hospitality conference image

Hosting a hospitality conference is an excellent opportunity to bring together professionals from the industry to network and share their expertise. But, to attract attendees, you need a name that captures the essence of your conference and sets it apart from the rest. A great name can create a buzz, build anticipation, and attract the right audience. Let's explore the various options available to find a name that reflects the focus of your hospitality conference and inspires attendees to attend.

At Domatron, we understand that coming up with a name for your hospitality conference is no easy task, especially when you need an available .com domain. That's why we've done the work for you. We've curated a list of over 50 of the best hospitality conference names, each accompanied by a detailed analysis of why it's an excellent choice.

If you're looking for more inspiration, we have thousands more names in our comprehensive database, searchable by keyword and concept. Our domain availability filter ensures that all the names you come across are available for registration.

It's time to attract industry professionals to your hospitality conference with a memorable name. Let's begin the journey!

Top Hospitality Conference Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Motelster icon
    Motelster Register A dynamic name that conveys the excitement and energy of the hospitality industry. The word 'motel' suggests comfort and convenience, while 'ster' gives the name a modern, tech-savvy vibe. The combination of these elements makes it a memorable and distinctive name that will help your conference stand out from the crowd.
  • Resort Resorts icon
    Resort Resorts Register An innovative name that instantly communicates what your conference is all about. 'Resort Resorts' suggests a focus on hospitality and luxury, which is exactly what your attendees will be interested in. The repetition of 'resort' creates a memorable and catchy name that will stick in people's minds. The name also implies that there will be multiple resorts represented, which could be a unique selling point for your conference.
  • Conference Square icon
    Conference Square Register A simple and straightforward name that immediately conveys the purpose of your conference. The word 'square' suggests a place of gathering and discussion, which is precisely what you want to achieve. The name is easy to remember and spell, which makes it ideal for branding and marketing. Additionally, the use of alliteration in the name makes it catchy and memorable.
  • Accomidation icon
    Accomidation Register An evocative name that suggests a focus on comfort and convenience. The word 'accommodation' is easy to remember and easy to spell, which makes it a great choice for a hospitality conference. The word breakdown makes it clear that the conference will be about bringing people together and ensuring their comfort. The unique spelling of 'accommodation' gives the name a modern and distinctive feel, making it easier to stand out from competitors.
  • Meetingster icon
    Meetingster Register A memorable name that suggests a gathering place for meetings and conferences. The suffix "-ster" is reminiscent of words like "hipster" and "gangster", which gives the name a modern, trendy feel. "Meeting" is self-explanatory, and "ster" gives it a unique twist. Together, they create a name that's easy to remember and stands out from the crowd.
  • Customer Meeting icon
    Customer Meeting Register A straightforward and descriptive name that clearly communicates the purpose of your event. The words 'customer' and 'meeting' both have a sense of importance and urgency, suggesting that this conference will be a valuable opportunity for attendees to network and learn. The name is easy to remember, making it easy for people to spread the word.
  • Guest Saver icon
    Guest Saver Register A straightforward name that suggests a conference focused on helping guests save money. The name is easy to remember and clear in its purpose. The alliteration of "Guest Saver" makes it catchy and memorable. Attendees will know what to expect from the conference, which will help attract the right audience.
  • Fully Suited icon
    Fully Suited Register A sophisticated name that conveys the professionalism and attention to detail that your hospitality conference will provide. 'Fully Suited' suggests a complete and polished experience. The alliteration in the name makes it easy to remember and creates a sense of flow. Attendees will feel confident and empowered by the high-quality content and networking opportunities.
  • Welcome For You icon
    Welcome For You Register A warm and inviting name that suggests a conference focused on providing a welcoming experience. 'Welcome For You' is easy to remember and gives a clear indication of what attendees can expect. The name's structure allows for flexibility in programming, with the conference's focus being on the attendee. The name implies that the conference is tailored to the needs of the attendee, making it an ideal event for anyone who wants to feel valued and included.
  • Friday Break icon
