artisanal candles image

Creating artisanal candles is an art form that requires passion, creativity, and skill. The name you choose for your candle-making business is the first step towards crafting a memorable identity that reflects the essence of your craft. It should be unique, creative, and evoke emotions like warmth, comfort, and relaxation. Let's explore the options to find the perfect name that captures the essence of your artisanal candles and makes your brand stand out.

Finding a name that is available with a .com domain can be challenging. At Domatron, we have created a curated list of over 50 of the best names for your artisanal candle-making business, each accompanied by a detailed analysis of why it's an excellent choice. You can explore from our selection of names that are both unique and available.

If you don't find your perfect name in the top 50, don't worry! We have an extensive database of thousands of more name options that you can search using advanced keyword and concept searches. Our domain availability filter ensures that you can register the name you choose with any domain registrar.

It's time to illuminate the world with a memorable name for your artisanal candle-making business. Let's light up the path to success!

Top Artisanal Candles Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Fireplace Lights icon
    Fireplace Lights Register A cozy name that immediately evokes the warmth and comfort of a fireplace. It suggests that these candles will create a relaxing ambiance in your home, perfect for unwinding after a long day. The word 'lights' in the name also implies brightness and illumination, which adds an uplifting element to the brand. Overall, Fireplace Lights promises to provide a soothing and inviting experience that will make your home feel cozy and inviting.
  • Baking Candle icon
    Baking Candle Register A creative name that instantly evokes the warm and inviting scent of freshly baked goods. The name suggests a cozy and comforting atmosphere, perfect for creating a relaxing ambience in any room. The word 'candle' makes it clear that this is a candle brand, while the word 'baking' adds a unique twist that sets it apart from other candle brands. Overall, this name is perfect for a candle brand that wants to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in any space.
  • Candle Circle icon
    Candle Circle Register A warm and inviting name that evokes the cozy atmosphere of candlelight. The word "circle" suggests a community of candle-lovers, coming together to share the experience. The name is easy to remember and has a simple structure, which will make it easy to market. The alliteration in "Candle Circle" adds a pleasing sound to the name and makes it more memorable.
  • Holy Lantern icon
    Holy Lantern Register A spiritual name that evokes a sense of reverence and wonder, perfect for an artisanal candle brand. The word 'lantern' suggests warmth and light, while 'holy' adds a touch of divinity and devotion. The combination of these two words creates a unique and memorable name that's sure to stand out in the crowded candle market.
  • Double Candle icon
    Double Candle Register A charming name that evokes the cozy and warm feeling of a candle's light. "Double" implies a sense of abundance and value, suggesting that customers will get more than their money's worth. The name is easy to remember and has a simple, yet elegant sound that will appeal to those looking for high-quality artisanal candles.
  • Face Candle icon
    Face Candle Register A name that evokes a sense of comfort and relaxation. The words 'face' and 'candle' create a visual image that's instantly recognizable and memorable. The name also suggests that the candles will be of high quality, as they're artisanal. The simplicity of the name is also a plus, making it easy to remember and spell.
  • Old Lite icon
    Old Lite Register A name that evokes feelings of nostalgia and warmth, perfect for an artisanal candle company. 'Old' suggests a sense of history and tradition, while 'Lite' hints at a subtle and gentle light. The name is easy to remember, and the contrast between the two words creates a memorable image. It's a name that is both unique and familiar at the same time, which will make it stand out among competitors.
  • Isesta icon
    Isesta Register Isesta is a unique name that sounds elegant and refined, which is perfect for an artisanal candle brand. The name suggests a focus on natural ingredients and handmade craftsmanship. The breakdown of the word Isesta is not clear, but it adds to the name's mystique and allure. Overall, the name is memorable, sophisticated, and will help your customers associate your brand with quality and authenticity.
  • Burn Creek icon
    Burn Creek Register A rustic and evocative name that immediately creates a sense of coziness and warmth. The name suggests a small creek, with the sound of the water and the crackling of wood fires. This connection to nature makes the candles feel natural and organic. The simple structure of the name makes it easy to remember and recognize. It also has a nice ring to it, which will make it more appealing to customers.
  • Fire Of Light icon
    Fire Of Light Register A powerful name that captures the essence of artisanal candles. The name suggests a fiery intensity, coupled with the gentle glow of candlelight. The juxtaposition of "fire" and "light" creates a unique and memorable image, while the "of" in between adds a touch of elegance. Overall, the name is both intriguing and sophisticated, making it perfect for a premium candle brand.
  • Free Scents icon
