networking event image

Having a successful networking event gives you a chance to spark real-world changes in the lives of the people who attend. It's an opportunity for you to bring people from different backgrounds and different mindsets together, to create conversations and build meaningful relationships. You can create a platform for collaboration and even inspire people to take action.

I'm sure you're excited to start planning the event and now the first step is to find a great name. And here's where I come in; I'm here to help you pick the perfect name for your networking event. My list of over 700+ names will help you find the right name, and every name I list here has an available .com domain. Later in this article I'll give you details on how to register a domain as soon as you find a name you like.

I'll start by giving you my top 50 picks for networking event names, then I'll give you hundreds more ideas to help you with your brainstorming. I'm confident you'll find a name and domain you can be proud of, so let's get started!

Top Networking Event Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Company Mania icon
    Company Mania Register A great name that implies the energy and enthusiasm of networking. It suggests that the event will be full of exciting opportunities and connections.
  • Corporate Labor icon
    Corporate Labor Register This name implies the importance of collaboration and connections. It conveys the idea of an event that will help professionals grow their networks and build relationships.
  • Net Celebration icon
    Net Celebration Register An upbeat name that implies a gathering of people with a common purpose. It conveys the idea that the event will be a joyful, memorable occasion - perfect for a networking event.
  • Social Pitches icon
    Social Pitches Register A great name that implies the idea of pitching ideas and making connections. It suggests that the networking event will be a fun and meaningful experience.
  • Server Conference icon
    Server Conference Register An excellent name that perfectly captures the idea of networking. It implies that attendees will be able to 'serve' each other by exchanging ideas, resources, and connections.
  • Businessedia icon
    Businessedia Register A clever combination of the words 'business' and 'media' that conveys the idea of an event that brings business professionals together to create connections and share ideas.
  • Web Banquet icon
    Web Banquet Register A clever name that brings to mind the idea of a gathering of people, while also hinting at the focus on networking. It's a great name for an event that focuses on bringing people together to share ideas and information.
  • Techie Party icon
    Techie Party Register An upbeat name that perfectly captures the energy and enthusiasm of networking events. It suggests that attending the event will be a fun and memorable experience.
  • Corporate Nerds icon
    Corporate Nerds Register A fun, tongue-in-cheek name that implies that the event is for professionals who are serious about networking. The name suggests that it won't be a stuffy event - it will be a fun, relaxed atmosphere.
  • Network Changer icon
    Network Changer Register A powerful name that suggests the potential to make meaningful connections. It also implies that the event will be a catalyst for change, as connections are made and ideas are exchanged.
  • Flock Crowd icon
    Flock Crowd Register A clever play on the words "flock" and "crowd" that implies a large gathering of people coming together for networking and collaboration. The name also gives off a feeling of warmth, friendship, and community.
  • Conference Avenue icon
    Conference Avenue Register A memorable and evocative name, Conference Avenue suggests a place where people come together to learn and network. The word 'avenue' implies a wide variety of options, which is perfect for a networking event.
  • Netremo icon
    Netremo Register A powerful name that conveys the idea of networking as a way to remove obstacles and create connections. The name suggests a modern, tech-savvy approach to networking.
  • Peer Traffic icon
    Peer Traffic Register This suggests the idea of lots of people coming together and exchanging ideas and experiences. The name implies that the event will be high-energy and will be a great place to make connections.
  • Business Crash icon
    Business Crash Register A memorable name that conveys the idea of getting together and connecting with others. The word 'crash' suggests a chaotic and fun atmosphere, perfect for a networking event.
  • Connection Scape icon
    Connection Scape Register This name evokes the idea of making connections and exploring a new world of possibilities. It suggests that your event will be a place to meet new people and create meaningful relationships.
  • Social Needle icon
    Social Needle Register A clever play on words that implies the importance of connecting with other people in a meaningful way. It suggests that attending the event will give you the 'social needle' you need to get ahead in today's world.
  • Conference Street icon
    Conference Street Register A name that implies the idea of community and collaboration. It suggests that your event will be a place for people to get together and discuss ideas, making meaningful connections.
