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A book festival is a celebration of literary culture and the joy of reading. The name you choose for your festival should reflect the excitement and energy of the event, while also capturing the essence of your unique vision and goals. Let's explore the options available to find the perfect name that conveys the passion, excitement, and diversity of your book festival.

Choosing the right name for your book festival is vital to its success, and finding one that has an available .com domain can be a challenge. But with Domatron, you can find the perfect name for your book festival easily. We've curated a list of over 50 of the best book festival names, each with an analysis of why it's an excellent choice.

If you're looking for more name ideas, our comprehensive database of thousands of book festival names is searchable using advanced keyword and concept searches. We update our domain availability filter daily to ensure that all the names you see are available for registration.

It's time to celebrate the world of books with a memorable name for your book festival. Let's get started!

Top Book Festival Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Your Authors icon
    Your Authors Register A clear and straightforward name that immediately conveys the focus of your event - authors. The name is easy to remember and has a professional feel, which will appeal to both readers and writers. The use of "Your" implies a sense of community, making attendees feel like they're part of something special.
  • Bookstore Box icon
    Bookstore Box Register A straightforward name that immediately tells people what they can expect at your event. It's simple, memorable, and easy to say. The word "Box" implies that your festival will be a collection of delights that people can explore and discover. The name is also versatile, which makes it easy to brand and market across various channels.
  • Reading Alert icon
    Reading Alert Register A catchy name that immediately evokes a sense of urgency and excitement. It suggests that there's something important happening that book lovers won't want to miss. The words "Reading Alert" combine to form a memorable phrase that's easy to remember and easy to associate with your festival. The name stands out and is unique in the industry, making it a great choice for a book festival.
  • Bibl Up icon
    Bibl Up Register A catchy name that evokes the joy of reading and the excitement of a book festival. The "Bibl" part of the name suggests books and literature, while the "Up" is positive and uplifting. The name is easy to remember, which will help people find your festival year after year.
  • Outdoor Reading icon
    Outdoor Reading Register A simple and clear name that instantly conveys the purpose of your book festival. The name suggests an event that celebrates reading in an outdoor environment. The two words are easy to remember and have a natural flow that makes them easy to say. The name also gives your festival a sense of freshness and freedom, which will appeal to readers who enjoy exploring new ideas and perspectives in an open-air setting.
  • Everest Festival icon
    Everest Festival Register A grand name that evokes the magnificence of Mount Everest and the excitement of an adventure. The name suggests that this book festival will be a journey to new heights in literature and knowledge. The two-word structure makes it easy to remember, and the association with the world's highest peak adds a sense of distinction and prestige. Overall, the name Everest Festival communicates a sense of wonder, exploration, and intellectual ambition.
  • Copyright Books icon
    Copyright Books Register A catchy name that immediately communicates the focus of the festival. It suggests an event that celebrates the written word and encourages creativity. The word "copyright" lets people know that this festival is about protecting and promoting literary works. The name is memorable and easy to spell, making it easy for people to find and remember.
  • Advanced Editions icon
    Advanced Editions Register A sophisticated name that suggests a high-quality literary event. The use of "Advanced" implies that this festival is the next level, and attendees can expect a refined experience. The word "Editions" suggests a focus on books and authors, which will appeal to book lovers. The combination of these words makes it a memorable and intriguing name, perfect for a book festival that is a cut above the rest.
  • Author Ability icon
    Author Ability Register A descriptive name that emphasizes the skill and talent of authors. The name implies that your festival will showcase authors' abilities, which is a unique take on a book festival. The word "Ability" is emphasized, making it the central focus of the name. This name is straightforward and easy to remember, which will make it easier for people to spread the word about your festival.
  • Announcement Book icon
    Announcement Book Register Announcement Book is a clear and straightforward name that immediately conveys the purpose of your festival. It suggests that your event will make important announcements about new and exciting books. The use of two simple words makes it easy to remember and share with others. Additionally, the name's brevity and clarity will make it easy to incorporate into marketing materials and social media postings.
  • Paperback Box icon
    Paperback Box Register A catchy name that evokes the thrill of discovering new stories. The combination of "Paperback" and "Box" suggests a treasure trove of books waiting to be explored. The name is easy to remember and will stand out in people's minds. It also has a fun and playful feel, which is perfect for a book festival that celebrates the joy of reading.
  • Book Bookstore icon
    Book Bookstore Register A straightforward name that clearly conveys the purpose of your book festival. It's easy to remember and instantly recognizable, making it an excellent choice for attracting attendees. The repetition of the word "book" reinforces the festival's focus on literature, and the name also has a playful, catchy quality that will appeal to all ages.
  • Readingster icon
    Readingster Register An engaging name that immediately evokes the joy of reading. The -ster suffix suggests a person who is passionate about reading, making it an excellent fit for a book festival. The name is easy to remember and has a playful, informal feel, which will attract readers of all ages and backgrounds.
  • Bigger Stories icon
    Bigger Stories Register A thought-provoking name that suggests a literary event that offers more than just books. The name implies that attendees will hear inspiring and meaningful stories that go beyond the written word. The word "Bigger" suggests a grand scale, and "Stories" implies a wide range of topics. The alliteration of the name makes it easy to remember, and the positive associations with the words "Bigger" and "Stories" make it appealing to a wide audience.
  • Thinkers Cape icon
