jazz fusion band image

Creating a jazz fusion band means capturing a unique blend of musical styles and inspirations, and the name you choose for your band should encapsulate this creative vision. A captivating and memorable name can evoke the dynamic energy of your music, attracting fans and capturing the essence of your sound. Let's explore the vast range of options available to find the perfect name for your jazz fusion band. With the right name, you can create a brand that stands out in the jazz world and speaks to the hearts of your fans.

Finding the perfect name for your jazz fusion band can be challenging, especially when you want to find something that reflects your music and has an available .com domain name. That's where Domatron comes in to help! We've curated a list of over 50 of the best names for jazz fusion bands, each accompanied by a detailed analysis of why it's a great choice.

We also offer a comprehensive database of thousands more name ideas that you can search using AI-powered keyword and concept searches. We update our domain availability filter daily to ensure that all the names you see are available for registration.

It's time to let your jazz fusion sound be heard with a memorable name. Let's hit the stage!

Top Jazz Fusion Band Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Jazz Babes icon
    Jazz Babes Register
    JazzBabes.com: A fun and memorable name that perfectly captures the spirit of a jazz fusion band. "Jazz Babes" creates an image of talented women who can really rock the stage. The word "jazz" invites a feeling of coolness and improvisation, while "babes" implies a sense of playfulness and empowerment. The name is easy to remember and has a unique sound that will make it stand out from the crowd.
  • Beat Jazz icon
    Beat Jazz Register
    BeatJazz.com: A lively and energetic name that captures the essence of jazz fusion. The name suggests a band that creates a unique sound by blending different musical styles. The word "beat" implies rhythm and groove, while "jazz" represents improvisation and creativity. Together, they make a name that is catchy, memorable, and perfectly describes the band's music.
  • English Jazz icon
    English Jazz Register
    EnglishJazz.com: A catchy name that captures the essence of the band's style. "English Jazz" suggests a blend of traditional English music with jazz, which is perfect for a fusion band. The name is easy to remember, and its straightforwardness makes it clear what kind of music the band plays. Overall, it's a straightforward and memorable name that will appeal to fans of both jazz and English music.
  • Lu Fusion icon
    Lu Fusion Register
    LuFusion.com: A dynamic name that perfectly captures the essence of a jazz fusion band. 'Lu' could suggest the band's unique sound or the name of the band's leader. 'Fusion' refers to the blending of different musical styles, which is what jazz fusion is all about. The name is easy to remember and has a modern sound that will appeal to a younger audience.
  • Gay Jazz icon
    Gay Jazz Register
    GayJazz.com: A name that's both bold and playful, perfect for a jazz fusion band that's unapologetically unique. The word 'gay' is used in its original meaning of happy and carefree, suggesting music that's full of life and joy. The word 'jazz' implies the band's genre, while the word 'fusion' suggests a creative blend of styles. The name is memorable and will help the band stand out in a crowded music scene.
  • Skibands icon
    Skibands Register
    Skibands.com: A catchy name that perfectly captures the upbeat and lively nature of jazz fusion music. "Ski" suggests movement and rhythm, while "bands" implies a sense of community and collaboration. The name is easy to remember and has a youthful, energetic feel to it, which will appeal to your young audience.
  • Dancing Blues icon
    Dancing Blues Register
    DancingBlues.com: A vibrant name that perfectly captures the energy and spirit of a jazz fusion band. "Dancing Blues" sounds cool and catchy, suggesting a mix of styles and influences. The word 'dancing' implies a lively and entertaining show, while 'blues' adds a touch of soulfulness and authenticity to the band's sound. The name will appeal to fans of jazz music and those who love to dance.
  • Electric Bands icon
    Electric Bands Register
    ElectricBands.com: An energetic name that perfectly captures the upbeat and lively style of jazz fusion music. The words "Electric Bands" evoke images of a band that's both modern and traditional. The alliteration in the name makes it memorable, and the word "Electric" suggests energy and excitement. It's a name that will appeal to anyone who loves music and wants to be transported into a world of sound and rhythm.
  • Flying Bands icon
    Flying Bands Register
    FlyingBands.com: A dynamic name that perfectly captures the energy and creativity of a jazz fusion band. The word 'flying' implies a sense of motion and excitement, which is perfect for a musical group. The word 'bands' suggests a group of musicians working together to create something beautiful. The name is easy to remember and has a positive, uplifting feeling that will appeal to music lovers of all ages.
  • Jazzzilla icon
    Jazzzilla Register
