designer clothing image

Creating a designer clothing brand requires a name that conveys style, sophistication, and uniqueness. With so many designer clothing brands already on the market, your name must stand out and capture the essence of your brand. Let's explore the many options available to find a name that resonates with your target audience and conveys the quality and style of your products. With the perfect name, you can create a brand that stands out and attracts customers who appreciate high-end fashion.

At Domatron, we understand that finding a name with an available .com domain can be a challenge. That's why we've carefully curated over 50 of the best names for your designer clothing brand, each with an analysis of why it's a great choice. From elegant and classic to modern and edgy, we've got a variety of options to suit your unique style.

If you're looking for even more options, we provide an extensive database of thousands of designer clothing names you can search using our advanced, AI-powered keyword and concept search. With our domain availability filter, you can be confident that all the names you see are available for registration.

It's time to make your mark in the fashion world with a memorable name. Let's get designing!

Top Designer Clothing Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Wear Ahead icon
    Wear Ahead Register A catchy name that suggests a fashion-forward brand that's always ahead of the curve. The word 'wear' is a play on words that evokes the idea of clothing, while 'ahead' suggests an innovative brand that's constantly pushing boundaries. The name has a confident and stylish feel that will appeal to anyone looking for designer clothing that's ahead of the trends.
  • Expert Couture icon
    Expert Couture Register A sophisticated name that suggests a fashion brand that's both elegant and expertly designed. The word 'couture' indicates the high quality and exclusivity of the clothing. The combination of 'expert' and 'couture' makes it clear that the brand is all about precision and skill in crafting beautiful garments. It's an ideal name for a designer clothing brand that wants to attract customers with refined tastes.
  • Sexy Jacket icon
    Sexy Jacket Register A provocative name that suggests a designer clothing line that's both daring and stylish. The word "jacket" gives the impression of a high-quality product that's perfect for any occasion. The name will appeal to those who want to stand out in a crowd, and those who appreciate bold fashion statements.
  • Suiteda icon
    Suiteda Register A sophisticated name that suggests designer clothing for a discerning audience. The word 'suited' indicates that the clothing is well-suited for the wearer, while 'da' at the end gives it a modern and edgy twist. The name is short and memorable, making it perfect for a clothing brand.
  • Trend Smiths icon
    Trend Smiths Register A trendy name that captures the essence of a designer clothing brand. "Smiths" suggests a team of skilled artisans working together to create something unique. The name has a modern, stylish sound that will appeal to fashion-forward consumers. The word 'trend' implies that the brand is always ahead of the fashion curve.
  • Elveux icon
    Elveux Register A sophisticated and elegant name that's perfect for designer clothing. The name suggests luxury and exclusivity, while also being easy to pronounce and remember. The word 'Elveux' could be interpreted as a combination of 'Elves' and 'Luxury', making it ideal for a brand that offers unique and high-quality clothing. Its uniqueness and easy spelling will make it stand out in the fashion industry.
  • Chic Guys icon
    Chic Guys Register A stylish and trendy name that suggests a designer clothing brand for men who want to look their best. The word 'chic' is a synonym for fashionable and sophisticated, which reflects the quality of the products. The name is easy to remember and has a strong, masculine sound that will appeal to the target audience. Overall, this name will help the brand stand out in a competitive market and attract fashion-conscious customers.
  • Couture Alliance icon
    Couture Alliance Register An elegant name that suggests high-end fashion. The word 'couture' conveys the idea of custom-made clothing, while 'alliance' implies a partnership or collaboration. Together, they suggest a brand that values craftsmanship and collaboration with their customers. The name is easy to remember and has a sophisticated and upscale feel that will appeal to anyone who loves luxury fashion.
  • Coutureum icon
    Coutureum Register A sophisticated name that exudes elegance and luxury. The word "couture" suggests high-end fashion, while the suffix "-um" adds a unique and distinctive touch. The structure of the name is memorable and easy to pronounce, making it perfect for a designer clothing brand. The name's uniqueness will help set the brand apart from competitors, making it stand out in a crowded market.
  • Frillic icon
    Frillic Register A unique name that sounds playful and energetic, perfect for a designer clothing brand. The word 'Frillic' is catchy, easy to say, and memorable, making it perfect for a brand that wants to stand out. The name suggests a brand that's all about fun and creativity, with a focus on unique and original designs. The -lic ending gives the name a cool and modern feel, which is sure to resonate with younger audiences.