    Thinkers Cape Register A thought-provoking name that suggests a space for intellectual discussion and creativity. The word "Cape" evokes a sense of adventure and exploration, making it ideal for a book festival. Together, the name implies that attendees will embark on a journey of discovery and enter a space for deep thinking and exploration. The name is easy to remember and has a unique sound that sets it apart from other book festivals.
  • Manhattan Stories icon
    Manhattan Stories Register A captivating name that captures the essence of Manhattan and its diverse stories. It suggests a festival that will showcase a wide range of authors and their unique perspectives. The name is easy to remember, and the alliteration in the words "Manhattan" and "Stories" make it catchy and memorable. Overall, this name promises a festival that will be informative, entertaining, and reflective of the vibrant literary culture of Manhattan.
  • Reading Shops icon
    Reading Shops Register A simple yet effective name that instantly communicates the purpose of the festival. The name suggests that attendees will be able to "read" their way through the festival and discover new books and authors. The name is easy to remember and has a friendly, approachable feel that will appeal to a wide audience.
  • Holiday Library icon
    Holiday Library Register A catchy name that immediately evokes the joy and relaxation of reading during the holidays. The word Library suggests a vast collection of books to explore, while the word Holiday makes it clear that this festival is a festive and enjoyable experience. The name's unique combination of two words makes it highly memorable and easy to market, which will help you draw in a large audience.
  • Euro Fiction icon
    Euro Fiction Register A captivating name that immediately informs your audience that your festival is all about European fiction. The name is easy to remember and has a simple, straightforward meaning, making it a perfect choice for a book festival. The word "Euro" makes it clear that the event will feature European authors and stories, which will make it stand out from other book festivals.
  • Author Finders icon
    Author Finders Register A memorable name that clearly conveys the purpose of the festival. The word 'Finders' suggests discovery, while the word 'Author' establishes the focus on books and literature. The name is easy to pronounce and spell, making it easy for attendees to search and find the festival.
  • Literary Science icon
    Literary Science Register A thought-provoking name that suggests the intersection of science and literature. It immediately captures the attention of book lovers and science enthusiasts alike, making it an ideal name for a book festival. The structure of the name is simple and easy to remember, which makes it memorable and catchy. The unique combination of two seemingly unrelated words makes it stand out among other book festival names.
  • School Bookers icon
    School Bookers Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates what your book festival is all about. The name suggests that you're the go-to source for booking school author visits and literary events. The alliterative structure of the name also makes it easy to remember and say. Overall, School Bookers is an effective name that will help you attract the right audience and achieve your goals.
  • Literes icon
    Literes Register A sophisticated name that suggests a literary event with a touch of elegance and class. The word 'Lit' in 'Literes' makes it instantly recognizable as a literary festival, while the rest of the name adds a unique touch. The name is easy to remember and has a high-end feel, which will appeal to the target audience.
  • Game Readers icon
    Game Readers Register A catchy name that instantly tells you what to expect from the event. The name suggests that the festival is a celebration of books and the people who love them. The word "readers" is a clear reference to the target audience, which will help you attract the right people. The name is short and easy to remember, which will make it easy for people to spread the word about the event.
  • Sun Reads icon
    Sun Reads Register A bright and catchy name that suggests a festival of reading and learning. The word "Sun" evokes warmth and light, while "Reads" is a clear indication of the event's focus. The combination of the two creates a memorable and distinctive name that will stick with attendees. Additionally, the name's simplicity and brevity make it easy to remember and share with others.
  • Alarm Books icon
    Alarm Books Register An attention-grabbing name that suggests an exciting and engaging book festival experience. The word "Alarm" creates a sense of urgency and excitement, making it perfect for an event that celebrates literature. The word "Books" is straightforward and easy to remember, which is a huge plus when it comes to event names. Together, "Alarm Books" creates a memorable and distinctive name that will attract book lovers and casual readers alike.
  • Publishing Lounge icon
    Publishing Lounge Register A sophisticated name that suggests a relaxed and social atmosphere. The "lounge" part of the name evokes a sense of comfort, making it feel like a cozy, welcoming environment. The "publishing" part of the name indicates a focus on literature, which will attract book lovers. The name also highlights the festival's goal of bringing together readers and authors in a relaxed, enjoyable setting.
  • Memorable Stuff icon
    Memorable Stuff Register A catchy name that captures the essence of a book festival, suggesting a wide variety of exciting and memorable experiences. The two words are easy to remember and will stick in people's minds, making it easy for them to find your event again in the future. The alliteration of the "m" and "s" sounds gives the name a playful and fun vibe, appealing to a diverse crowd of book lovers.
  • Literacy Guides icon
    Literacy Guides Register A clear name that highlights the purpose of your book festival. It suggests that your event will help guide readers towards literacy in an accessible and engaging way. The use of the word "guides" implies that attendees will receive actionable advice and support to improve their reading skills. The simplicity of the name and its focus on literacy will make it easy for people to remember and share with others, boosting attendance and engagement at your festival.
  • Writers Guides icon
    Writers Guides Register A straightforward name that tells you exactly what it is: a guide for writers. It's easy to remember and easy to understand, making it a perfect fit for a book festival. The name conveys a sense of helpfulness and expertise, which will draw in writers and book lovers alike.
  • Readings Plus icon
    Readings Plus Register A clear and straightforward name that tells you exactly what to expect from the event. The "Plus" in Readings Plus implies that there will be more than just readings, which can be intriguing. The name is easy to remember, making it more likely that people will attend the festival.

