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Solar phone chargers are a fantastic innovation that allows people to stay connected while on the go, without drawing on the world's energy resources. A catchy name can make a lasting impact on your target audience while highlighting the eco-friendliness of your product. Let's explore the range of possibilities available and find the perfect name that reflects your product's benefits and sets it apart from the competition. With the perfect name, you can create a brand that inspires and empowers people to make a positive impact on the environment and their daily lives.

Finding a name that captures the eco-friendliness and convenience of your product is essential, and it can be challenging, especially when you're trying to find a name with a matching .com domain. That's where Domatron comes in to help you. We have the best available name ideas for your solar phone charger brand, and each name comes with a matching .com domain name.

We've curated over 50 of the best names for your solar phone chargers, each accompanied by an analysis of why it's an excellent choice. Our AI-powered search also allows you to explore thousands of other name ideas, using advanced keyword and concept searches.

It's time to power up with a memorable name for your solar phone charger brand. Let's get started and find the perfect name!

Top Solar Phone Chargers Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Solar Chairs icon
    Solar Chairs Register A straightforward name that immediately conveys the product's purpose - a solar-powered phone charger that can be used while sitting in a chair. The word 'solar' draws attention to the eco-friendliness of the product, while 'chairs' suggests relaxation and comfort. The name is easy to remember and tells customers what they're getting right away.
  • Solar Lofts icon
    Solar Lofts Register A name that suggests a modern and sustainable approach to charging your phone. The word "solar" indicates that the product is environmentally friendly and efficient. The word "Lofts" gives it a sleek and modern feel, suggesting that using this product will elevate your lifestyle. The name is easy to remember, and the alliteration of the "S" sound makes it fun to say.
  • Solnto icon
    Solnto Register A unique name that suggests the idea of harnessing the power of the sun to charge your phone. The word 'solnto' is short and catchy, making it easy to remember. The 'to' at the end of the name also suggests the idea of going towards the sun, which is a nice touch. This name emphasizes the green and sustainable aspect of the product, which will appeal to environmentally conscious customers.
  • Solar Chalet icon
    Solar Chalet Register A catchy name that immediately tells customers what the product is all about. The word "Chalet" brings to mind cozy, comfortable, and environmentally friendly places. The name is memorable and easy to pronounce, making it perfect for word-of-mouth marketing. The alliteration in the name also makes it fun to say, which adds to its appeal. Overall, Solar Chalet is a name that's sure to stick in customers' minds and convey the quality and green aspect of your product.
  • Sun Boarding icon
    Sun Boarding Register A memorable name that immediately suggests a connection to the sun and outdoor activities. The word "boarding" implies adventure and excitement, which will appeal to your target market. The name also makes it clear that the product is for solar phone chargers, which is a specific benefit. The word "sun" is the primary focus and will help your product stand out in a crowded market. It's a straightforward, easy-to-remember name that will be perfect for your brand.
  • Trans Sun icon
    Trans Sun Register A memorable name that suggests solar power and emphasizes the environmentally friendly nature of your product. The name is short and easy to remember, making it perfect for a product like phone chargers. The name breakdown is straightforward, with 'Trans' suggesting 'across' or 'beyond,' while 'Sun' obviously refers to the source of energy. The combination of the two words makes it clear that your product is designed to help people stay connected while on the go, without damaging the environment.
  • Solarrium icon
    Solarrium Register Solarrium is a name that suggests a connection to the sun and renewable energy. This will appeal to customers looking for eco-friendly products. The -rium suffix also implies durability and stability, suggesting that your product is well-made and long-lasting. The word breakdown is simple and easy to remember, making it a great choice for a brand name. Additionally, the name has a modern and futuristic sound that will appeal to tech-savvy customers.
  • Solilia icon
    Solilia Register Solilia is a name that suggests a connection to the sun and renewable energy. This name is unique and memorable, making it easy to recall when someone is searching for a solar phone charger. The "Sil" sound at the start of the name gives it a soothing, calming feel. The word "lia" at the end adds a sense of community and connectivity. All these elements combined make Solilia a great name that will help your solar phone chargers stand out in a crowded market.
  • Sun Begins icon
    Sun Begins Register A captivating name that suggests the start of something new and exciting, like the dawn of a new day. "Sun" evokes the power of solar energy, which is the perfect match for your solar phone chargers. The name's simplicity and alliteration make it easy to remember and fun to say. The name's upbeat and positive vibe will appeal to your target market, who are environmentally conscious and appreciate sustainable technology.