  • Stipify icon
    Stipify Register A unique name that suggests a brand that's bold, innovative, and unafraid to take risks. The word 'stipify' is likely a play on the word 'stipulate,' which means to specify or require something as part of an agreement. This implies a brand that's particular about the quality and design of their clothing. The name's distinctiveness and memorable sound make it an excellent choice for a fashion brand that wants to stand out from the crowd.
  • Faobi icon
    Faobi Register A distinctive name that's perfect for a designer clothing brand. The name has a refined and sophisticated sound that will appeal to the fashion-conscious. The word 'Faobi' is easy to pronounce and spell, making it easy for customers to find online. Its unique sound and structure make it memorable, which is an excellent quality for a brand name.
  • Boston Couture icon
    Boston Couture Register A sophisticated name that evokes images of high-end fashion and luxury. The name suggests a company that specializes in designer clothing that's both elegant and stylish. The word 'Boston' adds a geographic element, making the brand feel exclusive and regional. The dual 'o' sounds in 'Boston' and 'Couture' make it memorable and easy to pronounce. Overall, the name is perfect for a brand that wants to communicate upscale fashion and style.
  • Nextista icon
    Nextista Register A unique and memorable name that suggests modern and innovative designer clothing. The word 'next' implies a sense of forward-thinking, while 'ista' suggests a fashion-conscious and trendy audience. The name's brevity makes it easy to remember and perfect for a clothing brand.
  • Styletel icon
    Styletel Register A sleek name that suggests style and elegance, perfect for a designer clothing brand. The word 'style' is front and center, making it clear what the brand is all about. The second part of the name 'tel' could be interpreted as 'tell' which suggests a sense of storytelling through fashion. The name is easy to remember and has a modern and trendy feel that will appeal to fashion-conscious consumers.
  • Beaurio icon
    Beaurio Register A sophisticated name that suggests a high-end fashion brand. The word 'Beaurio' sounds like "beauty" and implies a focus on aesthetics and design. The name is easy to pronounce and has a modern, elegant sound that will appeal to fashion-forward consumers. Its uniqueness will make it memorable and easily identifiable.
  • Stylish Berry icon
    Stylish Berry Register A chic name that suggests fashionable and trendy clothing with a touch of sweetness. The word 'berry' has a playful and delightful feel that'll appeal to younger audiences. The name is easy to remember, making it perfect for a fashion brand. The combination of 'stylish' and 'berry' implies a brand that's both sophisticated and playful.
  • Trendiests icon
    Trendiests Register A trendy name that perfectly conveys the idea of a fashionable clothing brand. The word 'trendiest' suggests that the brand is always up-to-date with the latest fashion trends. The name is easy to remember and has a modern and youthful feel. The "-iests" ending makes the name unique and distinctive, setting it apart from other clothing brands.
  • Outfit Guy icon
    Outfit Guy Register A straightforward name that tells customers exactly what they can expect - an expert in outfits. The name is easy to remember and has a professional sound, making it perfect for a designer clothing brand. The name also has a friendly and approachable feel, which will appeal to customers looking for a personal touch. The simplicity of the name makes it easy to brand and market on social media.
  • Chicots icon
    Chicots Register A sophisticated name that suggests a high-end fashion brand. The name sounds French which adds a touch of elegance and style. The "chico" part of the name creates a playful aspect that will appeal to younger audiences. The name is short and easy to remember, making it perfect for a clothing brand. Overall, the name conveys a sense of fashion-forwardness that will attract trendsetters and fashion enthusiasts alike.
  • Fringele icon
    Fringele Register An edgy and memorable name that suggests a brand that's on the cutting edge of fashion. 'Fringele' combines the words 'fringe' and 'angle', which implies unique perspectives on fashion. The word 'fringe' also suggests something that's on the edge, which is perfect for a designer clothing brand. The name is short and easy to remember, which will appeal to fashion-forward customers.
  • Genuine Couture icon
    Genuine Couture Register A sophisticated name that suggests high-quality, unique, and authentic designer clothing. The word 'genuine' implies that the clothing is authentic and not fake, while 'couture' suggests high fashion and exclusivity. The contrast between the two words creates a memorable and distinctive name that will appeal to fashion-savvy customers.
  • Total Fabulous icon
    Total Fabulous Register An alluring name that perfectly captures the essence of designer clothing. The word 'total' suggests a complete and comprehensive range of clothing, while 'fabulous' conveys the quality and elegance of the products. The name is easy to remember and has a positive ring to it, making it perfect for a brand that wants to stand out in the fashion industry. Additionally, the name has a playful and confident sound that will appeal to anyone who wants to look and feel fabulous.
