human resources saas image

When you create this software, you'll be helping businesses with a problem that's an absolute pain point for them — namely, streamlining their HR process. You'll be making life easier for them, and that's an admirable aspiration. You can take pride in having created something that helps businesses stay organized and productive.

Plus, you can make some serious money. As a SaaS developer, you can charge your customers a recurring fee, and if you can gain some traction, you can make a great living.

Finding a great name for your software is of utmost importance. The right name can make all the difference in terms of gaining traction and getting people interested in your product. That's why I'm here — to help.

In this article, I'm going to present you with my top 50 favorite names for your human resources SaaS platform, as well as over 650 more names to help you brainstorm. All the names I mention will have available .com domains.

Read on and let's get to it. You'll soon have the perfect name for your SaaS platform.

Top Human Resources Saas Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Working Labor icon
    Working Labor Register A clever name that suggests an emphasis on hard work and productivity. It implies that your software will help businesses find and manage the right people for the job.
  • Enterprise Job icon
    Enterprise Job Register This name has a modern, tech-savvy feel. It implies a professional, reliable approach to helping people find the perfect job. The word 'enterprise' also suggests that this service is the perfect solution for larger businesses.
  • Mbeis icon
    Mbeis Register A creative name that suggests the idea of working together. It's short, memorable, and alludes to the idea of collaboration and cooperation, which is key in the HR field.
  • Hire Supplies icon
    Hire Supplies Register A clever play on words that captures the idea of using software to 'hire supplies', or employees, for businesses. It also conveys the idea of providing the tools and resources businesses need to succeed.
  • Work Unions icon
    Work Unions Register A strong name that conveys the idea of collaboration and partnership. It implies that your SaaS is focused on helping companies form unions that work together for the betterment of their employees.
  • Staff Foundation icon
    Staff Foundation Register A strong name that conveys stability and reliability. It suggests that your software will be a dependable foundation for helping businesses build a strong team. Plus, it has a nice alliteration to it.
  • Corporate Labor icon
    Corporate Labor Register A clever play on words that conveys the idea of hard work and dedication that goes into human resources. It also implies a modern, tech-savvy approach to human resources.
  • Hired Doctor icon
    Hired Doctor Register A clever play on words that conveys the idea of a human resources service that can solve any problem. The name implies that you will be the doctor to help your clients find the best people for the job.
  • Hireeer icon
    Hireeer Register A clever wordplay on 'hiring' and 'career' that conveys the idea of helping people find their dream job. It suggests that your HR platform will enable people to take the next step in their professional journey.
  • Hiring Savvy icon
    Hiring Savvy Register A smart name that conveys the idea of being savvy and knowledgeable when it comes to hiring. It conveys the idea that your service will be efficient and effective in helping customers find the right people for their business.
  • Staff Folio icon
    Staff Folio Register A powerful, descriptive name that speaks to the mission of the company. It implies that this service will help businesses manage their staff in a systematic, organized way.
  • Hiring Tactics icon
    Hiring Tactics Register A concise name that conveys the idea of strategy and efficiency. It implies that your SaaS will help companies execute their hiring tactics in a smarter, more efficient manner.
  • Power Wage icon
    Power Wage Register A powerful name that conveys the idea of taking control of your HR processes. Power Wage suggests a modern, efficient approach to HR that will help you get the most out of your people.
  • Hired Builder icon
    Hired Builder Register A strong name that implies a professional, reliable service. It also implies that the service will be tailored to each customer's needs, making it the perfect fit for a human resources SaaS.
  • Hiring Server icon
    Hiring Server Register This name captures the idea of connecting people with opportunities, which is perfect for a human resources business. It also suggests the idea of a reliable, efficient service.
  • Execurio icon
    Execurio Register A name that immediately conveys the mission of the company, which is to help businesses manage their human resources. The name implies efficiency, organization, and professionalism.
  • Staff Feed icon
    Staff Feed Register This name implies that you are providing the tools and resources to help companies 'feed' their staff in the best way possible. It has a modern, tech-savvy feel to it.
  • Direct Director icon
    Direct Director Register This name conveys the idea of efficient, straightforward management. It speaks to the idea of streamlining the human resources process and making it simpler and easier to use.
  • Supervisori icon
    Supervisori Register A strong name that conveys the idea of supervision and control, which is essential for a successful HR software. The 'i' at the end gives the name a modern and tech-savvy feel.
  • Customer Hire icon
    Customer Hire Register A straightforward yet memorable name that conveys the idea of your business helping companies hire the right people. It suggests that your platform is focused on the customer experience.
  • Staff Catalyst icon
    Staff Catalyst Register This name suggests a powerful tool that can help human resources departments be more efficient and effective. The word 'catalyst' implies that your software will be a driving force for positive change in the workplace.
  • Labor Rally icon
    Labor Rally Register A clever play on words that captures the idea of rallying together people to create a strong, productive workforce. It implies that your software will help to bring people together to create a powerful and effective team.
  • Bigger Work icon
    Bigger Work Register A great name that conveys the idea of getting more out of your business. It suggests that the software will help you maximize the potential of your employees and help them do their best work.
  • Job Consortium icon
    Job Consortium Register This name suggests a collective of experts, which is perfect for a human resources company. It implies a team of experts who will work together to provide the best solutions for their customers.
  • Manage Manager icon
    Manage Manager Register A clever play on words that implies that the software is a tool for managing the complexities of human resources. The double meaning of 'manager' suggests that the software will help managers stay on top of their HR duties.
  • Salaryly icon
    Salaryly Register A great name that emphasizes the idea of salary, while also hinting at the power of technology. It suggests that your HR software will help businesses make better decisions and offer greater rewards to their employees.
  • Recruitite icon
    Recruitite Register A modern and tech-savvy name that conveys the idea of recruiting and hiring. The name implies a fast and efficient process that will help you find the perfect candidates.
  • Recruit Tactics icon
    Recruit Tactics Register A name that suggests your software will help employers find the right candidates and recruit them with the right tactics. It implies that your software will help employers get the best possible outcomes.
  • Hired Hire icon
    Hired Hire Register A clever play on words that implies that your service is the one that gets hired to help people with human resources. The name suggests that your service will be reliable and efficient in helping people with their HR needs.
  • Staff Mogul icon
    Staff Mogul Register A memorable name that conveys power and expertise. It suggests that your software will help companies become HR moguls, able to manage their staff with precision and efficiency.
  • Staffful icon
    Staffful Register A clever name that conveys the idea of being 'full' of staff, as well as being well-stocked with the latest HR tools. It implies an efficient and comprehensive approach to HR management.
  • Work Secretary icon
    Work Secretary Register A clever name that cleverly plays off the idea of a secretary, while hinting at HR's role in managing the workforce. It conveys a sense of organization, efficiency, and reliability.
  • Hiring Lists icon
    Hiring Lists Register This name has a modern, tech-savvy feel that implies efficiency and organization. It suggests that your HR software will help companies create and manage hiring lists with ease.

