business app image

Starting an app to help businesses succeed is a venture of passion and dedication. After all, with the right app, you can make a real impact on businesses and the individuals behind them. Your app's name should reflect the power and potential of your product and evoke enthusiasm and energy in the minds of your customers. Let's explore the options available to find the perfect name that adequately reflects the mission of your business app.

If you're stuck on what to name your business app, don't worry - Domatron is here to help. We've used AI to select a list of the best business app names from a list of millions of available .com domain names. Each name is accompanied by a detailed analysis of why it's a great choice.

We also provide access to our comprehensive database of thousands more potential names for your business app, which you can search using any keyword or concept. Our daily-updated domain availability filter ensures all the names you see are available for registration.

So, it's time to revive businesses with a memorable name for your app. Let's get started!

Top Business App Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Appuntia icon
    Appuntia Register A creative name that suggests something modern and tech-savvy. Appuntia is a combination of the words 'app' and 'puntia', which is derived from the Latin word for 'point', conveying the idea of a business app that can help customers get to the point quickly.
  • Monetior icon
    Monetior Register An unusual name that implies modernity and efficiency. The combination of 'money' and 'monitor' suggests that this app will help businesses keep track of their finances, giving them a better overview of where their money is going.
  • Profittastic icon
    Profittastic Register A memorable and modern name that conveys the idea of success and profitability. It's a great choice for a business app that wants to help its users become more profitable.
  • Contact Valve icon
    Contact Valve Register A name that conveys the idea of connection and contact - perfect for a business app. The word 'valve' implies that it is a tool for controlling and managing connections. It also has a techy feeling, which is perfect for a business app.
  • Schemeia icon
    Schemeia Register A clever play on the word 'schemes', this implies that your app will help businesses create schemes or plans to reach their goals. It has a modern, tech-savvy feel that speaks to the power of your app.
  • Capitallytics icon
    Capitallytics Register A clever play on the words 'capital' and 'analytics', suggesting that your app will help businesses make the most of their data and resources. It has a modern, tech-savvy feel to it.
  • Appuntio icon
    Appuntio Register This name is modern and memorable, while still conveying the idea of business. The 'ppu' sound suggests productivity and efficiency, which is perfect for a business app.
  • Scrumex icon
    Scrumex Register A modern name that suggests a fast, efficient, and organized experience. The word 'scrum' implies collaboration and cooperation, while the suffix 'ex' gives it a futuristic edge.
  • Decentura icon
    Decentura Register A modern name that implies a combination of 'decent' and 'adventure'. It suggests that your app will provide a secure, reliable experience while also offering exciting opportunities and possibilities.
  • Advantora icon
    Advantora Register A modern, tech-savvy name that implies efficiency and expertise. The 'Advantora' part of the name conveys the idea of taking advantage of the technology, while the 'ora' part suggests the business app will be the ultimate resource.
  • Advantexa icon
    Advantexa Register A modern, tech-savvy word that conveys the idea of an app providing a competitive advantage. The name suggests that your app will give your customers the edge they need to succeed in their business.
  • Segmentn icon
    Segmentn Register A modern, tech-savvy name that suggests the idea of breaking down data into smaller, more manageable pieces. It implies that the app will help businesses break down complex tasks into more manageable components.
  • Payment Sheet icon
    Payment Sheet Register A modern, sleek name that conveys the idea of financial efficiency. It implies that the app is a streamlined, reliable way to help businesses keep track of their finances.
  • Elvmo icon
    Elvmo Register A playful and creative name that stands out from the competition. The combination of two words (Elv and mo) suggests that your app will make business tasks easier and more efficient.
  • Controllytics icon
    Controllytics Register An intriguing name that suggests that the app will help you control and analyze your business data. The combination of 'control' and 'analytics' conveys the idea that the app will help you make better decisions with your data.
  • Biziata icon
    Biziata Register A modern, tech-savvy name that captures the idea of 'business' and 'data' in one word. It suggests that the app will be a powerful tool for businesses to make data-driven decisions.
  • Fiszo icon
    Fiszo Register This name suggests 'fizz', which has a modern, tech-friendly feel. It also implies speed and efficiency, implying that the app will help businesses be more productive.
  • Grid Funnel icon
    Grid Funnel Register A clever, powerful name that implies organization and efficiency. It suggests that your app will help businesses streamline their processes and make their work easier.
  • Quidvy icon
    Quidvy Register A modern, tech-savvy name that suggests speed and efficiency. The word 'quidvy' implies that the app will help businesses get things done in a quick and efficient manner.
  • Monetisys icon
    Monetisys Register A combination of the words 'Monetary' and 'Systems' – a great name for a business app that helps users manage their finances. The name suggests a reliable, trustworthy service.
  • Scrum Max icon
    Scrum Max Register A tech-savvy name that implies efficiency and productivity. The word 'Scrum' is associated with agile project management, and 'Max' suggests that the app will help businesses maximize their success.
  • Startup Deluxe icon
    Startup Deluxe Register A great name that conveys both the excitement and sophistication of business. It suggests a top-tier product that will help businesses achieve their goals.
  • Otasso icon
    Otasso Register A modern name that implies speed and efficiency. It gives off a feeling of agility and quick-thinking, perfect for a business app that needs to keep up with the pace of the modern world.
  • Advantixa icon
    Advantixa Register A unique name that suggests there is something special about this app. It suggests that the app offers an advantage to its users, which is exactly what an app should do.
  • Bizarta icon
    Bizarta Register A creative name that conveys the idea of business and technology. The name suggests innovation and progress, which are perfect for a business app. It also has a modern, tech-savvy feel to it.
  • Tycodo icon
    Tycodo Register A short and catchy name with a modern feel. It implies speed and efficiency, perfect for a business app that needs to be user-friendly and powerful.
  • Planctia icon
    Planctia Register A creative name that implies the power and potential of a business app. The word 'Planctia' suggests a futuristic world, where the app can help businesses reach their goals.
  • Guvoi icon
    Guvoi Register A modern, tech-forward name that's easy to remember. The name implies a purposeful and efficient tool that can help businesses succeed.
  • Contrifi icon
    Contrifi Register Contrifi implies control and security. It's a modern, tech-savvy name that conveys the idea of a business app that helps people take control of their business.
  • Grid Process icon
    Grid Process Register An efficient name that implies that the app will help businesses streamline their processes. The word 'grid' conveys the idea of structure and organization, which is perfect for a business app.
  • Zavku icon
    Zavku Register A short, catchy name that suggests speed and efficiency. It's a perfect name for an app that helps businesses streamline their processes and get the job done quickly.
  • Ezuga icon
    Ezuga Register A modern name that suggests efficiency and ease of use. It suggests that your app will make business tasks easier and faster.
  • Never Profit icon
    Never Profit Register This name suggests that the app is designed to help businesses maximize their profits - to never let them miss out on a potential profit. The word 'never' implies the app will always be working to help businesses succeed.
  • Dyna Sector icon
    Dyna Sector Register A dynamic name that implies the power of data and technology. It suggests that your app will help businesses use data and technology to their advantage and maximize their potential.
  • Scrummatic icon
    Scrummatic Register A creative blend of 'scrum' and 'automatic', suggesting that the app is designed to make business processes simpler and more efficient. The name implies that the app will be a real time saver.
  • Tallyful icon
    Tallyful Register A modern, tech-savvy name that suggests efficiency and accuracy. It implies that your app will help businesses keep track of their business data in a reliable, organized way.
  • Profit Blocker icon
    Profit Blocker Register This name implies that your app will help businesses block out the noise and focus on what matters – making a profit. It's a strong, no-nonsense name that conveys the idea of being a powerful business tool.
  • Control Rocket icon
    Control Rocket Register A bold name that conveys the idea of taking control of your business and launching it to new heights. It implies that the app will be your rocket to success.
  • Scrumza icon
    Scrumza Register A hip, modern name that implies efficiency and productivity. The word Scrum implies working together as a team, and the 'za' ending is an homage to the pizza industry, which is often associated with collaboration and productivity.
  • Flex Margin icon
    Flex Margin Register A modern sounding name that conveys the idea of flexibility, while 'margin' suggests the potential for growth. It suggests that the app will help businesses expand and succeed.