  • Corporate Harvest icon
    Corporate Harvest Register A fitting name for a networking event, Corporate Harvest implies the idea of gathering together and cultivating relationships. The name gives off a sense of growth and progress, which is what networking events are all about.
  • Social Technics icon
    Social Technics Register Suggests that attending the event will allow people to build meaningful connections and learn new techniques. It implies that the event focuses on both the social aspects as well as the technical aspects of networking.
  • Industry Guild icon
    Industry Guild Register A strong name that implies a sense of community and collective effort. It conveys the idea of a gathering of people who are working together towards a common goal.
  • Working Friend icon
    Working Friend Register A name that conveys the sense of connection and collaboration that networking is all about. It implies that your event will help people make meaningful connections and establish lasting relationships.
  • Social Physio icon
    Social Physio Register This name conveys the idea of a networking event that provides physical and mental benefits. It implies that it is not just a place to connect but also a place to take care of one's physical and mental well-being.
  • Commerce Lodge icon
    Commerce Lodge Register A great name that implies a safe and productive environment, where people can come together to build relationships and grow their business. The word 'lodge' has a cozy and inviting connotation, making it the perfect name for a networking event.
  • Social Varsity icon
    Social Varsity Register An interesting name that implies a sense of community and collaboration. It conveys the idea that networking isn't just about making connections, but also about learning, growing, and sharing.
  • Trade Weekend icon
    Trade Weekend Register A great name that conveys the idea of connecting people and making deals. It implies a sense of urgency and opportunity, which is perfect for a networking event.
  • Staff Fest icon
    Staff Fest Register A name that captures the spirit of networking – coming together to share ideas and build relationships. The word 'fest' implies a fun, upbeat atmosphere that will make people feel welcome and excited to be part of the event.
  • Intranetopia icon
    Intranetopia Register An imaginative name that implies an online utopia. It suggests that people attending your event will be able to connect and explore a whole new world of possibilities.
  • Intranetio icon
    Intranetio Register This name conveys the idea of being connected, both within the event and with the outside world. It suggests that there will be plenty of opportunities for networking and learning. Plus, it has a modern, tech-savvy feel.
  • Opportunity Wire icon
    Opportunity Wire Register A clever name that implies that the event will offer countless opportunities and connections. It suggests that by attending, you'll be able to tap into a vast network of potential contacts and resources.
  • Meet It Up icon
    Meet It Up Register A fun, memorable name that implies socializing and connecting with others. It suggests a space where people can come together, meet, and make meaningful connections.
  • Commerce Buffet icon
    Commerce Buffet Register This name gives off a feeling of abundance and variety, suggesting that the networking event will be a place to explore many different opportunities. The word 'commerce' implies a focus on business, making it perfect for a networking event.
  • Connection Expo icon
    Connection Expo Register A perfect name for a networking event, conveying the idea that people will come together to form meaningful connections. The word 'Expo' implies a larger scale event, which is great for attracting more people.
  • Social Environ icon
    Social Environ Register This name captures the idea of connecting with people in a positive, professional environment. It conveys a sense of community and suggests that the event will be a great place to network.
  • Network Seekers icon
    Network Seekers Register A powerful name that captures the idea of people coming together to seek out new connections. It suggests that attendees will find new opportunities and relationships at the event.
  • Peer Expo icon
    Peer Expo Register A clever name that captures the idea of connecting peers. It has a modern and professional feel, but also conveys the idea of a vibrant, energetic event.
  • Business Shock icon
    Business Shock Register A powerful name that conveys the idea of 'shocking' people with new business connections and ideas. It suggests that this event will be an energizing and exciting experience for everyone involved.
  • Industry Mania icon
    Industry Mania Register A catchy name that implies lots of energy and enthusiasm, perfect for a networking event. It conveys the idea of people coming together to share ideas and build connections.
  • Corporate Funnel icon
    Corporate Funnel Register A fun name that cleverly captures the idea of networking, which is the process of connecting people and businesses. It implies that the event will be a fun and exciting place to meet new people and make useful connections.