    Friday Break Register A catchy name that suggests a much-needed respite from the workweek. Friday Break is a great name for a hospitality conference because it evokes a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation. The name is easy to remember, and the alliteration makes it even more memorable. Plus, it's a great opportunity to connect with attendees who will be looking for a break from the stress of work.
  • Guest Expo icon
    Guest Expo Register A simple yet effective name that conveys the focus of the conference on the guest experience. The word 'Expo' suggests a large gathering of people, which is perfect for a hospitality conference. The name is easy to remember and easy to say, which will help attract attendees. Additionally, the word 'Guest' in the name emphasizes the importance of putting the customer first, which will appeal to those in the hospitality industry.
  • Guest Transport icon
    Guest Transport Register A straightforward and clear name that immediately tells you what the company does. 'Guest Transport' suggests a premium transportation service that caters to guests. The name is easy to remember, and will make it easy for potential customers to find your business online.
  • Server Conference icon
    Server Conference Register A straightforward name that conveys the purpose of your conference. The word 'server' immediately establishes that it is a hospitality conference and implies that it will be informative and practical. The word 'conference' gives a sense of professionalism and formality. The name's simplicity and clarity make it easy to remember and communicate to potential attendees.
  • Innria icon
    Innria Register A sophisticated name that suggests a conference focused on the art of hospitality. The combination of "Inn" and "ria" creates a sense of elegance and refinement, while the name's uniqueness will make it stand out from other hospitality conferences. The name is easy to remember and pronounce, which will make it easier for attendees to tell others about it.
  • Favorites Hotels icon
    Favorites Hotels Register A straightforward name that instantly tells people what your conference is about. The name suggests that everyone who attends will have a favorite experience, and the word "Hotels" adds an extra layer of hospitality and comfort. The use of the plural form makes it inclusive and welcoming for all attendees.
  • Lodge Hall icon
    Lodge Hall Register A welcoming name that suggests a place of gathering and community for the hospitality industry. The word 'lodge' evokes a sense of warmth and comfort, while 'hall' implies a grand, shared space. The name is straightforward and easy to remember, making it ideal for a conference that wants to reach a broad audience.
  • Guest Sale icon
    Guest Sale Register A straightforward name that clearly conveys the purpose of your conference: to help guests make more sales. The word "sale" is simple and memorable, making it easy for people to remember. "Guest" implies that the conference is focused on the hospitality industry, making it clear who the target audience is.
  • Hotels Queens icon
    Hotels Queens Register A straightforward name that immediately suggests a focus on quality hospitality in Queens, New York. The use of the plural 'hotels' conveys a sense of variety and options, which is perfect for a conference that will bring together different players in the hospitality industry. The name is easy to remember and will help attendees associate the conference with a specific location and theme.
  • Conference Street icon
    Conference Street Register A professional name that evokes the sense of a place where people come together to exchange ideas and knowledge. The word "Conference" implies a gathering of experts, while "Street" suggests a sense of community and shared space. The name's simplicity and clarity make it easy to remember and recognize, which is essential for any conference in the hospitality industry.
  • Resort Centre icon
    Resort Centre Register A straightforward and professional name that suggests a central location for all things related to hospitality. The name immediately conveys the idea of a hub for knowledge, networking, and growth. The structure of the name is easy to remember, making it a great choice for a conference that wants to be easily identifiable. The name also has a neutral tone, making it appropriate for a wide range of attendees and topics.
  • Party Cabins icon
    Party Cabins Register A memorable name that instantly conveys a fun, celebratory atmosphere. The word 'party' suggests a festive environment, while 'cabins' implies a cozy, intimate setting. The juxtaposition of these two words make it a unique name. This name is perfect for a hospitality conference that aims to bring together people who share a love of good times and great company.
  • Visits Direct icon
    Visits Direct Register A clear and straightforward name that tells potential attendees exactly what to expect: a direct way to visit and connect with others in the hospitality industry. The word 'direct' suggests efficiency and effectiveness, while 'visits' implies networking and relationship-building. The straightforward structure of the name makes it easy to remember and easy to understand.
