urban exploration app image

Starting an urban exploration app requires creativity, curiosity, and a passion for discovering hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path locations in cities worldwide. Your app's name should reflect that sense of adventure, curiosity, and excitement of discovering new places. A great name can also set your app apart from similar apps in the market and attract new users. Let's explore the options available and find the perfect name that conveys your app's spirit and inspires your users to explore the world around them.

Finding the perfect name for your urban exploration app might seem daunting, especially when you're looking for a name with a matching .com domain. But, with Domatron, you can easily find the perfect name for your app without any hassle. We've curated a list of over 50 of the best urban exploration app names, each accompanied by a detailed analysis of why it's a great choice for your app.

We also have a database of thousands of potential names for your app that you can search using advanced keyword and concept searches, ensuring that you find the perfect name that resonates with your audience. With our domain availability filters, you can be sure that all the names you come across are ready for registration.

It's time to discover the world's hidden gems and share your passion for urban exploration with a memorable name for your app. Let's get started!

Top Urban Exploration App Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Urban Brit icon
    Urban Brit Register
    UrbanBrit.com: A distinctive name that captures the essence of both urban exploration and British culture. The name suggests exploration of cities, while also evoking images of British history, landmarks, and culture. The combination of 'Urban' and 'Brit' makes it easy to remember and perfect for a travel app that caters to an audience interested in discovering the UK's urban gems. The name also implies a sense of adventure and excitement, which could attract younger and more adventurous travelers.
  • Street Digs icon
    Street Digs Register
    StreetDigs.com: A catchy name that suggests a focus on gritty, urban exploration. The word 'digs' implies a sense of discovery and uncovering hidden gems, while 'street' gives it an edgy, urban vibe. The name is easy to remember and has a playful, adventurous feel that will appeal to young urbanites.
  • Street Tab icon
    Street Tab Register
    StreetTab.com: A sleek and modern name that perfectly captures the essence of the app. Street Tab suggests a digital guide to exploring the city, with easy-to-use tabs for different areas, locations, and activities. The name's simplicity and ease of use make it memorable and easy to recommend to others. Additionally, the name implies that the app is user-friendly, which is a key selling point.
  • City Prospect icon
    City Prospect Register
    CityProspect.com: A dynamic name that perfectly captures the essence of an urban exploring app. The word 'Prospect' suggests the promise of discovery, while 'City' reinforces the focus on urban environments. The name is easy to remember and has a professional ring to it, giving your app credibility. The structure of the name also implies a sense of direction and guidance, which is integral to a successful exploration app. Overall, 'City Prospect' is a name that promises adventure, discovery, and excitement.
  • Spottopia icon
    Spottopia Register
    Spottopia.com: A catchy name that suggests the excitement and adventure of exploring a city. The word 'Spot' implies discovering hidden gems, and the 'topia' ending suggests a utopia or ideal place. The name is easy to remember, and the word has a pleasant sound, making it appealing to younger people. The name's uniqueness and memorability will make it stand out in a crowded app market.
  • Metro Dew icon
    Metro Dew Register
    MetroDew.com: A modern name that perfectly captures the essence of exploring a city. Metro suggests urban travel and adventure, while Dew implies freshness and vitality. The combination of a city's hustle and bustle with a refreshing morning dew makes it a perfect name for an urban exploration app. The name is short, memorable, and easy to pronounce, making it ideal for a mobile app.
  • Cityaholic icon
    Cityaholic Register
    Cityaholic.com: A catchy name that perfectly captures the spirit of urban exploration. The term 'Cityaholic' suggests a passion for cities, and an insatiable desire to explore them. The name is simple, memorable, and easy to pronounce, making it perfect for an app. The word breakdown is straightforward, and the name is easy to remember. It's a name that will appeal to anyone who loves discovering new places and experiences in a city.
  • Locatona icon
    Locatona Register
    Locatona.com: An adventurous name that suggests exploration and discovery in urban areas. Locatona could be interpreted as 'location' and 'tona', which could represent a tone or sound that guides you. The name has a unique and memorable ring to it, which is essential in an app name. It's short and easy to pronounce, making it a perfect fit for a modern, tech-savvy audience. The name creates a sense of excitement and curiosity, making users feel like they are part of a new adventure every time they use the app.
  • Metro Discovery icon
    Metro Discovery Register
