fitness tracker image

Creating a fitness tracking product could revolutionize how people track their goals and how they stay healthy. Plus, it's a great business opportunity. You could create a brand that stands for motivating people to achieve their fitness goals. You can partner with gyms and fitness centers, and share your product with millions of people. Plus, you can create marketing campaigns to support your brand.

You have a great chance to create something special – something that could positively impact people's lives.

I'm here to help you make that a reality. In this article, I'll give you over 50 top choices for the best names for your fitness tracker. I'll also give you an analysis of why each of those names could work. If you see a name you like, you can register it with any domain registrar.

And beyond the list of favorites, I'm also giving you hundreds more name ideas to help with your brainstorming. I'm confident you'll find a name and domain you can be proud of.

Top Fitness Tracker Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Fitness Setup icon
    Fitness Setup Register A straightforward name that clearly conveys the purpose of the product. It suggests that the tracker will help users set up their fitness goals and track their progress.
  • Body Caster icon
    Body Caster Register A powerful name that implies a comprehensive approach to fitness tracking – it suggests that your tracker will help people cast their bodies into the shape they want. It's a great choice for a fitness-focused company.
  • Running Chart icon
    Running Chart Register A great choice for a fitness tracker that will help people chart their running progress. It suggests that you have the tools to help people reach their fitness goals.
  • Running Able icon
    Running Able Register A clever name that implies the ability to run with ease and confidence. It suggests that your fitness tracker will help people to take control of their physical and mental health.
  • Cardio Folio icon
    Cardio Folio Register A modern and catchy name that implies an organized and comprehensive approach to fitness. It suggests that your fitness tracker will help people keep track of their progress and make the most of their workouts.
  • Calorie Mode icon
    Calorie Mode Register A great name that evokes the idea of tracking your fitness and staying on top of your calorie intake. It implies a sense of control and balance, which is perfect for a fitness tracker.
  • Cardio Gator icon
    Cardio Gator Register A fun and energetic name that captures the spirit of staying healthy and fit. The word Gator brings to mind strength and speed - perfect for a fitness tracker.
  • Cardio Velocity icon
    Cardio Velocity Register An energetic name that perfectly captures the idea of monitoring your fitness progress. The word 'velocity' conveys the idea of speed and progress, while 'cardio' suggests a focus on cardiovascular health.
  • Vitalfinity icon
    Vitalfinity Register A powerful name that conveys the idea of vitality and infinity - the perfect concept for a fitness tracker. It implies that by using the tracker, you can reach a level of fitness that is infinite.
  • Activityful icon
    Activityful Register A modern, upbeat name that implies that fitness tracking is a fun experience. It conveys the idea that tracking your activity is something you can look forward to and enjoy.
  • Slender Rabbit icon
    Slender Rabbit Register A fun, quirky name that suggests the idea of being fit and healthy. The word 'slender' conveys the idea of slimming down and getting in shape, while the word 'rabbit' implies agility and speed - perfect for a fitness tracker.
  • Perfect Activity icon
    Perfect Activity Register An inspiring name that conveys the idea of striving for perfection in fitness and health. It suggests that your fitness tracker will help you find the perfect activity to reach your goals.
  • Daily Exerciser icon
    Daily Exerciser Register A clever name that captures the idea of tracking and improving your fitness on a daily basis. It suggests that your tracker will help people stay on track with their fitness goals.
  • Early Activity icon
    Early Activity Register An energetic name that suggests a head start in health and fitness. It conveys the idea of tracking progress and staying active, setting the tone for a fitness-focused lifestyle.
  • Bodyzy icon
    Bodyzy Register A fun and catchy name that evokes the idea of being body-smart and in control of your fitness. It's memorable and has a positive connotation, making it the perfect choice for a fitness tracker.
  • Sweat Meter icon
    Sweat Meter Register A clever name that suggests that your fitness tracker will accurately measure the intensity of workouts and help people reach their fitness goals. It's also a great play on words, as it implies that people will be sweating when they use it.
  • Activity Machine icon
    Activity Machine Register This name perfectly encapsulates the idea of tracking activity and staying motivated. It suggests a powerful tool that will help people stay on track with their fitness goals.
  • Exertor icon
    Exertor Register An empowering name that implies strength and determination. It suggests that your fitness tracker will help people to reach their goals with a combination of hard work and technology.
  • Exertable icon
    Exertable Register A great name that conveys the idea of tracking your physical activity. By combining the words 'exert' and 'table', it implies you can monitor your progress in an organized and efficient way.
  • Acttivos icon
    Acttivos Register A bold, modern name that conveys the idea of activity and being active. It suggests that your tracker will help people stay active and reach their fitness goals.
  • Activedit icon
    Activedit Register This name conveys a sense of action and movement - perfect for a fitness tracking app. The word 'active' implies that the app will help people stay active and 'edit' suggests that it will help them make changes to their lifestyle.
  • Cardio Gourmet icon
    Cardio Gourmet Register A clever play on words that implies that tracking your fitness can be a more enjoyable, indulgent experience than it might seem. The name implies that you can get the most out of your workouts without sacrificing flavor.
  • Activanti icon
    Activanti Register This name implies activity and movement, and the suffix 'anti' gives a sense of technological advancement, perfect for a fitness tracker. It's a modern, memorable name that stands out.
  • Fitness Position icon
    Fitness Position Register A straightforward name that clearly suggests the purpose of the product - to track your fitness progress. The name is also versatile, allowing for a wide variety of marketing campaigns. The two words are easy to remember and spell, and the alliteration makes it catchy. The name is not too specific, making it suitable for a wide range of fitness tracking devices.
  • Vitalato icon
