book reviews blog image

Starting a book review blog is an excellent way to share your love of literature with the world and connect with other book lovers. But before you start writing articles, you need to come up with a name that captures the essence of your blog and attracts readers. With a great name, you can create a brand that stands out in the crowded book blogging landscape and appeals to your ideal readers.

At Domatron, we understand how challenging it can be to find a name for your blog that is both memorable and available as a .com domain. That's why we've curated a list of over 50 of the best names for your book review blog, each with an available .com domain and a detailed analysis of why it's a great choice. This analysis will help you understand what makes a name resonate with book lovers and stand out in a crowded digital space.

If you can't find the perfect name in the top 50, don't worry. We also offer a comprehensive database of thousands more book review blog name ideas that you can search using advanced keyword and concept searches. All the names you see are available for registration, and our domain availability filter is updated daily.

It's time to share your love of books with the world with a memorable name for your book review blog. Let's get started!

Top Book Reviews Blog Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Bookized icon
    Bookized Register Bookized is a name that immediately suggests a review and analysis of books. The "-ized" suffix gives it a modern and trendy feel, while the word "book" makes it clear what the site is about. The name is memorable and easy to spell, making it ideal for a blog that wants to attract a wide audience.
  • Literes icon
    Literes Register A sophisticated name that immediately conveys a sense of literary excellence. The word 'Literes' is unique and memorable, making it perfect for a book reviews blog. The name suggests a focus on quality literature and will appeal to anyone who loves to read and wants to discover new books.
  • Bookstore Box icon
    Bookstore Box Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates what your blog is about. "Box" suggests a collection of reviews, like a book box set. The name also implies that your blog will cover a wide range of books, appealing to a broad audience. The simplicity of the name makes it easy to remember, and the word "store" adds a sense of authority and professionalism to your blog.
  • Mature Book icon
    Mature Book Register A sophisticated name that suggests a book review blog for readers who are looking for more mature content. The word 'mature' implies depth, insight, and thoughtfulness. The word 'book' is straightforward and clear, while the combination of the two words creates a unique and memorable name that will appeal to book lovers who seek more nuanced reviews.
  • Bibl Up icon
    Bibl Up Register A unique name that suggests a blog that'll explore books in-depth. "Bibl" is a clever abbreviation for the word "bibliography," which is associated with books and academic research. "Up" suggests a positive and uplifting tone, which is perfect for a book review blog. The name is short, easy to remember, and has a modern sound that will appeal to younger readers.
  • Your Authors icon
    Your Authors Register A simple and straightforward name that tells you exactly what to expect from the blog. "Your Authors" implies that the blog is all about book reviews from real people, which can help readers to connect with the content. The possessive "Your" also gives a sense of ownership, making readers feel like they're part of a community.
  • Paperback Box icon
    Paperback Box Register A straightforward name that immediately communicates the focus of the blog. 'Paperback' implies a love of physical books, and 'Box' suggests a collection of them. It's a name that will appeal to anyone who enjoys reading, and the word 'box' also implies a curated selection of books. Additionally, the name is easy to remember and has a clear and concise sound that will help it stand out in the crowded world of book reviews.
  • Edblogger icon
    Edblogger Register A straightforward name that clearly indicates the purpose of the blog - book reviews. The word "Ed" suggests the writer's name, making it personal and relatable. It's easy to remember and has a professional sound, which will appeal to readers looking for a reliable source of book reviews. Additionally, the name's brevity makes it easy to use in URLs, social media handles, and other platforms.
  • Bestselleres icon
    Bestselleres Register A catchy name that immediately conveys the purpose of the blog - reviewing bestsellers. The name is easy to remember and has a positive connotation that'll attract book lovers. The word 'seller' also implies that these books are popular and well-loved by many people. Overall, Bestselleres is a name that will inspire readers to discover new books and share their own opinions.
  • Daily Booklist icon
    Daily Booklist Register A straightforward name that immediately conveys what the blog is all about: book lists for daily reading. The name is simple and easy to remember, making it perfect for a blog. The word 'daily' implies that readers can expect frequent updates, and the name is inviting to anyone looking for daily reading recommendations.
  • Book Commission icon