    Jazzzilla.com: A lively name that perfectly captures the energy and excitement of a jazz fusion band. The word 'zilla' adds a playful and fun twist, suggesting that the band is a force to be reckoned with. The name is easy to remember and has a unique sound that will help the band stand out from the crowd.
  • Gourmet Band icon
    Gourmet Band Register
    GourmetBand.com: A sophisticated name that suggests a fusion of the highest quality musical genres. "Gourmet" implies a high level of quality, while "Band" suggests a group of skilled musicians. The name has a memorable sound that rolls off the tongue easily, making it easy to remember. Overall, this name captures the essence of a jazz fusion band that is both high-quality and unique, something that will attract music lovers from all walks of life.
  • Jazz Lodge icon
    Jazz Lodge Register
    JazzLodge.com: A smooth and sophisticated name that perfectly captures the essence of a jazz fusion band. The word 'lodge' suggests a place of gathering, while 'jazz' evokes images of creativity and improvisation. The combination of the two words creates a sense of comfort and community, making it a perfect name for a band.
  • Blues Bridge icon
    Blues Bridge Register
    BluesBridge.com: A soulful name that perfectly captures the essence of a jazz fusion band. "Blues" represents the genre and the emotions it evokes, while "bridge" suggests a connection between different musical styles. The name is easy to remember and has a strong visual impact, which will help the band stand out.
  • Jazz Pieces icon
    Jazz Pieces Register
    JazzPieces.com: A smooth name that perfectly encapsulates the laid-back yet complex nature of jazz fusion music. The word 'pieces' implies that the band creates unique and intricate musical arrangements. The alliteration in the name makes it easy to remember, while the word 'jazz' instantly communicates the genre. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to jazz lovers looking for something fresh and innovative.
  • Supreme Band icon
    Supreme Band Register
    SupremeBand.com: A cool name that implies excellence and quality in jazz fusion. 'Supreme' suggests a high level of musicianship and talent, while 'band' is straightforward and easy to remember. The name's simplicity and directness make it memorable and easily recognizable, which is perfect for a band.
  • Fusion Seeds icon
    Fusion Seeds Register
    FusionSeeds.com: A dynamic name that suggests a unique blend of jazz and other musical genres. 'Fusion' implies an exciting and creative mix of styles, which is perfect for a jazz fusion band. The word 'Seeds' suggests growth and potential, indicating that this band has a lot of room to grow and develop over time. It's a name that will appeal to music lovers looking for something fresh and original.
  • Fusionnomics icon
    Fusionnomics Register
    Fusionnomics.com: A dynamic name that perfectly captures the essence of a jazz fusion band. 'Fusion' suggests the blending of different styles, while 'nomics' adds a touch of sophistication. Together, they make it clear that this band is all about creating a unique and innovative sound. The name is easy to remember and has a modern feel, which will appeal to a younger audience. Overall, it's a name that's sure to set your band apart from the rest.
  • Jazz Supplies icon
    Jazz Supplies Register
    JazzSupplies.com: A catchy name for a jazz fusion band that evokes the essence of the genre. The word 'Supplies' suggests a wealth of musical inspiration and resources. The name's simplicity makes it easy to remember, and its playful and fun sound will attract a wide audience.
  • Blue Double icon
    Blue Double Register
    BlueDouble.com: A captivating name that immediately conveys the idea of a jazz fusion band. 'Blue' evokes melancholy yet soulful music, while 'Double' suggests a layered and complex sound. The name is easy to remember, and the word 'blue' can also be associated with the blues music genre, making it perfect for a band that blends different musical styles.
  • Alpine Jazz icon
    Alpine Jazz Register
    AlpineJazz.com: A captivating name that perfectly captures the vibe of a jazz fusion band. The word 'Alpine' evokes a sense of grandeur and majesty, while 'Jazz' represents smoothness and soulfulness. The name creates a unique contrast between two different worlds, which will make it stand out in the market.
  • Fusionum icon
    Fusionum Register
    Fusionum.com: A dynamic name that perfectly captures the energy and style of a jazz fusion band. The word 'fusion' suggests a blending of musical styles, while 'um' gives it a modern and edgy sound. The name is easy to remember and has a modern feel, making it perfect for a contemporary jazz band.
  • Fusion Rooms icon
    Fusion Rooms Register
    FusionRooms.com: A dynamic name that perfectly captures the energy and creativity of a jazz fusion band. The word 'fusion' implies a blending of different styles and genres, which is perfect for a band that's breaking boundaries and creating something new. The word 'rooms' suggests a sense of space and possibility, giving the name a sense of openness and exploration that will appeal to fans of experimental music.
  • Blue And Cool icon
    Blue And Cool Register
    BlueAndCool.com: A striking name that conveys a modern and contemporary jazz fusion band. The word 'blue' suggests a laid-back, bluesy feel while 'cool' implies a sophisticated and smooth sound. The combination of the two words creates a memorable and catchy name. The name is easy to remember, and the alliteration adds to its distinctiveness. It's a name that will stick in the minds of your audience and perfectly represents the sound of your band.
