waterproofing company image

As a waterproofing company, you help people protect their homes and businesses from water damage. Your business name should convey the quality of service and expertise that you bring to your customers. Let's collaborate to find a name that reflects your expertise, reliability and sets your waterproofing company apart. With the perfect name, you can create a brand that attracts customers who care about protecting their property from the risks of water damage.

Finding a name for your waterproofing company can be challenging, especially when you're trying to find something that also has a matching .com domain. That's why Domatron is a great tool for finding a name. We've curated over 50 of the best names for your waterproofing company, each accompanied by a detailed analysis of why it's an excellent choice, with all names coming with available .com domains.

If you can't find a name that resonates with you in our top 50 list, we also offer a comprehensive database of thousands more water-resistant name ideas that you can search by keyword and concept. We update our lists regularly to ensure that all the names you see are available for registration.

It's time to protect your customer's homes from water damage with a memorable name. Let's start the search!

Top Waterproofing Company Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Waterglasss icon
    Waterglasss Register
    Waterglasss.com: A clear and memorable name that evokes an image of glass-like water. It suggests the company is all about keeping water out of unwanted areas. The word 'glass' implies transparency and clarity, making it an ideal name for a company that prioritizes honesty and trustworthiness. The repetition of 'ss' in the name gives it a satisfying sound that will stick in people's minds.
  • Water Bl Ends icon
    Water Bl Ends Register
    WaterBlEnds.com: A memorable name that clearly conveys the company's area of expertise. The name suggests a combination of 'water' and 'blends,' which could imply a range of waterproofing solutions to suit different needs. The word 'ends' is an excellent wordplay, suggesting that the company will put an end to any water damage. This name is easy to remember and gives a sense of confidence and reliability.
  • Underwater Water icon
    Underwater Water Register
    UnderwaterWater.com: A memorable and creative name that immediately tells customers what your waterproofing company does. The name suggests that your company is an expert in keeping things dry, even in the most challenging environments. The word breakdown is simple and easy to understand, and the repetition of the word "water" makes it easy to remember. The name will help your company stand out in a crowded market and attract customers who want reliable and effective waterproofing solutions.
  • Water Waters icon
    Water Waters Register
    WaterWaters.com: A straightforward name that immediately conveys the company's specialty - waterproofing. The repetition of the word 'water' is memorable and easy to remember. The name suggests that the company is an expert in its field, and the use of 'waters' makes it feel like a trusted name in the industry. This name will make it easy for customers to find and remember the brand.
  • Liquidtex icon
    Liquidtex Register
    Liquidtex.com: A strong, memorable name that suggests a company that specializes in waterproofing. The word 'liquid' implies flexibility and adaptability, while 'tex' gives the impression of something tough and durable. The combination suggests a company that can protect anything from water damage. The name is also easy to remember and has a modern feel, making it appealing to those who want the latest and greatest technology.
  • Water Rescuers icon
    Water Rescuers Register
    WaterRescuers.com: This is a straightforward and descriptive name that immediately conveys what your waterproofing company is all about - rescuing homes and buildings from water damage. The name is memorable and easy to remember, making it simple for people to find you when they need your services. The word 'rescuers' gives a sense of urgency and importance, suggesting that your company is reliable and dedicated to helping customers in need.
  • Equi Water icon
    Equi Water Register
    EquiWater.com: A simple yet effective name that suggests durability and protection from water damage. The word "equi" means equal, suggesting that this waterproofing company provides equal protection to all areas. The name is easy to remember, making it a great choice for a business that wants to stay top of mind for its customers. Additionally, the name has a modern ring to it, helping the business to appeal to a younger tech-savvy audience.
  • Kids Roofing icon
    Kids Roofing Register
    KidsRoofing.com: A memorable name that highlights the target audience of the waterproofing company. The name suggests that the company caters to families with kids, giving the impression that it takes special care to ensure safety and security for the little ones. The word "roofing" is easy to remember and understand, which makes it a perfect fit for a business name.
  • Motor Roofing icon
    Motor Roofing Register
    MotorRoofing.com: A strong and impactful name that immediately conveys a sense of durability and reliability. It suggests that with Motor Roofing, your roof will be strong enough to withstand any weather. The name breakdown is simple yet effective, with 'Motor' implying strength and power, and 'Roofing' describing the service. The name's simplicity makes it easy to remember, and its association with strength and reliability makes it appealing to anyone in need of waterproofing services.
  • Aqua O Rama icon
    Aqua O Rama Register
    AquaORama.com: A catchy name that immediately suggests a waterproofing company. The word "Aqua" is a play on "water," which immediately evokes the idea of waterproofing. The word "Rama" suggests excitement, making it sound like a fun and adventurous company. The name is memorable and has a fun, modern feel that will appeal to young homeowners and anyone looking to waterproof their property.
  • Freshwater Water icon
    Freshwater Water Register