  • Solarlogies icon
    Solarlogies Register An intelligently crafted name that immediately conveys its purpose - to capture the energy of the sun and convert it into power for your phone. The word Solarlogies is derived from 'solar' and 'logies', which means 'the study of'. This name is educational and informative, giving your customers an understanding of how the product works. The suffix '-logies' also gives the name a scientific and technical feel, which will appeal to those who value quality and innovation. The name is easy to remember, and the use of solar energy is eco-friendly, making it a unique selling point.
  • Suncanal icon
    Suncanal Register A catchy name that suggests the idea of soaking up the sun's energy to charge your phone. The word "canal" in the name implies a pathway or conduit, which is perfect for a device that transfers energy. The name is easy to remember and has a positive, eco-friendly vibe.
  • Solction icon
    Solction Register A unique and catchy name that combines 'solar' and 'solution' to convey the idea of a practical and eco-friendly way to charge your phone. The word 'Sol' in the name suggests the sun, further emphasizing the solar aspect of the product. The name is easy to remember and pronounce, making it perfect for a consumer product.
  • Sun Launcher icon
    Sun Launcher Register A bright and energetic name that evokes the power of the sun and the idea of launching into a new adventure. The word "Launcher" suggests something innovative and cutting-edge, which is perfect for a product that uses solar power. The name is easy to remember and has a positive, adventurous feeling, making it perfect for customers who love to travel. The word "sun" and "launcher" together create an image of a powerful yet sustainable force, which is the perfect way to describe your eco-friendly solar phone chargers.
  • Dig Solar icon
    Dig Solar Register A straightforward name that clearly conveys what the product is and does. The word 'dig' suggests the idea of going deeper, which fits well with the idea of sustainable energy. The word 'solar' reinforces the eco-friendly aspect of the product. The name is memorable, easy to pronounce, and has a positive vibe. Its simplicity makes it easy to work with in branding and marketing efforts.
  • Soleito icon
    Soleito Register Soleito is a bright, sunny name that perfectly captures the essence of solar energy. It's simple, easy to say, and easy to remember, making it perfect for a brand that values convenience. The '-ito' suffix adds a playful and approachable touch, which will appeal to customers who want to make environmentally-friendly choices without sacrificing style. Its unique sound and structure set it apart from other solar charger brands, making it an excellent option for anyone looking for a product that is both effective and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Sunshifted icon
    Sunshifted Register Sunshifted is a name that evokes a sense of change and transformation. It suggests a shift towards renewable energy and a brighter future. The word 'Sun' is a nod to the power source, while 'shifted' implies a change in the way we think about energy. The name is easy to remember and has a positive, forward-thinking vibe. The unique combination of the two words creates a sense of momentum and progress. For a solar phone charger, this name is perfect because it conveys both the benefits of solar power and the idea of being on the cutting edge of technology.
  • Solar Walking icon
    Solar Walking Register A simple and straightforward name that immediately conveys the product's function. The name also suggests that the product is portable and easy to use while on a walk. The word 'walking' evokes a sense of exploration and freedom, which is a perfect fit for a solar phone charger that enables users to stay connected while on the go.
  • E Cortisol icon
    E Cortisol Register A catchy name that suggests the product is the solution to a problem. The word Cortisol is associated with stress, which implies that this solar phone charger can relieve the stress of a dead phone battery. The 'E' at the beginning could stand for energy, environmental, or efficient, which makes it more interesting. Overall, this name is memorable, attention-grabbing, and suggests a solution to a common problem.
  • Sunshine Guard icon
    Sunshine Guard Register A sunny name that brings to mind warmth, light, and protection. The name implies that this solar phone charger will keep your phone powered up and guarded against the elements. The two-word structure of the name makes it easy to remember and the alliteration adds a playful touch. Additionally, the name evokes feelings of positivity and happiness, which will appeal to customers looking for eco-friendly products that enhance their outdoor experiences.
  • Sun Changes icon
    Sun Changes Register A memorable name that evokes the power of the sun to charge phones, making it a smart and eco-friendly choice. The word "Changes" implies a transformation, which is exactly what this product offers: a new way of charging your phone that is better for the environment. The simple word structure and easy pronunciation make it an ideal name for a product that is both practical and innovative.
  • Sunshine Base icon
    Sunshine Base Register A cheerful name that evokes warm feelings and good vibes. It clearly suggests a solar-powered product, and the name makes it clear that it's a reliable foundation for charging your phone. The name implies durability and stability, making it a trustworthy choice. Additionally, the name is easy to remember, which is great for customers who may not remember the exact product name but will remember the positive association they have with it.
