concert band image

Starting a concert band is an exciting way to express your musical talents and share your passion with others. The name you choose for your band is the first impression you'll make on your audience, and it can play a significant role in attracting new fans. Let's work together to find a name that captures the essence of your sound, style, and personality. With the perfect name, you can create an identity that resonates with your audience and sets the stage for unforgettable performances.

Choosing a name for your concert band can be challenging, but with Domatron, it doesn't have to be. We've curated over 50 of the best names for your concert band, each accompanied by an analysis of why it's an excellent choice. Our domain availability filter ensures that all the names you see come with available .com domains, making it simple to register the name you choose with any domain registrar.

Not finding the perfect name on our list of 50? No worries. We have a vast database of thousands more name ideas, and our AI-powered search makes it easy to search by keyword and concept. We update our lists daily, so you can have confidence that all the names you see are available for registration.

It's time to strike up the band with a memorable name. Let's get in tune!

Top Concert Band Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Night Horn icon
    Night Horn Register A bold name that evokes images of music, passion, and energy. The word 'horn' suggests a brass instrument with a powerful sound, making it perfect for a concert band. The name is easy to remember and will appeal to anyone who loves music and the thrill of live performances.
  • Electric Bands icon
    Electric Bands Register An electrifying name that perfectly captures the energy and excitement of a concert band. The name suggests that your band will deliver a thrilling performance that will leave audiences buzzing with excitement. The use of 'Electric' also implies a modern and innovative approach to music-making, which will appeal to younger audiences.
  • Teen Bands icon
    Teen Bands Register An upbeat and catchy name that perfectly captures the spirit of a youth concert band. The name immediately identifies the target audience and is easy to remember. The alliteration of "Teen Bands" makes it fun and memorable, while the simplicity of the name ensures it's easy to pronounce and spell.
  • Rattlea icon
    Rattlea Register A lively name that evokes images of music and fun. The word "rattle" suggests percussion instruments, while the "ea" ending brings a sense of energy and excitement. The name is easy to say and spell, making it easy to remember. It's an ideal name for a concert band that wants to create a fun, high-energy atmosphere.
  • Angry Beat icon
    Angry Beat Register A fierce name that suggests a powerful and energizing sound. "Angry Beat" evokes a sense of passion and intensity that will captivate audiences. The two words have a simple and catchy structure that makes it easy to remember. It's a name that will stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression.
  • Neon Horn icon
    Neon Horn Register This is a unique name that captures the excitement and energy of live music. "Neon" suggests a vibrant, electrifying atmosphere, while "Horn" could refer to the brass instruments traditionally found in a concert band. The combination of the two words creates a memorable and distinctive name that will appeal to anyone who loves music.
  • Uptown Song icon
    Uptown Song Register A catchy name that conjures up the image of an energetic and upbeat concert band. The word "Uptown" suggests sophistication and class, while "Song" implies a focus on melody and harmony. The combination of these words makes it easy to remember and instantly recognizable. It has a modern feel that will attract a diverse audience.
  • Flaming Horn icon
    Flaming Horn Register A fiery name that perfectly captures the energy and excitement of a concert band. The words 'Flaming Horn' suggest a strong, powerful sound, which is perfect for a band that wants to make an impact. The name is also easy to remember, making it perfect for building a strong brand identity.
  • Happy Funk icon
    Happy Funk Register A fun name that perfectly captures the energetic and upbeat spirit of a concert band. 'Happy' and 'Funk' both suggest music that's lively, danceable, and enjoyable, making this name appealing to a wide audience. The name is short and memorable, making it easy for people to remember.
  • Flying Bands icon
    Flying Bands Register A dynamic name that captures the spirit of a concert band. The word 'flying' suggests the exhilaration and excitement of playing music, while 'bands' is straightforward and easy to remember. The name creates a memorable image in the reader's mind and is perfect for a concert band that wants to stand out from the crowd. It's unique, memorable, and fun.
  • Band Chart icon
    Band Chart Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates what it represents. The word "chart" suggests organization and structure, which is ideal for a concert band. The name is memorable and easy to remember, which means it's perfect for a brand that wants to get noticed. The word "band" is simple and descriptive, making it easy for anyone to understand. Overall, Band Chart is a name that will appeal to anyone who loves music and wants to be part of a well-organized and structured musical community.
  • Rocker Works icon
    Rocker Works Register A bold and memorable name that suggests a powerful, dynamic concert band. The word "rocker" implies energy and excitement, while "works" suggests precision and skill. The two words combine to create a name that is both creative and meaningful, with a memorable structure that makes it easy to remember. It'll appeal to anyone who loves music and wants to experience something truly unforgettable.
  • Gourmet Band icon
    Gourmet Band Register A sophisticated name that conveys the class and quality of a concert band. "Gourmet" suggests something luxurious and high-quality, which is perfect for a band that wants to showcase their musical excellence. The word "band" is simple and straightforward, making it easy to remember and understand. The combination of the two words into "Gourmet Band" is unique and memorable, setting it apart from other generic band names.
