mystery bookstore image

A mystery bookstore is a place where people go to unravel the secrets of the unknown. Your bookstore's name should reflect the thrill of mystery and suspense that comes with reading mystery novels. The perfect name should be captivating, intriguing, and memorable, just like the stories within your books. Let's work together to find a name that distinguishes your bookstore from other bookstores and attracts mystery lovers from all over.

Finding the right name for your mystery bookstore can be challenging, especially if you also want to find a name that comes with an available .com domain. That's where Domatron comes in to help. We've gathered a list of over 50 of the best mystery bookstore names, each with an available .com domain and a detailed analysis of why it's a great choice.

And if you can't find your perfect name in our top 50 list, don't worry. We have thousands of other name ideas that you can browse through, using our advanced AI-powered keyword and concept search. Our domain availability filter ensures that all the names you see are available to register.

It's time to immerse yourself in the world of mystery and suspense with a memorable name for your bookstore. Let's get started!

Top Mystery Bookstore Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Secrets First icon
    Secrets First Register A name that evokes intrigue and curiosity, perfect for a mystery bookstore. The word 'Secrets' suggests that your bookstore will offer exclusive and rare books that cannot be found elsewhere. The word 'First' implies that your store will be the first to have access to these books. The structure of the name with two words of equal length gives it a pleasing symmetry, which makes it easy to remember. Overall, Secrets First has a unique and memorable quality that will attract customers to your mystery bookstore.
  • Prioras icon
    Prioras Register A sophisticated name that evokes the intrigue and allure of a mystery bookstore. The word 'prior' suggests importance and history, making this name perfect for a store that stocks rare and hard-to-find books. The ending 'as' gives the name a sense of elegance and uniqueness, making it stand out in customers' minds. Overall, Prioras is a name that will attract book lovers looking for something special and unique.
  • Mystery Truth icon
    Mystery Truth Register A captivating name that evokes the intrigue and excitement of mystery novels. The combination of "mystery" and "truth" suggests that your bookstore offers books that delve deep into unknown territory with a focus on factual accuracy. The word breakdown is simple yet effective, making it easy to remember. This name is unique and will attract mystery enthusiasts who value accuracy and depth in their reading materials.
  • Prioros icon
    Prioros Register A mysterious name that suggests an air of intrigue and suspense. The word 'Prioros' has a unique ring, which makes it stand out. The name is perfect for a bookstore that specializes in mystery novels, and the strong 'os' sound gives the name a sense of gravitas.
  • Bookstore Box icon
    Bookstore Box Register A clever name that immediately conveys what your store is all about. The alliteration of "Bookstore Box" makes it catchy and easy to remember. The word "Box" suggests that there will be surprises in store, maybe even a sense of secrecy, which is perfect for a mystery bookstore. This name also has a playful element to it that will appeal to customers of all ages. Overall, this name is a great choice for a mystery bookstore that wants to stand out and be memorable.
  • Prioration icon
    Prioration Register An intriguing name that suggests a focus on rare and hard-to-find books. The word "Prioration" implies that your bookstore has a priority on finding the most unique books for your customers. Its structure and sound make it memorable and easy to pronounce. Overall, the name is perfect for a mystery bookstore that wants to stand out and offer a one-of-a-kind experience.
  • Bookized icon
    Bookized Register A catchy name that immediately conveys the focus of your bookstore: mystery novels. The "-ized" suffix suggests a transformation, which could be interpreted as a nod to the transformative power of books. The word "book" in the beginning of the name makes the focus clear. The name is easy to remember and will stand out in the minds of potential customers.
  • Literes icon
    Literes Register A captivating name that evokes the intrigue and allure of mystery novels. The name suggests a focus on literature and reading, with a hint of the unknown. The unique spelling of "Literes" makes it memorable and easy to spell, which will help customers find your store online.
  • Detective Show icon
    Detective Show Register A catchy name that immediately suggests a connection to the mystery genre. The word 'detective' evokes a sense of curiosity and investigation, perfect for a mystery bookstore. The alliteration in the name makes it easy to remember and adds to its overall catchiness. Additionally, the name has a playful tone that will appeal to both serious mystery fans and casual readers alike.