    Free Scents Register An enticing name that suggests customers will get a free sensory experience with every candle purchase. "Scents" is a straightforward word that clearly communicates what the product is about. The name has a straightforward and honest feel that will appeal to customers seeking natural and authentic products. The unique combination of "free" and "scents" also makes it easy to remember, which will help with brand recognition.
  • Candle Cases icon
    Candle Cases Register A clear and straightforward name that immediately conveys what the business does. The word 'cases' implies that the candles are packaged or presented in a unique way, which sets the brand apart from others. The name is easy to remember and has a simple, elegant sound that will appeal to customers.
  • Smell Bright icon
    Smell Bright Register A fresh and invigorating name that perfectly captures the essence of artisanal candles. 'Smell Bright' evokes images of bright and uplifting fragrances, which is exactly what your customers will get from your candles. The name is easy to remember and has a positive, upbeat feel that will appeal to your target audience. The two words also flow well together, making it a fun name to say.
  • Aromaie icon
    Aromaie Register Aromaie is a name that evokes a sense of luxury and indulgence. The 'aroma' part of the name suggests a strong and pleasant scent, while the 'ie' ending adds a touch of elegance. The name is unique and memorable, which will help your artisanal candles stand out from the competition. The word 'aroma' also has a sensory quality that will appeal to your target audience, as it suggests that customers will be able to experience the candles with their sense of smell. Overall, Aromaie is a name that promises a high-end, fragrant experience for candle lovers.
  • Scents Up icon
    Scents Up Register A catchy name that perfectly captures the essence of artisanal candles. The name 'Scents Up' suggests an uplifting and sensory experience, encouraging customers to elevate their mood and surroundings with the power of scent. The name is easy to remember and has a playful and creative feel, which will appeal to customers looking for something unique.
  • Spicy Scents icon
    Spicy Scents Register A spicy and inviting name that suggests a range of unique and intriguing scents. The name immediately evokes a sense of warmth, coziness, and intimacy, which is perfect for an artisanal candle brand. The combination of the two words creates an alliteration that makes it memorable and catchy. The name suggests a brand that's passionate about creating bold and exciting scents, which will appeal to customers looking for something different and distinctive.
  • Dragon Candle icon
    Dragon Candle Register A name that evokes a sense of mystery and allure, perfect for an artisanal candle company. The word 'Dragon' brings to mind the idea of something powerful and magical. The name is easy to remember and has a unique quality that will set it apart from other candle brands. The word 'Candle' in the name gives customers a clear idea of the product and its purpose. Together, the name suggests a company that produces candles with a touch of enchantment and wonder.
  • Urban Lanterns icon
    Urban Lanterns Register A sophisticated name that captures the essence of artisanal candles. 'Urban' suggests a modern and trendy feel, while 'Lanterns' evokes the warm and cozy ambiance you get from candlelight. The name has a nice flow, making it easy to say and remember. It also creates an image of lanterns lighting up city streets, which is a unique and charming association. Overall, the name Urban Lanterns is perfect for a candle brand that's both stylish and comforting.
  • Angel Lantern icon
    Angel Lantern Register A celestial name that evokes a sense of peace and tranquility, making it perfect for an artisanal candle brand. The word 'angel' suggests purity and light, while 'lantern' implies warmth and illumination. The combination of these words creates a beautiful image in the mind of the customer. The name also has a poetic quality that will make it easy to remember and stand out in the market.
  • Purple Amber icon
    Purple Amber Register A captivating name that evokes a sense of mystery and luxury. The combination of "purple" and "amber" creates a unique image in the mind. Purple is associated with royalty and luxury, while amber is a precious gemstone. The name suggests a high-end product that's rich in color and fragrance. The juxtaposition of the two words also creates a sense of balance and harmony. Overall, Purple Amber is a name that will appeal to customers who value quality and sophistication in their candles.
  • Burn Fresh icon
    Burn Fresh Register A name that immediately captures the essence of your brand - 'Burn Fresh' suggests artisanal candles that are made with the freshest and purest ingredients. The name is simple yet memorable, and it's easy to imagine seeing it on a candle label or website. The combination of 'burn' and 'fresh' is clever and evocative, making it a name that will stand out in a crowded market. The name suggests that your candles are a high-quality product that will create a warm and inviting atmosphere.
  • Satin Candle icon
    Satin Candle Register A luxurious name that conjures up images of soft, silky fabrics and the warm glow of candlelight. The word 'satin' evokes a sense of elegance and comfort, perfect for artisanal candles. The clear and straightforward name is easy to remember, and the alliteration of 'Satin Candle' makes it sound even more memorable. The name also suggests quality and attention to detail, making it perfect for a company that prides itself on creating high-quality candles.