When it comes to choosing a name for a book festival, it's important to capture the essence of the event and the love of books. There are a few themes that stand out when looking at the names in this list.

One popular theme is education and learning, with names such as Learning Retreats, Knowledge Courses, School Bookers iconSchool Bookers, and Literacy Guides iconLiteracy Guides. These names suggest that the festival is not just about books but also about learning and expanding one's knowledge.

Another common theme is celebration, with names like Everest Festival iconEverest Festival, Read Party, and Everything Fair. These names suggest that the festival is a celebration of books and reading, and it's a fun and exciting event that people will look forward to attending.

Some names also play on the idea of a library or bookstore, such as Bookstore Box iconBookstore Box, Paperback Box iconPaperback Box, and Reading Shops iconReading Shops. These names suggest that the festival is a place where attendees can browse and discover new books, just like they would in a bookstore or library.

Other names evoke the idea of stories and storytelling, such as Happiness Stories, Story Away, and Fiction Tales. These names suggest that the festival is a place where attendees can immerse themselves in the world of storytelling and explore the many different types of stories and narratives.

Another theme is the idea of community, with names such as Your Authors iconYour Authors, Author Finders iconAuthor Finders, and Book And Share. These names suggest that the festival is a place where readers and writers can come together, share their love of books, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Finally, some names are more abstract and evoke a particular feeling or emotion, such as Vital Reading, Memorable Stuff iconMemorable Stuff, and Perfect Readings. These names suggest that the festival is a place where attendees can connect with books and experience the joy and power of reading.

Ultimately, the name you choose for your book festival will depend on the specific focus and purpose of the event. Use Domatron's search below to find a name that perfectly captures your book festival's unique brand and message.

All 2000 Book Festival Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Your Authors icon Your Authors
Bookstore Box icon Bookstore Box
Reading Alert icon Reading Alert
Bibl Up icon Bibl Up
Outdoor Reading icon Outdoor Reading
Everest Festival icon Everest Festival
Copyright Books icon Copyright Books
Advanced Editions icon Advanced Editions
Author Ability icon Author Ability
Announcement Book icon Announcement Book
Paperback Box icon Paperback Box
Book Bookstore icon Book Bookstore
Readingster icon Readingster
Bigger Stories icon Bigger Stories
Thinkers Cape icon Thinkers Cape
Manhattan Stories icon Manhattan Stories
Reading Shops icon Reading Shops
Holiday Library icon Holiday Library
Euro Fiction icon Euro Fiction
Author Finders icon Author Finders
Literary Science icon Literary Science
School Bookers icon School Bookers
Literes icon Literes
Game Readers icon Game Readers
Sun Reads icon Sun Reads
Alarm Books icon Alarm Books
Publishing Lounge icon Publishing Lounge
Memorable Stuff icon Memorable Stuff
Literacy Guides icon Literacy Guides
Writers Guides icon Writers Guides
Readings Plus icon Readings Plus
Bookized icon Bookized
Theater Library icon Theater Library
Oasis Stories icon Oasis Stories
Creating Themes icon Creating Themes
Reading God icon Reading God
Reading Resorts icon Reading Resorts
Senior Authors icon Senior Authors
Playing Days icon Playing Days
Novel Performance icon Novel Performance
Favorites Books icon Favorites Books
Adult Critics icon Adult Critics
United Editions icon United Editions
Bestselleres icon Bestselleres
Reading Gardens icon Reading Gardens
Tourist Library icon Tourist Library
Curious Romance icon Curious Romance
Read Schools icon Read Schools
Musical Themes icon Musical Themes
Biblio Guru icon Biblio Guru
Dress Up Book icon Dress Up Book
Never Reads icon Never Reads