    FreshwaterWater.com: A crisp and straightforward name that tells you exactly what the company does. The name suggests the company specializes in waterproofing for freshwater sources like lakes, rivers, and streams. The repetition of the word 'water' emphasizes the company's focus on water protection. The name is easy to remember, making it ideal for a company that wants to establish a strong brand presence.
  • Aquaedia icon
    Aquaedia Register
    Aquaedia.com: A memorable name that evokes images of water and durability. The word "aqua" suggests a connection to water, which is perfect for a waterproofing company. The suffix "-edia" means "a collection of knowledge" which gives the impression of a company with expertise and experience. The name is also easy to pronounce and spell, making it perfect for word-of-mouth referrals. Overall, Aquaedia is a name that is both memorable and informative, conveying the benefits of a company that knows how to keep water out.
  • Aquaash icon
    Aquaash Register
    Aquaash.com: "A modern name that suggests a company that specializes in waterproofing. The word 'aqua' gives the impression of water and durability, while 'ash' is a short and punchy ending that sounds strong and reliable. The combination of these two words makes it easy to remember and highlights the company's main focus. The unique name will make it stand out from competitors and it's perfect for a company that values integrity and trustworthiness."
  • Medical Roofing icon
    Medical Roofing Register
    MedicalRoofing.com: A name that suggests excellent quality and reliability, Medical Roofing is perfect for a waterproofing company. The word "medical" implies a level of precision and care, which will appeal to customers who want the best protection for their homes. The word "roofing" is clear and straightforward, making it easy to understand what the company does. The combination of these two words is unique and memorable, making it easy for customers to remember and recommend.
  • Moisture Works icon
    Moisture Works Register
    MoistureWorks.com: A descriptive name that clearly conveys the company's purpose of waterproofing. The word 'moisture' is easy to understand and makes it clear that this company can help prevent water damage. The word 'works' suggests that the company is reliable and effective. Together, the name is memorable and easy to remember.
  • Drowno icon
    Drowno Register
    Drowno.com: A memorable name that evokes the image of a waterproofing company that will prevent your home or business from drowning in water damage. The word breakdown of the name is also easy to remember, which will make it easy for people to find your company. Additionally, the name has a modern, tech-friendly feel that will appeal to a younger audience.
  • Hydroized icon
    Hydroized Register
    Hydroized.com: A modern and innovative name that immediately conveys the idea of waterproofing. The word 'hydro' means water, while the suffix '-ized' implies something has been made waterproof. The name is memorable and easy to pronounce, which is ideal for a company that specializes in waterproofing. The name also suggests a high level of expertise and professionalism, which will give customers confidence in your services.
  • Water Kitchens icon
    Water Kitchens Register
    WaterKitchens.com: A clear name that immediately conveys what your company does, which is waterproofing kitchens. 'Water' and 'Kitchens' are both easy-to-understand words that work well together. The name suggests that your company specializes in keeping kitchens dry, free from water damage, and looking their best.
  • Water Deco icon
    Water Deco Register
    WaterDeco.com: A clear name that conveys the idea of protecting your space from water damage. The word 'deco' brings to mind stylish and trendy designs, suggesting that the waterproofing solutions offered by this company are both practical and visually appealing. The short and straightforward name is easy to remember and will stick in the minds of potential customers.
  • Aquaility icon
    Aquaility Register
    Aquaility.com: A unique name that immediately conveys the idea of quality waterproofing services. The word 'aqua' suggests water, which ties perfectly to waterproofing. The word 'quality' gives the impression of excellence and reliability. The name is easy to remember and will appeal to those looking for top-quality waterproofing services.
  • Aquaita icon
    Aquaita Register
    Aquaita.com: Aquaita is a distinctive name that suggests your company specializes in waterproofing. The word 'Aqua' immediately connects the name to water, while the suffix 'aita' suggests a professional and reliable service. The name's uniqueness makes it easy to remember, which is a great advantage for any business. The name also has a modern and tech-savvy feel that will appeal to customers looking for cutting-edge solutions.
  • Drywall Sters icon
    Drywall Sters Register
    DrywallSters.com: A short and memorable name that immediately conveys the purpose of the business - waterproofing. The word "sters" sounds like "sealers," which reinforces the idea that this company can keep water out of your walls. The name also has a modern feel to it, making it appealing to a younger audience.
  • Dry Burner icon
    Dry Burner Register
    DryBurner.com: A straightforward name that immediately suggests a waterproofing company. The word 'dry' perfectly sums up the desired outcome of waterproofing. The word 'burner' suggests heat, which is a common technique used in waterproofing. The combination of the two words makes it very easy to remember, giving your business a strong and memorable name.
  • Surf Waters icon
    Surf Waters Register
    SurfWaters.com: A straightforward name that immediately communicates what the company does. The word 'surf' suggests the use of water and the outdoors, while 'waters' indicates that the company specializes in waterproofing. The name is easy to remember, making it an excellent choice for a waterproofing company.
  • Aqua Pressed icon
    Aqua Pressed Register
    AquaPressed.com: A memorable name that immediately conveys the company's focus on waterproofing. The word 'aqua' relates to water, and the word 'pressed' suggests something that has been treated to resist water. The name is straightforward, making it easy for customers to remember. The word 'pressed' also implies a sense of durability, which is a great selling point for a waterproofing company.
  • Rain Delivery icon
    Rain Delivery Register