  • Tour Conference icon
    Tour Conference Register An informative name that suggests an event centered on touring and hospitality. The name is easy to remember, which is important for conferences. The word "conference" at the end of the name makes it clear what kind of event it is, which will help potential attendees quickly understand if it's relevant to them.
  • Conference Guys icon
    Conference Guys Register A straightforward name that suggests your conference is organized by knowledgeable and reliable experts. "Guys" implies a friendly, approachable atmosphere, where attendees can network and learn from the best in the industry. The simplicity of the name makes it easy to remember and immediately understand what the conference is about.
  • Visitsio icon
    Visitsio Register A sophisticated name that suggests a focus on hospitality and customer experience. The word 'visits' implies a focus on guest experience, while the '-io' ending suggests a tech-savvy, innovative approach. The name's uniqueness and modernity will help your conference stand out in the industry, while its simplicity and clarity will ensure that your message is easily understood by your target audience.
  • Really Welcome icon
    Really Welcome Register A warm and inviting name that suggests a friendly and open atmosphere. "Really Welcome" implies that attendees can expect to feel truly welcomed and included at the hospitality conference. The name's simplicity and straightforwardness make it easy to remember and share, which is perfect for a conference where networking is key. Additionally, the name's positive connotations create a sense of excitement and anticipation for what attendees can expect at the conference.
  • Meeting Nation icon
    Meeting Nation Register A professional name that suggests a conference for people who are passionate about hospitality. The word 'Nation' implies a sense of unity, community, and shared purpose, which makes this name perfect for a conference that brings people together to discuss the future of the hospitality industry.
  • Customer Suites icon
    Customer Suites Register A sophisticated name that immediately conveys the professionalism and elegance of a hospitality conference. The use of 'suites' suggests a high-end experience with a focus on personalized attention and accommodations. The word 'customer' indicates that the conference is customer-focused, making it a perfect opportunity for networking and building relationships. The name itself is both memorable and easily searchable, making it a great choice in an age where digital presence is everything.
  • Innance icon
    Innance Register A sophisticated name that evokes a sense of luxury and refinement. The word "Inn" suggests a warm, welcoming space, while "ance" adds a touch of elegance and history. The name emphasizes the importance of community and connection in the hospitality industry.
  • Suiteex icon
    Suiteex Register A sleek and professional name that suggests a high-end hospitality experience. The word "Suite" implies luxury and comfort, while "ex" suggests expertise and excellence. The two syllables lend themselves well to easy recall and memorability, making it a great name for a conference.
  • Welcome Ya icon
    Welcome Ya Register A welcoming name that immediately creates a sense of warmth and hospitality. The name suggests an event that will bring people together and make them feel at home. The word 'Ya' is a unique twist that adds a touch of familiarity to an otherwise straightforward name. It's short, sweet, and easy to remember.
  • Hotel Mover icon
    Hotel Mover Register A name that suggests a conference that will help the hospitality industry move forward. The word 'mover' implies progress, innovation, and adaptability, all of which are important in the hospitality industry. The name is easy to remember and has a straightforward meaning. The structure of the name is simple, making it easy to spell and pronounce, which is important for any conference name.
  • Local Treatments icon
    Local Treatments Register A straightforward name that immediately conveys the theme of the conference. The word 'local' suggests a focus on community and regional specialties, while 'treatments' implies a sense of pampering and indulgence. The structure of the name is easy to remember and has a pleasant flow. Overall, the name suggests a conference that will highlight the best of local hospitality and offer attendees a unique and enjoyable experience.
  • Cool Guests icon
    Cool Guests Register A fun and inviting name that suggests a warm welcome to all attendees at your hospitality conference. The word 'cool' implies a trendy and modern event, while 'guests' suggests a focus on the attendees themselves, rather than the speakers or organizers. The name is easy to remember and will inspire positive associations with your conference long after it has ended.
  • Hotel Papers icon
