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Choosing a name for your backup WordPress plugin might seem like a daunting task, but it's essential to find a name that reflects the functionality and reliability of your plugin. The right name can make your plugin stand out in a crowded market and help attract users looking for a reliable backup solution. Let's explore the many options available to find a name that resonates with WordPress users and gets your plugin noticed.

At Domatron, we understand how hard it can be to find a name that is both unique and has an available .com domain. That's why we've compiled a list of over 50 of the best names for your backup WordPress plugin, each accompanied by a detailed analysis of why it's a great choice. Our analysis will help you understand what makes a name stand out for a backup WordPress plugin and will give you insights you can use to refine your own name.

If you can't find the perfect name in our top 50 list, don't worry. Our comprehensive database of thousands of plugin names is available, and our advanced search option lets you search by keywords and concepts to help find the perfect name for your plugin. And, with our domain availability filter and regularly updated lists, you can be confident that all the names you see are available for registration.

It's time to get your backup WordPress plugin noticed with a name that captures the essence of your plugin's functionality and reliability. Let's get started!

Top Backup WordPress Plugin Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Revertant icon
    Revertant Register A unique name that suggests the idea of returning to a previous state, which is perfect for a backup WordPress plugin. The word 'revertant' means "returning to a former state or condition," which conveys the idea of restoring your website to an earlier version. The word itself is memorable and distinctive, which makes it easy to remember. The "-ant" suffix also gives a sense of action and progress, making it an ideal name for a plugin that helps you quickly restore your website.
  • Special Backup icon
    Special Backup Register A descriptive name that suggests the idea of a reliable backup plugin. The word 'special' implies that this plugin is unique in some way, perhaps offering features not found in other backup plugins. The word 'backup' in the name makes it clear what the plugin does. Additionally, the two words flow together nicely and are easy to remember.
  • Ever Saved icon
    Ever Saved Register A reassuring name that suggests your WordPress website will always be safe and secure with this plugin. The combination of 'Ever' and 'Saved' gives the impression that your data will never be lost, and this name is easy to remember. The name breakdown is simple, making it easy for potential customers to understand what the product is. Additionally, the name has a positive connotation, which can help build trust with your audience.
  • Every Backup icon
    Every Backup Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates its purpose. 'Every Backup' suggests that this plugin will back up your website every time you need it. The name is simple and easy to remember, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable backup plugin. The use of 'every' implies a high level of consistency and reliability, which will give users peace of mind.
  • Flat Backup icon
    Flat Backup Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates the purpose of your WordPress backup plugin. The word 'flat' suggests that the backup is streamlined and efficient, and won't take up too much space. The name also implies that the backup is reliable and won't fail, giving your customers peace of mind.
  • Copy Buyer icon
    Copy Buyer Register A straightforward name that suggests the plugin will help you copy or backup your WordPress site with ease. The word 'Buyer' indicates that the plugin is designed to save you money by providing you with a reliable backup solution, so you don't need to worry about expensive website recovery. The simplicity of the name and the clear call-to-action make it easy for users to understand what the plugin does and how it can help them.
  • Force Backup icon
    Force Backup Register A strong name that suggests the idea of ensuring your data is always secure and protected. 'Force' evokes a sense of power and strength, while 'Backup' is clear and to the point. The name breakdown is easy to understand, and the alliteration in "Force Backup" makes it catchy and memorable. The name suggests a reliable and trustworthy service, which is what customers want in a backup plugin.
  • General Backup icon
    General Backup Register A straightforward name that tells you exactly what the product does - it's a backup plugin. The name suggests a sense of security and reliability, which is exactly what your customers will be looking for. The word 'backup' is the primary focus of the name, while 'general' implies that it's suitable for a wide range of purposes. This means that customers will know they can rely on it for all their backup needs.
  • Backup Dynamics icon
    Backup Dynamics Register A dependable name that suggests a reliable backup plugin for WordPress. The word 'dynamics' emphasizes the importance of keeping your site up and running at all times. The word 'backup' is easily understood and gives the impression of a safety net for your website. The combination of these two words gives the name a professional and trustworthy feel.
  • Recoveryr icon
    Recoveryr Register A memorable name that suggests the idea of recovering lost data or restoring a backup. The word 'recovery' in the name is straightforward and easy to understand, which is perfect for a plugin. The 'r' at the end of the name gives it a unique, tech-savvy edge that will appeal to your target audience. The name is also short and easy to remember, making it an excellent choice for a plugin.
  • Back Download icon