    RainDelivery.com: A simple and direct name that conveys the message of your waterproofing company. 'Rain' indicates protection from the elements, while 'Delivery' suggests a sense of speed and efficiency. The two words are easy to remember, and the name has a modern, professional feel that will attract customers. The unique combination of 'Rain' and 'Delivery' creates an image of your company quickly and effectively solving water damage problems for your clients.
  • Roof Wood icon
    Roof Wood Register
    RoofWood.com: A simple name that conveys the idea of a waterproofing company that focuses on roofs. The name's simplicity makes it memorable, and its two syllables make it easy to say, making it a great choice for a company that wants to be easily recognizable. The name's straightforwardness suggests professionalism, reliability and expertise in dealing with roof-related waterproofing issues.
  • Water Lenders icon
    Water Lenders Register
    WaterLenders.com: A straightforward name that immediately communicates your waterproofing company's primary service. The word "lenders" suggests trust and reliability, implying that you're the trusted source for waterproofing solutions. The name is easy to remember, and its simplicity makes it perfect for word of mouth referrals.
  • Aqua Finger icon
    Aqua Finger Register
    AquaFinger.com: A distinctive name that immediately brings to mind the idea of water resistance. The word 'aqua' refers to water and 'finger' implies precision and accuracy, suggesting that your waterproofing company will provide effective and precise solutions for water damage. The name is short and memorable, making it easy to recall when someone needs waterproofing services.
  • Watered In icon
    Watered In Register
    WateredIn.com: A concise name that suggests water protection is at the core of your business. The use of the phrase "watered in" implies a process that ensures complete waterproofing. The name has a calming, natural feel to it, which suggests that your company uses safe and environmentally friendly methods. It's a memorable name that will help you stand out in the industry.
  • Sink Out icon
    Sink Out Register
    SinkOut.com: A straightforward name that emphasizes the company's core services - waterproofing. The name suggests that the company can ensure that water will not sink into the property, giving customers peace of mind. The simple structure of the name makes it very easy to remember, which is a significant benefit in a crowded market.
  • Aquamium icon
    Aquamium Register
    Aquamium.com: A unique name that suggests a company specializing in waterproofing. The word 'Aquamium' is derived from 'aqua' meaning water, and 'ium' a suffix used to denote a chemical element. This name implies a scientific approach to waterproofing, which will instill confidence in customers. The name is easy to remember and has a modern, professional feel to it.
  • Puddley icon
    Puddley Register
    Puddley.com: A playful name that suggests protection from puddles and water damage. The name is easy to remember and has a friendly, approachable feel. The word 'puddle' is memorable, which can help customers keep your business in mind. The name also implies a sense of expertise, and the company knows all about keeping buildings dry.
  • Splash Builder icon
    Splash Builder Register
    SplashBuilder.com: Splash Builder is a memorable name that conveys the idea of building and protecting. The word 'splash' suggests a sense of fun and playfulness, while 'builder' implies a company that will help you build something that will last. The word breakdown is simple and easy to understand, making it easy to remember. The name suggests durability and reliability, making it an excellent choice for a waterproofing company.
  • Aqua Sisters icon
    Aqua Sisters Register
    AquaSisters.com: A catchy name that immediately evokes images of water and protection. The word 'sisters' implies a close-knit, family-oriented business that you can trust. The combination of 'Aqua' and 'Sisters' also sounds like a brand name, making it easy to remember. The name suggests that the company specializes in waterproofing, and the word 'sisters' conveys a sense of reliability and dependability. Overall, the name is memorable and trustworthy, which is exactly what you want in a waterproofing company.
  • Liquid Pipes icon
    Liquid Pipes Register
    LiquidPipes.com: A simple and straightforward name that conveys the idea of a company that deals with pipes and waterproofing. The word 'liquid' implies flexibility and adaptability, which is perfect for a company that specializes in waterproofing. The two words are easy to remember and have a nice flow to them. The name's simplicity makes it easy to associate with a company that does exactly what it says it does.
  • Roof Corner icon
    Roof Corner Register
    RoofCorner.com: A concise name that immediately suggests a company that specializes in protecting the corners of roofs. The name is straightforward, easy to remember, and suggests expertise in the field. The two simple words make it easy to spell and pronounce, making it easy to recommend via word-of-mouth.
  • Aquaticium icon
    Aquaticium Register
    Aquaticium.com: A distinctive name that evokes images of all things water-related. The word "Aquatic" suggests that your company specializes in waterproofing, and the suffix "-ium" adds a sense of durability and strength. The name is unique and memorable, making it easy to associate with your business.
  • Roof Top Center icon
    Roof Top Center Register
    RoofTopCenter.com: A straightforward name that conveys the idea of a waterproofing company that specializes in fixing roofs. The name is easy to remember and straightforward, which will make it appealing to anyone who needs their roof fixed. The name also has a sense of reliability and trustworthiness, which will help it stand out in a crowded market.
  • Fireproof Labs icon
    Fireproof Labs Register
    FireproofLabs.com: A solid name that suggests a company that can protect your property against fire damage. The word 'proof' implies that the company can guarantee protection. The word 'labs' suggests a scientific approach and expertise in the field. The combination of the two words makes it easy to remember and gives it a modern, tech-savvy feel.