One of the main themes we've included in this list is the idea of efficiency and productivity. Many of these names have words like "appuntia," "vantageia," and "profittastic," which all suggest that the app will make business processes easier and more efficient. We chose these names because they give off a professional, efficient, and productive vibe.

Other names have words like "multinomic," "monetior," and "contact valve," which suggest that the app will help businesses keep track of money and financial data. These names hint at the app's ability to make financial management easier for businesses.

We also included words like "startup lock," "biz valve," and "capitallytics" in our list to suggest that the app can help businesses secure their financial data. These names imply that the app will provide a secure platform for businesses to store and access their financial information.

Another common theme we've incorporated into our list is the idea of control. Names like "controllytics," "conmetrix," and "process scope" suggest that the app will give businesses more control over their processes. These names imply that the app will provide businesses with more insight into their operations so they can make better decisions.

Finally, we chose some names that hint at the app's ability to help businesses increase their profits. Words like "savvysy," "decentura," "advantora," and "profit blocker" all suggest that the app can help businesses better manage their finances and increase their profits.

All of these themes are incorporated into our list of names in order to give potential customers an idea of what your app does before they even use it. The list is filled with creative, professional, and meaningful names that evoke a sense of productivity, efficiency, security, control, and profitability.

We hope this analysis has given you some insights into why we chose these names for your business app name ideas. Now it's up to you to choose which one best fits your product and resonates with your target audience! Good luck!

All 2000 Business App Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Appuntia icon Appuntia
Monetior icon Monetior
Profittastic icon Profittastic
Contact Valve icon Contact Valve
Schemeia icon Schemeia
Capitallytics icon Capitallytics
Appuntio icon Appuntio
Scrumex icon Scrumex
Decentura icon Decentura
Advantora icon Advantora
Advantexa icon Advantexa
Segmentn icon Segmentn
Payment Sheet icon Payment Sheet
Elvmo icon Elvmo
Controllytics icon Controllytics
Biziata icon Biziata
Fiszo icon Fiszo
Grid Funnel icon Grid Funnel
Quidvy icon Quidvy
Monetisys icon Monetisys
Scrum Max icon Scrum Max
Startup Deluxe icon Startup Deluxe
Otasso icon Otasso
Advantixa icon Advantixa
Bizarta icon Bizarta
Tycodo icon Tycodo
Planctia icon Planctia
Guvoi icon Guvoi
Contrifi icon Contrifi
Grid Process icon Grid Process
Zavku icon Zavku
Ezuga icon Ezuga
Never Profit icon Never Profit
Dyna Sector icon Dyna Sector
Scrummatic icon Scrummatic
Tallyful icon Tallyful
Profit Blocker icon Profit Blocker
Control Rocket icon Control Rocket
Scrumza icon Scrumza
Flex Margin icon Flex Margin
Startupivity icon Startupivity
Firmico icon Firmico
Enxity icon Enxity
Fund Our Work icon Fund Our Work
Zayog icon Zayog
Snap Margin icon Snap Margin
Sureoo icon Sureoo
Instalta icon Instalta
Process Scape icon Process Scape
Startato icon Startato
Appuntis icon Appuntis
Corporate Funnel icon Corporate Funnel