    Book Commission Register An engaging name that clearly communicates the purpose of your book review blog. The word "commission" suggests authority and expertise, indicating that your reviews will be insightful and trustworthy. The two-word structure also makes it easy to remember, and the use of alliteration adds to its memorability. Overall, it's a perfect name for a book review blog that wants to establish credibility and attract readers who value quality reviews.
  • Book Refresh icon
    Book Refresh Register A catchy name that effectively communicates the purpose of a book review blog. 'Refresh' implies that the blog will provide new and exciting perspectives on books. The name is easy to remember and has a positive vibe that will attract readers looking for fresh insights. Additionally, it has a broad appeal, making it perfect for a blog that covers a wide range of genres and topics.
  • Reading Bright icon
    Reading Bright Register An evocative name that suggests a blog that will shine a light on the best books out there. "Reading" is clear and straightforward, while "Bright" implies positivity and intelligence. The combination of the two words creates an engaging and memorable name that will stick in the reader's mind. Overall, this name is perfect for a book review blog that wants to stand out and attract readers who love great literature.
  • Reading Alert icon
    Reading Alert Register An attention-grabbing name that suggests a blog dedicated to helping readers stay up-to-date with the latest book reviews. The word 'alert' implies immediacy and urgency, making it perfect for a blog that aims to keep readers informed. The name is easy to remember and has a straightforward structure that will appeal to a wide audience. Additionally, it has a sense of authority that will help establish the blog as a trusted source for book reviews.
  • Readitas icon
    Readitas Register A creative name that suggests a blog that's all about reading. The word 'Readitas' has a catchy sound and is easy to remember. The 'itas' ending gives it a Latin flair, making it sound scholarly and sophisticated. This name is unique, so it'll stand out in a crowded market. The name tells the reader that the blog will be filled with reviews, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking for book recommendations.
  • Biblity icon
    Biblity Register An intriguing name that suggests a blog for avid book readers. The word "bibli" means book, which makes it clear what the blog will be about. The "ity" ending adds a sense of reliability and trustworthiness, perfect for a blog that provides book reviews. The name is short, easy to remember, and has a unique sound that will help it stand out in a crowded market.
  • Bestsellering icon
    Bestsellering Register A catchy name that suggests a blog that'll help you find the best books on the market. The word "bestseller" implies that this blog will feature reviews of popular and well-loved books. The "-ing" ending gives a sense of ongoing activity, suggesting that the blog is always up-to-date and current. The name is easy to remember and has a strong and assertive sound that will appeal to avid readers.
  • Smarter Reading icon
    Smarter Reading Register An intelligent name that clearly communicates the purpose of a book review blog. The word "smarter" implies that readers will gain knowledge and insights from the reviews, while "reading" is the central activity of the blog. The name is easy to remember and has a professional sound, which will attract readers who are serious about books. Overall, it's a name that provides a clear and concise message to potential readers.
  • Libraryr icon
    Libraryr Register A concise and memorable name that conveys the idea of a blog that's all about books and reading. The word 'library' is immediately recognizable and suggests a wealth of knowledge and information. The 'r' at the end of the name gives it a modern edge while also making it easier to remember. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to anyone looking for a trustworthy resource for book reviews and recommendations.
  • Author Ability icon
    Author Ability Register A clever name that highlights the blog's focus on book reviews. "Ability" suggests expertise and knowledge, making it a great fit for a book reviews blog. The name also has a positive, uplifting feel to it, suggesting that this blog will help readers discover new books that will inspire and motivate them. Overall, it's a name that will instill confidence in readers and attract them to the blog.
  • Readized icon
    Readized Register A simple yet powerful name that emphasizes the importance of reading and making information accessible to all. The word 'readized' suggests a blog that will provide reviews that are easy to read and understand, without sacrificing depth or substance. The suffix '-ized' indicates that it's an action or process, which adds a sense of dynamism to the name. Overall, it's a name that will attract readers who appreciate concise and informative content.
  • Searching Books icon
    Searching Books Register A straightforward name that sums up what readers can expect from the blog - book reviews. The name is easy to remember and gives a clear indication of the content of the blog. The use of "searching" implies readers will find everything they need to know about books.
  • Literary Science icon
    Literary Science Register An intellectual name that suggests a blog that'll explore the science behind literature. The word "science" implies that the blog will be analytical and critical, while "literary" suggests a focus on books and writing. The two words work together to create a sense of balance and harmony, indicating a blog that'll explore the intersection of science and literature. The name is easy to remember and unique, making it perfect for a book reviews blog that wants to stand out.