  • Solar Horn icon
    Solar Horn Register A clear and straightforward name that directly communicates what the product does. The word "Horn" evokes a sense of power and strength, suggesting that this charger will provide reliable and robust energy. The word "Solar" further emphasizes the eco-friendly nature of the product. Together, the name Solar Horn creates a memorable and distinctive brand identity that will appeal to consumers who want to stay connected while on the go.
  • Solarrica icon
    Solarrica Register A futuristic name that suggests innovation and efficiency. The word Solar at the beginning immediately links it to solar energy, which is the perfect fit for a solar phone charger. The suffix 'rica' gives the name a sense of adventure and excitement. The two-word structure makes it easy to remember, and the name's uniqueness makes it stand out from other solar phone charger brands.
  • Solepo icon
    Solepo Register Effortlessly simple, Solepo is a name that clearly communicates what the product does - a solar-powered phone charger. The name is catchy and easy to remember, making it ideal for a product that needs to be portable and convenient. The structure of the name suggests a combination of 'sole' (referring to the sun) and 'po' (short for power), which gives it a unique and memorable quality. This name also conveys sustainability and eco-friendliness, which is a key selling point for many consumers.
  • Soliad icon
    Soliad Register A sleek and modern name that suggests the use of solar energy to power phone chargers. Soliad breaks down into "solar" and "iad," which could stand for "innovative and dependable." This name is unique and easy to remember, making it an excellent choice for your brand. Additionally, the name has a futuristic feel to it, which will appeal to people who value sustainability and clean energy.
  • Sunshine Edge icon
    Sunshine Edge Register A bright and cheerful name that immediately conveys the idea of solar energy. The word "edge" suggests that this product is innovative and on the cutting edge of technology. The word "sunshine" creates a warm and positive association, making it more appealing to customers who care about sustainability and the environment. The name is easy to remember and has a friendly, upbeat tone that will appeal to a wide range of customers.
  • Sun Chopper icon
    Sun Chopper Register A catchy name that suggests the ability to harness the power of the sun to charge your phone. The name is memorable and easy to pronounce, which makes it easy for customers to remember. The word 'chopper' adds an element of excitement and adventure, hinting at a product that is rugged and durable. The name also highlights the environmentally friendly aspect of the product, which is a significant selling point for many customers.
  • Solar Contacts icon
    Solar Contacts Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates the purpose of the product. The word Solar suggests the use of renewable energy, which is a major selling point for environmentally conscious consumers. The word Contacts adds an element of convenience since the chargers can be easily connected to devices. The name also has a modern, tech-savvy sound that will appeal to a younger demographic. Overall, Solar Contacts is a name that is both descriptive and memorable, making it an excellent choice for a solar phone charger brand.
  • Very Powered icon
    Very Powered Register A dynamic name that immediately conveys the primary benefit of the product - powerful solar charging. The words "Very" and "Powered" are simple and easy to remember, making it highly appealing to customers. The structure of the name is straightforward and direct, which adds to its clarity and memorability. The name is also suitable for a wide range of solar charging products, making it versatile and flexible.
  • Raytic icon
    Raytic Register A futuristic name that evokes the power of the sun and how it can charge our devices. The name Raytic is a combination of 'ray' and 'electric,' which gives a clear indication of what the product does. The name is also memorable and easy to say, which will help with brand recognition. Its unique structure and sound make it stand out from other names in the market.
  • Sunshine Deluxe icon
    Sunshine Deluxe Register A sunny and upbeat name that suggests warmth, energy, and efficiency. The word "deluxe" indicates that your solar phone chargers are top-of-the-line, high-quality products. The name is easy to remember and has a positive connotation, which will make your brand stand out in a crowded market. The combination of "sunshine" and "deluxe" makes it sound like a premium product that will bring joy and convenience to your customers.
  • Sol Tang icon
    Sol Tang Register A bright and catchy name that suggests energy and power. 'Sol' is a reference to solar power, while 'Tang' suggests a tangy, zesty feeling. The name is memorable and easy to pronounce, making it perfect for a product that's all about convenience. The unique combination of words makes it stand out from other solar charger brands. The name also has a fun vibe that will appeal to younger consumers who are looking for eco-friendly solutions.
  • Sunshine Cube icon