    Hotel Papers Register A memorable name that immediately captures attention and suggests a focus on the hospitality industry. The word 'papers' implies a professional, organized approach to the event, and the name puts a focus on the exchange of ideas and knowledge. The name's unique combination of words makes it easy to remember and will help your event stand out in people's minds.
  • Holiday Agenda icon
    Holiday Agenda Register A concise name that perfectly captures the purpose of your hospitality conference. The word 'agenda' implies a specific plan for the event that attendees can look forward to. The name also suggests that the conference will help people plan their holidays more effectively, which is a unique and valuable proposition.
  • Hotel Trailer icon
    Hotel Trailer Register A clever name that immediately sparks curiosity and interest. 'Hotel Trailer' suggests a unique and innovative approach to hospitality, one that is on the move and always evolving. The name's structure is simple yet memorable, making it easy to remember and even easier to associate with the conference. Overall, this name is perfect for a conference that wants to convey excitement, innovation, and creativity in the hospitality industry.
  • Foto Conference icon
    Foto Conference Register A memorable name that clearly conveys the purpose of the conference - to discuss and explore the world of hospitality through the lens of photography. The word "Foto" is a playful spelling of "photo" that will stick in people's minds. The word "Conference" is straightforward and easy to understand, making it easy for attendees to know what they're signing up for. The combination of the two gives the name a modern feel, which will appeal to a younger crowd.
  • Innista icon
    Innista Register A sophisticated name that suggests a gathering of professionals in hospitality. The word 'Inn' connotes lodging and accommodations, while the 'ista' ending is reminiscent of 'fashionista' or 'barista,' giving it a touch of chic and modernity. The name also has a memorable sound that is easy to say and spell, making it perfect for a conference.
  • Conference Avenue icon
    Conference Avenue Register A straightforward name that clearly conveys the purpose of the conference. Conference Avenue is a name that will be memorable and easy to remember, making it easier for people to find information about the event. The name suggests a clear path to success and growth, which will appeal to anyone looking to improve their skills and knowledge.
  • User Suites icon
    User Suites Register A professional name that suggests comfort and high-quality service for a hospitality conference. The word 'Suites' implies that attendees will have a luxurious and comfortable experience, with plenty of space and amenities. The word 'User' suggests that the conference will be tailored to the needs of the attendees, ensuring a personalized experience. The combination of these two words makes it clear that attendees can expect a top-notch experience that is tailored to their needs.
  • Meetingserve icon
    Meetingserve Register An engaging name that suggests your conference will provide top-notch service. The word "serve" implies a commitment to hospitality, which is essential for any successful event. The combination of "Meeting" and "Serve" clearly conveys the focus of the conference on meetings and events while also highlighting the quality of service attendees can expect. Overall, Meetingserve is a name that conveys expertise, professionalism, and a commitment to customer satisfaction.
  • Terminal Suite icon
    Terminal Suite Register A sophisticated name that suggests a high-end, professional event. The word 'Terminal' implies an important destination, which is perfect for a conference. 'Suite' suggests luxury and exclusivity. The combination of the two words gives the impression of a high-end event space that will leave a lasting impression on attendees.
  • Visitser icon
    Visitser Register An inviting name that suggests a warm welcome and a friendly atmosphere. The word "Visit" implies an exploration of new places and experiences, which is perfect for a hospitality conference. The "-ser" at the end of the name gives it a unique twist, making it memorable and distinctive. The name's simplicity makes it easy to remember, and gives it versatility and broad appeal.
  • Accu Hotels icon
    Accu Hotels Register A precise and professional name that implies accuracy and attention to detail. The word 'hotels' is a clear indication that the conference is related to the hospitality industry. The name's simplicity and clarity make it easy for people to remember and connect with the conference's purpose.
  • Concierge Planet icon
    Concierge Planet Register A sophisticated name that suggests high-end hospitality and exceptional customer service. The word 'concierge' evokes the idea of personalized attention and care, which is perfect for a hospitality conference. The word 'planet' implies a global reach and a focus on the bigger picture, which will help attendees understand that this conference will offer a broad perspective on the industry. Overall, Concierge Planet is a name that communicates professionalism and expertise in the hospitality industry.