  • Mystery Spaces icon
    Mystery Spaces Register A captivating name that suggests a sense of wonder and intrigue, perfect for a mystery bookstore. The word 'Spaces' adds a modern feel to the name, making it unique and memorable. The juxtaposition of 'Mystery' and 'Spaces' will create a strong visual impression on your customers and will make your store stand out from the crowd.
  • Mystery Dress icon
    Mystery Dress Register A captivating name that suggests a sense of intrigue and excitement. The word 'mystery' immediately grabs the reader's attention and evokes the idea of secrets and hidden treasures. The word 'dress' brings a sense of sophistication and elegance to the name, which is perfect for a bookstore. The combination of the two words creates a unique and memorable brand name that will stick in people's minds.
  • Puzzleed icon
    Puzzleed Register A curious name that evokes the sense of mystery that is often associated with a good mystery bookstore. The name suggests that the books you'll find here will be challenging and engaging, and will keep you guessing until the very end. The word 'puzzle' is broken up by the 'ed' at the end, which could also be interpreted as 'education'. This makes the name perfect for a bookstore that prides itself on educating its customers on the intricacies of mystery novels. Additionally, the name is memorable and easy to spell, making it a great choice for a bookstore that wants to stand out from the crowd.
  • Mystery Shark icon
    Mystery Shark Register A captivating name that immediately evokes the sense of mystery, intrigue and excitement that comes from reading a great mystery novel. The word 'shark' adds a powerful and unique element, which is sure to make the name memorable. The structure of the name is simple and easy to remember, making it perfect for a bookstore. Overall, Mystery Shark is a name that will grab attention and create a sense of curiosity and excitement in potential customers.
  • Mystery Lion icon
    Mystery Lion Register A mysterious name that gives your bookstore a sense of intrigue and adventure. The word "Lion" suggests strength and courage, and the combination of the two words creates a powerful image of a bookshop filled with secrets and treasures waiting to be discovered. The word breakdown is simple, which makes it easy to remember. The unique aspect of this name is the pairing of "Mystery" with "Lion," which creates a sense of unexpectedness and excitement. Overall, this name is perfect for a bookstore that specializes in mystery novels and will appeal to book lovers who enjoy a good puzzle.
  • Serious Secrets icon
    Serious Secrets Register A captivating name that suggests a sense of intrigue and mystery surrounding the books in your store. The word "Secrets" plays on the idea that there are treasures to discover within the pages of each book. The word "Serious" implies that these treasures are not to be taken lightly and that your store is the place to uncover them. The combination of these two words makes for a memorable and distinctive name that will pique the curiosity of potential customers.
  • Storirs icon
    Storirs Register A captivating name that perfectly captures the essence of a mystery bookstore. The word 'stories' suggests a wide variety of tales and adventures, which is exactly what readers seek in a mystery novel. The word breakdown of 'Storirs' will make it easy to remember and spell, making it an excellent choice for branding. Additionally, the name offers a sense of intrigue and excitement, which will attract mystery lovers and anyone seeking an exciting read.
  • Book Bookstore icon
    Book Bookstore Register A straightforward name that conveys the essence of your bookstore. The repetition of 'book' in the name ensures that your customers will remember exactly what you sell. The name also suggests a sense of mystery, which is perfect for a bookstore that specializes in that genre.
  • Lucky Clues icon
    Lucky Clues Register A catchy name that links the idea of solving a mystery with the excitement of finding something valuable. The word Lucky implies that your customers will always find something they love in your bookstore. Clues suggest that your bookstore will have a wide variety of books to explore, making it an ideal destination for mystery lovers.
  • Secret Hound icon
    Secret Hound Register A mysterious name that suggests a hidden treasure trove of books waiting to be discovered. The word 'hound' implies a sense of determination and exploration, perfect for a mystery bookstore. The unique combination of the words 'secret' and 'hound' give this name a certain intrigue that will make it stand out from other bookstores.
  • Fake Secret icon
    Fake Secret Register A catchy name that immediately grabs attention and suggests an air of mystery and intrigue. The word "fake" suggests that everything is not as it seems, which is perfect for a mystery bookstore. The word "secret" implies a hidden treasure trove of books waiting to be discovered. The name's unique structure lends itself to easy branding and memorable marketing campaigns.