  • Book Bookstore icon
    Book Bookstore Register A straightforward name that immediately tells readers what they can expect from this book reviews blog. The name suggests that the blog is dedicated to reviewing books and helping readers find their next favorite read. The repetition of the word 'book' makes it easy to remember, while the word 'store' implies a large selection of books to choose from. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to anyone looking for reliable and informative book reviews.
  • Readics icon
    Readics Register A memorable name that suggests a blog that'll provide insightful and engaging book reviews. "Readics" is short and catchy, making it easy to remember and share with others. The name also has a modern feel, which will appeal to younger audiences. Overall, it's a name that's perfect for a book reviews blog that wants to stand out in a crowded market.
  • Honest Reader icon
    Honest Reader Register A straightforward name that implies the blog provides honest and trustworthy book reviews. The name is easy to remember and relatable, making it perfect for a book review blog. The name also has a personal touch, suggesting that the reviews will come from a person who loves reading.
  • Readings Plus icon
    Readings Plus Register A straightforward and informative name that clearly states what the blog is about. The word "plus" suggests that the reviews will be comprehensive and informative, while "readings" implies a focus on literature and books. The name is easy to remember and will appeal to anyone looking for high-quality book reviews. The structure of the name makes it perfect for a blog that will cover a wide range of literary genres.
  • Reading Shops icon
    Reading Shops Register An informative name that tells readers exactly what to expect from the website. The name suggests that the blog will be a comprehensive resource for book reviews. The word "shops" adds a sense of exploration and discovery, indicating that readers will be able to discover new books and authors. Overall, it's a clear and memorable name that will help the blog stand out in the crowded book review industry.
  • Reads Plus icon
    Reads Plus Register A concise name that clearly conveys the purpose of a book reviews blog. The word "reads" suggests the focus on books, while "plus" implies that the blog will offer more than just reviews. The name is easy to remember, making it perfect for a blog, and the use of a common word like "plus" gives it a friendly and approachable feel. Additionally, the name's simplicity allows for easy branding and recognition.
  • Biblid icon
    Biblid Register Biblid is a distinctive name that'll immediately grab the attention of book lovers. The word 'bibli' means 'book' in Greek, so the name suggests that this blog is all about books. The '-id' ending is unique and memorable, making it easy to remember. This name is creative with a strong connection to its purpose, making it an excellent choice for a book reviews blog.
  • Elooked icon
    Elooked Register A distinctive name that suggests the act of carefully examining a book. The word 'elooked' is memorable and will stand out in a crowded blogosphere. The name is easy to say and spell, which will aid in word-of-mouth referrals. Additionally, the name is versatile and can lend itself to a variety of book-related content such as author interviews or literary news.
  • Reads Here icon
    Reads Here Register A snappy and concise name that perfectly captures the essence of a book review blog. The name suggests that all the latest and greatest reads can be found in one place, with a clear emphasis on the written word. The name is easy to remember and will appeal to anyone looking for reliable and insightful book reviews.
  • Directreads icon
    Directreads Register A straightforward name that suggests a blog that will provide direct and honest reviews of books. The word "reads" emphasizes the importance of reading, and the name is easy to remember. The name is perfect for a book reviews blog that aims to provide readers with concise and unbiased reviews.
  • Novel Organic icon
    Novel Organic Register A distinctive name that suggests a focus on organic and natural literature. The word "novel" implies a fresh perspective, while "organic" suggests a commitment to quality and sustainability. The name is easy to remember and has a clever wordplay that will make it stand out. The name evokes a sense of trust and reliability, making it perfect for a book reviews blog.
  • Review Boutique icon
    Review Boutique Register Boutique is a concise name that suggests a blog that specializes in reviewing unique and high-quality books. The word "boutique" conveys a sense of exclusivity and style, which is perfect for a book review blog that aims to stand out from the rest. The name will appeal to people who appreciate well-written literature and are looking for thoughtful reviews that go beyond the mainstream.
  • Reads Smart icon
    Reads Smart Register A clever name that immediately tells you what to expect from this blog. The word 'smart' suggests insightful and intelligent reviews. The name is memorable and easy to remember, perfect for a book review blog. The word 'reads' in the name also implies a focus on reviewing books that are worth reading.