  • Night Sonic icon
    Night Sonic Register A captivating name that suggests a high-energy, electrifying concert experience. The word "sonic" implies powerful sound, while "night" evokes the excitement of a nighttime event. The two words also complement each other well in terms of sound and rhythm, making it a memorable and distinct name.
  • Rock Effect icon
    Rock Effect Register An evocative name that captures the raw energy and power of a concert band. The name suggests a connection to the roots of rock and roll, while the "Effect" part alludes to the band's ability to move and influence their audience. The structure of the name is simple yet memorable, and it's easy to remember. It's a name that will attract rock enthusiasts of all ages.
  • Electric Accord icon
    Electric Accord Register A dynamic name that captures the energy and excitement of a concert band. The word 'electric' suggests a contemporary and electrifying experience, while 'accord' implies harmony, unity, and a shared sense of purpose. The combination of the two words creates a powerful image of a band that's in sync and full of energy. It's a name that will appeal to music lovers who appreciate innovation and creativity.
  • Rock Cluster icon
    Rock Cluster Register A bold name that suggests a group of musicians coming together to create a powerful and unforgettable sound. The word "Cluster" implies a group of things that are closely connected, which is perfect for a concert band. The name's simplicity makes it memorable, and it'll appeal to anyone who loves live music and wants to be part of a community.
  • Sonivan icon
    Sonivan Register A distinctive name that exudes energy and excitement, perfect for a concert band. The name has a modern feel and is memorable, which will help it stand out. The word 'Soni' might suggest sound and music, while 'van' implies a vehicle or group. The name's uniqueness will make it easy to remember and give your band a strong identity.
  • Ever Dancing icon
    Ever Dancing Register A captivating name that suggests a lively and energetic performance. "Ever Dancing" implies a band that's always moving, always entertaining, and always full of life. The alliteration of the name makes it fun to say and easy to remember. It's a name that will appeal to concertgoers who love music, movement, and fun.
  • Pink Bands icon
    Pink Bands Register A memorable name that immediately evokes a sense of fun and energy. The word 'pink' suggests a playful and lively atmosphere, perfect for a concert band. The name is easy to remember, and the alliteration makes it even more catchy.
  • Mister Tune icon
    Mister Tune Register A memorable name that suggests a lively and upbeat concert band. "Mister Tune" is perfect for a band that will play a variety of tunes. The name is easy to remember, easy to say, and will stand out in people's memories.
  • Silent Folk icon
    Silent Folk Register A unique name that immediately creates a sense of intrigue and mystery. The words "silent" and "folk" suggest a band that's introspective, yet deeply connected to its roots. The contrast between the two words creates an interesting tension, which will make the name memorable. It's a name that will appeal to anyone who loves music that's both soulful and reflective.
  • Silent Horn icon
    Silent Horn Register A distinctive name that suggests something powerful yet understated. The word 'silent' implies a sense of calm and control, while 'horn' suggests music and performance. The contradiction between the two words creates a unique and memorable name that will stand out from other concert band names. The name is easy to remember and has a certain mystique that will pique people's interest.
  • Mountain Bands icon
    Mountain Bands Register A strong name that captures the essence of a concert band. The word "Mountain" suggests strength and grandeur, while "Bands" implies a group or community of musicians. The name is easy to remember and will appeal to anyone who loves music and the outdoors. It also sounds great when said aloud, making it ideal for a concert band with a powerful sound.
  • Ever Rocking icon
    Ever Rocking Register A fun and lively name that's perfect for a concert band. It suggests that your performances will be high-energy and exciting, adding to the overall experience of your audience. The word 'rocking' describes the kind of music you might play, while 'ever' implies that your performances will always be top-notch. It's a name that will make you memorable and stand out in a crowded field.
  • Joy Drum icon
    Joy Drum Register A name that immediately evokes feelings of happiness and celebration. The word "drum" suggests rhythm, energy, and excitement, making it the perfect name for a concert band. The name is easy to remember and has a joyful and playful feel that will appeal to audiences of all ages.
  • Riot One icon
    Riot One Register An edgy name that suggests a high-energy concert band experience. The word "riot" implies a sense of rebellion and excitement, while the number "one" suggests that this band is the best of the best. The combination of these two words makes it memorable and easy to say.
  • Vibrodo icon
    Vibrodo Register A dynamic name that suggests energy, movement, and excitement. The word 'vibro' implies a connection to music and rhythm, making it perfect for a concert band. The 'do' at the end gives it a sense of focus, as if the band is fully committed to their craft. It's a name that will stand out and be easy to remember, making it perfect for a band that wants to make a name for themselves in the music industry.
  • Crowd Tuning icon
    Crowd Tuning Register A dynamic name that immediately suggests a connection between the band and their audience. The name implies that the band and the crowd are working together to create the perfect sound, and that the concert will be a collaborative experience. The word "Tuning" suggests precision and attention to detail, which is essential for any band. The uniqueness of the name will make it memorable, and it's perfect for any concert band looking to stand out.
  • Concert Girls icon