  • Rainbow Lantern icon
    Rainbow Lantern Register A vibrant name that conjures up images of colorful and fragrant candles. The word 'rainbow' implies a wide variety of colors and scents, which will appeal to customers looking for unique and artisanal candles. The word 'lantern' suggests a sense of warmth and coziness, which will make your customers feel comfortable and welcome. Together, the name Rainbow Lantern is memorable and distinctive, making it easy for customers to remember and recommend to others.
  • Canlier icon
    Canlier Register A charming name that conveys the artisanal and handmade nature of your candles. The word 'Canlier' has a soft and delicate sound, which will appeal to your customers' senses. The name breaks down into two parts, 'Can' and 'lier,' and together they suggest a candle that can light up any space and create a cozy and intimate atmosphere. The unique name will also help you stand out in a crowded market, making it easier for your customers to remember your brand.
  • Burnle icon
    Burnle Register A sleek name that evokes ideas of warmth, comfort, and coziness. 'Burnle' sounds like a combination of 'burn' and 'candle', which immediately suggests a business that specializes in artisanal candles. The name is easy to remember and has a modern sound that will appeal to a wide range of customers.
  • Aromaos icon
    Aromaos Register A unique name that evokes a sense of luxury and indulgence. 'Aroma' suggests a pleasing scent, while 'os' adds a touch of sophistication. The name has a modern and edgy feel that will appeal to customers who appreciate artisanal products. The short and simple name is easy to remember and will stand out in a crowded market.
  • Candles Lounge icon
    Candles Lounge Register A cozy name that evokes warmth, comfort, and relaxation. The name suggests a place where customers can unwind and enjoy the soft glow of artisanal candles. The word 'Lounge' implies a laid-back atmosphere, making it perfect for customers who want to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ambiance.
  • Emiliad icon
    Emiliad Register A distinctive name that suggests a brand that values elegance and sophistication. The word "Emiliad" appears to be derived from "Emilia," which means "rival" or "emulating." This name, therefore, implies a brand that is committed to producing high-quality candles that rival the best in the market. The 'ad' ending of the name makes it sound like a product, which is perfect for an artisanal candle brand. The name is also easy to remember, which is a huge plus in a crowded market.
  • Flillion icon
    Flillion Register A sophisticated name that evokes a sense of luxury and indulgence. The word "Flillion" suggests a high-end brand that offers premium-quality candles. The word has a pleasing sound and is easy to pronounce, making it memorable and catchy. The name's uniqueness will help the brand stand out in a crowded marketplace, while its sophistication will appeal to customers looking for a touch of elegance in their homes.
  • Smellly icon
    Smellly Register A unique and memorable name that perfectly captures the essence of artisanal candles. The name sounds playful, which is perfect for a company that makes candles in all sorts of fun scents. The 'smell' in Smellly is a nod to the aromatic qualities of candles, and the extra 'L' gives it a whimsical, fun feel. Customers will remember this name and associate it with the joy of lighting a candle.
  • Flame Liner icon
    Flame Liner Register A creative name that evokes the warm and inviting glow of a candle's flame. The combination of 'flame' and 'liner' suggests a high-quality product with attention to detail. The name is easy to remember and has a modern and chic feel. The alliteration in the name makes it catchy and memorable. Overall, Flame Liner is a name that will stand out in the crowded market of artisanal candles.
  • Flaming White icon
    Flaming White Register A distinctive name that evokes contrasting images of fire and ice, suggesting a unique and intriguing candle experience. The name is easy to remember and has a bold and memorable feel that will make it stand out on store shelves. The word 'flaming' suggests warmth and light, while 'white' evokes purity and simplicity, making it a perfect name for artisanal candles.
  • Artisanur icon
    Artisanur Register An evocative name that perfectly captures the essence of artisanal candles. "Artisanur" suggests the skill and craftsmanship that goes into each candle. The name is also easy to remember and has a unique spelling that will make it stand out. The "-ur" ending gives it an exotic touch, which is perfect for a product that's all about creating a special atmosphere. Overall, the name is perfect for a brand that values quality, creativity, and uniqueness.
  • Baked Candle icon
    Baked Candle Register A creative name that immediately sparks curiosity and imagination. 'Baked' suggests warmth and coziness, and 'Candle' implies a product that creates ambiance and mood. The name is easy to remember and has a playful feel that will make your candles stand out. The word choice also suggests an artisanal process, which will appeal to customers looking for unique, high-quality products.
  • Artisan Women icon
    Artisan Women Register A refined and sophisticated name that evokes a sense of artistry and craftsmanship, perfect for an artisanal candle brand. The word 'women' adds a personal touch, making the brand feel more intimate and authentic. The name also suggests that your candles are made by hand, with attention to detail and a focus on quality.