    MetroDiscovery.com: A descriptive name that effectively communicates the app's purpose of discovering new places in the city. The word 'metro' suggests that it's focused on urban areas, while 'discovery' implies the excitement of finding new and hidden gems. The name is easy to remember and will appeal to those who love exploring cities. The use of two simple, straightforward words makes it easy to spell and search for online. Additionally, the word 'discovery' has positive connotations of adventure, spontaneity, and excitement, which will appeal to the app's target audience.
  • City Colony icon
    City Colony Register
    CityColony.com: A straightforward name that clearly communicates the purpose of your app. City Colony suggests a group of people exploring urban areas together, which creates a sense of community and adventure. The alliteration in the name makes it easy to remember, and the word Colony also implies a sense of organization and structure to your exploration.
  • Trail District icon
    Trail District Register
    TrailDistrict.com: A descriptive name that suggests the app is all about exploring and discovering new urban trails. The name is easy to remember and straightforward, making it perfect for an app that aims to help people navigate the city. The word "District" gives the impression that the app will cover many different areas, which is great for users who want to explore various parts of the city. Overall, Trail District is a name that promises adventure, discovery, and exploration.
  • Urban Director icon
    Urban Director Register
    UrbanDirector.com: A sophisticated name that suggests expertise and leadership in urban exploration. The name is easy to remember and spell, making it ideal for an app that people will use on the go. The word "Director" implies guidance and organization, which will appeal to users who want to explore the city with confidence and ease. The name also has a modern, urban feel, which is perfect for an app that caters to city-dwellers who want to discover new places.
  • Street Shed icon
    Street Shed Register
    StreetShed.com: A memorable name that immediately suggests the idea of exploring the streets. 'Street Shed' is easy to remember and rolls off the tongue. The word 'Shed' implies a sense of discovery and uncovering hidden treasures. The name is straightforward and sounds trustworthy, which will appeal to people looking for a reliable urban exploration app. Additionally, the alliteration in 'Street Shed' makes it a fun and catchy name that will stick in people's minds.
  • Exploration Plus icon
    Exploration Plus Register
    ExplorationPlus.com: A clear and straightforward name that tells users exactly what to expect from your app. The word Exploration implies new discoveries and exciting adventures, while the word Plus suggests that your app offers something extra, such as tips, recommendations, or exclusive content. The name is easy to remember and has a professional sound, which will appeal to users who want a reliable and trustworthy resource for their urban exploration needs.
  • Planet Current icon
    Planet Current Register
    PlanetCurrent.com: A captivating name that suggests this app will take you on a journey through the current of the city. The word "planet" gives it a universal appeal, while "current" implies movement and energy. The name breakdown is simple and easy to remember, making it perfect for an app. Its uniqueness will make it stand out in the market, and its modern sound will appeal to a younger audience.
  • Metro Terrace icon
    Metro Terrace Register
    MetroTerrace.com: A catchy name that captures the essence of exploring the city. "Metro" suggests transportation and the urban environment, while "Terrace" implies an elevated view or perspective. The name invokes a sense of adventure and excitement, making it perfect for an urban exploration app. "Metro" is also a common prefix in cities worldwide, making it easy to remember and recognize. The name's unique combination of words makes it stand out from other similar apps and ensures that users will remember the name when recommending it to others.
  • Urban Evil icon
    Urban Evil Register
    UrbanEvil.com: A bold name that suggests exploring the darker, less-seen parts of the city. Urban Evil is a name that will appeal to people looking for adventure and excitement, who want to explore the unknown side of the urban landscape. The name itself is short, memorable, and easy to say, which makes it perfect for an app. The juxtaposition of the words urban and evil creates a unique and unforgettable brand.
  • Locorium icon
    Locorium Register
    Locorium.com: A unique name that suggests exploration and discovery. The Latin root of the word "loc" meaning "place" and the suffix "-orium" meaning "place for" or "repository of" gives the name a sense of purpose and organization. The name also has a modern feel to it, which will appeal to tech-savvy urban explorers. The name's distinctiveness and easy pronunciation make it memorable and easy to search for online.
  • Street Planning icon
    Street Planning Register
    StreetPlanning.com: A descriptive name that hints at the purpose of your app, which is to help people plan their urban explorations. The name is straightforward and easy to remember, making it a great choice for a functional app. The alliteration in the name also makes it pleasing to the ear, which adds to its memorability. Overall, Street Planning is a clear and concise name that immediately communicates what your app does.
  • Urbanrian icon
    Urbanrian Register