  • Passion Jazz icon
    Passion Jazz Register
    PassionJazz.com: Passion Jazz is a captivating name that perfectly captures the energy and intensity of a jazz fusion band. The word 'passion' suggests a deep love for the music, while 'jazz' implies a genre that is both innovative and timeless. The name is short and easy to remember, making it perfect for promoting your band. Overall, Passion Jazz is a name that will leave a lasting impression and make your band stand out from the crowd.
  • Double Fingers icon
    Double Fingers Register
    DoubleFingers.com: A catchy and memorable name that perfectly captures the energy and creativity of a jazz fusion band. "Double Fingers" suggests speed, precision, and skill, which will appeal to fans of complex music. The name also has a fun and playful sound that will make it easy to remember.
  • Jazz Flash icon
    Jazz Flash Register
    JazzFlash.com: A smooth and catchy name that perfectly captures the essence of a Jazz fusion band. "Jazz" is a genre that is well-known and loved, while "Flash" suggests something exciting and dynamic. The word breakdown of the name is simple, making it easy to remember. It's unique and memorable, which will help the band stand out.
  • Blue Janes icon
    Blue Janes Register
    BlueJanes.com: A cool and memorable name that evokes the soulful and melodic sound of jazz fusion. "Blue" hints at the genre's melancholic and introspective nature, while "Janes" suggests a feminine energy that balances out the band's sound. The name is easy to remember, spell, and pronounce, which will help the band stand out in a crowded music scene.
  • Straight Beat icon
    Straight Beat Register
    StraightBeat.com: A catchy name that communicates the energy and rhythm of jazz fusion. "Straight Beat" implies a steady, driving rhythm, which is at the heart of jazz fusion. The simple structure makes it easy to remember, and the name works well to enhance the band's branding.
  • Blue Peoples icon
    Blue Peoples Register
    BluePeoples.com: An attention-grabbing name that is both memorable and captivating. It exudes a cool and edgy vibe, which is perfect for a jazz fusion band. The word 'blue' could suggest the blues genre, while 'peoples' implies a diverse group of individuals coming together to create something extraordinary. The name is easy to remember and has a unique sound, which will help the band stand out from the crowd.
  • Bjzss icon
    Bjzss Register
    Bjzss.com: A catchy name that perfectly suits a jazz fusion band. It's short and easy to remember, making it perfect for marketing purposes. The name doesn't have a clear meaning, but that only adds to its intrigue, and it's perfect for a band that wants to stand out. The unique combination of letters gives it an edgy feel, making it ideal for a modern and innovative band.
  • Jazz Creek icon
    Jazz Creek Register
    JazzCreek.com: A smooth and soulful name that perfectly captures the essence of jazz fusion. 'Jazz' is a universally recognized genre, and 'Creek' brings to mind a calm and serene setting. The word 'Creek' also suggests a flowing, meandering quality, which is perfect for a band that fuses different styles of jazz. This name is easy to remember and has a unique, distinctive quality that will help the band stand out in the crowded music scene.
  • Brass Drums icon
    Brass Drums Register
    BrassDrums.com: A strong name that perfectly captures the essence of a jazz fusion band. 'Brass' is a nod to the classic brass instruments that are often heard in jazz, while 'Drums' conveys rhythm and energy. The two words together create a memorable and unique name, and it's easy to remember. The name will appeal to anyone who loves jazz and appreciates the artistry and skill involved in playing these instruments.
  • Atomic Harmony icon
    Atomic Harmony Register
    AtomicHarmony.com: A dynamic name that perfectly captures the energy and spirit of a jazz fusion band. The word "atomic" suggests something explosive, while "harmony" implies a balance of different elements. The contrast between these two words creates a vivid image that will stick in the minds of listeners. The word breakdown also works well, with the "atom" representing the individual parts, and "ic harmony" the coming together of those parts to form something greater. It's a name that's unique, memorable, and perfectly suited to a band that blends different styles and sounds.
  • Fusion Spin icon
    Fusion Spin Register
    FusionSpin.com: A dynamic name that perfectly captures the energy and creativity of a jazz fusion band. The word 'fusion' implies a unique blend of musical styles, while 'spin' suggests a fresh and modern take on jazz. The two words together create a memorable and catchy name that's perfect for a band.
  • Erotic Bands icon
    Erotic Bands Register
    EroticBands.com: A provocative name that perfectly captures the sensuality and passion of jazz. The name "Erotic Bands" immediately suggests a band that's not afraid to push boundaries and explore new sounds. The word "erotic" implies a deep connection between the musicians and their audience, creating a unique and unforgettable experience. The name is easy to remember, and the alliteration makes it even more memorable.