  • Torch Room icon
    Torch Room Register A name that evokes a sense of warmth and coziness, suggesting artisanal candles that will create a peaceful and inviting atmosphere. The word 'torch' implies a strong and steady flame, hinting at the quality and longevity of the candles. The word 'room' suggests a space that can be transformed through the use of candles. Together, the name Torch Room creates a sense of comfort and relaxation, making it perfect for customers who want to unwind after a long day.
  • Sacagency icon
    Sacagency Register A sharp name that suggests a high-end and sophisticated brand of artisanal candles. The word "sac" brings to mind a sense of reverence and sanctity, implying that these candles are something special. The name has a well-balanced sound, making it easy to pronounce and remember. The word "agency" adds an air of professionalism, suggesting that customers can trust this brand to deliver top-quality candles.
  • Super Lanterns icon
    Super Lanterns Register A striking name that evokes the image of a superhero lighting the way. The word 'lanterns' is a clever choice, as it suggests a handmade, artisanal product. The name implies that your candles are not just functional, but also have a certain magic to them. The alliteration of the two 's' sounds makes it easy to remember, which is essential for a business name.
  • Flower Vines icon
    Flower Vines Register A charming name that evokes images of beautiful, delicate flowers entwined in vines. The name suggests a natural and artisanal quality to the candles, and a commitment to creating unique, high-quality products. The name is easy to remember, and the use of alliteration makes it catchy and distinctive. This name has a soft and romantic feel, which will appeal to customers looking for a soothing and relaxing experience.
  • Ebony Light icon
    Ebony Light Register A sophisticated name that evokes the warmth and glow of a candle. The combination of "ebony" and "light" creates a beautiful contrast, suggesting the richness and depth of the candle's color against the flickering light. The name has a poetic and elegant feel, which will appeal to customers looking for high-quality, artisanal candles.
  • Pure Lighter icon
    Pure Lighter Register A soothing name that suggests a pure and natural experience when using the candles. The word "lighter" evokes a sense of illumination and warmth, which is perfect for a candle brand. The name also has a simple and memorable sound, making it easy for customers to remember and recommend to friends. The combination of "pure" and "lighter" creates a sense of eco-friendliness, which is a huge selling point for many customers.
  • Scented Coffee icon
    Scented Coffee Register A simple name that immediately tells customers what your product is all about: scented candles. The name is easy to remember and has a straightforward, no-nonsense feel to it. The word 'coffee' in the name adds a touch of warmth and comfort, suggesting that your candles will create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. The name's brevity and clarity make it an excellent choice for a brand that wants to stand out in a crowded market.
  • Reveriely icon
    Reveriely Register A dreamy name that suggests a sense of luxury and relaxation, perfect for artisanal candles. The word "reverie" means a state of daydreaming or pleasant thinking, which creates a sense of calm and tranquility. The -ly ending gives it a sophisticated touch, making it sound elegant and high-end. The name's unique structure also makes it easy to remember, making it a perfect choice for a candle brand that wants to stand out.
  • Cannte icon
    Cannte Register A unique name that conveys the idea of a company that specializes in artisanal candles. The word 'Cannte' suggests a sense of elegance and sophistication, which is perfect for a high-end candle brand. The name also has a memorable and distinctive sound, which will help it stand out from other candle brands. The repetition of the 'n' sound makes it easy to remember and gives the name a pleasing rhythm.
  • Candle Fashion icon
    Candle Fashion Register A sleek and stylish name that reflects the elegance and sophistication of artisanal candles. 'Candle Fashion' clearly communicates what the business is all about. The two words are easy to remember, and the alliteration makes them sound catchy and memorable. The name has a modern vibe that will appeal to a younger audience.
  • Artisan Lady icon
    Artisan Lady Register A sophisticated name that evokes visions of skilled craftsmanship and timeless elegance. The name implies that your artisanal candles are handmade with care and attention to detail. The word "Lady" adds a touch of femininity and grace to the name, making it perfect for a brand that markets to women. The word "Artisan" emphasizes the unique quality of your candles, setting them apart from mass-produced products. Overall, the name communicates a sense of luxury and quality that will appeal to customers looking for a high-end candle experience.
  • Flaming Oak icon
    Flaming Oak Register A fiery name that evokes warmth, coziness, and the natural beauty of oak wood. The name suggests that your candles are made from high-quality ingredients and have an artisanal touch. The combination of 'flaming' and 'oak' is striking and memorable, making it easy for customers to remember your brand. The name also hints at the fragrances your candles might have, such as woodsy or earthy scents.