    Back Download Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates what your plugin does. The word 'back' suggests the idea of backing up your website, while 'download' implies the ease of retrieving your backup. The two-word structure of the name makes it easy to remember. Additionally, the name's brevity makes it easy to include in marketing materials.
  • Nift Cloud icon
    Nift Cloud Register A clever name that suggests the idea of a cloud-based backup solution that's quick and easy to use. "Nift" is a unique word, making it easy to remember, while "Cloud" reinforces the idea of cloud computing. The name is short and snappy, making it perfect for a plugin.
  • Restore Content icon
    Restore Content Register A meaningful name that suggests the idea of restoring lost content, which is precisely what your backup WordPress plugin will do. The word 'restore' also implies reliability and trust, which are essential qualities for a backup plugin. The name is easy to remember, and the straightforward structure makes it easy to understand.
  • Retractia icon
    Retractia Register A futuristic name that suggests the idea of retracting something, like a backup plugin that retracts any changes made to your WordPress site. The -ia ending gives it a technological feel. The word 'retract' also implies the idea of safety and security, which is crucial for a backup plugin. Overall, Retractia is a unique and memorable name that perfectly captures the benefits of a WordPress backup plugin.
  • Storage Policy icon
    Storage Policy Register A straightforward name that clearly conveys the purpose of your backup WordPress plugin. The word 'policy' suggests a set of rules or guidelines that will help users manage their storage effectively. The two-syllable structure makes it easy to remember and say. Overall, this name is professional, clear, and easy to understand.
  • Back Shout icon
    Back Shout Register A catchy name that conveys the idea of backing up your website, with the added bonus of being able to shout out about it. The two words also suggest that you can easily shout out about the backup, as well as being able to back things up. This name is memorable and fun, making it perfect for a plugin.
  • Backup Track icon
    Backup Track Register A straightforward, no-nonsense name that tells you exactly what it does. It's a name that assures your customers that their data is backed up, safe, and secure. The name breakdown is simple: Backup refers to the purpose of the plugin, while Track implies a sense of security and order. The simplicity of this name makes it easy to remember and understand.
  • Over Backup icon
    Over Backup Register A memorable name that conveys the idea of ensuring that your data is safe and secure. The word 'over' suggests that your plugin will provide an extra layer of protection, and the word 'backup' is straightforward and easy to understand. The name is also short and easy to remember, making it a great choice for a plugin that deals with data storage and protection.
  • Back Through icon
    Back Through Register A straightforward name that conveys the idea of backup and recovery. The phrase 'Back Through' suggests the ability to go back in time to recover lost data. The name is simple and easy to remember. The use of two common words in a new context makes it unique and memorable. Additionally, the name is easy to spell and pronounce, which will help with brand recognition and recall.
  • Security Folio icon
    Security Folio Register A reassuring name that implies the safety and protection of your website data. The words 'security' and 'folio' suggest a comprehensive backup solution that will help you keep all of your website files safe. The combination of the two words also creates a sense of professionalism and reliability that will put your customers' minds at ease. The unique name will help your product stand out from the competition.
  • Stop Backup icon
    Stop Backup Register A straightforward name that conveys the idea of stopping backup. The name is memorable because it's simple and easy to remember. The name structure is easy to understand, which makes it clear what the product does. The word 'stop' gives the impression of safety and security, which is an essential feature for a backup plugin.
  • Popup File icon
    Popup File Register A straightforward name that conveys the idea of creating a backup file that pops up when you need it. The name will be easy to remember, and the word 'popup' implies that the backup process will be quick and easy. The name is also straightforward, making it easy to understand what the plugin does, which will help users find and use it with ease.
  • Cloud Ager icon
    Cloud Ager Register A name that conveys a sense of safety and protection, suggesting that your backup plugin will keep your website safe from harm. The word 'Cloud' implies that the backup will be stored securely in the cloud. The word 'Ager' suggests that the backups will be continually updated, so you will always have the most up-to-date version of your website. The name is unique and easy to remember, making it an excellent choice for your plugin.
  • Recovery Valve icon
    Recovery Valve Register A practical name that conveys the idea of fixing a website, which is exactly what your backup WordPress plugin does. The word 'valve' suggests control and precision, which are important qualities for a backup system. The name is easy to remember and has a strong, authoritative sound that will inspire confidence in your customers.
  • Back Buyer icon
    Back Buyer Register An evocative name that conveys the idea of a plugin that helps you buy back your lost data. The name is easy to remember and straightforward, making it easy to find in the WordPress plugin store. The name itself also suggests reliability and trust, which are crucial qualities in a backup plugin.
  • Revertet icon
    Revertet Register A catchy name that suggests the idea of going back to a previous version or state, which is exactly what a backup plugin does. The word 'revert' is a verb, which makes it action-oriented and exciting. The '-et' suffix gives it a tech-savvy feel. Together, they make it a memorable and unique name that will appeal to anyone looking for a reliable backup plugin.