    Urbanrian.com: A distinctive name that perfectly captures the essence of urban exploration. The combination of 'urban' and 'arian' gives the name an edgy, modern feel, while also suggesting a sense of community and belonging. The word breakdown is easy to understand, making it simple to remember. Urbanrian's uniqueness will make it stand out in the crowded app market, attracting users who are looking for an app that will help them discover the hidden gems of the city.
  • City Dope icon
    City Dope Register
    CityDope.com: A catchy name that suggests a fun and exciting way to explore the city. The word "dope" implies that the app will offer a unique and thrilling experience. The word "city" in the name makes it clear that this is an urban exploration app. The combination of these words creates a memorable and distinctive name that will appeal to a young and adventurous audience. The name is easy to remember and has a playful, informal tone that will make it stand out in a crowded market. With City Dope, users will discover new and exciting places in the city that they wouldn't have known about otherwise.
  • Invisible Street icon
    Invisible Street Register
    InvisibleStreet.com: A mysterious name that suggests there's more to the city than meets the eye. Invisible Street implies that there are hidden gems to be discovered, which is a perfect fit for an urban exploration app. The name is also easy to remember and has a slightly edgy feel that will appeal to a younger audience.
  • Street Torch icon
    Street Torch Register
    StreetTorch.com: A catchy name that suggests the idea of lighting the way in unfamiliar territory. Torch and street are both simple, easy-to-remember words that make this name memorable. The name also implies that users will have a sense of security and guidance while exploring new areas. The simplicity of the name makes it accessible to a wide audience, and the word torch adds a sense of adventure.
  • Locateor icon
    Locateor Register
    Locateor.com: A straightforward name that suggests locating things in an urban environment. Its simplicity makes it easy to remember and understand. The word "or" at the end gives it a futuristic feel, making it sound like a high-tech app. Its brevity means it's easy to fit in a logo or app icon, and it's likely to stand out among other app names.
  • Discovery Country icon
    Discovery Country Register
    DiscoveryCountry.com: A descriptive name that suggests a sense of adventure and exploration. It's easy to remember and reinforces the idea that the app is about discovering new places. The word "country" may evoke thoughts of rural areas, but in this context, it's a metaphor for exploring uncharted territory. The name has a broad appeal and is suitable for people who enjoy urban exploration, hiking, or simply discovering new places to visit.
  • Street Detector icon
    Street Detector Register
    StreetDetector.com: A descriptive name that immediately tells your target audience what your app does. It evokes a sense of adventure, suggesting that users can discover new streets and neighborhoods. The word "detector" implies that the app is precise and accurate, making it an excellent tool for urban exploration. The straightforward name is easy to remember, making it an ideal choice for this type of app.
  • Urbanamo icon
    Urbanamo Register
    Urbanamo.com: A catchy name that perfectly captures the essence of exploring urban environments. The word 'Urban' tells you exactly what the app is for, and the suffix '-amo' adds a sense of adventure and excitement. The name is short, easy to remember, and has a distinctive sound that will set it apart from other apps. Overall, Urbanamo is a name that will appeal to anyone who loves discovering new places in the city.
  • Urban Accord icon
    Urban Accord Register
    UrbanAccord.com: A sophisticated name that suggests a harmony between people and the urban environment. Accord implies an agreement or coming together, which is perfect for an app that encourages people to explore and connect with their city. The word 'Urban' gives it a specific focus, making it clear what the app is all about. The combination of these words makes the name unique and memorable.
  • Urban Devils icon
    Urban Devils Register
    UrbanDevils.com: A bold name that perfectly captures the adventurous spirit of urban exploration. "Urban Devils" implies a willingness to take risks and explore the unknown, which will appeal to thrill-seekers and adventurers. The name's alliteration and simple structure make it easy to remember and pronounce. Additionally, the name provides a sense of community and camaraderie, as if members of the app are part of an exclusive club. Overall, the name suggests excitement, adventure, and a shared sense of exploration.
  • Seekica icon
    Seekica Register
    Seekica.com: An intriguing name that suggests adventure and discovery, perfect for an app that helps users explore new places in the city. The name Seekica breaks down to 'seek' and 'ica', with 'seek' implying the search for something new and 'ica' giving the name a unique and memorable ending. This name is catchy, easy to remember, and will attract people looking to explore and discover new experiences in the city.
  • Terraeur icon
    Terraeur Register
    Terraeur.com: A bold name that suggests an exciting journey of discovery in urban environments. The combination of 'terra' (Latin for land) and 'eur' (short for explore) creates a unique and memorable name that fits perfectly with your app's purpose. The word breakdown is easy to understand, making the name accessible to a wide range of users. Its uniqueness, combined with its easy-to-pronounce structure, makes Terraeur stand out in a crowded market.