Choosing a name for an artisanal candle company requires considering the unique qualities of the candles and the brand's mission. Names that evoke a sense of warmth, comfort, and luxury, such as Fireplace Lights iconFireplace Lights, Holy Lantern iconHoly Lantern, and Purple Amber iconPurple Amber, are perfect for artisanal candles. These names imply cozy, inviting, and comforting qualities that the candles may possess.

The use of natural and high-quality ingredients is also a crucial characteristic of artisanal candles. Names such as Free Scents iconFree Scents, Smell Bright iconSmell Bright, and Burn Fresh iconBurn Fresh imply that the candles are made with natural ingredients that produce authentic and pleasant scents.

Artisanal candles often come in unique shapes, sizes, and colors, making them distinct from mass-produced candles. Names such as Flamei, Stanzaa, and Flillion iconFlillion suggest that the candles are unique and stand out from the competition.

Candles are also associated with relaxation and self-care, and names such as Artisan Heaven, Emiliad iconEmiliad, and Reveriely iconReveriely evoke leisure and tranquility. These names are perfect for candles that promote relaxation, meditation, and self-care.

Artisanal candle companies may also find inspiration from nature, and names such as Burn Creek iconBurn Creek, Flower Vines iconFlower Vines, and Ebony Light iconEbony Light suggest that the candles are inspired by the natural world. These names are perfect for candles that use natural and organic ingredients and aim to create a sense of peace and harmony.

Finally, artisanal candles are often associated with luxury, and names such as Candle Tower, Fine Burn, and Artisan Women iconArtisan Women suggest that the candles are of high quality and luxurious. These names are perfect for candle companies that aim to create a sense of sophistication and elegance.

In conclusion, choosing the perfect name for an artisanal candle company requires careful consideration of the brand's mission, values, and characteristics. A well-chosen name can help attract and retain customers while conveying the unique brand and message of the company. Use Domatron's name search below to explore names that create your desired message for your artisanal candle brand.

All 2000 Artisanal Candles Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Fireplace Lights icon Fireplace Lights
Baking Candle icon Baking Candle
Candle Circle icon Candle Circle
Holy Lantern icon Holy Lantern
Double Candle icon Double Candle
Face Candle icon Face Candle
Old Lite icon Old Lite
Isesta icon Isesta
Burn Creek icon Burn Creek
Fire Of Light icon Fire Of Light
Free Scents icon Free Scents
Candle Cases icon Candle Cases
Smell Bright icon Smell Bright
Aromaie icon Aromaie
Scents Up icon Scents Up
Spicy Scents icon Spicy Scents
Dragon Candle icon Dragon Candle
Urban Lanterns icon Urban Lanterns
Angel Lantern icon Angel Lantern
Purple Amber icon Purple Amber
Burn Fresh icon Burn Fresh
Satin Candle icon Satin Candle
Rainbow Lantern icon Rainbow Lantern
Canlier icon Canlier
Burnle icon Burnle
Aromaos icon Aromaos
Candles Lounge icon Candles Lounge
Emiliad icon Emiliad
Flillion icon Flillion
Smellly icon Smellly
Flame Liner icon Flame Liner
Flaming White icon Flaming White
Artisanur icon Artisanur
Baked Candle icon Baked Candle
Artisan Women icon Artisan Women
Torch Room icon Torch Room
Sacagency icon Sacagency
Super Lanterns icon Super Lanterns
Flower Vines icon Flower Vines
Ebony Light icon Ebony Light
Pure Lighter icon Pure Lighter
Scented Coffee icon Scented Coffee
Reveriely icon Reveriely
Cannte icon Cannte
Candle Fashion icon Candle Fashion
Artisan Lady icon Artisan Lady
Flaming Oak icon Flaming Oak
Incensers icon Incensers
Flameium icon Flameium
Aromaetic icon Aromaetic
Amrepia icon Amrepia
Silver Bouquet icon Silver Bouquet