First, I wanted to emphasize the Human Resources aspect of the service. I included names like Working Labor iconWorking Labor, Staff Foundation iconStaff Foundation, Private Employee, Talent Folder, Corporate Labor iconCorporate Labor, Manager Genius and Hired Doctor iconHired Doctor. These all speak directly to the HR aspects of the software. They help get the idea across that you are providing a tool to help companies manage their human resources. They also suggest that it's a powerful tool and one that is designed to make HR processes more efficient.

Second, I wanted to emphasize the efficiency that comes with utilizing your software. This is why I included names like Hire Saver, Hiring Savvy iconHiring Savvy, Staff Folio iconStaff Folio, Hiring Tactics iconHiring Tactics, Single Hire, Power Wage iconPower Wage and Work Staffer. These all suggest the idea of saving time and money through better HR processes. They also imply that users of your software can quickly and intelligently move through their HR tasks with confidence.

Third, I wanted to emphasize the fact that your software is modern and cutting-edge. To do this, I put names such as Mbeis iconMbeis, Hireeer iconHireeer, Staff Privacy, Job Earner, Execora, Jobs Haus, Execurio iconExecurio, Multinomic and Direct Director iconDirect Director on the list. These all speak to the idea of a modern HR software solution that is capable of high-level automation and data collection. They hint at a powerful technology that provides value beyond what traditional HR processes can offer.

Finally, I wanted to make sure each name had an important but subtle suggestion as to what it can do for companies utilizing your software. This is why I chose names like Staff Fly, Zoom Manager, Stock Recruit Supervisori iconSupervisori Customer Hire iconCustomer Hire and Labor Rally iconLabor Rally. These names express ideas such as quick communication between employees or efficient hiring processes for organizations of any size. They suggest that your service can provide value beyond just streamlining HR tasks.

Overall, these names come together to create a comprehensive list of options for a Human Resources software-as-a-service. By including words like "labor", "hire", "staff", "manager" and "recruit" in every name I have suggested a message of efficiency and power in Human Resources management for businesses of any size. They also convey a modern edge in terms of technology and automation support for companies looking to streamline their HR tasks quickly and successfully.

All 2000 Human Resources Saas Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Working Labor icon Working Labor
Enterprise Job icon Enterprise Job
Mbeis icon Mbeis
Hire Supplies icon Hire Supplies
Work Unions icon Work Unions
Staff Foundation icon Staff Foundation
Corporate Labor icon Corporate Labor
Hired Doctor icon Hired Doctor
Hireeer icon Hireeer
Hiring Savvy icon Hiring Savvy
Staff Folio icon Staff Folio
Hiring Tactics icon Hiring Tactics
Power Wage icon Power Wage
Hired Builder icon Hired Builder
Hiring Server icon Hiring Server
Execurio icon Execurio
Staff Feed icon Staff Feed
Direct Director icon Direct Director
Supervisori icon Supervisori
Customer Hire icon Customer Hire
Staff Catalyst icon Staff Catalyst
Labor Rally icon Labor Rally
Bigger Work icon Bigger Work
Job Consortium icon Job Consortium
Manage Manager icon Manage Manager
Salaryly icon Salaryly
Recruitite icon Recruitite
Recruit Tactics icon Recruit Tactics
Hired Hire icon Hired Hire
Staff Mogul icon Staff Mogul
Staffful icon Staffful
Work Secretary icon Work Secretary
Hiring Lists icon Hiring Lists
Syovi icon Syovi
Inter Mana icon Inter Mana
Office Rights icon Office Rights
Modular Job icon Modular Job
Ever Director icon Ever Director
Gigimat icon Gigimat
Recruit Matters icon Recruit Matters
Biziata icon Biziata
Management Chart icon Management Chart
Hr Economy icon Hr Economy
Execius icon Execius
Scrumex icon Scrumex
Staff Revenue icon Staff Revenue
Turbo Wage icon Turbo Wage
Server Talent icon Server Talent
Recruitabot icon Recruitabot
Labor Haus icon Labor Haus
Side Command icon Side Command
Private Role icon Private Role