  • Wild Estuary icon
    Wild Estuary Register
    WildEstuary.com: A captivating name that suggests exploration and adventure in an urban setting. The word Wild implies a sense of freedom and unpredictability, while Estuary suggests a connection to water and nature. The name's unique combination of words makes it memorable and easy to remember. The name also has a sense of mystery, which will make people curious about your app.
  • Bright Terrain icon
    Bright Terrain Register
    BrightTerrain.com: A unique name that suggests exploration and adventure in an urban setting. Bright Terrain implies a landscape that is illuminated and vivid, which speaks to the excitement and discovery that comes with exploring a city. The name also suggests that your app will help users navigate through the urban environment with ease and confidence. Its simplicity and ease of pronunciation make it a memorable and catchy name that will appeal to a wide audience.
  • Street Tower icon
    Street Tower Register
    StreetTower.com: A dynamic name that suggests adventure and exploration in urban environments. "Street" is a clear reference to the city, while "Tower" evokes a sense of height, ambition, and discovery. The name is easy to remember and speaks directly to the target audience of urban explorers. The two words also have a pleasing rhythm and flow when spoken together, making it a memorable and distinctive name.
  • Metro Twist icon
    Metro Twist Register
    MetroTwist.com: A catchy name that suggests exploring a city and discovering something new around every corner. The name combines two common words to create something unique and memorable. The word 'Metro' refers to the city, while 'Twist' implies a new perspective or a fresh take on things. The combination makes it an ideal name for an app that helps you explore a city and see it from a different angle. The name is also easy to remember and will stand out in the crowded app market.
  • City Of Nature icon
    City Of Nature Register
    CityOfNature.com: An evocative name that immediately suggests the idea of finding nature in unexpected places. The phrase "City of Nature" creates a sense of wonder and discovery, making it perfect for an urban exploration app. The name's structure is straightforward and easy to remember, allowing users to recall it easily. It's a name that is inclusive and welcoming, appealing to those who want to connect with nature in their city. Overall, the name City of Nature is unique, memorable, and speaks directly to the benefits of using the app.
  • Watgy icon
    Watgy Register
    Watgy.com: A catchy name that suggests exploring the city in a fun and adventurous way. The word "Wat" sounds like "What," giving the impression of discovery and surprise while "gy" at the end gives it a modern twist. The name is memorable and easy to pronounce, making it perfect for an app that encourages people to get out and explore their city.
  • Urban Slant icon
    Urban Slant Register
    UrbanSlant.com: A catchy name that suggests exploring cities from a new perspective. The word "slant" implies a fresh angle or viewpoint, which will appeal to people who want to discover hidden gems in urban areas. The name is easy to remember and has a contemporary feel. Using two words with the same sound at the end make it sound like a strong brand. The unique word pairing also makes it easier for the app to be found online.
  • City Dolphin icon
    City Dolphin Register
    CityDolphin.com: A creative name that suggests the idea of a dolphin, a creature known for its intelligence and exploration, in the context of urban environments. The name is easy to remember and has a playful yet sophisticated tone. The two-word structure of the name makes it suitable for use as a domain name or social media handle. Overall, City Dolphin is a name that will appeal to people who love exploring cities and discovering new places.
  • Street Tunnel icon
    Street Tunnel Register
    StreetTunnel.com: A bold name that immediately captures the imagination and suggests urban exploration. Street Tunnel is perfect for an app that offers people the chance to discover hidden gems and forgotten corners of the city. The name's simplicity allows for easy recall, while the combination of two commonplace words makes it feel familiar and approachable.
  • Planet Cave icon
    Planet Cave Register
    PlanetCave.com: An adventurous name that suggests the excitement of exploring the hidden corners of the city. "Planet" evokes a sense of vastness and exploration, while "Cave" suggests the thrill of discovering a secret place. The name is short and easy to remember, making it perfect for an app. The contrast between "Planet" and "Cave" also creates a memorable image that will stick in the user's mind. Overall, the name Planet Cave promises users a thrilling adventure and encourages them to discover new places in their city.
  • Street Spire icon
    Street Spire Register
    StreetSpire.com: An evocative name that suggests adventure and discovery in the city. The word 'Spire' invokes images of towering skyscrapers and urban architecture, while 'Street' implies exploration and discovery. The name is easy to remember, and its alliteration makes it catchy and memorable. Its unique structure makes it stand out and appeal to people who want to explore and discover new things in the city.