  • Nyc Beautiful icon
    Nyc Beautiful Register A stylish and memorable name that immediately evokes the glamour and sophistication of New York City. The name is straightforward and easy to remember; the word "Beautiful" is perfectly suited for a designer clothing line. The name also has the advantage of being geographically specific, which could help establish a sense of authenticity and credibility.
  • Unlitz icon
    Unlitz Register A distinctive name that suggests an exclusive and sophisticated fashion brand. "Unlitz" is a word that doesn't immediately provide meaning, which allows for more creativity in defining the brand. The "un" prefix could suggest a break from conventional fashion styles, while the "litz" ending gives the impression of luxury and glamour. The name is short and easy to remember, making it perfect for a fashion brand. Additionally, its uniqueness will help the brand stand out in a crowded market.
  • Couture Town icon
    Couture Town Register A sophisticated name that suggests a high-end fashion experience for those seeking designer clothing. The word "Couture" implies exclusivity and luxury, while "Town" implies a central location and community. The name is easy to remember and has a stylish ring to it, making it perfect for a fashion brand. The name also has a positive connotation, adding value to the brand's overall image.
  • Fashion Visible icon
    Fashion Visible Register A descriptive name that communicates the essence of designer clothing. "Fashion" is a familiar word that suggests style and trendiness, while "Visible" implies that these clothes will make a statement. The name is easy to remember and has a modern feel that will appeal to younger audiences. The structure of the name also makes it easy to use in marketing materials and social media hashtags. Overall, the name is a perfect fit for a clothing brand that wants to be seen and admired.
  • Fashion Viper icon
    Fashion Viper Register A name that suggests the idea of a fashion brand that's fierce, bold, and confident. 'Viper' is a powerful snake that's known for its striking appearance, and the name 'Fashion Viper' implies a brand that's equally striking. The name is easy to remember and has a modern sound that will appeal to younger audiences. The word 'fashion' also makes it very clear what type of products the brand offers.
  • Wear Our World icon
    Wear Our World Register A name that's both catchy and meaningful for a designer clothing brand. 'Wear Our World' suggests that the clothes represent a global perspective, with styles and designs from around the world. The name breakdown is easy to understand and remember, making it a great choice for a clothing brand. Plus, it has a socially conscious feel that will appeal to consumers who care about sustainability and ethical fashion.
  • Glitzum icon
    Glitzum Register A name that suggests glamour and luxury, perfect for a designer clothing brand. The word 'glitz' implies sophistication and style, while 'um' adds a unique and memorable twist. The name is short and easy to remember, making it ideal for branding. It's a name that will appeal to fashion-forward consumers who want to stand out from the crowd.
  • Chicolee icon
    Chicolee Register A trendy and stylish name that evokes a sense of luxury and exclusivity. "Chic" suggests high-end fashion and sophistication, while "olee" provides a unique and memorable twist. The name is short and easy to remember, making it perfect for a designer clothing brand. The combination of sounds and the unusual spelling make it stand out from other names in the industry.
  • Modern Fabulous icon
    Modern Fabulous Register A chic and stylish name that'll appeal to anyone looking for modern, fabulous designer clothing. The name suggests an up-to-date and trendy fashion brand with a focus on elegance and sophistication. The word 'modern' implies a contemporary feel, while 'fabulous' suggests a high level of quality. The name's simplicity and directness make it easy to remember, and it'll stand out in a crowded market.
  • Turnkey Fashion icon
    Turnkey Fashion Register An evocative name that suggests a comprehensive and hassle-free experience for customers. The word "turnkey" implies that everything is taken care of for the customer, from design to production to delivery. The word "fashion" is a perfect fit for a designer clothing company, conveying style, trendiness, and quality. The name is memorable and easy to pronounce, making it ideal for a brand.
  • Ewearer icon
    Ewearer Register A sleek name that suggests a company that provides high-end designer clothing. The word 'wearer' implies a focus on the customer experience, putting the emphasis on how the clothing feels and looks on the person. The name is easy to remember and has a modern feel, making it perfect for a fashion brand. Overall, it's a name that conveys sophistication and attention to detail.
  • Strictly Dressed icon