  • Target Backup icon
    Target Backup Register A straightforward name that conveys the idea of backing up data in a precise and targeted manner. The word 'target' suggests a focused and efficient approach, while 'backup' is a straightforward term that describes the function of the product. The name is easy to remember, making it a great choice for a backup WordPress plugin.
  • Drone Backup icon
    Drone Backup Register A straightforward name that conveys the idea of a reliable backup solution for WordPress. The word 'drone' gives it a techy feel, while 'backup' makes it clear what the product does. The name is easy to remember, and the alliteration of 'drone' and 'backup' makes it sound catchy and memorable. The name implies that the product is automated and efficient, which will appeal to busy website owners who don't have the time or knowledge to deal with manual backups.
  • Recoveriva icon
    Recoveriva Register A catchy name that suggests the idea of recovering or restoring something valuable. The word 'recover' in the name indicates the primary function of the backup plugin, which is to recover lost data. The '-iva' ending adds a sense of vitality and energy to the name, making it sound like a powerful tool that will help your website spring back to life. The unique and memorable name will stick in your customers' minds, making it easy for them to find and use your plugin when they need it.
  • Back Thing icon
    Back Thing Register A straightforward and memorable name that conveys the purpose of the plugin: backing up your WordPress site. The word 'thing' adds a touch of simplicity and approachability, making it easy for users to remember. The name's brevity and straightforwardness will help it stand out in a crowded market, while its simplicity will make it easy for users to understand and use.
  • Back Streamer icon
    Back Streamer Register A strong name that suggests the idea of a stream of reliable and secure backup for your WordPress website. The name 'Back Streamer' breaks down into two words, 'back' and 'streamer,' giving it a straightforward and easy-to-understand meaning. This name will stick with people and make it easy for them to remember your plugin. Additionally, it suggests a level of speed and efficiency in its backup process, providing an additional benefit.
  • Fine Backup icon
    Fine Backup Register A minimalist name that suggests a simple and effective backup plugin for WordPress. The word 'fine' evokes a sense of quality and attention to detail, while 'backup' conveys the purpose of the plugin. The word breakdown is easy to understand, which makes it a memorable name. Fine Backup is a name that is easy to trust and will help your customers feel secure about their website.
  • Restore Profit icon
    Restore Profit Register A clear and concise name that immediately conveys the purpose of your product. The word 'Restore' suggests the idea of bringing something back to its original state, which is perfect for a backup plugin. The word 'Profit' implies that your plugin will save users money. The name is easy to spell and remember, which is great for a tech product.
  • Protect Node icon
    Protect Node Register A strong and straightforward name that conveys the idea of protecting the essential elements of your website. The use of 'node' suggests that this plugin will cover all the crucial aspects of your website. The name also has a technical feel which will appeal to people who understand the intricacies of website management. Additionally, the name has a modern and futuristic sound, which positions it as an innovative and cutting-edge solution for your backup needs.
  • File Smiths icon
    File Smiths Register A descriptive name that suggests a company that will help protect your files with the skill and care of a professional craftsman. The word 'smiths' implies a high level of expertise and craftsmanship. The name's simplicity and clarity make it easy to understand and remember, which is a great fit for a backup WordPress plugin.
  • Backup Folio icon
    Backup Folio Register A memorable name that suggests a backup system for your WordPress website. The two words create a strong visual image of a folio or folder that houses all of your important data. The name is easy to remember and easy to spell, making it a great choice for a plugin. Plus, the name implies that your data is safe and secure, which is a top priority for website owners.
  • Rettor icon
    Rettor Register A sleek name that suggests reliability and efficiency in backing up your WordPress site. The word 'rettor' has a futuristic feel to it that implies the use of advanced technology. The name also has a memorable and distinctive sound that will make it easy for users to remember and find again.
  • Meta Saved icon
    Meta Saved Register Meta Saved is a name that suggests safety, security, and reliability. The word 'meta' implies a sense of organization, while 'saved' is a clear indication that your data is being protected. The combination of the two words describes exactly what your plugin does, making it easy for customers to understand. Plus, the name has a nice ring to it, making it easy to remember.
  • Factory Backup icon
    Factory Backup Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates the purpose of your backup WordPress plugin. The word 'factory' suggests reliability and efficiency, while 'backup' conveys the idea of keeping important data safe. The name is easy to remember and gives your customers confidence that their data is in safe hands.
  • Revipa icon
    Revipa Register A modern name that evokes the idea of 'reviving' and 'protecting' your website. The word 'ipa' is a clever nod to the popular drink, which suggests that this plugin will be easy to use and enjoyable. The structure of the name is simple yet unique, making it easy to remember. Overall, Revipa is a name that suggests protection, reliability, and ease of use.

