gym image

Opening a gym is investing in something that will make the world a healthier place. It's a chance to make everyone you interact with in your business and community stronger, both mentally and physically. It's investing in yourself, in your future, and in the future of your customers.

If that sounds like something you're excited about, then great. I'm here to help. I have a list of gym names that I created with the help of several industry professionals, and I'm confident that with it you can find a name you will love. All the names on the list have corresponding .com domains that are still available, so you can pick your favorite and get the domain registered right away.

What will I be discussing in this article?

First you'll get a list of over 50 top choices for gym names. Following this list, I'll examine the qualities that make for a great gym name, to give you a deeper understanding of why each name on the list works so well. And I'll provide you with hundreds more name ideas to get your brainstorming moving into high gear.

Let's get started.

Top Gym Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Fitness Lifts icon
    Fitness Lifts Register A strong name that conveys the idea of lifting yourself up and getting stronger. It implies a sense of achievement and progress, perfect for a gym.
  • Gourmet Gym icon
    Gourmet Gym Register A clever play on words that implies a luxurious, high-end experience. The name implies that your gym is more than just a place to work out – it's a place to indulge in physical fitness in a luxurious and comfortable setting.
  • Cool Muscles icon
    Cool Muscles Register A fun name that conveys strength and power, perfect for a gym. It also has an edge of coolness and modernity, suggesting a gym that is always up-to-date with the latest trends.
  • Sweat Masters icon
    Sweat Masters Register A strong name that is perfect for a gym. It conveys a sense of mastery, suggesting that with the help of your gym, customers can become masters of their own physical fitness.
  • Workout Workouts icon
    Workout Workouts Register A name that emphasizes the commitment that goes into working out. It suggests that the gym is a place to get serious about health and fitness, and that the workouts are intense and effective.
  • Winter Gym icon
    Winter Gym Register This name is perfect for any gym located in a cold, wintery region. It implies a place that is warm, inviting, and comfortable - making it the perfect place to exercise in the winter.
  • Lift Workouts icon
    Lift Workouts Register A dynamic name that suggests the focus of the gym will be on helping people reach their fitness goals. It also has a sense of upward motion, which is perfect for a gym.
  • Physique N icon
    Physique N Register A strong, no-nonsense name that gives the impression of a serious gym with a focus on results. The 'N' implies that there is something special about this gym, making it stand out from the crowd.
  • Lodge Fitness icon
    Lodge Fitness Register A name that suggests a sense of community and belonging. It brings to mind the idea of a gym as a place to gather and work out together, in a supportive and friendly atmosphere.
  • Exercise Week icon
    Exercise Week Register A straightforward name that conveys the idea of fitness and commitment. It suggests that your gym will help people make a lifestyle change, not just a quick fix.
  • Knock It Up icon
    Knock It Up Register A fun, upbeat name that conveys the idea of 'knocking it out of the park' when it comes to fitness. It suggests that your gym will help people take their fitness to the next level.
  • Cardioio icon
    Cardioio Register A fun and upbeat name that conveys the idea of getting your heart rate up. It has a modern, technology-focused feel, and the sound of the name makes it easy to remember.
  • Build It Fit icon
    Build It Fit Register A strong, confident name that conveys the idea that your gym will help people build and shape their bodies to fit their goals. It's a great way to let customers know that you're here to help them get results.
  • Muscle Events icon
    Muscle Events Register A strong, straightforward name that captures the idea of a gym as a place for intense physical activity. The word 'events' suggests that the gym will host competitions, classes, and other activities.
  • Muscle Leaders icon
    Muscle Leaders Register An empowering name that suggests that your gym will help people become leaders in physical fitness. The word 'muscle' implies strength, while 'leaders' implies being at the top of your game.
  • Beat It Down icon
    Beat It Down Register A strong and memorable name that captures the idea of pushing yourself to the limit and beating your own goals. It's a name that motivates people to work hard and achieve their goals.
  • Prism Gym icon
    Prism Gym Register A strong, memorable name that implies the idea of looking at fitness and health from different angles. The use of the word 'Prism' gives the impression of light and clarity, which is perfect for a place devoted to helping people reach their health goals.
  • Fitting Fit icon
    Fitting Fit Register A clever play on words that suggests a gym that will help people find the perfect fit for their fitness needs. The name implies that customers will get a customized experience tailored to their individual needs.
  • Cardio Garden icon
    Cardio Garden Register A creative name that suggests growth and health. It conveys the idea of a gym that is a nurturing, welcoming environment where people can come to grow and improve their fitness.
  • Under The Power icon
    Under The Power Register A strong, empowering name that captures the feeling of becoming physically and mentally strong. It suggests you will have the power to reach your goals at this gym.
  • Ethnic Fitness icon
    Ethnic Fitness Register A strong, memorable name that conveys the idea of fitness with a global, multicultural perspective. It implies that your gym is dedicated to helping people of all backgrounds achieve their fitness goals.
  • Fatigue Works icon
    Fatigue Works Register This name suggests that your gym will provide the necessary tools and support to help people work through their fatigue and build strength. The name conveys the idea of pushing through obstacles and coming out stronger.
  • Exercise Ville icon
    Exercise Ville Register A name that brings to mind a community of people working out and getting fit together. It suggests that the gym will be a place where people come to strengthen their bodies, minds, and spirits.
  • Downs Core icon
    Downs Core Register A powerful name that conveys the idea of 'core strength'. It suggests that your gym is the place to go to build strength - both physically and mentally.
  • Build At Work icon
    Build At Work Register A strong name that conveys the idea of building strength, both physically and mentally. It gives the impression of a supportive environment that focuses on helping people reach their goals.
  • Grad Fitness icon
    Grad Fitness Register A straightforward name that makes it clear what your business is all about. It suggests that you are a gym that focuses on helping people reach their fitness goals and graduate to a higher level of physical fitness.
  • Come It Up icon
    Come It Up Register A catchy, upbeat name that conveys the idea of pushing yourself and getting results. It has a modern, energetic feel that will appeal to gym-goers.
  • Power On Fire icon
    Power On Fire Register This name really captures the intense, energetic vibe of working out. It gives off the idea that your gym is a place of motivation, passion, and fire - perfect for getting people pumped up to reach their fitness goals.
  • Dyna Workout icon
    Dyna Workout Register A strong, dynamic name that suggests hard work and pushing your limits. The word 'dyna' implies motion and progress, which is perfect for a gym that wants to help their members reach their goals.
  • No Strength icon
    No Strength Register A strong name that conveys the idea that strength comes from within. It implies that your gym isn't just about physical strength, but also about mental and emotional strength.
  • You Give Up icon
    You Give Up Register A clever name that conveys the idea of pushing yourself to the limit at the gym. It implies that you won't give up until you reach your goals – a powerful message for potential customers.
  • Pointe Sport icon
    Pointe Sport Register A strong name that suggests physical activity, athleticism, and strength. The word Pointe is associated with the graceful moves of ballet, so it also suggests a sense of grace and elegance in the gym.
  • Protein Busters icon
    Protein Busters Register A catchy name that speaks to the goal of any gym goer - to build muscles and break through fitness goals. It's a great way to show that your gym is dedicated to helping people reach their fitness goals.
  • Action Yourself icon
    Action Yourself Register A motivating name that encourages people to take action and take ownership of their physical and mental health. It implies that the gym will be a place where people can take control of their journey towards health and fitness.