Firstly, you can see there is a lot of emphasis placed on the networking part of the event. A lot of the names emphasize this by including words related to networking such as 'net', 'network', 'peer', 'connect', 'intranet', and 'internet'. For example, Network Rush, Intranetopia iconIntranetopia, Web Banquet iconWeb Banquet, Social Needle iconSocial Needle, Net Celebration iconNet Celebration, and Exconnected all have words related to networking in them. This shows that these names are perfect for a networking event.

Secondly, there is a strong focus on business and industry in this list. This is because the event is for professional networking. A lot of the names have words like 'business', 'corporate', 'industry', and 'commerce' in them. For instance, Business Crash iconBusiness Crash, Corporate Nerds iconCorporate Nerds, Industry Guild iconIndustry Guild and Commerce Lodge iconCommerce Lodge all focus on business and industry. This indicates that these names are great for events and organizations that are linked to businesses and industry.

Thirdly, there is an emphasis on socialization in these names. This is because networking events are all about connecting people and making new contacts. You can see this with names like Social Physio iconSocial Physio, Social Varsity iconSocial Varsity, Social Sprouter, Social Environ iconSocial Environ, Friend Expo, and Network Changer iconNetwork Changer - all of which focus on socializing and making connections with new people.

Finally, there's a strong focus on fun and enjoyment with these names. This makes sense because you want your event to be entertaining as well as professional. You can see this in names such as Neteni, Techie Party iconTechie Party, Working Friend iconWorking Friend, Opportunity Wire iconOpportunity Wire and Trade Weekend iconTrade Weekend - which all have fun-filled implications.

Overall, these networking event names emphasize networking, business/industry connections, socialization and fun - so no matter which one you choose for your event it will show your audience what you're going for. I hope this analysis has given you some insight into why I chose these particular names for you!

All 2000 Networking Event Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Company Mania icon Company Mania
Corporate Labor icon Corporate Labor
Net Celebration icon Net Celebration
Social Pitches icon Social Pitches
Server Conference icon Server Conference
Businessedia icon Businessedia
Web Banquet icon Web Banquet
Techie Party icon Techie Party
Corporate Nerds icon Corporate Nerds
Network Changer icon Network Changer
Flock Crowd icon Flock Crowd
Conference Avenue icon Conference Avenue
Netremo icon Netremo
Peer Traffic icon Peer Traffic
Business Crash icon Business Crash
Connection Scape icon Connection Scape
Social Needle icon Social Needle
Conference Street icon Conference Street
Corporate Harvest icon Corporate Harvest
Social Technics icon Social Technics
Industry Guild icon Industry Guild
Working Friend icon Working Friend
Social Physio icon Social Physio
Commerce Lodge icon Commerce Lodge
Social Varsity icon Social Varsity
Trade Weekend icon Trade Weekend
Staff Fest icon Staff Fest
Intranetopia icon Intranetopia
Intranetio icon Intranetio
Opportunity Wire icon Opportunity Wire
Meet It Up icon Meet It Up
Commerce Buffet icon Commerce Buffet
Connection Expo icon Connection Expo
Social Environ icon Social Environ
Network Seekers icon Network Seekers
Peer Expo icon Peer Expo
Business Shock icon Business Shock
Industry Mania icon Industry Mania
Corporate Funnel icon Corporate Funnel
Peer Show icon Peer Show
Industry Tree icon Industry Tree
Social Intrigue icon Social Intrigue
Gatherster icon Gatherster
Collabous icon Collabous
Peer Revolution icon Peer Revolution
Peer Status icon Peer Status
Community Lady icon Community Lady
Network Zine icon Network Zine
Social Labour icon Social Labour
Tech Occasion icon Tech Occasion
Meetup Up icon Meetup Up
Intranetist icon Intranetist