    Sunshine Cube Register A cheerful name that immediately brings to mind the sun and the power of renewable energy. The word 'cube' suggests that the product is compact and easy to carry around, which is a big plus for people who love to travel. The name also implies that the charger can provide a burst of energy that will last for a long time, like a cube of sunshine. Overall, this name is imaginative, easy to remember, and perfectly suited for a solar phone charger.
  • Mobili Power icon
    Mobili Power Register A catchy name that suggests mobility and power, conveying the idea of charging your phone on the go. The name is easy to remember and evokes a sense of freedom and independence. The repetition of the 'i' sounds in "Mobili" and "Power" makes it easy to say and gives it a memorable rhythm. The name also implies that the product is eco-friendly, which may appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
  • Sunny Lantern icon
    Sunny Lantern Register A bright and cheerful name that evokes an image of a sunny day. The word "lantern" suggests a source of light, which is perfect for a solar phone charger. The name is easy to remember and has a playful tone that will appeal to a wide range of customers. The combination of "sunny" and "lantern" creates a memorable image of a portable, sustainable energy source that can be used anywhere.
  • Solrit icon
    Solrit Register A simple and memorable name that instantly communicates the product's purpose. The name is derived from 'solar' and 'power', which makes it easy to understand and recognize. The name is also short and easy to spell, which will make it easy for customers to find and remember. The name Solrit has a unique sound that will help it stand out from competitors.
  • Telo Power icon
    Telo Power Register A powerful name that suggests energy and strength. Telo refers to the Greek word for 'end' or 'purpose,' which implies that your phone chargers will help people achieve their goals. The name Power reinforces this idea, making it clear that your product is reliable and efficient. The word breakdown is straightforward, and the name is easy to remember. It's perfect for anyone who wants to charge their phone on the go.
  • Sunraces icon
    Sunraces Register An evocative name that suggests the power of the sun and the speed of racing. The name is memorable and easy to say, making it perfect for a product that is all about convenience and efficiency. The word 'races' also implies that your phone will charge quickly. Overall, the name suggests that your charger is the best way to power up on the go.
  • Solartistics icon
    Solartistics Register An evocative name that brings to mind the idea of solar power and advanced technology. The -istics suffix suggests a scientific or technical approach, which is perfect for a product like solar phone chargers. The name is easy to remember and has a distinctive, modern sound. The word 'solar' in the name is a clear indication of what the product is, and the -tistics ending gives it a unique flair. The combination of these elements makes Solartistics stand out from other solar charger brands.
  • Phone Banner icon
    Phone Banner Register A catchy name that suggests a practical solution for powering your phone while on the go. The word 'Banner' evokes a sense of strength and reliability, while also implying a sense of adventure and exploration. The name is easy to remember and has a straightforward sound that will appeal to people who value simplicity and efficiency. The word 'Phone' is straightforward and easy to understand, and the name is suitable for any solar phone charger product.
  • Cell Jack icon
    Cell Jack Register A catchy name that suggests the ability to power up your phone on the go. The word 'Cell' links directly to the product, and 'Jack' implies a boost of energy, which is perfect for solar phone chargers. The name is easy to remember and has a playful feel that will appeal to a younger audience.
  • Soleura icon
    Soleura Register Soleura is an evocative name that suggests the power of the sun and its ability to provide energy. The "Sole" in Soleura is a play on "solar" and the "ura" ending gives it a sense of stability and reliability. It's an easy name to remember, and the alliteration of "Sole" and "Sura" gives it a pleasing sound. The name's unique structure makes it stand out from other brands in the space. Overall, Soleura is a name that inspires confidence in the reliability and effectiveness of your solar phone chargers.
  • Planet Suns icon
    Planet Suns Register A futuristic name that suggests a sustainable and eco-friendly approach to charging your phone. The name 'Planet Suns' brings to mind images of clean energy and a better future for our planet. The word 'Planet' indicates a global reach, while 'Suns' implies a powerful and reliable source of energy. The combination of these two words makes it memorable and easy to understand what the product does.
  • Sun Url icon
    Sun Url Register A catchy name that immediately suggests a connection to the sun and solar power. The name makes it clear what product you offer and is easy to remember. The word 'Url' suggests a tech-savvy and modern company, which will appeal to a younger demographic. The name's simplicity and straightforwardness make it easy to associate with your product, and it's unique enough to stand out in a crowded market.
  • Phone Guitar icon
    Phone Guitar Register A catchy name that immediately conveys the purpose - charging your phone with the power of the sun. The name is straightforward and easy to remember. The alliteration in the name provides a fun and memorable sound. The name also suggests an innovative and eco-friendly product that is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and people who love to travel.