When choosing a name for a backup WordPress plugin, it's essential to consider how the name will resonate with potential users. A good name should be memorable, easy to pronounce, and convey the benefits of your plugin. Here are some themes to consider when choosing a name for your plugin:

One common theme is the idea of safety and security. Names like Security Folio iconSecurity Folio, Backup Dynamics iconBackup Dynamics, Protect Node iconProtect Node, and Cloud Encryptor emphasize the importance of keeping your website data safe and secure.

Another theme is the idea of reliability and consistency, with names like Every Backup iconEvery Backup, Fine Backup iconFine Backup, and Ever Restore. These names suggest that your plugin is dependable and will always be there when users need it.

Another approach is to focus on the speed and ease of use of your plugin, with names like Backup Click, Backup Pad, and Syncpy suggesting a quick and easy way to backup your website data.

Some names focus on the technical aspects of the plugin, such as Cloud Controler, Reverse File, and Storage Policy iconStorage Policy. These names may appeal to more technically-minded users looking for a backup solution with specific features.

Other names focus on the idea of recovering your website data in case of a disaster, such as Savvy Recovery, Recovery Valve iconRecovery Valve, and Restore Profit iconRestore Profit. These names emphasize the importance of having a backup plugin to recover your data.

Finally, some names are more unique and creative, such as Popup File iconPopup File, Retractia iconRetractia, Backup Streamer, and Revipa iconRevipa. These names may be memorable and help your plugin stand out from the competition.

In summary, when choosing a name for your backup WordPress plugin, you should consider the themes and values that resonate with your target audience. Use Domatron's name search below to explore names that will help your plugin stand out and convey the benefits of your backup solution.

All 2000 Backup WordPress Plugin Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Revertant icon Revertant
Special Backup icon Special Backup
Ever Saved icon Ever Saved
Every Backup icon Every Backup
Flat Backup icon Flat Backup
Copy Buyer icon Copy Buyer
Force Backup icon Force Backup
General Backup icon General Backup
Backup Dynamics icon Backup Dynamics
Recoveryr icon Recoveryr
Back Download icon Back Download
Nift Cloud icon Nift Cloud
Restore Content icon Restore Content
Retractia icon Retractia
Storage Policy icon Storage Policy
Back Shout icon Back Shout
Backup Track icon Backup Track
Over Backup icon Over Backup
Back Through icon Back Through
Security Folio icon Security Folio
Stop Backup icon Stop Backup
Popup File icon Popup File
Cloud Ager icon Cloud Ager
Recovery Valve icon Recovery Valve
Back Buyer icon Back Buyer
Revertet icon Revertet
Target Backup icon Target Backup
Drone Backup icon Drone Backup
Recoveriva icon Recoveriva
Back Thing icon Back Thing
Back Streamer icon Back Streamer
Fine Backup icon Fine Backup
Restore Profit icon Restore Profit
Protect Node icon Protect Node
File Smiths icon File Smiths
Backup Folio icon Backup Folio
Rettor icon Rettor
Meta Saved icon Meta Saved
Factory Backup icon Factory Backup
Revipa icon Revipa
Honest Backup icon Honest Backup
Storirs icon Storirs
Copy Menu icon Copy Menu
Early Backup icon Early Backup
Backup Post icon Backup Post
Syncek icon Syncek
Backed Funds icon Backed Funds
Cyber Restorer icon Cyber Restorer
Backup Focus icon Backup Focus
Public Backup icon Public Backup
Rush Backup icon Rush Backup
Repaxa icon Repaxa