  • Mystery Spider icon
    Mystery Spider Register A quirky name that suggests intrigue and adventure. The word 'mystery' creates a sense of curiosity, making customers want to explore your bookstore. The word 'spider' adds a touch of playfulness and whimsy. This name is unique and memorable, making it easy for customers to remember and recommend to others.
  • Mystery Theory icon
    Mystery Theory Register A captivating name that evokes a sense of intrigue and intellectual curiosity, perfect for a mystery bookstore. 'Mystery' appeals to the target audience, while 'Theory' implies a logical approach to solving mysteries. The two words create a sense of balance and harmony, making it easy to remember. The unique pairing of the two words ensures that your bookstore will stand out in the minds of potential customers.
  • Readingster icon
    Readingster Register An intriguing name that conveys the sense of excitement and adventure that comes with reading a good mystery book. The word 'Readingster' may suggest a place to find books, but it also adds an element of mystery and intrigue. The word breakdown of 'Readingster' - Read-ing-ster - emphasizes the idea of reading, which is perfect for a mystery bookstore. The unique name will make your bookstore memorable, and the sense of adventure will draw people in.
  • Mystery Doll icon
    Mystery Doll Register A captivating name that evokes curiosity and intrigue. The word 'mystery' suggests that your bookstore has unique and intriguing books that are waiting to be discovered. The word 'doll' adds a touch of whimsy, suggesting that the books you offer are like precious treasures to be collected. These two words make for an intriguing combination that will make your bookstore memorable.
  • Libraryr icon
    Libraryr Register A captivating name that conveys the idea of a bookstore that specializes in mystery novels. The word "Libraryr" hints at the library's collection of books and the 'r' at the end makes it unique and memorable. The name suggests that this bookstore is the go-to destination for mystery lovers, with a huge range of books to choose from.
  • Hidden Age icon
    Hidden Age Register A mysterious name that suggests hidden treasures and secrets waiting to be uncovered. The name also implies a sense of history and heritage, which would be appropriate for a bookstore. The combination of two simple words makes it easy to remember and pronounce, while also giving it a sense of intrigue. Overall, the name is perfect for a mystery bookstore that wants to attract customers who are looking for something unique and exciting.
  • Secretsof America icon
    Secretsof America Register A captivating name that suggests a sense of mystery and intrigue around the American experience. The word 'secrets' implies there is something hidden, which appeals to mystery lovers. The name will draw customers in and create a sense of excitement and curiosity. The structure of this name is easy to remember and has a natural rhythm to it. It's a name that will stick in people's heads. Additionally, the name suggests a wide range of book categories, which makes it perfect for a mystery bookstore that caters to a diverse audience.
  • Hoaxz icon
    Hoaxz Register A catchy name that evokes a sense of mystery and intrigue. The word 'Hoaxz' suggests that there's more to the story than meets the eye, which is perfect for a mystery bookstore. The 'z' at the end gives it a unique twist that will make it memorable and distinctive. The unconventional spelling also makes it easier to trademark and protect as a brand.
  • Secrets City icon
    Secrets City Register A captivating name that sparks curiosity and intrigue. The word 'secrets' immediately suggests that your bookstore will have hidden treasures and a sense of mystery. The word 'city' suggests that the store is a hub for book lovers to gather and explore. The combination of the two words creates an alluring image of a city full of secrets waiting to be discovered.
  • Mystery Edge icon
    Mystery Edge Register A captivating name that conjures a sense of intrigue and adventure, perfect for a mystery bookstore. The word 'edge' suggests there is always something exciting around the corner, while 'mystery' promises the excitement of solving a puzzle. The name's short and memorable structure makes it easy to recall, while its uniqueness sets it apart from other bookstore names. Overall, Mystery Edge is a name that promises a thrilling and unforgettable shopping experience for mystery lovers.
  • Theodory icon
    Theodory Register A captivating name that suggests intrigue and curiosity, perfect for a mystery bookstore. "Theodory" has an uncommon sound that sets it apart from other bookstore names. The "Theo-" prefix suggests divine knowledge or wisdom, while the "-dory" suffix implies a place where such knowledge is kept. This creates a sense of mystery around the bookstore, making it all the more intriguing to potential customers. Additionally, the name is easy to remember and spell, making it a great choice for word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Noirn icon