The first theme I noticed in the list is the idea of fitness. Many of the names have words that directly relate to fitness like Fitness Lifts iconFitness Lifts, "Exercise House," Gourmet Gym iconGourmet Gym, and Workout Workouts iconWorkout Workouts. These names all illustrate the idea of a gym being a place people can go to get fit, either through lifting weights, doing exercises, or anything else they want.

The second theme is related to being unstoppable. Examples of names which reflect this theme are "Unstoppable Body," Sweat Masters iconSweat Masters, and "On The Power." These names make it clear that joining this gym will help you reach any goal you set for yourself and that you'll be unstoppable in your pursuit of health and fitness.

The third theme I noticed is about balance. Many of the names have words like "Balanced Gym," "On The Balance," and "Balanced Balance." It's important to lead a balanced life in order to stay healthy and these names reflect that.

The fourth theme is inspired by world cultures, such as Greek and Latin. Examples include "Greek Gym," "Costa Rica Fitness," and "Primera Fitness." This allows people from different walks of life to relate to the gym and feel comfortable there, regardless of where they come from.

The fifth theme is related to fun and having a good time. Words like Cool Muscles iconCool Muscles and "Figure It Up" make people feel excited about joining the gym, while other words like "Voyager Fitness" and Build At Work iconBuild At Work remind them that fitness can be enjoyable too.

Finally, some of the names incorporate themes like power and strength. Names such as "High Rise Fitness," "Powerhouse Power," and Fatigue Works iconFatigue Works emphasize how important it is to stay strong and push yourself beyond your limits in order to reach your goals.

Overall, I think I've put together a great list of gym name ideas for someone searching for them! These names are all motivating, inspiring, fun, and creative. They'll give potential members a sense of what to expect from your gym: an amazing workout experience that will help them get into shape!

All 2000 Gym Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Fitness Lifts icon Fitness Lifts
Gourmet Gym icon Gourmet Gym
Cool Muscles icon Cool Muscles
Sweat Masters icon Sweat Masters
Workout Workouts icon Workout Workouts
Winter Gym icon Winter Gym
Lift Workouts icon Lift Workouts
Physique N icon Physique N
Lodge Fitness icon Lodge Fitness
Exercise Week icon Exercise Week
Knock It Up icon Knock It Up
Cardioio icon Cardioio
Build It Fit icon Build It Fit
Muscle Events icon Muscle Events
Muscle Leaders icon Muscle Leaders
Beat It Down icon Beat It Down
Prism Gym icon Prism Gym
Fitting Fit icon Fitting Fit
Cardio Garden icon Cardio Garden
Under The Power icon Under The Power
Ethnic Fitness icon Ethnic Fitness
Fatigue Works icon Fatigue Works
Exercise Ville icon Exercise Ville
Downs Core icon Downs Core
Build At Work icon Build At Work
Grad Fitness icon Grad Fitness
Come It Up icon Come It Up
Power On Fire icon Power On Fire
Dyna Workout icon Dyna Workout
No Strength icon No Strength
You Give Up icon You Give Up
Pointe Sport icon Pointe Sport
Protein Busters icon Protein Busters
Action Yourself icon Action Yourself
Flying Lifts icon Flying Lifts
Under The Strain icon Under The Strain
Power Bodys icon Power Bodys
Bodys Haven icon Bodys Haven
Racing Gym icon Racing Gym
Pro Muscular icon Pro Muscular
Better Arms icon Better Arms
The Proportions icon The Proportions
American Workouts icon American Workouts
Gym Trains icon Gym Trains
Body Degrees icon Body Degrees
Weights Plus icon Weights Plus
Brighter Fitness icon Brighter Fitness
Cardio Avenue icon Cardio Avenue
Optic Fitness icon Optic Fitness
Gourmet Workout icon Gourmet Workout
Belly Lift icon Belly Lift
Big Than You icon Big Than You