  • Erotic Jazz icon
    Erotic Jazz Register
    EroticJazz.com: A provocative name that captures the essence of a fusion jazz band. "Erotic" suggests a sensuous and immersive experience, while "Jazz" represents smoothness and improvisation. The contrast between the two words creates a unique and memorable name that will resonate with fans of the genre.
  • Moomps icon
    Moomps Register
    Moomps.com: A playful yet memorable name that exudes creativity and uniqueness. It suggests a band that has a fun and quirky personality, and the name's short and catchy sound is easy to remember. The name's unique spelling makes it stand out and gives it a modern and trendy feel. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to anyone who loves jazz fusion music and wants to experience a band with a unique personality.
  • Musica One icon
    Musica One Register
    MusicaOne.com: An intriguing name that suggests a band that combines different styles to create something new. The word "Musica" implies a love and understanding of music, which is perfect for a jazz fusion band. "One" suggests unity and cohesion, which is exactly what the band will deliver. The name is easy to remember and has a professional feel to it.
  • Sousac icon
    Sousac Register
    Sousac.com: A catchy name that perfectly captures the fusion of jazz and other musical genres. The word 'Sousac' may not have a specific meaning, but it sounds like a hybrid of different words, which reflects the band's unique sound. The name is easy to remember, and it has a distinctive ring to it that will capture the attention of music lovers.
  • Bjj Jd icon
    Bjj Jd Register
    BjjJd.com: An unusual name that combines two seemingly unrelated things, jazz fusion and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. This name is catchy and memorable, making it perfect for a band. The word "JD" could stand for the band members' initials, adding a personal touch. Overall, it's a creative name that will intrigue people and make your band stand out.
  • Blue Amigos icon
    Blue Amigos Register
    BlueAmigos.com: A catchy name that suggests a cool, laid-back vibe for a jazz fusion band. 'Blue' evokes a sense of melancholy and soulfulness, while 'Amigos' suggests a group of friends playing music together. The name is easy to remember, and the alliteration of the 'B' sound makes it stand out. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to fans of jazz and those who enjoy a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.
  • Cajun Jam icon
    Cajun Jam Register
    CajunJam.com: An exciting name that perfectly captures the eclectic and lively sound of a jazz fusion band. "Cajun" suggests a spicy and zesty flavor, which can reflect the band's diverse influences. "Jam" implies the spontaneity and freedom of jazz music, as well as the energy of a live performance. The name is easy to remember and will make a lasting impression on audiences.
  • Smashing House icon
    Smashing House Register
    SmashingHouse.com: A bold name that suggests energy and excitement, perfect for a jazz fusion band. "Smashing" has a rock music quality to it, while "House" implies a sense of community and belonging. The name breakdown is easy to understand and to remember, which makes it perfect for a band name. It's a name that stands out, and it will appeal to music lovers who are looking for something new and exciting.
  • Adventure Jazz icon
    Adventure Jazz Register
    AdventureJazz.com: A catchy name that perfectly encapsulates the energy and excitement of a jazz fusion band. The word 'adventure' suggests a sense of exploration and unpredictability, which is what jazz fusion is all about. The word 'jazz' in the name is a nod to the band's genre, while the combination with 'adventure' creates a memorable and unique name. Overall, Adventure Jazz is a name that will stand out and attract fans of jazz fusion who are looking for something fresh and exciting.
  • Jazz Minds icon
    Jazz Minds Register
    JazzMinds.com: A sophisticated name that perfectly conveys the cool and sophisticated sound of jazz fusion music. "Jazz Minds" suggests a group of skilled musicians who are united in their passion for this genre. The name is memorable and easy to remember, making it perfect for a band name. The word "minds" also implies intelligence and creativity, further emphasizing the musicality of the band.
  • Lesbian Bands icon
    Lesbian Bands Register
    LesbianBands.com: A bold and memorable name that immediately communicates the band's genre and audience. The word "lesbian" is a powerful and inclusive term, and the name is perfect for a jazz fusion band that celebrates diversity and individuality. The name is easy to remember, and the alliteration in "Lesbian Bands" makes it catchy and fun. Overall, it's a unique and distinctive name that will help the band stand out in the music industry.
  • Grooveers icon
    Grooveers Register
    Grooveers.com: A catchy name that perfectly captures the rhythm and energy of a jazz fusion band. The name's use of the word "Groove" suggests a tight and cohesive sound, which is perfect for a band. The name's unique spelling, "Grooveers," gives it a modern and fresh feel that will appeal to a younger audience. The name is easy to say and spell, making it memorable and easy to find online.