    Vitalato Register A clever combination of the words 'vital' and 'lato', which in Latin means 'the way'. This suggests that this fitness tracker will help you find the best way to reach your goals.
  • Paceist icon
    Paceist Register A clever play on the word 'pace' that suggests this fitness tracker will enable you to set and track your own pace. It also conveys the idea of progress and improvement, which is ideal for a fitness tracker.
  • Run Wisely icon
    Run Wisely Register A name that conveys the idea of using technology wisely to help people stay fit. It suggests that using the tracker will help people make smart decisions about their health and fitness.
  • Bodumo icon
    Bodumo Register A catchy name that suggests tracking your body's movements and progress. The "Bodu" part of the name might link to "body," which is perfect for a fitness tracker. The "mo" part of the name could link to "momentum" or "motion," conveying a sense of energy and progress. The combination of these two parts makes it an easy-to-pronounce and memorable name that will appeal to fitness enthusiasts.
  • Slender Bunny icon
    Slender Bunny Register A catchy name that immediately suggests a fun and playful approach to fitness tracking. The word "slender" implies weight loss and getting in shape, while "bunny" suggests a cute and friendly vibe. The name is easy to remember and has a unique sound to help it stand out in a crowded market. The combination of the two words makes it easy to create a distinctive logo and brand identity.
  • Metro Workout icon
    Metro Workout Register A great name that implies the fast-paced nature of working out and staying in shape. It also conveys the idea of staying on top of the latest fitness trends and technology. Plus, it's a catchy name that will stand out from the competition.
  • Relay Meter icon
    Relay Meter Register A modern name that speaks to the concept of tracking progress and staying on top of your goals. It conveys the idea that your fitness tracker will help you measure and improve your performance.
  • Last Stride icon
    Last Stride Register This name speaks to the idea of striving for the last bit of strength and endurance in order to reach your goals. It also conveys the idea of using a fitness tracker to monitor and track your progress.
  • Higher Pace icon
    Higher Pace Register A dynamic name that suggests speed, progress, and improvement, Higher Pace is the perfect name for a fitness tracker that helps people reach their fitness goals. The word "Higher" implies that the app will help users achieve new heights in their fitness journey, while "Pace" suggests tracking progress and keeping things moving forward. The rhythm of the name also makes it easy to remember and gives it a catchy, upbeat feel.
  • Fitness Sensors icon
    Fitness Sensors Register A straightforward and descriptive name that does precisely what it says on the tin. "Fitness Sensors" tells customers exactly what the product does: it tracks fitness. The name is easy to remember and understand, making it perfect for a broader audience. The word 'sensor' adds a touch of high-tech sophistication, suggesting the product is cutting-edge and innovative.
  • Daily Shaper icon
    Daily Shaper Register A practical name that effectively conveys the purpose of a fitness tracker. The word 'Shaper' indicates that it will help users shape their bodies and fitness habits. The word 'Daily' suggests that it's something users can use every day to track their progress. The name is simple, memorable, and easy to understand, which will make it appealing to users who want a no-nonsense fitness tracker.
  • Daily Fitter icon
    Daily Fitter Register A straightforward name that immediately conveys the purpose of the product. The word 'daily' implies regularity and consistency, while 'fitter' suggests improvement and progress. The name could appeal to anyone looking for an easy and convenient way to track their fitness goals. The simple structure of the name makes it easy to remember, and the name's clarity ensures it'll be easy to find in the app store.
  • Fitness Sat icon
    Fitness Sat Register A straightforward name that tells you exactly what it does - helps track your fitness. The word 'Sat' suggests that it'll help you stay on track and motivated. The name's simplicity makes it easy to remember and perfect for a fitness tracker app.
  • Slim Groove icon
    Slim Groove Register A clever play on words that suggests slimming down and also having a good time. It implies that your fitness tracker will help people slim down while also having a fun and enjoyable experience.
  • Body Assure icon
    Body Assure Register A reliable name that instills confidence and trust in your fitness tracker. "Body Assure" suggests that this tracker will help you keep an eye on your body's wellness and alert you if anything is amiss. The name is clear and easy to remember, which makes it perfect for a tech-savvy audience. The word 'assure' also implies a sense of security and protection, which is an excellent benefit for anyone looking to improve their health.
  • Actecto icon
    Actecto Register A sleek and modern name that suggests advanced technology and precision. The word "Act" implies the action of tracking, while "ecto" adds a unique and memorable element to the name. The name's brevity and distinctive sound make it easy to remember, which will appeal to anyone searching for a reliable and high-tech fitness tracker.
  • Stimao icon
    Stimao Register A sleek and modern name that suggests speed and performance. The word 'stim' implies stimulation and energy, while 'ao' gives it a unique and memorable sound. The name's brevity makes it easy to remember, perfect for a fitness tracker. The name conveys a sense of purpose, encouraging users to focus on their health goals.
  • Dyna Workout icon
    Dyna Workout Register A dynamic name that perfectly captures the energetic spirit of a fitness tracker. The word "dyna" suggests power and strength, which is precisely what people want to feel when they're working out. The name is also short and easy to remember, making it an excellent fit for a tech-savvy audience. The word "workout" in the name further reinforces the tracker's purpose, making it clear what the product is for.
  • Acturax icon
    Acturax Register A strong and memorable name that implies the accuracy and precision of the product. It suggests that the tracker will provide detailed and reliable data to help you stay on track with your fitness goals.
  • Body Widget icon
    Body Widget Register A modern name that speaks to the tech-savvy nature of fitness trackers. It's a playful take on the idea of a tracking device, suggesting that your product is both functional and fun.
  • Exertal icon
    Exertal Register A modern take on the word 'exert' (meaning to put effort into something), suggesting that this tracker will help people stay on track with their fitness goals. It's a great name for a product that will help people to stay motivated.