    Strictly Dressed Register A sleek name that suggests a high-end fashion brand with a strict attention to style and detail. The words 'strictly dressed' suggest a company that's serious about fashion and strives for perfection. The name also has a memorable cadence, making it easy to remember. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to anyone looking for elegant designer clothing that's both classic and contemporary.
  • Style Rated icon
    Style Rated Register A sophisticated name that suggests high-quality designer clothing. "Style" conveys the idea of fashion and taste, while "Rated" suggests a level of quality and excellence. The two words work together to create a memorable name that will appeal to anyone who loves fashion. The name breakdown is simple and easy to remember, which will help the brand stick in customers' minds. Additionally, the name has an air of credibility and authority that will inspire confidence in buyers.
  • Clearly Dressed icon
    Clearly Dressed Register A name that suggests the idea of fashion that is both clear and sophisticated. The word 'clearly' implies a sense of transparency and precision, while 'dressed' suggests elegance and style. The name is easy to remember and has a positive connotation, making it perfect for a designer clothing brand. The unique combination of these two words creates an unforgettable name that will appeal to fashion-conscious consumers.
  • Isesta icon
    Isesta Register A unique name that sounds intriguing and exotic. It suggests a brand that will offer designer clothing that's stylish and trendy. The name is short and easy to remember, which is important for a clothing brand. The word 'Isesta' has a pleasant sound, and the 'esta' ending gives the impression of something established and high-quality. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to anyone looking for designer clothing that's both chic and timeless.
  • Fashion Advert icon
    Fashion Advert Register Dressify - A catchy name that perfectly captures the essence of a designer clothing brand. The word 'dress' suggests elegance and style, while the suffix '-ify' implies transformation, making it perfect for a fashion brand that transforms its customers' style. The name is short, easy to remember, and has a modern sound, making it ideal for a brand that wants to appeal to young and trendy audiences.
  • Modeemo icon
    Modeemo Register A sleek name that suggests a high-end and fashionable clothing line. The word 'mode' implies style and sophistication, while 'emo' suggests a sense of individuality and creativity. The combination of the two words makes it unique and memorable. The name is short and easy to remember, perfect for a fashion brand.
  • Trendiers icon
    Trendiers Register A trendy name that suggests a fashion-forward clothing brand. The name is memorable and easy to pronounce, making it perfect for a clothing brand. The word "trendiers" is a combination of the words "trendy" and "designers," which instantly conveys the idea of a fashion brand that's on the cutting edge. The name has a youthful and energetic feel that will appeal to younger audiences.
  • Simply Produced icon
    Simply Produced Register A straightforward name that suggests quality, simplicity, and minimalism. The name conveys the idea of a clothing line that's well-made, without unnecessary frills. "Simply" implies that the clothing line is easy to wear and style, while "produced" suggests that it's made with care and attention to detail. The name will appeal to anyone who values quality and simplicity in their clothing choices.
  • Couture Expo icon
    Couture Expo Register A sophisticated name that evokes luxury and elegance. The word "couture" suggests high-end fashion, while "expo" implies an event where people can experience something new and exciting. The name is easy to remember and has a French flair that will appeal to fashion lovers. The combination of "couture" and "expo" creates a sense of exclusivity, making it a perfect name for a designer clothing brand that wants to stand out in a crowded market.
  • Stylivi icon
    Stylivi Register A chic and stylish name that suggests a brand that offers designer clothing with a touch of luxury. The word 'livi' sounds like "living" and "life", which connote vitality and energy. The unique spelling of 'styl' brings a modern twist to the name. Together, they create a name that's memorable and distinctive. It's a great fit for a brand that caters to fashionable and sophisticated customers who want to elevate their style.
  • Chic Joe icon
    Chic Joe Register A stylish name that suggests high-end designer clothing. It's simple and easy to remember, and has a sophisticated sound that will appeal to fashion-conscious customers. The name's brevity makes it perfect for branding and marketing materials. Additionally, the name 'Joe' gives it a friendly and approachable feel, which can help the brand connect with customers.
  • Chic Freedom icon
    Chic Freedom Register A sophisticated name that suggests an elegant and refined clothing line. 'Chic' and 'freedom' are oxymorons that work well together and create an exciting tension. The name suggests that the clothing line offers comfort and style, while also being unique and imaginative. The word 'chic' implies a high-end fashion line, while 'freedom' suggests comfort and ease of wear. Overall, it's an excellent name that will appeal to those who want to look chic without compromising on comfort or style.

