand is smart, knowledgeable, and trustworthy. Overall, it's a great name that will help your kids' brand stand out in a crowded market.
  • Little Ago icon
    Little Ago Register A playful name that's perfect for a kids brand. The name "Little Ago" suggests a sense of nostalgia for a simpler time, which is perfect for a brand that focuses on traditional children's toys and games. The word 'little' is a great adjective for a kids' brand, while 'ago' implies that the brand has a history and experience. Together, they make a name that's both memorable and charming, and will appeal to parents looking for high-quality, nostalgic toys for their children.
  • Oyyay icon
    Oyyay Register A playful name that's perfect for a kids brand. The word 'oyyay' sounds like a joyous exclamation, suggesting a brand that's all about fun and excitement. It's easy to pronounce and has a unique sound that will stick in the minds of children. The name is short and memorable, making it ideal for a brand that wants to create a lasting impression.
  • Curious Fairy icon
    Curious Fairy Register A playful name that sparks curiosity and encourages children to explore. 'Curious' implies a sense of wonder and adventure, while 'Fairy' suggests a magical and enchanting world. The name's two-word structure makes it easy to remember and pronounce, which is perfect for a kids brand. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to parents who want to nurture their child's imagination and creativity.
  • First Brit icon
    First Brit Register A name that celebrates the history and culture of Britain, perfect for a kids brand. The name is short and easy to remember, making it ideal for a young audience. The word 'First' in the name implies leadership, excellence, and innovation, while 'Brit' suggests patriotism and Britishness. Together, they make a powerful combination that will resonate with parents and kids alike.
  • Juvoc icon
    Juvoc Register A playful name that's perfect for a kids brand. The name suggests youth and energy, and has a modern feel that will resonate with younger customers. The unique blend of sounds in the name makes it easy to remember, and the simple structure allows for versatility. It's a name that will help your kids brand stand out and be easily recognizable.
  • Pluszy icon
    Pluszy Register A playful name that will appeal to kids and adults alike. The name suggests something that is soft, cuddly and comforting. The word 'Pluszy' plays off of the word plush, which will make it easy for people to understand the brand's identity. The unique spelling gives it a modern twist and makes it easier to trademark.
  • Wonder Gorilla icon
    Wonder Gorilla Register A playful and imaginative name that sparks curiosity and wonder. The name implies strength and power (gorilla), while also suggesting a sense of fun and adventure (wonder). The combination of these two words creates an exciting and memorable name, perfect for a kids brand. The unique name will appeal to both children and parents looking for something fresh and exciting.
  • Mighty Fairy icon
    Mighty Fairy Register A fun and imaginative name that sparks joy and wonder. 'Mighty' suggests power and strength, while 'Fairy' evokes a sense of magic and whimsy. The combination of the two creates a unique and memorable name that children will love. The name has a sing-song quality that makes it easy to remember, and its playful sound and imagery will appeal to parents looking for a brand that encourages creativity and imagination in their kids.
  • Xuboon icon
    Xuboon Register A playful name that sounds like it could be a fun toy or game. It's unique, easy to remember, and has a distinct sound, making it a great choice for a kids brand. The word 'xuboon' might not have a specific meaning, but its unusual spelling and sound will make it stand out from the competition.
  • Little Extreme icon
    Little Extreme Register A dynamic name that captures the adventurous spirit of children. The name suggests that it's okay to be a little extreme and take risks while staying safe. The contrasting words 'little' and 'extreme' create a playful tension that will appeal to kids. It's a name that sets the tone for a brand that's all about fun, excitement, and imagination.
  • Kinder Guy icon
    Kinder Guy Register A friendly name that immediately suggests a brand for kids. The word 'Kinder' evokes a sense of care and tenderness, which is perfect for a kids brand. The word 'Guy' implies a sense of fun and playfulness, making it easy for children to remember and relate to. The name is simple and straightforward, and the combination of two short words makes it easy to spell and pronounce. Overall, it's a great name that will appeal to parents and kids alike.

When it comes to choosing a name for a kids' brand, there are a variety of themes to consider. You want a name that's fun, playful, and appeals to both kids and their parents alike. Let's explore some of the themes and ideas present in the names we've chosen.

One theme is animals or creatures, such as Froooo, Giant Pony iconGiant Pony, Strawberry Bird iconStrawberry Bird, Wonder Gorilla iconWonder Gorilla, and Mighty Fairy iconMighty Fairy. These names are memorable and imaginative, and they can evoke a sense of adventure and playfulness.

Another theme is whimsical or silly words, such as Gigglely, Droozer, Zucuu iconZucuu, Squiba iconSquiba, and Wacky Plus iconWacky Plus. These names are playful and fun, perfect for a brand aimed at kids.

You can also consider names that convey a sense of wonder or magic, like Wonder Pumpkin, Wonder Comet iconWonder Comet, Wonder Mob, and Wonder Gorilla iconWonder Gorilla. These names can help create a sense of imagination and excitement for kids.

Sometimes, the name can be a combination of two words, such as Kid Belle iconKid Belle, Swift Child iconSwift Child, and Little Finest iconLittle Finest. These can be perfect for a brand that wants to emphasize elegance, high quality, and sophistication.

Another option is to use made-up words, such as Zutza iconZutza, Zokuzo, Zikzu iconZikzu, Zuoxio iconZuoxio, and Zzanu. These names are unique and memorable, and they can help your brand stand out in a crowded market.

Finally, you can choose a name that emphasizes the educational or developmental aspect of your brand, such as First Brit iconFirst Brit, Curious Fairy iconCurious Fairy, and Kinder Guy iconKinder Guy. These names can help parents understand the value of your brand and what it can offer to their children.

In summary, when choosing a name for a kids' brand, it's important to consider your target audience and the message you want to convey. Use Domatron's name search below to explore names that capture the essence of your brand and appeal to both kids and parents alike.

All 2000 Kids Brand Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Zutza icon Zutza
Zucuu icon Zucuu
Kid Belle icon Kid Belle
Squiba icon Squiba
Xuqio icon Xuqio
Wizoi icon Wizoi
Giant Pony icon Giant Pony
Funny Hop icon Funny Hop
Zuoxio icon Zuoxio
Happy Whiz icon Happy Whiz
Zikzu icon Zikzu
Zuopia icon Zuopia
Little Finest icon Little Finest
Tinysy icon Tinysy
Little Pike icon Little Pike
Boooyo icon Boooyo
Zutiz icon Zutiz
Zezuzo icon Zezuzo
Wonder Comet icon Wonder Comet
Swift Child icon Swift Child
Zeeil icon Zeeil
Zidka icon Zidka
Tioju icon Tioju
Wacky Plus icon Wacky Plus
Tayie icon Tayie
Zarkoo icon Zarkoo
Juovo icon Juovo
Kangoxi icon Kangoxi
Strawberry Bird icon Strawberry Bird
Zuebo icon Zuebo
Kiqiu icon Kiqiu
Yiozo icon Yiozo
Wiskeo icon Wiskeo
Little Ago icon Little Ago
Oyyay icon Oyyay
Curious Fairy icon Curious Fairy
First Brit icon First Brit
Juvoc icon Juvoc
Pluszy icon Pluszy
Wonder Gorilla icon Wonder Gorilla
Mighty Fairy icon Mighty Fairy
Xuboon icon Xuboon
Little Extreme icon Little Extreme
Kinder Guy icon Kinder Guy
Zooius icon Zooius
Xozle icon Xozle
Zugzi icon Zugzi
Wuvian icon Wuvian
Kiillo icon Kiillo
Kooqio icon Kooqio
Jumoda icon Jumoda
Xooow icon Xooow