When choosing a name for your book review blog, you want to choose a name that reflects your love for reading and lets readers know that they are in the right place for reviews. Here are some of the themes you can use:

One popular theme is to use names that incorporate the word "book" or "reading," such as Bookstore Box iconBookstore Box, Reading Mag, Paperback Box iconPaperback Box, Daily Booklist iconDaily Booklist, and Biblid iconBiblid. These names make it clear that your blog is all about books and reading, and they are easily recognizable to potential readers.

Another theme is to use names that suggest a love for literature, such as Literarys, Literes iconLiteres, Fictionful, and Novel English. These names convey a sense of sophistication and a passion for books, making them perfect for a book review blog where you want to attract serious readers.

You can also go for names that incorporate the idea of sharing or community, such as Reading Share, Read Community, and Reads Plus iconReads Plus. These names suggest that your blog is a place where readers can come together to share their love of books, which can help build a sense of community and engagement around your blog.

Some book review blogs choose to focus on the people behind the books, such as Your Authors iconYour Authors and Authorize Us. These names suggest that your blog is all about the authors and their work, which can be a unique angle for a book review blog.

Other themes include using names that suggest a sense of honesty and transparency, such as Honest Reader iconHonest Reader and Review Boutique iconReview Boutique. These names suggest that your blog is a place where readers can come to get honest and unbiased book reviews.

Finally, you could go for names that suggest intelligence or expertise, such as Smarter Reading iconSmarter Reading, Literary Science iconLiterary Science, and Author Ability iconAuthor Ability. These names suggest that your blog is run by people who are knowledgeable about books and can provide valuable insights and critiques.

Overall, the key to choosing a name for your book review blog is to choose something that reflects your values and the type of content you want to create. Use Domatron's search below to explore names that reflect your unique brand and message.

All 2000 Book Reviews Blog Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Bookized icon Bookized
Literes icon Literes
Bookstore Box icon Bookstore Box
Mature Book icon Mature Book
Bibl Up icon Bibl Up
Your Authors icon Your Authors
Paperback Box icon Paperback Box
Edblogger icon Edblogger
Bestselleres icon Bestselleres
Daily Booklist icon Daily Booklist
Book Commission icon Book Commission
Book Refresh icon Book Refresh
Reading Bright icon Reading Bright
Reading Alert icon Reading Alert
Readitas icon Readitas
Biblity icon Biblity
Bestsellering icon Bestsellering
Smarter Reading icon Smarter Reading
Libraryr icon Libraryr
Author Ability icon Author Ability
Readized icon Readized
Searching Books icon Searching Books
Literary Science icon Literary Science
Book Bookstore icon Book Bookstore
Readics icon Readics
Honest Reader icon Honest Reader
Readings Plus icon Readings Plus
Reading Shops icon Reading Shops
Reads Plus icon Reads Plus
Biblid icon Biblid
Elooked icon Elooked
Reads Here icon Reads Here
Directreads icon Directreads
Novel Organic icon Novel Organic
Review Boutique icon Review Boutique
Reads Smart icon Reads Smart
Biblre icon Biblre
Read Pros icon Read Pros
Discount Reader icon Discount Reader
Bookists icon Bookists
Steady Reading icon Steady Reading
Readserve icon Readserve
Book Selects icon Book Selects
Read Whiz icon Read Whiz
Criticter icon Criticter
Biblio Channel icon Biblio Channel
Ebooking Lab icon Ebooking Lab
Author People icon Author People
Author Scout icon Author Scout
Bookstoreist icon Bookstoreist
Paperback Plus icon Paperback Plus
Novelra icon Novelra