    Noirn Register A sleek name that evokes the mood and ambiance of a mystery bookstore. The word 'Noirn' suggests that your bookstore will have a lot of mystery and intrigue, which will appeal to mystery aficionados. The unique spelling of the name also gives it a modern and edgy feel, which will make it memorable to customers looking for something different.
  • Priormatic icon
    Priormatic Register A sophisticated name that suggests a sense of mystery and intrigue. The word 'prior' implies something ancient or historical, which is fitting for a mystery bookstore. The suffix 'matic' adds a modern twist, suggesting that your bookstore offers a fresh take on classic mysteries. The name is unique and memorable, making it easy for customers to find and remember your store.
  • Noveleria icon
    Noveleria Register A captivating name that captures the essence of mystery and intrigue. The "Novel" part of the name suggests an emphasis on books, making it clear that this is a bookstore. The "eria" ending gives it a unique and memorable quality that sets it apart from other bookstores. The name also has a certain musicality to it that makes it pleasant to say and easy to remember. Overall, Noveleria is a name that promises a unique and exciting experience for mystery lovers.
  • Storids icon
    Storids Register A captivating name that evokes the sense of mystery and intrigue that a good mystery bookstore should offer. The word "storids" suggests a collection of stories, and the unique spelling makes it memorable and easy to recognize. The word breakdown of "storids" also offers the secondary benefit of being easily searchable online. Overall, the name Storids is a great choice for a mystery bookstore that wants to stand out and attract customers.
  • Shock Books icon
    Shock Books Register A memorable name that evokes excitement and suspense, perfect for a mystery bookstore. The word 'shock' suggests that the books here will be gripping and thrilling. The two one-syllable words make it easy to remember and stand out. Customers will be intrigued by the name and want to check out what's inside.
  • Bookstoreist icon
    Bookstoreist Register A clever and memorable name that perfectly conveys the nature of your mystery bookstore. "Bookstoreist" suggests that your shop is all about the art of the bookstore, which is great for attracting book lovers. The "ist" ending also gives it a professional and authoritative feel.
  • Mystery God icon
    Mystery God Register A mysterious name that perfectly captures the essence of a bookstore that specializes in mysteries. The name implies a sense of intrigue and curiosity which will help draw people in. The word "god" adds an extra layer of interest and uniqueness, giving the name a memorable quality. The combination of the two words creates a strong visual that will stick in people's minds long after they've left the store.
  • Forbidden Nation icon
    Forbidden Nation Register A captivating name that suggests a world of intrigue and suspense, perfect for a mystery bookstore. Forbidden Nation implies a world of secrets and hidden knowledge, which is exactly what readers of mystery novels are looking for. The name breakdown of two powerful words makes it easy to remember, and its uniqueness sets it apart from other bookstores.
  • Never Reads icon
    Never Reads Register A provocative name that suggests a mystery bookstore for people who prefer action over reading. The name is easy to remember and will stand out among other bookstore names. The play on words makes the name humorous and memorable.
  • Secret Smiths icon
    Secret Smiths Register A name that evokes mystery, intrigue, and a sense of belonging. The name suggests that the bookstore is a hidden gem for those who love the thrill of a good mystery novel. The alliteration in the name makes it catchy and memorable, and the word 'Smiths' implies that there is a team of experts behind the scenes who are passionate about sharing their knowledge of literature. Overall, the name Secret Smiths is a great way to appeal to mystery book lovers who want to feel like they're part of an exclusive club.
  • Scifim icon
    Scifim Register A captivating name that evokes the intrigue and excitement of science fiction. The name suggests that your bookstore will be a hub of mystery and adventure. The combination of 'sci-fi' and 'm' at the end makes it a memorable and quirky name. Customers will be drawn to the unique name and find your bookstore a fascinating and exciting place to explore.
  • Theoriste icon
    Theoriste Register A sophisticated name that will appeal to mystery lovers and those who appreciate the genre. The word "Theoriste" implies that there will be theories and intellectual discussions around the books. The word breakdown could be "Theorist" + "Mystique", which makes it unique and memorable. The name suggests a store that is thoughtful and intellectual, which will attract customers who enjoy thinking and reading.