When it comes to naming a solar phone charger, it's essential to convey the benefits of your product. Here are some themes that can help you choose a name that highlights the convenience and eco-friendliness of your product.

One of the most popular themes for solar phone chargers is the idea of "sun power," with names such as Solnami, Solnto iconSolnto, Sun Boarding iconSun Boarding, Sun Launcher iconSun Launcher, and Solar Horn iconSolar Horn suggesting the power of the sun and how it can be harnessed to charge your phone.

Another popular theme is the idea of mobility and convenience, with names like Solar Chairs iconSolar Chairs, Solar Lofts iconSolar Lofts, Solar Chalet iconSolar Chalet, and Sunny Lantern iconSunny Lantern suggesting that your charger is designed for people on the go and can be easily carried around.

Eco-friendliness is another essential theme for solar phone chargers, with names like Green Solars, Sunshine Base iconSunshine Base, and Planet Suns iconPlanet Suns suggesting the environmentally conscious nature of your product.

You can also choose a name that speaks to the idea of power and energy, such as Trans Sun iconTrans Sun, Solar Cores, Solar Walking iconSolar Walking, and Cell Lion, suggesting that your charger is powerful and reliable.

A playful approach can also work, with names like Phoneies, Sunshinecon, and Phone Banner iconPhone Banner suggesting that your charger is fun and light-hearted, while still being effective.

Finally, you can opt for a more abstract name that doesn't necessarily suggest solar power but still captures the essence of your product, such as Solitia, Sollla, and Solrit iconSolrit.

In choosing a name, it's essential to consider how your customers will perceive it and what message you want to convey about your product. Use Domatron's name search below to explore names that match your brand and message.

All 2000 Solar Phone Chargers Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Solar Chairs icon Solar Chairs
Solar Lofts icon Solar Lofts
Solnto icon Solnto
Solar Chalet icon Solar Chalet
Sun Boarding icon Sun Boarding
Trans Sun icon Trans Sun
Solarrium icon Solarrium
Solilia icon Solilia
Sun Begins icon Sun Begins
Solarlogies icon Solarlogies
Suncanal icon Suncanal
Solction icon Solction
Sun Launcher icon Sun Launcher
Dig Solar icon Dig Solar
Soleito icon Soleito
Sunshifted icon Sunshifted
Solar Walking icon Solar Walking
E Cortisol icon E Cortisol
Sunshine Guard icon Sunshine Guard
Sun Changes icon Sun Changes
Sunshine Base icon Sunshine Base
Solar Horn icon Solar Horn
Solarrica icon Solarrica
Solepo icon Solepo
Soliad icon Soliad
Sunshine Edge icon Sunshine Edge
Sun Chopper icon Sun Chopper
Solar Contacts icon Solar Contacts
Very Powered icon Very Powered
Raytic icon Raytic
Sunshine Deluxe icon Sunshine Deluxe
Sol Tang icon Sol Tang
Sunshine Cube icon Sunshine Cube
Mobili Power icon Mobili Power
Sunny Lantern icon Sunny Lantern
Solrit icon Solrit
Telo Power icon Telo Power
Sunraces icon Sunraces
Solartistics icon Solartistics
Phone Banner icon Phone Banner
Cell Jack icon Cell Jack
Soleura icon Soleura
Planet Suns icon Planet Suns
Sun Url icon Sun Url
Phone Guitar icon Phone Guitar
Solar Platter icon Solar Platter
Batteryful icon Batteryful
Solrade icon Solrade
Solpon icon Solpon
Solphon icon Solphon
Solar Phonics icon Solar Phonics
Uergy icon Uergy