When choosing a name for your jazz fusion band, there are a variety of themes to consider. Some names emphasize the energy and excitement of your music, while others may focus on the blending of different styles and genres.

One popular theme is to use words that evoke images of movement and energy, such as Beat Jazz iconBeat Jazz, Trance Band, Flying Bands iconFlying Bands, and Grooveers iconGrooveers. These names suggest that your band's music is dynamic and exciting, and that listeners can expect to be swept up in the rhythm and energy of your performance.

Another common theme is to incorporate references to specific genres or styles of music, such as Rebel Jazz, Jazzzilla iconJazzzilla, Electric Bands iconElectric Bands, and Blue Double iconBlue Double. These names suggest that your band's music is a unique blend of different styles and genres, and that listeners can expect a one-of-a-kind experience.

Some jazz fusion bands choose to use names that focus on specific instruments or elements of their music, such as Brass Drums iconBrass Drums, Double Fingers iconDouble Fingers, and Atomic Harmony iconAtomic Harmony. These names suggest that your band's music is complex and intricate, and that listeners will appreciate the skill and precision of your performance.

For some jazz fusion bands, a name that emphasizes a sense of community and togetherness can be a great fit. Names like Jazz Minds iconJazz Minds, Jazz Lodge iconJazz Lodge, and Fusion Rooms iconFusion Rooms suggest that your band's music is a place where people can come together to enjoy great music and share their love of jazz.

Finally, some bands choose names that are more abstract or poetic, such as Fusion Harvest, Blue Janes iconBlue Janes, and Moomps iconMoomps. These names allow you to be more creative with your branding and can help your band stand out from the crowd.

When choosing a name for your jazz fusion band, it's essential to consider the themes and values most important to you and how potential fans will perceive your name. Use Domatron's name search below to explore any theme or idea you can imagine.

All 2000 Jazz Fusion Band Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Jazz Babes icon Jazz Babes
Beat Jazz icon Beat Jazz
English Jazz icon English Jazz
Lu Fusion icon Lu Fusion
Gay Jazz icon Gay Jazz
Skibands icon Skibands
Dancing Blues icon Dancing Blues
Electric Bands icon Electric Bands
Flying Bands icon Flying Bands
Jazzzilla icon Jazzzilla
Gourmet Band icon Gourmet Band
Jazz Lodge icon Jazz Lodge
Blues Bridge icon Blues Bridge
Jazz Pieces icon Jazz Pieces
Supreme Band icon Supreme Band
Fusion Seeds icon Fusion Seeds
Fusionnomics icon Fusionnomics
Jazz Supplies icon Jazz Supplies
Blue Double icon Blue Double
Alpine Jazz icon Alpine Jazz
Fusionum icon Fusionum
Fusion Rooms icon Fusion Rooms
Blue And Cool icon Blue And Cool
Passion Jazz icon Passion Jazz
Double Fingers icon Double Fingers
Jazz Flash icon Jazz Flash
Blue Janes icon Blue Janes
Straight Beat icon Straight Beat
Blue Peoples icon Blue Peoples
Bjzss icon Bjzss
Jazz Creek icon Jazz Creek
Brass Drums icon Brass Drums
Atomic Harmony icon Atomic Harmony
Fusion Spin icon Fusion Spin
Erotic Bands icon Erotic Bands
Erotic Jazz icon Erotic Jazz
Moomps icon Moomps
Musica One icon Musica One
Sousac icon Sousac
Bjj Jd icon Bjj Jd
Blue Amigos icon Blue Amigos
Cajun Jam icon Cajun Jam
Smashing House icon Smashing House
Adventure Jazz icon Adventure Jazz
Jazz Minds icon Jazz Minds
Lesbian Bands icon Lesbian Bands
Grooveers icon Grooveers
Mixaton icon Mixaton
Strumy icon Strumy
Jazz Truck icon Jazz Truck
Native Blues icon Native Blues
Jzj Jz icon Jzj Jz