When it comes to naming a waterproofing company, the goal is to choose a name that inspires trust, reliability, and expertise. There are different themes that you can use to convey these qualities.

One theme is using words related to water, such as Hydroology, Waterglasss iconWaterglasss, Underwater Water iconUnderwater Water, Water Rescuers iconWater Rescuers, and Splash Guys. These names suggest that your company has a deep understanding of water and knows how to protect your clients' properties from it.

Another theme is using words related to dryness or protection, such as Dry Floors, Fireproof Labs iconFireproof Labs, Wetster, and Water Fortress. These names suggest that your company is an expert in preventing water damage and can keep your clients' properties safe and dry.

Some names use a combination of words related to water and protection, such as Rain Patrol, Rain Guys, and Saltwater Express. These names suggest that your company is always on the lookout for potential water damage and can provide quick solutions to prevent any harm.

Other names, such as Aqua O Rama iconAqua O Rama, Aquamium iconAquamium, and Aquatic Travel, use words related to water in a more playful or creative way. These names can be effective if they match your brand and target audience.

You can also consider names that focus on the specific type of waterproofing solutions you offer, such as Moisture Works iconMoisture Works, Drowno iconDrowno, and Roof Top Center iconRoof Top Center. These names can help attract clients who are looking for a specific type of waterproofing service.

It's essential to consider what values and qualities you want your company to convey and choose a name that reflects them. Use Domatron's name search below to explore the different themes and ideas until you find the perfect name for your waterproofing company.

All 2000 Waterproofing Company Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Waterglasss icon Waterglasss
Water Bl Ends icon Water Bl Ends
Underwater Water icon Underwater Water
Water Waters icon Water Waters
Liquidtex icon Liquidtex
Water Rescuers icon Water Rescuers
Equi Water icon Equi Water
Kids Roofing icon Kids Roofing
Motor Roofing icon Motor Roofing
Aqua O Rama icon Aqua O Rama
Freshwater Water icon Freshwater Water
Aquaedia icon Aquaedia
Aquaash icon Aquaash
Medical Roofing icon Medical Roofing
Moisture Works icon Moisture Works
Drowno icon Drowno
Hydroized icon Hydroized
Water Kitchens icon Water Kitchens
Water Deco icon Water Deco
Aquaility icon Aquaility
Aquaita icon Aquaita
Drywall Sters icon Drywall Sters
Dry Burner icon Dry Burner
Surf Waters icon Surf Waters
Aqua Pressed icon Aqua Pressed
Rain Delivery icon Rain Delivery
Roof Wood icon Roof Wood
Water Lenders icon Water Lenders
Aqua Finger icon Aqua Finger
Watered In icon Watered In
Sink Out icon Sink Out
Aquamium icon Aquamium
Puddley icon Puddley
Splash Builder icon Splash Builder
Aqua Sisters icon Aqua Sisters
Liquid Pipes icon Liquid Pipes
Roof Corner icon Roof Corner
Aquaticium icon Aquaticium
Roof Top Center icon Roof Top Center
Fireproof Labs icon Fireproof Labs
Drywall Care icon Drywall Care
Pressure It icon Pressure It
Water Merchants icon Water Merchants
Splash Easy icon Splash Easy
Water Spree icon Water Spree
Aquang icon Aquang
Kids Plumbing icon Kids Plumbing
Water Rolls icon Water Rolls
Waters Keeper icon Waters Keeper
Lean Roofing icon Lean Roofing
Enviro Wetter icon Enviro Wetter
Liquidity Company icon Liquidity Company