When it comes to naming a designer clothing line, it's essential to choose a name that reflects the brand's style and quality. There are several themes to consider when selecting a name, including elegance, sophistication, and trendiness.

One popular theme is elegance, with names such as Couturas, Expert Couture iconExpert Couture, Couture Alliance iconCouture Alliance, and Genuine Couture iconGenuine Couture. These names suggest that the clothing line focuses on high-end, luxurious pieces that exude sophistication.

For a clothing line that's trendy and fashionable, names such as Trend Smiths iconTrend Smiths, Trendier Life, Trendiests iconTrendiests, Trend Mage, and Trendiers iconTrendiers are an excellent choice. These names suggest that the clothing line is ahead of the curve and always on-trend.

A specific theme that can work is a focus on chic and stylish clothing, with names such as Chic Guys iconChic Guys, Chicots iconChicots, Chicolla, Chic Joe iconChic Joe, and Chic Freedom iconChic Freedom. These names suggest that the clothing line is all about style and elegance.

Another theme is a focus on quality and craftsmanship, with names such as Total Fabulous iconTotal Fabulous, Expert Shirts, and Strictly Dressed iconStrictly Dressed. These names suggest that the clothing line is all about quality and attention to detail.

For a clothing line that caters to a specific market, names such as Sexy Jacket iconSexy Jacket, IM Petite, Loving Chic, and Beaurio iconBeaurio are an excellent choice. These names suggest that the clothing line is tailored to a specific demographic, such as women who prefer petite sizes or men looking for stylish jackets.

A brandable name can also work well, such as Modeemo iconModeemo, Fabyu, and Stylivi iconStylivi, allowing the clothing line to grow in any direction. These names are memorable and unique, yet still convey the brand's style and quality.

When choosing a name for a designer clothing line, consider the brand's values and aesthetic carefully. The right name can set the tone for the entire brand and help attract the right customers. Use Domatron's search below to explore names that create your desired message for your designer clothing brand.

All 2000 Designer Clothing Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Wear Ahead icon Wear Ahead
Expert Couture icon Expert Couture
Sexy Jacket icon Sexy Jacket
Suiteda icon Suiteda
Trend Smiths icon Trend Smiths
Elveux icon Elveux
Chic Guys icon Chic Guys
Couture Alliance icon Couture Alliance
Coutureum icon Coutureum
Frillic icon Frillic
Stipify icon Stipify
Faobi icon Faobi
Boston Couture icon Boston Couture
Nextista icon Nextista
Styletel icon Styletel
Beaurio icon Beaurio
Stylish Berry icon Stylish Berry
Trendiests icon Trendiests
Outfit Guy icon Outfit Guy
Chicots icon Chicots
Fringele icon Fringele
Genuine Couture icon Genuine Couture
Total Fabulous icon Total Fabulous
Nyc Beautiful icon Nyc Beautiful
Unlitz icon Unlitz
Couture Town icon Couture Town
Fashion Visible icon Fashion Visible
Fashion Viper icon Fashion Viper
Wear Our World icon Wear Our World
Glitzum icon Glitzum
Chicolee icon Chicolee
Modern Fabulous icon Modern Fabulous
Turnkey Fashion icon Turnkey Fashion
Ewearer icon Ewearer
Strictly Dressed icon Strictly Dressed
Style Rated icon Style Rated
Clearly Dressed icon Clearly Dressed
Isesta icon Isesta
Fashion Advert icon Fashion Advert
Modeemo icon Modeemo
Trendiers icon Trendiers
Simply Produced icon Simply Produced
Couture Expo icon Couture Expo
Stylivi icon Stylivi
Chic Joe icon Chic Joe
Chic Freedom icon Chic Freedom
Fashion Wiser icon Fashion Wiser
Stylish Effect icon Stylish Effect
Frillgy icon Frillgy
Nextiana icon Nextiana
Pretty Suits icon Pretty Suits
Hauteria icon Hauteria