When it comes to naming an urban exploration app, you want a name that suggests adventure, excitement, and exploration. Many of the names on this list suggest a focus on uncovering hidden gems and secret locations in the city, which is a perfect fit for an urban exploration app.

Some of the names, such as Cities Wide, City Prospect iconCity Prospect, and City Colony iconCity Colony, focus on the city itself, emphasizing the app's central role in helping users discover the unique aspects of their particular city. These names suggest a broad range of exploration possibilities and a sense of adventure about exploring new places.

Other names, such as Street Digs iconStreet Digs, Street Landing, and Planet Vantage, suggest a focus on uncovering hidden, out-of-the-way locations. These names are perfect for an app that encourages users to explore beyond the beaten path and discover new and exciting places.

A few names focus on the idea of consulting or planning, such as Street Consult iconStreet Consultant and Street Planning iconStreet Planning. These names suggest that the app provides expert guidance to users as they explore their city, making it easier for them to discover new places.

Some names, such as Urban Slant iconUrban Slant, Urban Accord iconUrban Accord, and Urban Evil iconUrban Evil, suggest a more rebellious or alternative approach to urban exploration. These names may be particularly appealing to users who are looking for something a bit offbeat or who want to explore hidden corners of the city that are not immediately visible.

Finally, some names, such as Spottopia iconSpottopia, Locatona iconLocatona, and Seekica iconSeekica, suggest a focus on finding specific locations or spots within the city. These names may be particularly useful if your app is designed to help users find hidden street art or other specific urban landmarks.

In choosing a name for your urban exploration app, consider the themes and values most important to your brand and audience. Use Domatron's search tool to find a name that captures your brand's essence and inspires adventurers to explore the unknown corners of the city.

All 2000 Urban Exploration App Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Urban Brit icon Urban Brit
Street Digs icon Street Digs
Street Tab icon Street Tab
City Prospect icon City Prospect
Spottopia icon Spottopia
Metro Dew icon Metro Dew
Cityaholic icon Cityaholic
Locatona icon Locatona
Metro Discovery icon Metro Discovery
City Colony icon City Colony
Trail District icon Trail District
Urban Director icon Urban Director
Street Shed icon Street Shed
Exploration Plus icon Exploration Plus
Planet Current icon Planet Current
Metro Terrace icon Metro Terrace
Urban Evil icon Urban Evil
Locorium icon Locorium
Street Planning icon Street Planning
Urbanrian icon Urbanrian
City Dope icon City Dope
Invisible Street icon Invisible Street
Street Torch icon Street Torch
Locateor icon Locateor
Discovery Country icon Discovery Country
Street Detector icon Street Detector
Urbanamo icon Urbanamo
Urban Accord icon Urban Accord
Urban Devils icon Urban Devils
Seekica icon Seekica
Terraeur icon Terraeur
Wild Estuary icon Wild Estuary
Bright Terrain icon Bright Terrain
Street Tower icon Street Tower
Metro Twist icon Metro Twist
City Of Nature icon City Of Nature
Watgy icon Watgy
Urban Slant icon Urban Slant
City Dolphin icon City Dolphin
Street Tunnel icon Street Tunnel
Planet Cave icon Planet Cave
Street Spire icon Street Spire
Geotia icon Geotia
Citiesy icon Citiesy
Ventureor icon Ventureor
Locoix icon Locoix
Urban Seminar icon Urban Seminar
City Stealth icon City Stealth
Native Mission icon Native Mission
Georie icon Georie
Urban Petrol icon Urban Petrol
Urviva icon Urviva