    Concert Girls Register A memorable name that instantly conveys the target audience (girls who love concerts) and the focus of the band. The name is simple and straightforward, making it easy to remember and recognizable. The word 'concert' is in the singular form, implying that the band is a cohesive unit. The name will appeal to young girls who are passionate about music and love going to concerts.
  • Rock Faster icon
    Rock Faster Register A high-energy name that perfectly captures the excitement and intensity of a concert band. The phrase "Rock Faster" suggests a musical experience that's fast-paced, thrilling, and full of energy. The simple structure of the name makes it easy to remember and reinforces the band's reputation as a must-see live act. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to anyone who loves music that gets their blood pumping.
  • Street Horn icon
    Street Horn Register A dynamic name that evokes the energy and excitement of a live concert. The word 'horn' suggests a brass band, while 'street' implies an urban, edgy vibe. The name is memorable and easy to remember, perfect for a band that wants to make an impact.
  • Red Fellows icon
    Red Fellows Register A bold name that evokes a sense of power and energy. The word "fellows" suggests camaraderie and a sense of community, highlighting how the band members work together to create an unforgettable musical experience. The word "red" could suggest passion, or it could refer to the color of the instruments. The name is easy to remember and stands out from other concert band names, which will help the band build a strong brand identity.
  • Full Rhythm icon
    Full Rhythm Register A lively name that suggests a musical group with a strong sense of rhythm. "Full" implies that the band has a complete, well-rounded sound, while "rhythm" suggests that they are in sync and moving together as one. The word breakdown is self-explanatory, making it easy to remember and recognize. The name will appeal to music lovers and concert-goers who appreciate a band that knows how to rock the house.
  • Blue Predator icon
    Blue Predator Register A powerful name that suggests strength, confidence, and boldness. The word "blue" could evoke feelings of tranquility and calmness, while "predator" implies power and dominance. The name has a memorable and distinctive sound, making it easy to recall. It also has enough versatility to allow for creative marketing campaigns and merchandise.
  • Flying Horn icon
    Flying Horn Register A bold name that's perfect for a concert band. 'Flying' suggests a sense of movement and excitement, while 'horn' implies grandeur and power. Together, they suggest an impressive and memorable musical experience that will leave audiences feeling uplifted and inspired.
  • Urban Singer icon
    Urban Singer Register A catchy name that immediately suggests music and urban culture. The name easily resonates with a younger audience, making it perfect for a concert band. The word "singer" suggests the band will be focused on vocals, which could make it more appealing to those who love singing or harmonizing with music. The name is easy to remember, and the association with urban music culture is an added bonus that will appeal to fans of hip hop, R&B, and pop music.
  • Local Sonic icon
    Local Sonic Register A catchy name that evokes the energy and excitement of a live concert. 'Local' suggests a connection to the community, making it an approachable and familiar name. 'Sonic' implies a powerful and dynamic sound, which is perfect for a concert band. The combination of these two words makes it memorable and unique.
  • Power Rave icon
    Power Rave Register An energetic name that perfectly captures the excitement and intensity of a concert band. "Power" suggests that your band is bold and dynamic, while "Rave" implies that your music is upbeat and danceable. The combination is catchy and memorable. Together, these words make a name that will appeal to anyone who loves high-energy music.
  • Power Riot icon
    Power Riot Register A powerful name that conveys energy and excitement, perfectly suited for a concert band that wants to get the crowd going. The combination of "Power" and "Riot" suggests a performance that is both intense and unforgettable. The rhythm of the name is easy to remember and will stick in people's minds long after the show has ended.
  • Band Den icon
    Band Den Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates what your business does. 'Band Den' implies a place of gathering for music enthusiasts. It's easy to remember and has a no-frills attitude that will appeal to customers who are looking for a straightforward and honest experience.
  • Street Sonics icon
    Street Sonics Register A dynamic name that suggests a concert band that knows how to rock the streets. "Sonics" implies that the band produces a powerful and engaging sound, while "Street" suggests that it's a band that's accessible and in tune with the pulse of everyday life. The name is easy to remember and has a modern, edgy feel that will appeal to a wide range of music lovers.
  • Jazz Joe icon
    Jazz Joe Register A catchy name for a concert band that's sure to draw attention. "Jazz" implies a love of music and creativity, while "Joe" suggests a friendly, approachable vibe. The name is easy to remember, and the alliteration makes it sound even more fun. It's a name that will appeal to anyone who enjoys live music and wants to have a good time.
  • Local Sonics icon
    Local Sonics Register A catchy name that suggests a band that's deeply rooted in the local music scene. "Sonics" connects to sound, which is perfect for a concert band. "Local" implies that the band has a connection to the community and will support local music events.
  • Euro Riot icon
    Euro Riot Register A high-energy name that immediately grabs your attention. The word 'riot' suggests a wild and exciting experience, perfect for a concert band. 'Euro' implies a connection to European music, which gives the band a sense of cultural depth and appeal. Together, the words create a sense of unpredictability and excitement that will draw in fans and leave them wanting more.
  • Bandaza icon
    Bandaza Register An energetic name that evokes a sense of excitement and entertainment. The word 'band' suggests music and performance, while 'aza' adds a unique and memorable twist. The name's playfulness makes it easy to remember and will attract people who love live music and want to have a good time.