When it comes to naming a hospitality conference, the name should reflect the event's purpose and provide attendees with a sense of excitement and welcome. There are various directions to choose from when picking a name, including emphasizing the conference's location, focus on attendees, or showcasing the hospitality industry itself.

One approach is to choose a name that emphasizes the conference's location, such as Conference Square iconConference Square, Resort Centre iconResort Centre, Innria iconInnria, and Conference Avenue iconConference Avenue. These names can help attendees feel more connected to the conference's physical location and may be especially fitting for events that take place in a popular tourist destination.

Additionally, some names focus on the conference's purpose of bringing people together, such as Meeting Nation iconMeeting Nation, Meetingster iconMeetingster, and Second Conference. These names highlight networking, collaboration, and community-building, which is vital for any conference.

Other names focus on the hospitality industry itself, such as Welcome First, Hospitality Deal, Foto Conference iconFoto Conference, and Concierge Planet iconConcierge Planet. These names highlight the event's primary focus on industry professionals and can help attract attendees who are passionate about the hospitality industry.

Some names also emphasize luxury and comfort, such as Fully Suited iconFully Suited, Customer Suites iconCustomer Suites, and Terminal Suite iconTerminal Suite. These names suggest that the conference is a high-end event where attendees can expect comfort and luxury throughout their stay.

Finally, some names play on the word "guest" or "welcome," such as Guest Expo iconGuest Expo, Really Welcome iconReally Welcome, and Welcome Ya iconWelcome Ya. These names can help attendees feel appreciated and valued, and can help promote a sense of inclusivity and warmth throughout the conference.

Overall, when choosing a name for your hospitality conference, it's essential to consider the event's purpose, target audience, and brand message. A well-chosen name can attract attendees and help promote a sense of excitement, community, and inclusion. Use Domatron's search to discover a name that works for your hospitality conference.

All 2000 Hospitality Conference Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Motelster icon Motelster
Resort Resorts icon Resort Resorts
Conference Square icon Conference Square
Accomidation icon Accomidation
Meetingster icon Meetingster
Customer Meeting icon Customer Meeting
Guest Saver icon Guest Saver
Fully Suited icon Fully Suited
Welcome For You icon Welcome For You
Friday Break icon Friday Break
Guest Expo icon Guest Expo
Guest Transport icon Guest Transport
Server Conference icon Server Conference
Innria icon Innria
Favorites Hotels icon Favorites Hotels
Lodge Hall icon Lodge Hall
Guest Sale icon Guest Sale
Hotels Queens icon Hotels Queens
Conference Street icon Conference Street
Resort Centre icon Resort Centre
Party Cabins icon Party Cabins
Visits Direct icon Visits Direct
Tour Conference icon Tour Conference
Conference Guys icon Conference Guys
Visitsio icon Visitsio
Really Welcome icon Really Welcome
Meeting Nation icon Meeting Nation
Customer Suites icon Customer Suites
Innance icon Innance
Suiteex icon Suiteex
Welcome Ya icon Welcome Ya
Hotel Mover icon Hotel Mover
Local Treatments icon Local Treatments
Cool Guests icon Cool Guests
Hotel Papers icon Hotel Papers
Holiday Agenda icon Holiday Agenda
Hotel Trailer icon Hotel Trailer
Foto Conference icon Foto Conference
Innista icon Innista
Conference Avenue icon Conference Avenue
User Suites icon User Suites
Meetingserve icon Meetingserve
Terminal Suite icon Terminal Suite
Visitser icon Visitser
Accu Hotels icon Accu Hotels
Concierge Planet icon Concierge Planet
Banquetia icon Banquetia
Conferenceify icon Conferenceify
Human Meeting icon Human Meeting
Reservation Suite icon Reservation Suite
Visitsara icon Visitsara
People Retreat icon People Retreat