When it comes to naming a mystery bookstore, there are many directions you can take. You can incorporate themes of secrecy, intrigue, and suspense, or focus on the literary aspect of mystery novels. Below are a few themes you may want to consider when choosing a name.

One popular theme is secrecy and intrigue, as seen in names such as Secrets First iconSecrets First, Prioras iconPrioras, Forbidden Stuff, and Serious Secrets iconSerious Secrets. These names evoke a sense of mystery and exclusivity, suggesting that your bookstore is the place to find the latest and greatest in the world of mystery novels.

Another popular theme is the literary aspect of mystery novels, with names such as Literarys, Bookized iconBookized, and Book Bookstore iconBook Bookstore. These names suggest that your bookstore is not just a place to buy books but a place where literary enthusiasts can come together to explore the world of mystery novels.

Mystery novels can be categorized into different genres, such as classic, cozy, suspenseful, and thrillers. You can choose a name that emphasizes the specific genre of mystery novels you want to focus on. For example, Mystery Harbor and Mystery Spaces iconMystery Spaces suggest a focus on suspenseful mystery novels, while Little Clue and Lucky Clues iconLucky Clues suggest a lighter, cozier reading experience.

Some names evoke a sense of adventure and excitement, such as Mystery Penguin, Mystery Shark iconMystery Shark, and Mystery Lion iconMystery Lion. These names suggest that your bookstore is a place for adventure seekers and mystery lovers alike.

You can also choose a name that emphasizes the intellectual aspect of reading and solving mysteries, such as Puzzleed iconPuzzleed, Codexg, and Theoriste iconTheoriste. These names suggest that your bookstore is a place for those who enjoy challenging themselves mentally and solving puzzles.

Finally, some names are simply unique and memorable, such as Prioration iconPrioration, Storirs iconStorirs, and Scifim iconScifim. These names may not necessarily fit into any particular theme, but they are memorable and attention-grabbing.

When choosing a name for your mystery bookstore, consider the themes and values most important to you and how potential customers will perceive your name. Use Domatron's name search below to explore any theme or idea you can imagine.

All 2000 Mystery Bookstore Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Secrets First icon Secrets First
Prioras icon Prioras
Mystery Truth icon Mystery Truth
Prioros icon Prioros
Bookstore Box icon Bookstore Box
Prioration icon Prioration
Bookized icon Bookized
Literes icon Literes
Detective Show icon Detective Show
Mystery Spaces icon Mystery Spaces
Mystery Dress icon Mystery Dress
Puzzleed icon Puzzleed
Mystery Shark icon Mystery Shark
Mystery Lion icon Mystery Lion
Serious Secrets icon Serious Secrets
Storirs icon Storirs
Book Bookstore icon Book Bookstore
Lucky Clues icon Lucky Clues
Secret Hound icon Secret Hound
Fake Secret icon Fake Secret
Mystery Spider icon Mystery Spider
Mystery Theory icon Mystery Theory
Readingster icon Readingster
Mystery Doll icon Mystery Doll
Libraryr icon Libraryr
Hidden Age icon Hidden Age
Secretsof America icon Secretsof America
Hoaxz icon Hoaxz
Secrets City icon Secrets City
Mystery Edge icon Mystery Edge
Theodory icon Theodory
Noirn icon Noirn
Priormatic icon Priormatic
Noveleria icon Noveleria
Storids icon Storids
Shock Books icon Shock Books
Bookstoreist icon Bookstoreist
Mystery God icon Mystery God
Forbidden Nation icon Forbidden Nation
Never Reads icon Never Reads
Secret Smiths icon Secret Smiths
Scifim icon Scifim
Theoriste icon Theoriste
Secreters icon Secreters
Storiester icon Storiester
Mystery Logic icon Mystery Logic
Special Clue icon Special Clue
Library Guys icon Library Guys
Bookists icon Bookists
Mystery Tiger icon Mystery Tiger
Mystery Bug icon Mystery Bug
Secret Reading icon Secret Reading