When coming up with a name for a concert band, it is essential to find a name that is both memorable and evocative of the music you play. One way to do this is to choose a name that emphasizes a particular sound or instrument, such as Night Horn iconNight Horn, Neon Horn iconNeon Horn, or Silent Horn iconSilent Horn. These names make it clear to potential audiences that your band is focused on brass instruments, and they may be more likely to attend your shows if they are interested in that type of music.

Another approach is to choose a name that emphasizes energy and rhythm, such as Electric Bands iconElectric Bands, Rattlea iconRattlea, Power Rave iconPower Rave, or Riot One iconRiot One. These names suggest that your band is high-energy and exciting, which can help attract younger audiences or those who are looking for an upbeat concert experience.

Some names, such as Second Harmony, Ever Dancing iconEver Dancing, and Full Rhythm iconFull Rhythm, focus on the idea of harmony and balance in music. These names suggest that your band is focused on creating a cohesive sound that is pleasing to the ear. They can appeal to audiences who are looking for a more traditional or classical concert experience.

If you want to convey a sense of rebellion or rock and roll, names such as Rebel Jazz, Rock Cluster iconRock Cluster, and Flying Horn iconFlying Horn can do the job. These names suggest that your band is edgy and unconventional, which can help attract audiences who are looking for something different from the typical concert experience.

For those who want a more general name, there are options such as Band Heaven, Band Times, and Concert Girls iconConcert Girls. These names are broad enough to encompass a wide range of musical styles and can be used by bands that play everything from classical pieces to pop hits.

Ultimately, the name you choose for your concert band should be memorable, easy to pronounce, and evocative of the type of music you play. Consider your target audience and the message you want to convey with your name. Use Domatron's name search below to explore any musical idea or theme you can imagine that will work best for your concert band brand.

All 2000 Concert Band Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Night Horn icon Night Horn
Electric Bands icon Electric Bands
Teen Bands icon Teen Bands
Rattlea icon Rattlea
Angry Beat icon Angry Beat
Neon Horn icon Neon Horn
Uptown Song icon Uptown Song
Flaming Horn icon Flaming Horn
Happy Funk icon Happy Funk
Flying Bands icon Flying Bands
Band Chart icon Band Chart
Rocker Works icon Rocker Works
Gourmet Band icon Gourmet Band
Night Sonic icon Night Sonic
Rock Effect icon Rock Effect
Electric Accord icon Electric Accord
Rock Cluster icon Rock Cluster
Sonivan icon Sonivan
Ever Dancing icon Ever Dancing
Pink Bands icon Pink Bands
Mister Tune icon Mister Tune
Silent Folk icon Silent Folk
Silent Horn icon Silent Horn
Mountain Bands icon Mountain Bands
Ever Rocking icon Ever Rocking
Joy Drum icon Joy Drum
Riot One icon Riot One
Vibrodo icon Vibrodo
Crowd Tuning icon Crowd Tuning
Concert Girls icon Concert Girls
Rock Faster icon Rock Faster
Street Horn icon Street Horn
Red Fellows icon Red Fellows
Full Rhythm icon Full Rhythm
Blue Predator icon Blue Predator
Flying Horn icon Flying Horn
Urban Singer icon Urban Singer
Local Sonic icon Local Sonic
Power Rave icon Power Rave
Power Riot icon Power Riot
Band Den icon Band Den
Street Sonics icon Street Sonics
Jazz Joe icon Jazz Joe
Local Sonics icon Local Sonics
Euro Riot icon Euro Riot
Bandaza icon Bandaza
Music Belle icon Music Belle
Early Rock icon Early Rock
Bandazu icon Bandazu
Giant Tunes icon Giant Tunes
Acuzz icon Acuzz
Street Rebellion icon Street Rebellion