When naming a fitness tracker that tracks multiple aspects of fitness, you want a name that speaks to its all-in-one power while also being memorable and catchy. Here are a few themes to consider when choosing a name for your fitness tracker.

One approach is to choose a name that emphasizes the device's ability to track and monitor your fitness and health, such as Vitalfinity iconVitalfinity, Cardio Folio iconCardio Folio, Body Caster iconBody Caster, and Heart Gauge. These names suggest that the device is essential for monitoring and maintaining your overall health and fitness.

Another approach is to focus on the device's ability to help users achieve their fitness goals. Names like Fitness Setup iconFitness Setup, Need To Fit, Daily Fitter iconDaily Fitter, and Higher Pace iconHigher Pace suggest that the device is designed to help users reach their fitness goals, whether that's weight loss, increased endurance, or improved overall health.

You might also choose a name that emphasizes the device's ability to track specific aspects of fitness, like Caloriecal or Running Chart iconRunning Chart. These names suggest that the device is designed to track specific metrics, such as calories burned or distance run, to help users achieve their fitness goals.

Some names focus on the device's ability to motivate and inspire users to stay active, such as Pulse Runner, Metro Workout iconMetro Workout, and Last Stride iconLast Stride. These names suggest that the device is designed to help users stay motivated and on track with their fitness goals.

You could also choose a name that suggests the device's ease of use and accessibility, like Fitness Sat iconFitness Sat or Actiqo. These names suggest that the device is easy to use and can be worn or carried anywhere, making it a convenient tool for tracking and monitoring fitness.

Finally, you might consider a name that is memorable and unique, like Stimao iconStimao or Dyna Workout iconDyna Workout. These names don't necessarily convey a specific message or value but are attention-grabbing and can help your device stand out in a crowded market.

When choosing a name for your fitness tracker, it's essential to consider the themes and values that matter most to your product and brand. Use Domatron's search below to explore names that align with your device's unique features and benefits.

All 2000 Fitness Tracker Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Fitness Setup icon Fitness Setup
Body Caster icon Body Caster
Running Chart icon Running Chart
Running Able icon Running Able
Cardio Folio icon Cardio Folio
Calorie Mode icon Calorie Mode
Cardio Gator icon Cardio Gator
Cardio Velocity icon Cardio Velocity
Vitalfinity icon Vitalfinity
Activityful icon Activityful
Slender Rabbit icon Slender Rabbit
Perfect Activity icon Perfect Activity
Daily Exerciser icon Daily Exerciser
Early Activity icon Early Activity
Bodyzy icon Bodyzy
Sweat Meter icon Sweat Meter
Activity Machine icon Activity Machine
Exertor icon Exertor
Exertable icon Exertable
Acttivos icon Acttivos
Activedit icon Activedit
Cardio Gourmet icon Cardio Gourmet
Activanti icon Activanti
Fitness Position icon Fitness Position
Vitalato icon Vitalato
Paceist icon Paceist
Run Wisely icon Run Wisely
Bodumo icon Bodumo
Slender Bunny icon Slender Bunny
Metro Workout icon Metro Workout
Relay Meter icon Relay Meter
Last Stride icon Last Stride
Higher Pace icon Higher Pace
Fitness Sensors icon Fitness Sensors
Daily Shaper icon Daily Shaper
Daily Fitter icon Daily Fitter
Fitness Sat icon Fitness Sat
Slim Groove icon Slim Groove
Body Assure icon Body Assure
Actecto icon Actecto
Stimao icon Stimao
Dyna Workout icon Dyna Workout
Acturax icon Acturax
Bodylytic icon Bodylytic
Activity Sense icon Activity Sense
Body Widget icon Body Widget
Spryium icon Spryium
Active Driven icon Active Driven
Vivaium icon Vivaium
Steady Circuit icon Steady Circuit
Pace Scape icon Pace Scape
Cardioic icon Cardioic